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介绍了面向对象数据模型的基本概念,重点讨论了面向对象数据模型在地理信息系统中的应用及具体实现途径。  相似文献   
A method, based on the Hilbert–Huang spectral analysis, has been proposed by the authors to identify linear structures in which normal modes exist (i.e., real eigenvalues and eigenvectors). Frequently, all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear structures are complex. In this paper, the method is extended further to identify general linear structures with complex modes using the free vibration response data polluted by noise. Measured response signals are first decomposed into modal responses using the method of Empirical Mode Decomposition with intermittency criteria. Each modal response contains the contribution of a complex conjugate pair of modes with a unique frequency and a damping ratio. Then, each modal response is decomposed in the frequency–time domain to yield instantaneous phase angle and amplitude using the Hilbert transform. Based on a single measurement of the impulse response time history at one appropriate location, the complex eigenvalues of the linear structure can be identified using a simple analysis procedure. When the response time histories are measured at all locations, the proposed methodology is capable of identifying the complex mode shapes as well as the mass, damping and stiffness matrices of the structure. The effectiveness and accuracy of the method presented are illustrated through numerical simulations. It is demonstrated that dynamic characteristics of linear structures with complex modes can be identified effectively using the proposed method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The In Ouzzal terrane (Western Hoggar) is an example of Archaean crust remobilized during a very-high-temperature metamorphism related to the Paleoproterozoic orogeny (2 Ga). Pan-African events (≈0.6 Ga) are localized and generally of low intensity. The In Ouzzal terrane is composed of two Archaean units, a lower crustal unit made up essentially of enderbites and charnockites, and a supracrustal unit of quartzites, banded iron formations, marbles, Al–Mg and Al–Fe granulites commonly associated with mafic (metanorites and garnet pyroxenites) and ultramafic (pyroxenites, lherzolites and harzburgites) lenses. Cordierite-bearing monzogranitic gneisses and anorthosites occur also in this unit. The continental crust represented by the granulitic unit of In Ouzzal was formed during various orogenic reworking events spread between 3200 and 2000 Ma. The formation of a continental crust made up of tonalites and trondhjemites took place between 3200 and 2700 Ma. Towards 2650 Ma, extension-related alkali-granites were emplaced. The deposition of the metasedimentary protoliths between 2700 and 2650 Ma, was coeval with rifting. The metasedimentary rocks such as quartzites and Al–Mg pelites anomalously rich in Cr and Ni, are interpreted as a mixture between an immature component resulting from the erosion and hydrothermal alteration of mafic to ultramafic materials, and a granitic mature component. The youngest Archaean igneous event at 2500 Ma includes calc-alkaline granites resulting from partial melting of a predominantly tonalitic continental crust. These granites were subsequently converted into charnockitic orthogneisses. This indicates crustal thickening or heating, and probably late Archaean high-grade metamorphism coeval with the development of domes and basins. The Paleoproterozoic deformation consists essentially of a re-activation of the pre-existing Archaean structures. The structural features observed at the base of the crust argue in favour of deformation under granulite-facies. These features are compatible with homogeneous horizontal shortening of overall NW–SE trend that accentuated the vertical stretching and flattening of old structures in the form of basins and domes. This shortening was accommodated by horizontal displacements along transpressive shear corridors. Reactional textures and the development of parageneses during the Paleoproterozoic suggest a clockwise P–T path characterized by prograde evolution at high pressures (800–1050 °C at 10–11 kbar), leading to the appearance of exceptional parageneses with corundum–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and sapphirine–spinel–quartz. This was followed by an isothermal decompression (9–5 kbar). Despite the high temperatures attained, the dehydrated continental crust did not undergo any significant partial melting. The P–T path followed by the granulites is compatible with a continental collision, followed by delamination of the lithosphere and uprise of the asthenosphere. During exhumation of this chain, the shear zones controlled the emplacement of carbonatites associated with fenites.  相似文献   
