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喜马拉雅山北坡典型高山冻土区冬季径流过程   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张菲  刘景时  巩同梁 《地球科学进展》2006,21(12):1333-1338
喜马拉雅山北坡广泛分布着岛状多年冻土,冻土对径流过程有着不可忽视的影响。卡鲁雄曲是该区唯一有常规水文气象观测资料的流域,海拔范围是4 550~7 200 m,其中5 100 m以上为高山冻土区,以下为深层季节冻土区。近20年径流有较明显的增加趋势,为了探明引起径流变化的原因,采用流域内翁果水文站1983—2003年的月径流资料,通过Mann Kendall趋势检验法,Sen坡度估计以及相关统计分析方法,发现寒冷期(11月至次年3月)径流有不同程度的涨幅,发生突变的年份在1990年左右。尤其以1月份最为明显,后10年比前10年增加了67%。遥相关分析表明,1月份径流与7~12月径流有通过95%显著性检验的相关性,它们的共同作用使得径流变化尤为显著,这是冻土区所特有的。  相似文献   
江口冰期和南沱冰期是华南地区引人注目的2次成冰纪冰川事件,但其确切启动时间及其全球对比关系仍未有定论。为此,对桂北地区成冰系(南华系)长安组底部和南沱组底部冰成杂砾岩开展了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究。长安组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄集中分布于958—717 Ma,显著峰值为720、753、805及848 Ma,最年轻一组 206Pb/238U 年龄的加权平均值为719.6±6.1 Ma,可解释为长安组最大沉积年龄;南沱组碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄集中分布于987—649 Ma,显著峰值为650、720、753、779、803、823及848 Ma,最年轻一组 206Pb/238U 年龄的加权平均值为649.3±6.2 Ma,可解释为南沱组最大沉积年龄。结合已发表的相关年龄数据可知,江口冰期很可能启动于ca.715 Ma,与塔里木、阿拉伯—努比亚、劳伦等陆块的Sturtian冰川作用高度同步;南沱冰期的启动应晚于650 Ma,与西伯利亚、澳大利亚、劳伦等陆块的Marinoan冰川作用基本同步。另外,碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄谱与CL图像显示,长安组和南沱组的物质来源主要为下伏新元古界岩浆—沉积记录,揭示出冰川对下伏地层的强烈刨蚀作用和华南新元古代幕式构造岩浆热事件。扬子陆块成冰纪冰川刨蚀作用可能与Rodinia 超大陆“裂离”有关的强烈伸展活动存在联系,并可能持续至Marinoan 冰期结束。  相似文献   
Milankovitch Theory shows that glacial-interglacial cycles in the Quaternary are related to the variation of solar insolation forcing linked to the earth's astronomical parameters.However,the summer insolation at northern high latitudes,usually considered as the main external forcing for the ice age as Milankovitch pointed out,is marked by the 19- and 23-ka precession periodicities,which is not consistent with the glacial-interglacial cycles.On the other hand,recent studies indicate that the annual mean ...  相似文献   
Petrological investigations supported by multi‐scale structural analysis of eclogitized serpentinite in the Zermatt–Saas Zone of the Western Alps allows for the determination of mineral assemblages related to successive fabrics, upon which the P–T–d–t path of these hydrated mantle rocks can be inferred. Serpentinites of the upper Valtournanche, with lenses and dykes of metagabbro and meta‐rodingite, display an Alpine polyphase metamorphic evolution from eclogite to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions associated with three successive foliations having different parageneses in these rocks. Serpentinite mainly consists of serpentine with minor magnetite; however, where S1 and S2 foliations are pervasive, metamorphic olivine, together with Ti‐clinohumite and clinopyroxene, are also found. The mineral assemblage associated with D1 includes serpentine1, clinopyroxene1, opaque minerals, titanite ± olivine1, Ti‐clinohumite1 and ilmenite; the D2 assemblage is the same (±chlorite) but minerals have different compositions. The assemblage associated with D3 comprises serpentine3, opaque minerals, ±chlorite3, ilmenite and amphibole3. Ti‐clinohumite is associated with veins that are older than D2 and pre‐date D3. Veins that post‐date D3 are characterized by amphibole + chlorite or by serpentine. PT conditions for S2 parageneses evaluated using two pseudosections for different bulk compositions suggest that these rocks experienced pressures >2.5 ± 0.3 GPa at temperatures slightly higher than 600 °C. The late epidote–amphibolite facies re‐equilibration associated with D3 and D4 developed during late syn‐exhumation deformation related to folding and testifies to a small temperature decrease. These results, which were integrated in the regional framework, suggest that different portions of the Zermatt–Saas Zone registered different PT peak conditions and underwent different exhumation paths. In addition, the inferred PTdt path suggests that the Valtournanche serpentinites re‐equilibrated close to the UHP conditions registered by the Cignana meta‐cherts. These results imply that tectonic slices exhumed after UHP metamorphism might be wider than previously reported or that small‐size UHP units, tectonically sampled during the Alpine convergence, are more abundant than those that have been detected to date.  相似文献   
新疆伊犁黄土元素地球化学特征及古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对新疆伊犁波马剖面黄土-古土壤序列常量、微量元素及相关参数分析研究,讨论末次冰期以来伊犁黄土常量元素分异规律及古环境意义.结果表明,伊犁波马剖面S1以来黄土-古土壤序列各层常量元素含量均呈现出SiO2>Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3>MgO>K2O>Na2O变化特征,剖面序列中常量元素含量及相关参数变化,与黄土、古土壤层相互交替叠置不具对应性,明显有别于黄土高原.末次冰期以来黄土和古土壤形成时干冷程度强于黄土高原黄土,更高于古土壤,淋溶差异程度不及黄土高原.S1以来伊犁黄土物质来源基本相同,古土壤形成时环境条件不相同,以干冷或湿冷为特征,即使同一古土壤地层单元不同层位其水热组合条件也存在差异,波马剖面黄土-古土壤元素地球化学记录末次冰期以来沉积气候环境总体相对干旱.  相似文献   
