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To better assess the spatiotemporal variations of the snow shielding effect on surface exposure dating, we compiled a dataset of 1341 10Be ages from alpine moraines and glacially eroded valleys across western North America, and conducted a sensitivity test with both modern and time-integrated snow data covering the same region. Our analyses reveal significant differences in snow shielding both across our geographic domain and through time. In our time-integrated experiments we find snow-based exposure age corrections as low as 3.5% in the Great Basin region and high as 28.4% in the Pacific Northwest for samples dating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when no wind-sweeping is assumed. As demonstrated with our time-varying snow conditions with a global climate model and a positive degree day model, modern snow conditions across western North America cannot account for the varying snow patterns under large scale climate shifts since the LGM. The snow-based exposure age corrections from the modern data differ from those calculated by our time-varying model by up to 17% across our model domain. In addition, we find that the 10Be ages calculated under two end-member scenarios regarding wind-sweeping effects, specifically whether boulders were shielded only when the total snow accumulation exceeded boulder heights or were always shielded when the snow was present, can differ by ∼7.6% on average for LGM aged samples. Our analyses provide a model-based estimates of the spatiotemporal variability and complexity of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dates across western North America and highlight the need to consider snow depth variations both spatially and temporally when conducting surface exposure dating in terrains where snowfall accumulation is significant.  相似文献   
The Shatsky and Hess Rises,the Mid-Pacific Mountains and the Line Islands large igneous provinces(LIPs) present different challenges to conventional plume models.Resolving the genesis of these LIPs is important not only for a more complete understanding of mantle plumes and plume-generated magmatism,but also for establishing the role of subducted LIP conjugates in the evolution of the Laramide orogeny and other circum-Pacific orogenic events,which are related to the development of large porphyry systems.Given past difficulties in developing consistent geodynamic models for these LIPs,it is useful to consider whether viable alternative geodynamic scenarios may be provided by recent concepts such as melt channel networks and channel-associated lineaments,along with the "two mode"model of melt generation,where a deeply-sourced channel network is superimposed on the plume,evolving and adapting over millions of years.A plume may also interact with transform faults in close proximity to a mid ocean ridge,with the resultant bathymetric character strongly affected by the relative age difference of lithosphere across the fault.Our results suggest that the new two-mode melt models resolve key persistent issues associated with the Shatsky Rise and other LIPs and provide evidence for the existence of a conduit system within plumes that feed deeply-sourced material to the plume head,with flow maintained over considerable distances.The conduit system eventually breaks down during plume-ridge separation and may do so prior to the plume head being freed from the triple junction or spreading ridge.There is evidence for not only plume head capture by a triple junction but also for substantial deformation of the plume stem as the distance between the stem and anchored plume head increases.The evidence suggests that young transforms can serve as pathways for plume material migration,at least in certain plume head-transform configurations.A fortuitous similarity between the path of the Shatsky and Sio plumes,with respect to young spreading ridges and transforms,helps to clarify previously problematic bathymetric features that were not readily ascribed to fixed plumes alone.The Line Island Chain,which has been the subject of a vast number of models,is related mainly to several plumes that passed beneath the same region of oceanic crust,a relatively rare event that has resulted in LIP formation rather than a regular seamount track.Our findings have important implications for the timing and mechanism for the Laramide Orogeny in North America,demonstrating that the Hess Rise conjugate may be much smaller than traditionally thought.The Mid Pacific Mountains conjugate may not exist at all,given large parts of these LIPs were formed at an ‘off-ridge' site.This needs to be taken into account while considering the effects of conjugate collision on mineralization and orogenic events.  相似文献   
