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山西吕梁地区出露的紫金山岩体为我国著名的碱性岩体之一.为了探讨紫金山碱性岩体的物质来源及地质意义,对该岩体主要岩石进行了岩相学及岩石地球化学研究.结果表明:紫金山岩体各期次岩石具有低硅、富碱、高钾的特点,属钾质碱性岩石;岩石轻重稀土元素分馏较强烈,具有轻稀土相对富集、重稀土相对亏损、无明显Eu异常的特征;微量元素总体表现为大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K、Sr等)明显富集、高场强元素(Th、Nb、Ta、La、Ce、Nd、P、Ti等)亏损的特征.紫金山岩体岩浆来源较深,与富集地幔关系密切,岩浆演化机制以部分熔融作用为主且存在陆壳物质混染.结合山西境内多处同时期的碱性、偏碱性岩体特征,推断华北中部早白垩世碱性岩浆活动与古太平洋板块俯冲背景下华北克拉通破坏作用关系密切.  相似文献   
The strong vertical gradient in soil and subsoil saturated hydraulic conductivity is characteristic feature of the hydrology of catchments. Despite the potential importance of these strong gradients, they have proven difficult to model using robust physically based schemes. This has hampered the testing of hypotheses about the implications of such vertical gradients for subsurface flow paths, residence times and transit time distribution. Here we present a general semi‐analytical solution for the simulation of 2D steady‐state saturated‐unsaturated flow in hillslopes with saturated hydraulic conductivity that declines exponentially with depth. The grid‐free solution satisfies mass balance exactly over the entire saturated and unsaturated zones. The new method provides continuous solutions for head, flow and velocity in both saturated and unsaturated zones without any interpolation process as is common in discrete numerical schemes. This solution efficiently generates flow pathlines and transit time distributions in hillslopes with the assumption of depth‐varying saturated hydraulic conductivity. The model outputs reveal the pronounced effect that changing the strength of the exponential decline in saturated hydraulic conductivity has on the flow pathlines, residence time and transit time distribution. This new steady‐state model may be useful to others for posing hypotheses about how different depth functions for hydraulic conductivity influence catchment hydrological response. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rocks in the Nangqen Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Nangqen basin is one of the Tertiary pull-apart basins situated in the east of the Qiangtang block.Similar to the adjacent Dengqen basin and Baxoi basin, there occurred a series of potassic volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks, ranging from basic, intermediate to intermediate-acid in lithology.Based on the study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry, including REEs, trace elements, isotopic elements and chronology, the authors concluded that the Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in the Nangqen basin were formed in the post-collisional intraplate tectonic settings. The relations between the basic, intermediate and intermediate-acid rocks are neither differentiation nor evolution, but instead the geochemical variability is mainly attributable to the different partial melting degrees of the mantle sources formed at depths of 50-80 km.The sources of the potassic rocks are enriched metasomatic mantle that has experienced multiple mixing of components mainly derived from the crust. The recycling model can b  相似文献   
针对传统空间查询无法满足地理数据交互式可视化对处理时间要求的问题,以窗口查询为例,提出了一种空间近似查询处理方法。该方法包括预处理和查询两步:在预处理阶段,利用分布化的线简化算法对空间对象进行顾及误差的预处理采样,将采样过程及误差值用树型结构保存;在查询阶段,以豪斯多夫距离定义数据可视化的误差,进行误差可知的顶点即时采样与截取,从而实现针对可视化应用的高效的空间近似查询处理。在Hadoop集群上利用77GB的OpenStreetMap数据集进行了实验,证实了本方法的效力与效率。  相似文献   
大量前人成果和1:5万区调钻孔资料证实,五大连池第四纪火山地层属于水平岩层.因此,该地区第四纪火山地层的划分,是在地表岩石层序与钻孔岩石层序充分划分与对比的基础上进行的.从沉积角度看,五大连池火山地层属于松嫩盆地连续沉积过程中的第四纪短暂幕式火山喷发所形成的水平岩层.本文结合K-Ar同位素测年新资料,将该区第四纪岩石地层重新划分为11个组级地层单位.其中的火山岩石地层可以自下而上划分为:下更新统焦得布玄武岩(1.214—1.113 Ma);中更新统尾山玄武岩(0.62—0.285 Ma);中更新统笔架山玄武岩(0.24—0.132 Ma)和全新统老黑山玄武岩(距今290~288 a),对夹于其间的正常沉积地层也进行了相应的划分.对层状火山岩层序的层位划分和空间分布研究对于理解五大连池火山群的构造背景和生态环境具有特别重要的意义,五大连池火山群处于中国大陆内部的大同—大兴安岭火山岩带的最北东端,是地幔流体向北东方向流动的最前缘;这类富钾的碱性玄武岩的火山喷发活动对东北富饶的黑土地的形成具有重要贡献,火山岩在嫩江平原上塑造的台地和火山锥地形地貌对生态多样性和优质地下水的生态要素具有重要影响.  相似文献   
介绍一种在狭长测量条件下基于边角后方交会自由设站的测量方法,阐述方法的原理,并结合石武高铁CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道基准点平面测量的具体实例应用,分析该测量方法的精度,证明该方法在狭长呈带状、要求越来越高的测量环境中应用的可行性和可靠性,对其他大型精密工程测量具有参考价值。  相似文献   