土钉支护结构的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据复形优化原理,提出了基于Bishop法的土钉支护结构的优化分析方法,编写了优化分析程序。工程实例计算表明,该方法是进行土钉优化设计的有效方法。  相似文献   
MTMD对建筑结构多模态控制的减震分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究了MTMD对建筑结构多模态减震控制。将主结构简化为多自由度模型,MTMD对结构的反力与地震荷载共同作为结构的荷载输入进行分析;基于主结构多模态耦合进行推导分析,阐述了MTMD与结构之间的相互作用关系,提出MTMD的复惯性质量。提出MTMD的控制类型是加速度相关型的无源被动控制。从频域传递函数,白噪声、宽带和窄带地震激励下的结构相对位移和绝对加速度谱密度,以及El-centro地震波作用下结构的地震响应三个方面,分析了MTMD对顶部带有结构附属物的结构的控制效果。并且给出TMD的控制效果加以比较验证。算例说明MTMD多模态控制对结构的相对位移和绝对加速度均有较好的控制效果,并且优于TMD控制效果。  相似文献   
In-situ Formation of Light-Absorbing Organic Matter in Cloud Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current climate models seem to underestimate the flux of solar energy absorbed by the global troposphere. All of these models are constrained with the assumption that cloud droplets consist of pure water. Here we demonstrate in a simple laboratory experiment that aromatic hydroxy-acids which are found in continental fine aerosol can react with hydroxyl radicals under typical conditions prevalent in cloud water influenced by biomass burning. The reactions yield colored organic species which do absorb solar radiation. We also suggest that the products of such reactions may be humic-like substances whose presence in continental aerosol has been confirmed but their source mechanisms are still much sought after. We also attempt to give a first order estimate of the enhancement of water absorption at a visible wavelength under atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
王卫国  蒋维楣 《气象科学》1997,17(3):274-279
利用三维非静力能量闭合(E-ε)的边界层模式,以深圳海岸复杂地形进行了实际模拟。结果给出了该地区海陆风情形下气流和湍流孤变化特征。在海风发展盛期,气流方向由大面积的水域和内陆的位置决定,不规则海岸线对局地气流影响不大,夜间陆风时,不规则海岸线对局地气流影响较大,湍流能量高值颁在陆地上空的不稳定层内,水面上湍能很小。模拟结果与实测结果上比较吻合。  相似文献   
张淑云  何平 《岩矿测试》1997,16(4):313-315
在030mol/LHAc介质中,Pb(Ⅱ)与7_碘_8_羟基喹啉_5_磺酸(试铁灵,Feron)的络合物于-054V(vs.SCE)产生一尖锐的极谱波,加入溴化十六烷基三甲基铵(CTMAB)显著增敏,可使极谱波增高约4倍。峰电流与Pb(Ⅱ)浓度在96×10-9~48×10-6mol/L呈良好的线性关系,检出限为48×10-9mol/L。用多种电化学方法研究了该极谱波的性质及电极反应机理表明,络合物组成比为nPb(Ⅱ)∶nFeron=1∶1,极谱波为吸附波,峰电流由中心离子Pb(Ⅱ)还原产生,电子转移数为2。试验了多种离子对峰电流的影响,拟定的方法用于矿样分析,结果与原结果相符。  相似文献   
The geomagnetic field intensity during Archaean times is evaluated from a palaeomagnetic and chronological study of a dolerite dyke intruded into the 3000 Ma Nuuk Gneisses at Nuuk (64.2°N, 51.7°W), west Greenland. Plagioclase from the dolerite dyke yields a mean K-Ar age of 2752 Ma. Palaeomagnetic directions after thermal demagnetization of the dyke and the gneiss reveal a positive baked-contact test, indicating that the high-temperature-component magnetization of the dyke is primary. Thellier experiments on 12 dyke specimens yield a palaeointensity value of 13.5±4.4 μT. The virtual dipole moment at ca. 2.8 Ga is 1.9±0.6 × 1022 Am2, which is about one-quarter of the present value. The present study and other available data imply that the Earth's magnetic field at 2.7 ∼ 2.8 Ga was characterized by a weak dipole moment and that a fairly strong geomagnetic field similar to the present intensity followed the weak field after ca. 2.6 Ga.  相似文献   
The Banded Hematite Jasper Formation within the Iron Ore Supergroup of the Singhbhum Craton in eastern India comprises fine alternating layers of jasper and specularite. It was deposited at 3000 Ma and deformed by a mobile episode at 2700 Ma. Hematite pigment (<1 μm) mixed with cryptocrystalline silica and specularite (> 10 μm) is chiefly responsible for red to brown rhythmic bands in the hematite jasper facies although thermomagnetic study also shows that minor amounts (1–2%) of magnetite are present. Palaeomagnetic study identifies a dual polarity remanence resident in hematite (D/I = 283/60°, α95 = 12°) which predates deformation. Studies of the fabric of magnetic susceptibility and rock magnetic results suggest a diagenetic origin for this magnetisation with the hematite formed from oxidation of primary magnetite. The palaeopole (32°E, 24°N, dp/dm = 14/18°) records the earliest post-metamorphic magnetisation event in the Orissa Craton. A minimum apparent polar wander motion of the Orissa-Singhbhum craton of through 80° is identified during Late Archaean times (2900-2600 Ma).  相似文献   
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