The Gurupi Belt, in north-northeastern Brazil, is a mobile belt developed in the south-southwestern margin of the São Luís cratonic fragment and crops out as a tectonic and erosional window within the Phanerozoic cover. Field, petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and Nd isotopic information (new and published) constrain the timing and types of magmatic associations present in the belt and the tectonic settings in which they formed. The Rhyacian was the main period of magmatic activity, which can be grouped into two main stages. (1) ~2185–2130 ​Ma: pre-collisional, juvenile, calc-alkaline magnesian and calcic ferroan granitoid suites, and minor calc-alkaline and tholeiitic mafic plutonism (now amphibolites), formed in intra-oceanic to transitional/continental arcs; and intra- or back-arc volcano-sedimentary basin. (2) ~2125–2070 ​Ma: syn- (two-mica granites) to late-collisional (potassic to shoshonitic granites and quartz-syenite) plutonic suites produced after crustal thickening and melting, with localized migmatization, that intruded during the compressive D1 deformational phase and concomitantly with greenschist to amphibolite metamorphism. There is a zonation of the Rhyacian episodes, with intra-oceanic stages occurring to the northeast, and the continental arc and collisional phases occurring to the southwest, indicating the presence of an active continental margin to the southwest, and subduction from NE to SW (present-day configuration). This magmatic framework is a continuation to the south of what is described for the São Luís cratonic fragment to the north, and the orogenic scenario is identical to what is observed for the same period in the West African Craton (Eburnean/Birrimian orogen), which additionally supports previous geological correlations. In the Neoproterozoic, a few magmatic occurrences are recognized. An extensional event allowed the intrusion of an anorogenic, nepheline syenite at ca. 730 Ma, which was followed by the intrusion of a crustal, calc-alkaline microtonalite, of uncertain tectonic setting, at 624 ​Ma. Both intrusions underwent greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism between 580 Ma and 529 ​Ma. This metamorphic event is probably related to crustal thickening, which produced crustal melting and intrusion of two-mica granites between 595 Ma and 549 ​Ma. The absence of oceanic and arc-related assemblages, along with geophysical information about the basement of the Phanerozoic cover indicates an intracontinental setting for the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian evolution of the Gurupi Belt, with rifting and posterior closure of the basin, without oceanization. Rifting and closure correlate in time with the onset of Rodinia breakup and West Gondwana assembly, respectively, but we interpret the events in the Gurupi Belt as having no direct role in these two global supercontinent-related events, but, instead, as being related to orogenic events occurring in the periphery of the West African and Amazonian cratons at that time.  相似文献   
深部天然核反应堆——一种可能的山脉隆升动力源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
板块碰撞造山模式难以解释造山作用在时间上的“滞后”和在空间上的“差位”现象,大量研究表明山脉隆升的动力来自深部,因此,探索深部地质过程的物理和化学机制及其导致的能量再分配是认识山脉隆升动力学机制的关键,若干线索表明地幔中的核反应中可能在岩石圈动力学演化过程中起过不可忽视的作用,通过分析U,Th等元素的地球化学性质及其在深变质过程中的行为,认为伴随板块俯冲发生的陆壳物质向地幔的再循环有可能在办流圈顶部形成富含U,Th,K等放射性亲石元素和碳质(石墨)的地质体,通过理论上的论证和对Oklo天然核反应堆遗迹的反演表明这些地质体可能有一部分具备了形成石墨核反应堆的条件。这种反应堆在亚临界状态下的断续运行有可能为其上方岩石圈中的岩浆作用提供热源,进入超临界状态时将可能导致深部核爆炸,成为地震,火山爆发和岩石圈破裂的动力来源,据此建立的山脉隆升的动力学初步模式,可以解释造山带的形成,高原的隆升,深源地震及其前兆的成因和金刚石及其相关岩石地壳浅部置位的机制。  相似文献   
—The Rif belt forms with the Betic Cordilleras an asymmetric arcuate mountain belt (Gibraltar Arc) around the Alboran Sea, at the western tip of the Alpine orogen. The Gibraltar Arc consists of an exotic terrane (Alboran Terrane) thrust over the African and Iberian margins. The Alboran Terrane itself includes stacked nappes which originate from an easterly, Alboran-Kabylias-Peloritani-Calabria (Alkapeca) continental domain, and displays Variscan low-grade and high-grade schists (Ghomarides-Malaguides and Sebtides-Alpujarrides, respectively), shallow water Mesozoic sediments (mainly in the Dorsale Calcaire passive margin units), and infracontinental peridotite slices (Beni Bousera, Ronda). During the Late Cretaceous?