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针对古生代中国中西部华北、华南和塔里木三大陆块在全球洋-陆格局中的古地理位置还存在的争议问题,本论文以国际最新的古地理位置重建研究方法和思路,在对中国三大陆块盆地(鄂尔多斯、四川和塔里木盆地)古生界钻井岩心的古地磁实测研究、全球古生代古地磁数据收集与有效性筛选处理、全球主要地质事件约束等多参数融合分析的基础上,采用最新的 GPlates 板块重建方法,对中国华北、华南和塔里木三大陆块在全球洋-陆格局中的古地理位置进行了重建和定位。研究结果表明:古生代三大陆块主要在全球 ±30° 之间的南北中低纬度之间迁移;三大陆块在古生代至少发生了 3 次不同的顺时针旋转和方位角转换;三大陆块运移速率至少经历了 3 次以上不同高、低速度间的转换与变化过程;响应于古生代全球洋-陆形成与演化,中国三大陆块古构造格局总体上经历了洋盆扩张下的“多岛洋”离散、俯冲碰撞下的离散-汇聚并存、俯冲消减下的差异汇聚隆升、新旧洋盆转换下的差异汇聚-离散、拼合与地幔柱控制下的差异汇聚-离散内部拉张的差异性演变过程。古生代中国三大陆块在全球洋-陆格局中的位置与差异性演变,奠定了中国三大陆块古生代不同性质盆地的形成与演化、不同层系油气烃源、储集原始物质差异性发育的基础。  相似文献   
根据野外观察分析, 综合前人研究成果, 对新生代时期鲁西地块的深、浅部构造特征、地震活动性以及动力学机制进行了分析。结果表明, 鲁西地块新生代浅表主体断裂构造格局为NW—NWW走向断裂构成的多米诺式组合, 震源机制解和野外观测揭示, 其具有左旋走滑性质, 并与NE向断裂共同控制了新生代盆地的形成和发育。地球物理资料揭示, 鲁西地块深部15~20km处存在一条缓倾滑脱带和大规模低速异常体, 浅表多米诺式断裂体系归并到该滑脱带, 表现为深浅部构造的脱耦性, 深部高低速异常体的过渡区域控制发育了鲁西地区两条NW向中强地震带。动力学成因上与太平洋板块俯冲作用导致地壳减薄、地幔上涌并在地幔楔中发生小尺度对流有关, 并造成了鲁西地块的隆起抬升。  相似文献   
The Concón Mafic Dike Swarm (CMDS) consists of basaltic to andesitic dikes emplaced into deformed Late Paleozoic granitoids during the development of the Jurassic arc of central Chile. The dikes are divided into an early group of thick dikes (5–12 m) and a late group of thin dikes (0.5–3 m). Two new amphibole 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained from undeformed and deformed dikes, constrain the age of emplacement and deformation of the CMDS between 163 and 157 Ma. Based on radiometric ages, field observations, AMS studies and petrographic data, we conclude that the emplacement of the CMDS was syntectonic with the Jurassic arc extension and associated with sinistral displacements along the NW-trending structures that host the CMDS. The common occurrence of already deformed and rotated xenoliths in the dikes indicates that deformation in the granitoids started previously.The early thick dikes and country rocks appear to have been remagnetized during the exhumation of deep-seated coastal rocks in the Early Cretaceous (around 100 Ma). The remanent magnetization in late thin dikes is mainly retained by small amounts of low-Ti magnetite at high temperature and pyrrhotite at low temperature. The magnetization in these dikes appears to be primary in origin. Paleomagnetic results from the thin dikes also indicate that the whole area was tilted  23° to the NNW during cooling of the CMDS.The NNW–SSE extension vectors deduced from the paleomagnetic data and internal fabric of dikes are different with respect to extension direction deduced for the Middle–Late Jurassic of northern Chile, pointing to major heterogeneities along the margin of the overriding plate during the Mesozoic or differences in the mechanisms driving extension during such period.  相似文献   
扬子板块北缘中段多期褶皱构造的变形特征及叠加关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扬子板块北缘在中生代期间经历多期构造变形,早期形成的构造样式多被后期的构造变形改造破坏,仅在大巴山弧形断裂和大洪山弧形带之间的南漳一带较好地保存了早期的构造变形样式。笔者通过对当阳复向斜北段发育的褶皱构造的构造要素测量统计和褶皱叠加关系的解析,在扬子板块北缘中段南漳一带识别出三期走向不同的褶皱叠加构造,按发育早晚顺序分别为NW-SE走向褶皱、NE-SW走向褶皱和近EW走向褶皱,分别对应扬子板块向北俯冲以及后期转入陆内变形、江南–雪峰褶皱逆冲带向NW逆冲推覆和晚侏罗世到早白垩世期间大巴山向SW推进等构造变形过程。  相似文献   
Zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical and isotopic data for Late Ordovician granites in the Baoshan Block reveal the early Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the margin of East Gondwana. The granites are high-K, calc-alkaline, metaluminous to strongly peraluminous rocks with A/CNK values of 0.93–1.18, are enriched in SiO2, K2O, and Rb, and depleted in Nb, P, Ti, Eu, and heavy rare earth elements, which indicates the crystallization fractionation of the granitic magma. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that they formed at ca. 445 Ma. High initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.719761–0.726754, negative ?Nd(t) values of –6.6 to –8.3, and two-stage model ages of 1.52–1.64 Ga suggest a crustal origin, with the magmas derived from the partial melting of ancient metagreywacke at high temperature. A synthesis of data for the early Palaeozoic igneous rocks in the Baoshan Block and adjacent Tengchong Block indicates two stages of flare-up of granitic and mafic magmatism caused by different tectonic settings along the East Gondwana margin. Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician granitic rocks (ca. 490 Ma) were produced when underplated mafic magmas induced crustal melting along the margin of East Gondwana related to the break-off of subducted Proto-Tethyan oceanic slab. In addition, the cession of the mafic magmatism between late Cambrian-Early Ordovician and Late Ordovician could have been caused by the collision of the Baoshan Block and outward micro-continent along the margin of East Gondwana and crust and lithosphere thickening. The Late Ordovician granites in the Baoshan Block were produced in an extensional setting resulting from the delamination of an already thickened crust and lithospheric mantle followed by the injection of synchronous mafic magma.  相似文献   
扬子地块西、北缘中元古代地层的划分与对比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
耿元生  旷红伟  柳永清  杜利林 《地质学报》2017,91(10):2151-2174
广泛分布于扬子地块西缘和北缘的中元古代地层经历了强烈的变形和绿片岩相的变质改造。根据形成时代,该区的中元古代可以识别出两个阶段,中元古代早期(1.8~1.4Ga)和中元古代晚期(1.4~1.0Ga)。中元古代早期的地层包括大红山群、东川群、河口群和通安组(1~4段),中元古代晚期的地层主要由分布在扬子地块西南缘的昆阳群、会理群和分布于扬子地块北缘的神农架群和打鼓石群组成。新的锆石原位定年结果表明,通安组的凝灰岩形成于1744±14Ma左右,河口群角斑岩形成于1659±23Ma左右,侵入会理群天宝山组的辉长辉绿岩形成于1026±7Ma左右。根据岩石组合、形成环境以及年代学资料,中元古代早期的大红山群、东川群、河口群和通安组(1~4段)形成时代相近,地层组成基本相同,它们都含有与岩浆热液有关的铁氧化物铜金(IOCG)矿床或层状铜矿床(SSC),都在1.75~1.45Ga期间形成于大陆裂解环境。扬子地块北缘的火地垭群也可能属于中元古代早期地层。中元古代晚期地层在扬子地块西缘北缘均有分布,其中的昆阳群和会理群大体形成于1.2~1.0Ga,神农架群和打鼓石群形成于1.4~1.0Ga,它们的顶界可能延伸到新元古代早期。在中元古代晚期的地层中含有大量叠层石,表明它们形成于温暖潮湿的浅海环境。除上述的中元古代晚期地层之外,云南元谋地区的苴林群、川西的登相营群、通安组五段等也属于中元古代晚期的地层。  相似文献   
