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Marko Komac   《Geomorphology》2006,74(1-4):17-28
Landslides cause damage to property and unfortunately pose a threat even to human lives. Good landslide susceptibility, hazard, and risk models could help mitigate or even avoid the unwanted consequences resulted from such hillslope mass movements. For the purpose of landslide susceptibility assessment the study area in the central Slovenia was divided to 78 365 slope units, for which 24 statistical variables were calculated. For the land-use and vegetation data, multi-spectral high-resolution images were merged using Principal Component Analysis method and classified with an unsupervised classification. Using multivariate statistical analysis (factor analysis), the interactions between factors and landslide distribution were tested, and the importance of individual factors for landslide occurrence was defined. The results show that the slope, the lithology, the terrain roughness, and the cover type play important roles in landslide susceptibility. The importance of other spatial factors varies depending on the landslide type. Based on the statistical results several landslide susceptibility models were developed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. These models gave very different results, with a prediction error ranging from 4.3% to 73%. As a final result of the research, the weights of important spatial factors from the best models were derived with the AHP method. Using probability measures, potentially hazardous areas were located in relation to population and road distribution, and hazard classes were assessed.  相似文献   
The presented equation describes amplitude growth during viscous single-layer folding (buckling) up to high amplitudes. The equation relates the dimensionless fold amplitude (i.e. ratio of amplitude to wavelength) to the stretch (ratio of initial wavelength to instantaneous wavelength) for given values of the viscosity contrast between layer and surrounding material and the initial ratio of amplitude to wavelength. The amplification equation is suitably scaled so that all amplitude versus stretch curves for different values of viscosity contrasts and initial amplitudes fall onto essentially a single curve. The scaled amplification equation allows for representing fold amplification of viscous single-layers by a singular curve. The scaling parameter is the crossover strain, which is an estimate for the amount of strain that is accumulated during the initial stages of folding where the amplitude grows exponentially with strain. The singular curve allows quantifying the universal boundaries between the three folding stages, namely nucleation, amplification and kinematic growth. The scaled amplification equation is verified by numerical (finite element method) simulations of folding of single layers with initial random perturbations of the layer interfaces. The amplification equation describes the amplification of single folds within fold trains successfully, although the folds are neither regular nor periodic and vary considerably in shape. The easily measurable parameters, vertical and horizontal hinge distance, are shown to be good approximations for the analytical parameters amplitude and wavelength, respectively.  相似文献   
 The analytical continuation of the surface gravity anomaly to sea level is a necessary correction in the application of Stokes' formula for geoid estimation. This process is frequently performed by the inversion of Poisson's integral formula for a sphere. Unfortunately, this integral equation corresponds to an improperly posed problem, and the solution is both numerically unstable, unless it is well smoothed, and tedious to compute. A solution that avoids the intermediate step of downward continuation of the gravity anomaly is presented. Instead the effect on the geoid as provided by Stokes' formula is studied directly. The practical solution is partly presented in terms of a truncated Taylor series and partly as a truncated series of spherical harmonics. Some simple numerical estimates show that the solution mostly meets the requests of a 1-cm geoid model, but the truncation error of the far zone must be studied more precisely for high altitudes of the computation point. In addition, it should be emphasized that the derived solution is more computer efficient than the detour by Poisson's integral. Received: 6 February 2002 / Accepted: 18 November 2002 Acknowledgements. Jonas ?gren carried out the numerical calculations and gave some critical and constructive remarks on a draft version of the paper. This support is cordially acknowledged. Also, the thorough work performed by one unknown reviewer is very much appreciated.  相似文献   
孙伟  宋金明 《海洋科学》1999,23(1):58-60
对冠状血管扩张药-六硝酸甘露醇脂的性质及其含量测定方法进行了讨论,采用六甘酯-苯酚二磺酸显色体系进行分光光度法测定。结果表明,本法操作简单,显色稳定灵敏,对含六甘酯93.0%的样品测定9次其标准偏差为0.74,相对标准偏差0.80%,适用于生产质量检测和建立药典规范方法。  相似文献   
Ardesen is a settlement area which has been significantly damaged by frequent landslides which are caused by severe rainfalls and result in many casualties. In this study a landslide susceptibility map of Ardesen was prepared using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the help of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Photogrametry Techniques (DPT). A landslide inventory, lithology–weathering, slope, aspect, land cover, shear strength, distance to the river, stream density and distance to the road thematics data layers were used to create the map. These layer maps are produced using field, laboratory and office studies, and by the use of GIS and DPT. The landslide inventory map is also required to determine the relationship between these maps and landslides using DPT. In the study field in the Hemsindere Formation there are units that have different weathering classes, and this significantly affects the shear strength of the soil. In this study, shear strength values are calculated in great detail with field and laboratory studies and an additional layer is evaluated with the help of the stability studies used to produce the landslide susceptibility map. Finally, an overlay analysis is carried out by evaluating the layers obtained according to their weight, and the landslide susceptibility map is produced. The study area was classified into five classes of relative landslide susceptibility, namely, very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Based on this analysis, the area and percentage distribution of landslide susceptibility degrees were calculated and it was found that 28% of the region is under the threat of landslides. Furthermore, the landslide susceptibility map and the landslide inventory map were compared to determine whether the models produced are compatible with the real situation resulting in compatibility rate of 84%. The total numbers of dwellings in the study area were determined one by one using aerial photos and it was found that 30% of the houses, with a total occupancy of approximately 2,300 people, have a high or very high risk of being affected by landslides.  相似文献   