-Eocene, the Alboran Terrane was likely located south of a SE-dipping Alpine-Betic subduction (cf. Nevado-Filabride HP-LT metamorphism of central-eastern Betics). An incipient collision against Iberia triggered back-thrust tectonics south of the deformed terrane during the Late Eocene-Oligocene, and the onset of the NW-dipping Apenninic-Maghrebian subduction. The early, HP-LT phase of the Sebtide-Alpujarride metamorphism could be hypothetically referred to the Alpine-Betic subduction, or alternatively to the Apenninic-Maghrebian subduction, depending on the interpretation of the geochronologic data set. Both subduction zones merged during the Early Miocene west of the Alboran Terrane and formed a triple junction with the Azores-Gibraltar transform fault. A westward roll back of the N-trending subduction segment was responsible for the Neogene rifting of the internal Alboran Terrane, and for its coeval, oblique docking onto the African and Iberian margins. Seismic evidence of active E-dipping subduction, and opposite paleomagnetic rotations in the Rif and Betic limbs of the Gibraltar Arc support this structurally-based scenario.  相似文献   
Agricultural practices are the main stay of the people of Uttranchal. Out of the total population,more than 75% people are engaged either with the main occupation of agriculture or its allied practices,dominated by traditional subsistence cereal farming.Among them, the main crops are rice, wheat, millet,barley, all types of pulses, all types of oilseeds and almost all types of fruits. The crops, vegetables and fruits of all varieties are grown in the different climatic zones such as tropical, temperate, and cold because, the region is characterized by the different altitudinal zones elevated from 200 m to more than 8000m. As a result, different climates are found from hot tropical to sub temperate and chilly cold. Pulses varieties are grown extensively. Among vegetables,potato, onion, carrot, all types of green leaf vegetables,brinzal, pumpkin, ladyfinger, pea, gram, radish,ginger, garlic, etc, are grown widely. All fruit varieties are grown in the different altitudinal zones. The mainfruits are orange, malta (a big size of orange),elephant citrus, lemon and all other types of citrus,apple, stone fruits including peach and pears, manykinds of nuts, and the fruits which are grown in the low lying areas. In spite of feasible climatic conditions,agricultural dominant society, and availability of all types of crops, the production and productivity of these crops are very low, even they are unable to meet the grain-need of the people in Uttaranchal. Agricultural crops are grown almost in all the altitudinal zones -- from the low-lying areas, which are called ‘Ga. ngarh‘, to the highly elevated region,where the legendary term is given as ‘Danda‘. The growing seasons vary according to the heights. The present paper aims to discuss the agricultural practices including cropping season, cropping pattern,land use, production of cropsagricultural system in thisand ecological aspect of Himalayan state and suggest some measures for developing farming system,which could lead the sustainability, in terms of meeting the food grain needs of the people on the one hand and restoring the ecological balance on the other.  相似文献   
京格斯台碱性花岗岩出露于内蒙古东乌旗西北部的中蒙边境一带,是准噶尔-南蒙古-内蒙古碱性花岗岩带的一部分,为一套含钠铁闪石碱性花岗岩类。锆石LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb测年获得了301.3±1.5Ma(n=21,MSWD=1.3)的年龄,表明侵位时代为晚石炭世。全岩地球化学分析显示样品具有高SiO2(75.16%~76.96%)、高碱(K2O=4.61%~5.04%,Na2O=3.98%~4.24%)、贫CaO(0.08%~0.25%)、MgO(0.07%~0.1%),低FeOt(1.05%~2.05%),高的FeOt/MgO比值(12.85~29.66),属于弱过铝质系列;富集Rb、Th、U、K等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素,弱亏损Nb、Ta,强烈亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti等;稀土元素总量较低[ΣREE范围为(70.19~193.93)×10~(-6),平均值为126.82×10~(-6)],轻稀土略富集,具有明显的Eu负异常(δEu=0.03~0.07),呈类似"海鸥"型稀土配分模式。岩石学及地球化学特征表明京格斯台碱性花岗岩属于碱质A型花岗岩。锆石原位Hf同位素和全岩Nd同位素分析显示其具有亏损的Hf-Nd同位素组成εHf(t)和εNd(t)均为正值,Hf地壳存留模式年龄范围为385~1605Ma,并且多数集中于600~900Ma,二阶段Nd模式年龄范围为582~650Ma,这表明源岩为幔源新生地壳物质,代表了新元古代一次地壳增生。综合岩石学、岩石地球化学和同位素地球化学数据,我们认为京格斯台碱性花岗岩是由新生地壳,在晚石炭世贺根山洋闭合后的后造山伸展阶段,在上涌软流圈的加热及减压作用下部分熔融形成的,形成于后造山构造环境。  相似文献   
陆内造山带特征及其动力学讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒良树 《地质学报》2021,95(1):98-106
板块构造理论上陆后遇到了难解之谜。陆内宽广的造山带、频繁的陆内地震、陆内普遍发育的透入性变形构造及其巨量的过铝质花岗岩,是大陆构造的普遍现象,陆内(或板内)构造已经成为板块构造理论的重要组成部分。本文简要回顾了大陆变形与陆内造山带的研究历程,总结了陆内造山带的基本特征,包括定义、位置、规模、地质特征、地壳结构、岩浆活动、应变分布、山根、热能、动力源等,结合自己的研究,对世界上几个典型陆内造山带的地质特征进行了介绍,展示了华南早古生代陆内造山带与板缘造山带地质特性的对比,对其动力学进行了讨论,提出了现今面临的挑战及其研究展望。  相似文献   
脉状铅锌(铜、银)多金属热液矿床研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在矿床学分类研究中对沉积岩容贱金属矿床的命名和分类尚未统一,其中一类赋矿围岩为沉积岩、矿体受构造(断层、褶皱等)控制呈脉状产出的、成矿金属为铅锌铜银多金属的矿床成为缺失环节,缺少系统的归纳总结。但该类矿床是造山作用的产物,对其进行归纳综合分析,有助于了解造山作用中的矿质迁移和沉淀过程。本文将该类矿床资料收集,对其成矿特征、控矿构造、成矿流体、矿质来源等进行分析总结。研究表明,此类矿床与造山作用或造山带有着紧密的联系。成矿物质表现为多源性,包括基底围岩、岩浆来源以及幔源贡献。成矿流体具有岩浆流体、变质流体、盆地卤水等多种来源,部分矿床的成矿流体受大气水影响。该类型矿床与MVT铅锌矿床有相似之处,但在成矿环境、控矿因素、金属来源以及成矿流体来源等方面有较大差异。  相似文献   
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