阿拉善地块位于华北克拉通西端,其早前寒武纪地质演化一直存在争议。选取阿拉善地块东北缘的叠布斯格岩群为研究对象,通过锆石U-Pb定年和Lu-Hf同位素分析,探讨阿拉善地块的性质和归属及华北克拉通早期地质演化。叠布斯格岩群主要由变质沉积岩和变质火山岩组成,包括高级变质的片麻岩、大理岩、石英岩、角闪岩,并被古元古代钾质花岗岩侵入。来自叠布斯格岩群3个副片麻岩样品的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,叠布斯格岩群副片麻岩中碎屑锆石的207Pb/206Pb年龄范围为2.60~2.10 Ga,变质锆石的年龄显示叠布斯格岩群经历了1.98~1.90 Ga和1.90~1.79 Ga的两组峰期变质作用,指示叠布斯格岩群原岩形成于2.10~1.98 Ga。研究区未发现有太古宙岩石出露,但不排除其下部地壳中存在太古宙基底岩石的可能。碎屑锆石的Lu-Hf同位素数据结果显示,叠布斯格岩群副片麻岩中碎屑锆石的εHf(t)均为负值,指示其成岩物质源于古—中太古代(3.42~2.79 Ga)古老地壳在新太古代晚期—古元古代早期的重熔或再造。通过对比叠布斯格岩群和阴山地块、孔兹岩带的岩浆-变质事件及Hf同位素特征,推测阿拉善地块前寒武纪基底在古元古代可能是孔兹岩带的一部分。  相似文献   
Integrated, in situ textural, chemical and electron microprobe age analysis of monazite grains in a migmatitic metapelitic gneiss from the western Musgrave Block, central Australia has identified evidence for multiple events of growth and recrystallisation during poly-metamorphism in the Mesoproterozoic. Garnet + sillimanite-bearing metapelite underwent partial melting and segregation to palaeosome and leucosome during metamorphism between 1330 and 1296 Ma, with monazite grains in leucosome recording crystallisation at 1300 Ma. Monazite breakdown during melting is inferred to have occurred in the palaeosome. During a subsequent granulite facies event at 1200 Ma, deformation and metamorphism of leucosome and palaeosome resulted in partial disturbance of ages and potential minor growth on 1300 Ma monazite in leucosome. Growth of new, high-Y (+HREE) monazite in palaeosome domains occurred during garnet breakdown in the presence of sillimanite to cordierite and spinel, as a result of post-peak isothermal decompression. Diffusive enrichment of resorbed garnet rims in Y + HREE suggests garnet breakdown occurred slower than volume diffusion of REE. Monazite in both palaeosome and leucosome were subsequently partially to penetratively recrystallised during a retrogression event that is suggested to have occurred at 1150–1130 Ma. The intensity of recrystallisation and disturbance of ages appears linked to proximity to retrogressed garnet porphyroblasts and their occurrence in the relatively reactive or ‘fertile’ local environments provided by the palaeosome/mesosome volumes, which caused localised changes in retrogressive fluids towards compositions more aggressive to monazite. Like reaction textures, it is apparent that domainal equilibrium and reaction may control or at least strongly influence monazite REE and U–Th–Pb chemistry and hence ages.  相似文献   
黄土高原-阿拉善高原典型断面表土磁学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在黄土高原-阿拉善高原区域沿接近降水量最大梯度线方向系统采集了表土(包括沙漠和土壤)样品,详细研究了其环境磁学、粒度和有机质含量等环境替代指标的变化特征。结果表明,整个断面表土中的强磁性矿物主要为磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,并含有赤铁矿。阿拉善高原表土中磁性矿物颗粒多为多畴(MD),总体含量偏低,磁性矿物中硬磁组分含量较高;黄土高原区表土中磁性颗粒多为准单畴(PSD),总体含量偏高,磁性矿物中软磁组分含量较高。进一步分析发现,在干旱地区,频率磁化率与降水有良好的相关性,而常用的磁化率不能较好地反映降水量变化。本研究指示在干旱地区应用单一磁化率指标解释环境变化需要谨慎。  相似文献   
计算了2001年1月至2018年9月鄂尔多斯块体西南缘地区(33°—38°N,103°—109°E)ML≥3.0地震的震源机制,分析了该区域震源机制解特征,在此基础上,采用平均矩张量技术反演了该区域的构造应力场特征。结果表明,研究区震源机制类型以走滑型和逆冲型为主,其空间分布基本与区域构造动力背景和断裂性质一致,少量不符合区域构造性质的震源机制则反映了局部地质构造的复杂性。区域构造变形主体为NE向压缩,NW向相对扩张,反映了青藏高原块体对鄂尔多斯块体的直接作用。  相似文献   
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