Dispersivity and porosity parameters needed to simulate flow and non-reactive transport were calculated and validated for loess-like sediments of the Pampean aquifer located in southeastern Buenos Aires province, Argentina, using infiltration experiments in laboratory columns filled with selected undisturbed sediment. To obtain values for these parameters, the experimental curves of arrival for chloride were visually adjusted to the curves obtained from numerical simulation using PHREEQC 2.0. Visual adjustment consisted of trying different parameter values until the most representative one was obtained. The best adjustment was obtained for dispersivity and porosity values of 0.01 m and 0.35, respectively. Since analytical solutions for the flow and transport equations are applicable to simplified cases such as this, an attempt was made to adjust the parameters automatically, using a model based on this type of solution. This automated analytical solution was developed using the Fortran programming language, and the automatic parameter calibration was achieved by minimizing the distance between the observed and calculated values of two parameters. The automated technique gave values of 0.0084 m and 0.39 for dispersivity and porosity, respectively. The sediments studied here constitute the uppermost unit of the Pampean aquifer. Given the relevance of this layer and the growing anthropic influence on it, parameter quantification is important for both laboratory tests and for hydrogeochemical simulations that investigate contaminant transport.
Resumen Se han obtenido los parámetros hidráulicos dispersividad y porosidad efectiva para sedimentos loessoides del acuífero denominado Pampeano cuya extensión abarca casi todo el sector central de la República Argentina. Los sedimentos estudiados en este trabajo se localizan en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los parámetros fueron calculados y validados mediante la obtención de curvas de arribo de cloruro en ensayos en columnas de laboratorio con el sedimento no perturbado, y su ajuste visual a curvas obtenidas en modelos numéricos con el programa PHREEQC 2.0. Los mejores ajustes se alcanzaron con valores de porosidad y dispersividad de 0.01 y 0.35 respectivamente. Asimismo, se implementó una solución analítica del problema en código FORTRAM para lograr el ajuste automático de estos dos parámetros mediante la minimización de las distancias en función de los dos parámetros. Los valores obtenidos fueron: dispersividad 0.0084 m y porosidad efectiva 0.39. Los resultados fueron validados mediante la realización de nuevos ensayos y ajustes numéricos. Los sedimentos aquí estudiados son de importancia por constituir la unidad mas superficial del sistema acuífero Pampeano, la cual es usualmente explotada por perforaciones domiciliarias. La cuantificación de sus parámetros hidráulicos es necesaria para ensayos de laboratorio y simulaciones hidroquímicas orientadas al estudio de la contaminación.

Résumé Les paramètres de dispersivité et de porosité nécessaires à la simulation des écoulements et des transports non-réactifs, ont été calculés et validés pour des sédiments loessiques de laquifère Pampéien dans le Sud-Est de la province de Buenos Aires, Argentine, au moyen dexpériences dinfiltration sur colonnes expérimentales remplies du sédiment non remanié. Pour obtenir les valeurs des paramètres, les courbes expérimentales de larrivée du chlore (élément conservatif) ont été visuellement calibrées sur les courbes obtenues par la simulation numérique sur Phreeqc 2.0.3 Lajustement visuel consistait à tester différents paramètres jusquà trouver le plus représentatif. Le meilleur ajustement était atteint avec des dispersivités et des porosités respectivement de lordre de 0.01 m et 0.35 m. Dés lors que la solution analytique de lécoulement et du transport est applicable dans des cas simplifiés comme celui-ci, il a également été opté dajuster automatiquement les paramètres, en utilisant un programme Fortran ; le calibrage automatique a été obtenu en minimisant la distance fonction des deux paramètres. Les valeurs obtenues ont été de 0.0084 m et 0.39 pour la dispersivité et la porosité. Le sédiment étudié ici constitue lunité supérieure de laquifère. Cette couche est primordiale notamment du point de vue de lactivité anthropique qui est menée dessus ; la quantification des paramètres de transport est importante pour les tests en laboratoire et les simulations hydrogéochimiques orientées vers les études de transport de soluté.
In low permeability environments, transport by advection is often neglected based on a Péclet number criterion. Such a criterion usually states that if the Péclet number (Pe) is much smaller than 1, diffusion dominates over advection and transport may be modeled considering diffusion only. Unfortunately, up to 10 different Péclet number definitions exist and for a particular case these different definitions lead to very diverse Péclet number values, differing several orders of magnitude from each other. In this paper, the different Péclet number definitions are therefore evaluated on their ability to determine the relative importance of transport by advection and by diffusion in low permeability environments. This is done by comparing the results of the analytical solution for pure diffusion with the analytical solution for diffusion, advection and dispersion for a large number of different input parameter values. The relation between the different Péclet numbers and the difference between the calculated concentration considering diffusion only and the calculated concentration considering both diffusion and advection is studied. These calculations show that some Péclet number definitions are not well suited to decide whether advection may be neglected in low permeability media.