Shanlianglishi Formation strata volcanic rocks are widely distributed in western fault zone of Kalamaili. Studies show that the rocks are basalt, andesite and basaltic andesite, calc-alkaline series with SiO2 content of samples ranging from 49.43% to 59.08%, TiO2 (1.18%~2.49%), P2O5 (0.21%~0.92%) and MgO (3.81%~6.28%). Samples have relatively high HFSE content (Ti, Zr, Y) and also high La/Nb (2.98~1.96), Zr/Y (9.36~4.01) ratio. The primitive mantle normalized trace element spider shows samples enriched LILE (Rb, Ba, K, U) and Pb, but relatively depleted Nb, Ta and Ti. Rare earth element distribution of REE shows slightly enriched LREE, (La/Yb)N=1.93~9.59, and that Eu is weakly negative anomaly (δEu=0.87~0.95). Combined with geochemical characteristics of WPB and VAB. Shanlianglishi Formation strata formed in the stretched after collision environmen. After partial melting of the enriched mantle that was previously metasomatized by the subduction fluid and with participation of the subduction sediment, magma experienced a certain degree of fractional crystallization and contamination by earth crust, and then erupted to form the Shanlianglishi Formation strata volcanic rocks. In eraly Late-Carboniferous, extensional movement was the most intense volcanic activity, which reached its peak in this area.  相似文献   
赣西北九岭南缘宜丰岩组是江南造山带的一个重要地层单元,但其沉积时限和区域地层对比关系尚不确定。本次1∶5万区调工作中,在万载—宜丰一带宜丰岩组地层中发现有呈夹层产出的变英安岩、变凝灰岩。SHRIMP锆石定年表明,变英安岩、变凝灰岩分别形成于835.0±7.8Ma和830.3±9.5Ma。结合宜丰岩组底部凝灰质砂岩最年轻的一组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄852.9±2.6Ma,认为宜丰岩组沉积时限为~853 Ma至~830Ma,表明宜丰岩组主体形成于新元古代早期。锆石Hf同位素显示,εHf(t)变化范围较大,为-16.02~+12.04,总体以正值为主。最为接近亏损地幔成分的5个锆石颗粒的εHf(t)变化范围为+9.65~+12.04,具有最年轻的Hf二阶段模式年龄0.95~1.09Ga,与成岩年龄差距不大,表明源区中可能有新生地壳物质的加入。野外沉积学研究表明,宜丰岩组浊流沉积构造发育,主体属于半深海大陆斜坡沉积。区域上,宜丰岩组与溪口岩群、双桥山群、冷家溪群、西村岩组、南桥岩组、苍溪岩组沉积时限基本相当,沉积环境相似,应明确为华南"晋宁运动"不整合面之下的一套弧后盆地环境产物。  相似文献   
An area north of Lake Fryxell in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, was surveyed to determine the frequency of occurrence of rocks that show strong evidence of wind abrasion and ventifaction, which is defined here as rocks having well-developed faceting, to define their relative abundance in this area of the ice-free McMurdo Dry Valley system and to provide an indication of the role of wind as a geomorphic agent in this area. The orientation of abrasion-caused features (facets, keels, and grooves) with respect to the present day wind regime is also described. Rocks were examined on five linear transects ranging from 300 to 510 m in length. A total of 1324 rocks were examined. On average, 60% of all rocks exhibited distinct wind abrasion features with polish being the most common feature and polished rocks were distributed equally between survey lines, suggesting abrasion was ubiquitous in the study area. Approximately 4% of the rocks had distinct facets and/or keels, and fine-grained ultramafic peridotite-type rocks produced the most finely-featured forms (i.e., sharp facet edges and keels). A larger percentage, ≈ 12.5%, had grooves. Grooves were typically associated with a tabular form of mafic diabase-type igneous rock. The distribution of faceted ventifacts and grooved rocks was not uniform for the five transects, suggesting that the distribution mechanism for the surface rocks and the source areas determined, to a large extent, what form of ventifact could be produced at a location. The orientation of the grooves and dip directions of the facets indicates the direction of the abrasive winds had a strong westerly component, which coincides with the modern wind regime of winter katabatic flows that move down valley toward the Ross Sea. The orientation of the facets and grooves suggests that the rate of formation of the ventifacts proceeds at a pace greater than other surficial processes (e.g., down-slope soil movement, cryoturbation), which should tend to remove trends in the facet and groove orientations, or that the down-slope movement of the surface is approximately perpendicular to the wind allowing preservation of the alignment.  相似文献   
车贝雪夫多项式约简算法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱应珍  黄永玉 《气象》2000,26(1):25-29
解释了车贝雪夫多项式化整计算通用算法中关于化整后的车贝雪夫多项式约简处理的技术原理,给出了一种可快速实现多项式约简处理的实用求算方法。  相似文献   
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