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郑永飞 《地质科学》1995,30(1):1-11
利用增量方法和同位素交换技术,对角闪石族矿物的氧同位素分馏进行了理论计算和实验测定。理论结果表明,不同化学成分的角闪石之间存在一定的氧同位素分馏,其13O富集顺序为:钠闪石>蓝闪石>铁闪石>阳起石=镁铁门石≥直闪石≥透闪石>普通角闪石>铝直闪石>韭闪石。高温条件下(>500℃),角闪石相对于水亏损18O达1‰至3‰。实验进行在有少量流体存在的条件下,温度为520℃至680℃。所确定的方解石-透闪石氧同位素分馏系数与理论计算值在误差范围内完全一致。理论和实验确定的石英-透闪石分馏曲线均显着低于已知的经验校准曲线,反映了变质岩中含角闪石矿物集合体内部的退化同位素再平衡。  相似文献   
高温高压离子交换法分离提取单一高纯稀土   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了高温高压离子交换法分离稀土时,排代剂浓度、PH值、线性流速和柱温等因素对分离效果的影响,本方法在分离多元稀土富集和及稀土精料时,具有工艺简单、质量稳定、分离时间短、产品纯度高、成本低廉等特点,为单一高纯稀土生产开辟了一条新路。  相似文献   
采用氯化铵交换-原子吸收光谱法和CaCl2-甲醛缩合法测定3个金云母-蛭石间层矿物样品的各阳离子交换分量和阳离子交换总量,通过分析样品粒度和溶液pH值对阳离子交换容量的影响及晶层端面水解使表面荷电的特点,确定样品的等电点.结果表明,随着粒度的增大,样品的阳离子交换容量逐渐减小;随着pH值的增大,样品的阳离子交换容量先急剧减小(pH=2~5),后趋于平缓(pH=5~9),而后再急剧减小(pH=9~11.5),这些变化主要与晶层端面的水解作用和八面体片阳离子的溶出作用有关;样品的等电点为pH值≈9.研究结果对于排除端面水解作用对阳离子交换容量的影响和进一步确定蛭石晶层的层电荷具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
大气对流层平流层交换(STE)研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气平流层对流层交换(Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange,STE)包括平流层向对流层的输送(Stratosphere-Troposphere Transport,STT)和对流层向平流层的输送(Troposphere-to-Stratosphere Transport,TST)2个过程,通常统称为STE交换过程.其对大气的辐射平衡、化学成分具有重要影响.研究STE对于大气化学、气候变化、平流层对流层耦合模式的发展等领域意义重大.对国内外不同尺度STE的观测、模拟与诊断做了评述,讨论了各种尺度STE的机制,比较了不同诊断方法和模式的性能和特点.着重指出目前天气尺度STE的研究虽然比较充分,但在STE过程中,中小尺度混合、湍流混合等物理过程的机制、诊断以及模拟方法的研究还有待提高.中小尺度强对流引起的TST对对流层污染物向平流层的输送作用和影响越来越受到关注.在全球快速城市化的背景下,研究城市群高污染区域强对流天气引起的TST过程及其影响具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   
阴离子交换树脂已被应用于酸法消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定铜铅锌矿石等地质样品中铼的分离富集,样品溶液中的ReO_4~-用树脂交换吸附后再用洗脱剂将ReO_4~-选择性洗脱,该方法流程长,影响其稳定性和准确性。本文以基体元素为吸附交换目标,用8 g的732强酸型阳离子交换树脂在2%硝酸介质条件下静态吸附1.5 h,可有效地消除基体元素的影响。用空矿(石英)稀释低含量铼的样品做空白试验,获得方法检出限为0.004μg/g,精密度(RSD)小于6%,加标回收率为96%~104%。本方法应用的732强酸型阳离子交换树脂在适宜酸度条件下,对矿石中除钨、钼以外的金属元素吸附率高达95%以上,降低了样品溶液离子强度和干扰元素浓度,实现了ICP-MS的直接测定,操作方法比阴离子交换吸附法简便。  相似文献   
Extensive ambient concentration and flux measurements have been performed in the heavily polluted region of Cubatão/Brazil. Substantial contribution of anthropogenic sources to the local reduced sulfur burden has been observed. As a result of this atmospheric sulfur burden average gas exchange between vegetated soils and the atmosphere shows net deposition. Based mainly on own field measurements a local budget for H2S, COS, and CS2 has been made up in order to calculate anthropogenic emissions. All major sources and sinks in the chosen atmospheric reservoir (24×20×1 km) have been taken into account. Due to the small reservoir size fluxes across its boundaries are dominant sources and sinks. The differences between outflux and influx therefore account for the unknown anthropogenic emissions which have been determined to be 80±10 (H2S), 66±15 (COS), and 29±6 Mmol year-1 (CS2). Other sources and sinks like natural emissions, chemical conversion, and dry deposition turned out to be of minor importance on a local scale. In fact, inside the investigated reservoir natural emissions were below 0.5% of anthropogenic emissions. Anthropogenic emissions of H2S, COS, and CS2 quantified in this work have been compared with global emission estimates for these compounds made by other authors. We conclude that global anthropogenic emissions of reduced sulfur compounds especially of COS and CS2 are currently under-estimated.  相似文献   