Resumen Frecuentemente se descuida el transporte por avección en ambientes de baja permeabilidad sobre la base del criterio del número de Péclet. Dicho criterio usualmente sostiene que si el número de Péclet (Pe) es mucho menor a 1, la difusión domina sobre la avección y es posible modelar el transporte considerando la difusión únicamente. Desafortunadamente existen 10 definiciones diferentes del número de Péclet y para un caso en particular estas diferentes definiciones conducen a valores de número de Péclet muy diversos los cuales difieren entre sí en varias magnitudes. Por lo tanto, en este artículo se evalúan las diferentes definiciones en base a su habilidad para determinar la importancia relativa del transporte por avección y difusión en ambientes de baja permeabilidad. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados de la solución analítica para difusión pura con los de la solución analítica por difusión, avección y dispersión para un número amplio de diferentes valores como parámetro. Se ha estudiado la relación entre los diferentes números de Péclet y las diferencias entre la concentración calculada considerando difusión únicamente y considerando tanto difusión como avección. Estos cálculos muestran que algunas de las definiciones de los números de Péclet no son muy apropiadas par decidir si se puede descuidar la avección en medios de baja permeabilidad.

Résumé Dans les milieux à faible perméabilité, le transport par advection est souvent négligeable lorsquon se base sur le critère du nombre de Péclet. Un tel critère suggère habituellement que pour un nombre de Péclet beaucoup plus petit que 1, la diffusion domine sur ladvection et que le transport peut être modélisé par diffusion seulement. Malheureusement, il existe jusquà environ dix définitions du nombre de Péclet et pour un cas spécifique, ces différentes définitions mènent à des valeurs du nombre de Péclet très différentes, et qui varient entre elles de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Dans cet article, les différentes définitions du nombre de Péclet sont évaluées en fonction de leur habileté à déterminer limportance relative du transport par advection et par diffusion dans les milieux à faible perméabilité. Ceci est fait en comparant les résultats de la solution analytique pour la diffusion pure à la solution analytique pour la diffusion, ladvection et la dispersion, et ce, pour un grand nombre de valeurs différentes comme paramètre dentrée. La relation entre les différents nombres de Péclet et la différence entre la concentration calculée en considérant la diffusion seulement et la concentration calculée considérant simultanément la diffusion et ladvection est étudiée. Ces calculs prouvent que certaines définitions de nombre de Péclet ne sont pas appropriées afin de décider si ladvection peut être négligée dans les milieux à faible perméabilité.
A conventional amino acid analyzer was modified to allow detection of dissolved free amino acids in a direct injection of 0.5 to 2.0 ml of seawater. The amino acids were monitored fluorimetrically by reaction with o-phthaldialdehyde after column chromatography. The accuracies of two commonly employed desalting methods, cation exchange resin and copper Chelex, were determined by comparison with the direct injection method. After correcting the results of the desalting methods for the procedural blank and recovery rate for each individual amino acid, the amino acid compositions on a mole percent basis as determined by these methods resembled approximately the true composition determined by direct injection. However, on an absolute basis the cation resin method overestimates and the copper Chelex method underestimates the total amount of dissolved free amino acids. The reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. Using the direct injection method, the spectra of dissolved free amino acids in surface seawater samples from different locations were determined. As opposed to the relatively uniform patterns reported in most past investigations, the amino acid spectra found were highly variable. In a number of samples, the acidic amino acids dominated the spectra. Valine was also high in many samples. In a depth profile the deep samples were dominated by arginine. Application of the method to real-time shipboard analyses of dissolved free amino acids is discussed.  相似文献   
An approximate method for calculating the relationship between z/L(z = reference height, L = Obukhov length) and the bulk Richardsonnumber is presented. If this relationship is known, the momentum andheat fluxes can be computed easily without any iteration. The avoidance of iteration can speed up computationsin large-scale models considerably (up to 10 times) and cases which do not converge or converge very slowly cannot occur. The proposed formulae take into account the difference between momentum (z0M) and heat roughnesslengths (z0H). Because the roughness lengths are not neglected at any step of the derivation, the resulting analytical formulae can be used not only between the surface and the reference height but also between two finite levels z1 andz2 (by replacing z0M and z0H by z1 and z by z2). Theequations remain correct even in the limit z1 z2.The formulae are based upon the (partially modified) Businger–Dyer flux–profile relationships and,consequently, they are restricted to predominantly homogeneous terrain.These new approximations are an improvement over the existing solutions because they are simpler than most of the formulae in the literature and are able to match the numerical exact solution for different parameter sets (Businger, Dyer, Högström) with an maximum error of about 2% for a wide range of z/L, z/z0M and z0M/z0H.Furthermore, in stable conditions, schemes with and without a finitecritical bulk Richardson number can be approximated. The possibleambiguity of the exact solution =f(RIB) in (moderately) stable conditions is discussed briefly. The performance of the new formulae is compared to the exact numerical solution and to different formulae proposed in the literature.  相似文献   
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