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利用现代“3S”技术阐释丽江古城选址的科学性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 丽江古城的选址综合考虑了古城的地貌、地质、水文和气候等条件,其规划营造渗透着古代风水文化及耕读思想的影响,堪称古代城市选址中的典范。本文应用虚拟地理信息系统(VirtualGIS)技术,重现古城的山水景观,分析其科学性,为现代城市的选址与营建提供借鉴。  相似文献   
对照现行《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)场地类别划分方法,应用模糊数学原理,推导了场地类别的模糊二次评价方法,得出了场地类别的模糊向量和模糊特征周期,实现了场地类别划分的连续化;在此基础上,基于收集到的杭州市254个建筑场地波速钻孔实测资料,通过建立场地类别地质模型,实现了场地类别、特征周期的模糊等值线,与实测资料对比,结果表明:由该模糊等值线得出的建筑场地抗震类别与现行《建筑抗震设计规范》给出的场地类别是统一的,模糊特征周期与规范给出的特征周期基本上是吻合的,该模糊等值线对建筑抗震设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Scattering of plane harmonic waves by a three‐dimensional basin of arbitrary shape embedded within elastic half‐space is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The materials of the basin and the half‐space are assumed to be the most general anisotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic solids without any material symmetry (i.e. triclinic). The unknown scattered waves are expressed in terms of three‐dimensional triclinic time harmonic full‐space Green's functions. The results have been tested by comparing the surface response of semi spherical isotropic and transversely isotropic basins for which the numerical solutions are available. Surface displacements are presented for a semicircular basin subjected to a vertical incident plane harmonic pseudo‐P‐, SV‐, or SH‐wave. These results are compared with the motion obtained for the corresponding equivalent isotropic models. The results show that presence of the basin may cause significant amplification of ground motion when compared to the free‐field displacements. The peak amplitude of the predominant component of surface motion is smaller for the anisotropic basin than for the corresponding isotropic one. Anisotropic response may be asymmetric even for symmetric geometry and incidence. Anisotropic surface displacement generally includes all three components of motion which may not be the case for the isotropic results. Furthermore, anisotropic response strongly depends upon the nature of the incident wave, degree of material anisotropy and the azimuthal orientation of the observation station. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of anisotropy in amplification of surface ground motion. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
建立了高山峡谷场地的动力计算模型,分析了攀枝花地震动作用下场地水平峰值加速度(HPA)的衰减效应,研究了不同参数对场地HPA传播特性的影响。数值分析结果表明:HPA随深度增加而衰减,HPA在坡脚处比在峡谷处要低一些;在山顶处有放大效应,但放大系数比实际震害要小一些;HPA衰减程度随着阻尼比和模型深度的增加而增加,随着坡比增加而减小,且不受输入地震动峰值加速度影响;在不同频谱特性地震动作用下,当地震波的卓越频率接近计算模型的自振频率时,场地衰减程度会随之增大。  相似文献   
The methodology for dealing with spatial variability of ground motion, site effects and soil–structure interaction phenomena in the context of inelastic dynamic analysis of bridge structures, and the associated analytical tools established and validated in a companion paper are used herein for a detailed parametric analysis, aiming to evaluate the importance of the above effects in seismic design. For a total of 20 bridge structures differing in terms of structural type (fundamental period, symmetry, regularity, abutment conditions, pier‐to‐deck connections), dimensions (span and overall length), and ground motion characteristics (earthquake frequency content and direction of excitation), the dynamic response corresponding to nine levels of increasing analysis complexity was calculated and compared with the ‘standard’ case of a fixed base, uniformly excited, elastic structure for which site effects were totally ignored. It is concluded that the dynamic response of RC bridges is indeed strongly affected by the coupling of the above phenomena that may adversely affect displacements and/or action effects under certain circumstances. Evidence is also presented that some bridge types are relatively more sensitive to the above phenomena, hence a more refined analysis approach should be considered in their case. Copyright @ 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During the ML = 5.6 and 5.8 earthquakes occurredin central Italy on 26 September 1997 the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, lying on top of a 120 m highhill, was diffusely damaged (VII-VIII degrees of MCSintensity). Some recently built houses in the modernpart of the town suffered an even higher level ofdamage. A temporary seismic array was deployed toinvestigate a possible correlation between localamplifications of ground motion in this area and theobserved pattern of damage. After a geologic andmacroseismic survey, eight sites were selected asrepresentative of different local conditions, such astopographic irregularities, sharp hard-to-softlithology transitions, alluvium-filled valleys, andboth undisturbed and deformed rocks.Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios for bothmicrotremor and earthquake recordings, as well asspectral ratios referred to undisturbed rock sites,were used to quantify local variations of groundmotion. In spite of the diffuse damage in the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, a small amplification isobserved at the stations on the hill's top. Thissuggests that the higher vulnerability of the ancientbuildings mainly accounts for the diffuse damage inthat part of the town. In the frequency band ofengineering interest (1 to 10 Hz) the largestamplifications of ground motion are found at softsites: in the Topino river valley, where many episodesof severe structural damage occurred, spectralamplification is significant over a broad frequencyband ranging from 2 Hz to more than 20 Hz. Inparticular, in the central part of the valley highamplification (> 4) is found from 3 to 10 Hz,reaching a maximum of 20 around 4 Hz. At the edge ofthe valley, close to the soil-to-rock transition,amplification is as large as 10 in a frequency bandranging from 4 to more than 20 Hz. A significantamplification (by a factor of 10 around 10 Hz) isobserved also at one of the rock sites, possibly dueto the presence of a cataclastic zone related to theactivity of a regional fault that altered themechanical properties of the rock.  相似文献   
Accelerated runoff and erosion commonly occur following forest fires due to combustion of protective forest floor material, which results in bare soil being exposed to overland flow and raindrop impact, as well as water repellent soil conditions. After the 2000 Valley Complex Fires in the Bitterroot National Forest of west‐central Montana, four sets of six hillslope plots were established to measure first‐year post‐wildfire erosion rates on steep slopes (greater than 50%) that had burned with high severity. Silt fences were installed at the base of each plot to trap eroded sediment from a contributing area of 100 m2. Rain gauges were installed to correlate rain event characteristics to the event sediment yield. After each sediment‐producing rain event, the collected sediment was removed from the silt fence and weighed on site, and a sub‐sample taken to determine dry weight, particle size distribution, organic matter content, and nutrient content of the eroded material. Rainfall intensity was the only significant factor in determining post‐fire erosion rates from individual storm events. Short duration, high intensity thunderstorms with a maximum 10‐min rainfall intensity of 75 mm h?1 caused the highest erosion rates (greater than 20 t ha?1). Long duration, low intensity rains produced little erosion (less than 0·01 t ha?1). Total C and N in the collected sediment varied directly with the organic matter; because the collected sediment was mostly mineral soil, the C and N content was small. Minimal amounts of Mg, Ca, and K were detected in the eroded sediments. The mean annual erosion rate predicted by Disturbed WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) was 15% less than the mean annual erosion rate measured, which is within the accuracy range of the model. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This work develops a top‐down modelling approach for storm‐event rainfall–runoff model calibration at unmeasured sites in Taiwan. Twenty‐six storm events occurring in seven sub‐catchments in the Kao‐Ping River provided the analytical data set. Regional formulas for three important features of a streamflow hydrograph, i.e. time to peak, peak flow, and total runoff volume, were developed via the characteristics of storm event and catchment using multivariate regression analysis. Validation of the regional formulas demonstrates that they reasonably predict the three features of a streamflow hydrograph at ungauged sites. All of the sub‐catchments in the study area were then adopted as ungauged areas, and the three streamflow hydrograph features were calculated by the regional formulas and substituted into the fuzzy multi‐objective function for rainfall–runoff model calibration. Calibration results show that the proposed approach can effectively simulate the streamflow hydrographs at the ungauged sites. The simulated hydrographs more closely resemble observed hydrographs than hydrographs synthesized using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) dimensionless unit hydrograph method, a conventional method for hydrograph estimation at ungauged sites in Taiwan. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The future exploration of Mars is likely to utilize resources that can be extracted in situ. An overview of the geology of Mars has been presented and several mechanisms that could result in the formation of ore deposits have been identified. These include deposits caused by hydrothermal fluids resulting from volcanic activity, large igneous province formation and impact craters. Surface enrichment of mineral sand deposits is also discussed. Where appropriate, terrestrial analogues of these mechanisms have been discussed and supporting evidence from observations of Mars undertaken to date presented. Types of deposits that are unlikely to be found on Mars are also listed.  相似文献   
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