The relaxed eddy accumulation (REA), method based on the conditional sampling concept, has received increasing attention over the past few years as it can be used to measure surface fluxes of a wide variety of trace gases for which fast response analysers are not available. In the REA method, a turbulent flux is simply expressed as the product of the standard deviation of vertical wind velocity, the difference between mean scalar concentration in the updrafts and downdrafts and an empirical coefficient, (about 0.63 as based on simulations with a Gaussian distribution, and 0.58 as derived from experimental data). A simulation technique is developed here to evaluate the performance of a ground-based REA system. This analysis uses generated series whose internal structure can be controlled to a large extent. They are stationary and their characteristics are similar to those of physical turbulence. In a first step the influence of some statistical characteristics of vertical velocity and scalar concentration series is investigated. The effect of the third- and fourth-order moments can explain to some degree the difference between calculated and measured values. The impact of a threshold on the vertical velocity is then considered, and its effect on is quantified. The influence of the time lag between and the effective scalar sampling, and the consequences of lowpass filtering of the signal are also investigated. The simulation technique presented in this study can be used to develop elaborate algorithms for near real-time conditional sampling, based on the statistical characteristics of the previous sample.  相似文献   
1Introduction GamakBay,anegg shapedseasurfaceareaofap proximately112km2,isasemi enclosedshallowwaterareawithameandepthof9mandhasbotheastandsouthchannelstoreceiveseawaterfromoutside(seeFig.1).Similarscalesoftidalwavesalmostsimultane ouslyenterorexitthrough…  相似文献   
樊雯璇  王卫国  卞建春 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1309-1318
利用1958~2001年ECMWF资料, 根据Wei公式估算了青藏高原及其邻近区域穿越对流层顶的质量通量 (CTF), 分析了CTF的时空分布特征。分析结果表明: (1) CTF分布呈现纬向型, 在副热带西风急流北侧即对流层顶断裂带中存在东西向的TST (对流层向平流层输送)[CD*2]STT (平流层向对流层输送)[CD*2]TST的波列结构 (水平输送项决定), 而南侧分布决定于垂直输送项。 (2) 在80°E~105°E范围内, 冬春季节, 青藏高原南部及其以南区域为TST, 北部为STT; 夏秋季节, 整个区域几乎由TST所控制。西风急流南侧的CTF主要决定于垂直项, 而北侧主要决定于水平项, 再往北, 垂直项与水平项贡献相当。 (3) 青藏高原与孟加拉湾区域平均CTF在所有季节均为TST, 即有从对流层到平流层净的向上输送, 2月强度最大, 7月为另一个极大值; 两个极大值有不同的产生机制, 后者决定于垂直项, 而前者由水平项决定。 (4) 青藏高原 (及孟加拉湾) 区域年平均CTF在1958~2001年之间的变化趋势在1982年左右出现一个转折: 1982年之前, CTF为递减过程; 而之后CTF为相对较强的增长。上述结果表明: 尽管冬季高原上空为下沉气流, 但高原上空的水平输送项有很强的向上贡献, 这与丛春华等 (2003) 得出的STT不一致。但需要指出的是, 根据Wei公式计算的CTF, 〖JP2〗尤其在急流附近, 对资料中存在的误差十分敏感 (Gettleman等, 2000), 因此青藏高原主体上空在冬季是STT还是TST, 有待于进一步的分析研究。  相似文献   
人为热对城市边界层结构影响研究   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
蒋维楣  陈燕 《大气科学》2007,31(1):37-47
为研究不同人为热源引入方案对城市边界层结构模拟性能的影响,以杭州地区为例,在区域边界层模式(RBLM)中引入一种新人为热源处理方案,即对城市中的人为热排放分层考虑,将低层的人为热源加入地表能量平衡方程,将高层人为热源分布与建筑物高度和密度联系起来,加入热量方程中,同时考虑了人为热源强度的日变化。数值试验结果表明,这是一种比较合理的处理方案。人为热源引入方案对城市边界层结构的影响表现在:气温、湍流动能增加,并通过湍流交换输送到较高层大气;大气不稳定度增加,混合层高度最高抬升了400 m;城市地区上升速度增加,热岛环流加强;白天人为热源一般为太阳辐射的10%~20%,对地气交换的影响较小。夜间没有了太阳辐射能量,对地气交换的影响比日间更明显;冬季低层湍流活动加强,湍能约增加40%,大气层结稳定度降低。  相似文献   
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