A reconstruction of deglaciation and associated sea-level changes on northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula, based on lithostratigraphical and geomorphological studies, shows that the initial deglaciation of presently ice-free areas occurred slightly before 7400 14C yr BP. Sea-level in connection with the deglaciation was around 30 m a.s.l. A glacier readvance in Brandy Bay, of at least 7 km, with the initial 3 km over land, reached a position off the present coast at ca. 4600 yr BP. The culmination of the advance was of short duration, and by 4300 yr BP the coastal lowlands again were ice-free. A distinct marine level at 16–18 m a.s.l. was contemporaneous with or slightly post-dates the Brandy Bay advance, thus indicating the relative sea-level around 4600–4500 yr BP. Our results from James Ross Island confirm that over large areas in this part of Antarctica the last deglaciation occurred late. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文根据河南宜阳罗圈组发育特征和分布规律,结合华北地台西南缘罗圈组发育和分布概况,论述了其成因和成因类型,提出了罗圈组时代的归属,认为罗圈组应是大陆高原冰川活动产物。其时代应属早震旦世晚期,大体相当于南沱组。  相似文献   
The Kamoa sub‐basin, in the south‐eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a rift basin that hosts a world‐class stratiform copper deposit at the base of a very thick (1·8 km) succession of matrix‐supported conglomerates (diamictite) (Grand Conglomérat Formation) that has been interpreted by some as the product of deposition in the aftermath of a planet‐wide glaciation. Newly available subsurface data consisting of more than 300 km of drill core throws new light on the origin of diamictite and associated facies types, and their tectonic, basinal and palaeoclimatic setting. Initiation of rifting is recorded by a lowermost subaqueous succession of fault‐related mass flow conglomerates and breccias (the ‘Poudingue’) with interdigitating coeval and succeeding sandstone turbidites (Mwashya Subgroup). Overlying diamictites of the Grand Conglomérat were deposited as subaqueous debrites produced by mixing and homogenization of antecedent breccias and gravel from the Poudingue and Mwashya sediments with basinal muds. Failure of over‐steepened basin margins and debris flow was likely to be triggered by faulting and seismic activity, and was accompanied by syn‐depositional subaqueous basaltic magmatism recorded by peperites and pillow lavas within diamictites. The thickness of diamictites reflects recurring phases of faulting, volcanism and rapid subsidence allowing continued accommodation of rapidly deposited resedimented facies well below wave base. A distal or indirect, glacial influence in the form of rare dropstones and striated clasts is evident, but tectonically‐driven mass flow destroyed any primary record of glacial climate originally present in basin margin sediments. Such basin margin settings were common during Rodinia rifting and their stratigraphy and facies record a dominant tectonic, rather than climatic, control on sedimentation. Deposition occurred on tectonic timescales inconsistent with a Snowball Earth model for Neoproterozoic diamictites involving a direct glacial contribution to deposition.  相似文献   
关于青藏高原和周边山地第四纪冰川作用及其气候响应存在不同观点。一些学者认为老冰期主要发生在氧同位素奇数阶段; MIS 3和早全新世存在规模较大的冰川前进; 南亚季风对青藏高原冰川作用起主导作用(水汽驱动)。另一些学者则认为青藏高原冰川作用主要对应于氧同位素偶数阶段; 冰川发育是构造隆升-冰期气候耦合的产物(低温驱动)。本文基于现有的陆地生成宇宙核素(TCN)和光释光(OSL)等年代结果总结了不同时间尺度和不同类型冰川波动与气候变化历史的对比, 并对几个关键的争议问题做了讨论。结果表明, 在不同类型冰川区和不同时间尺度下, 冰川作用在湿润期和低温期都有可能发生, 但总体上主要与低温相对应。青藏高原冰川对气温的响应似乎更为敏感。MIS 3冰进规模较大可能是降水较多结合冷期(或冷事件)降温所致, 显示了印度季风降水和气温波动对高原冰川的共同作用。早全新世冰进也与印度季风和北半球冷事件关系密切。目前的测年数据还没有推翻"冰期发生在氧同位素偶数阶段"这种传统认识。当前急需更多精确的数字定年工作, 以不断更新对青藏高原冰期时代及其气候响应机制的了解。  相似文献   
In Söderåsen, South Sweden, various geomorphological investigations indicate that small, local glaciers were initiated at very low altitudes within the Skäralid rock canyon during the Younger Dryas period. Wind polish on boulders indicates that this period was characterised by easterly winds and drifting snow. Some new field observations are presented and the Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation hypothesis is tested by means of empirical knowledge on glacier equilibrium line climate and an analytic geographical information system (GIS) experiment. The GIS analysis demonstrates that the deeply incised rock canyon represents a pronounced radiation shelter, while the empirical analysis emphasises the importance of strong snow drift from the east during the winter. Together, the two analyses indicate that the inferred Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation is possible from a palaeoclimatic point of view, although conditions for glaciation may have been marginal to those of rock glacier initiation.  相似文献   
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