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The Haisugou Mo deposit is located in the northern part of the Xilamulun Mo–Cu metallogenic belt in northeastern China. The Mo mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-molybdenite veins within the Haisugou granite, which was emplaced into rocks of the Early Permian Qingfengshan Formation. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA–ICP-MS of the granite yields a crystallization age of 137.6 ± 0.9 Ma, suggesting emplacement during the peak time of Mo mineralization in eastern China, broadly constrained to ca. 150–130 Ma, when tectonic stresses shifted from compression to extension. Whole-rock geochemical data suggest that the granite belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and is characterized by relatively high LREE; low HREE; depletion of Ti, Ba, and Nb; and a moderate negative Eu anomaly. The zircon εHf(t) and whole-rock εNd(t) values for the intrusion range from +4.5 to +10.0 and +0.2 to +1.6, respectively, indicating that the magma originated from the juvenile lower crust source derived from depleted mantle, with some component of ancient continental crust. The granite is also characterized by initial (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios ranging from 0.7040 to 0.7074, which suggest some contamination by the upper crust during the ascent of the primitive magma. Moreover, it can be recognized from the whole-rock major and trace element data that significant fractional crystallization occurred during magmatic evolution, with the separation of plagioclase and K-feldspar. Because Mo is an incompatible element and tends to concentrate in the melt during crystallization, fractionation processes likely played an important role in the formation of the Haisugou Mo deposit.  相似文献   
Groundwaters in the crystalline aquifers are the major source of drinking water in Vaniyambadi area of Vellore district. Geochemical methods in collaboration with statistical methods were applied in this industrial area to understand the natural and anthropogenic influences on groundwater quality. To accomplish this objective, groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters and the results showed a dominance in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and HCO3 > Cl > SO42− > NO3 for anions and cations, respectively. In contrast to this anion dominance were changed to Cl > HCO3 > SO42− > NO3 in samples collected near the tannery industries. Groundwater quality evaluation using TDS and TH suggested that 57% of the total samples are hard-brackish type, indicating its unsuitability for drinking purpose. Generally the water type is Na+Cl to Ca2+Mg2+HCO3 type with an intermediate Ca2+Mg2+Cl, suggesting the mixing of fresh groundwater with tannery effluent and cation exchange. Factor analysis and bivariate plots of major ions suggests that both natural and anthropogenic inputs are equally influencing the groundwater quality. Further investigations proved that silicate weathering is the dominant geogenic source of groundwater solute content, whereas tannery effluent is the anthropogenic source. Saline water mixing index (SWMI) and Cl vs NO3 bivariate plot were employed to differentiate the tannery contamination from the other anthropogenic inputs such as agricultural fertilizers, municipal sewages, etc. This analysis shows that samples 2, 4, 8 and 9 (located within the tannery cluster) have a SWMI value greater than 1, representing the groundwater–tannery effluent mixing. This study infers that groundwater in the Vaniyambadi area is under serious threat from both natural and anthropogenic contamination. However, the controlling discharge of untreated tannery effluents must be regulated to reduce the further deterioration of this vital resource in this part of the country.  相似文献   
李静  陈光杰  黄林培  孔令阳  索旗  王旭  朱云  张涛  王露 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2170-2184
区域增温和大气氮沉降作用已成为高山湖泊面临的重要环境胁迫,已有高山湖泊生物群落响应的长期模式研究主要集中于藻类而缺乏更高营养级生物(如浮游动物)的系统调查。本研究选择滇西北地区深水型的高山湖泊沃迪错开展沉积物调查,通过多指标分析(总氮、总磷、叶绿素a、氮稳定同位素等)并结合区域气候重建记录,识别近两百年来该湖泊及流域环境的变化历史,进一步利用枝角类群落指标(物种组成、生物量等)定量评价了湖泊生物群落的响应模式与驱动因子。结果表明,湖泊营养水平(如总氮浓度)和初级生产力(叶绿素a浓度等)在过去近两百年总体呈上升趋势。相关分析显示,大气氮沉降和流域外源输入是影响总氮上升的主要因素,同时区域增温和营养盐富集促进了湖泊初级生产力的不断上升。自1960s以来区域升温明显,湖泊营养水平和叶绿素a浓度呈现加速上升的趋势。钻孔中枝角类群落以浮游属种(Daphnia longispina等)为优势种,在1900AD以前D.longispina相对丰度较为稳定(40.83%±8.02%),之后出现下降趋势且在1948—1965年间明显下降,之后再次明显上升并成为主要优势种。排序分析显示,气温、叶绿素a和总...  相似文献   
Soil, as one of the three basic biophysical components, has been understudied using remote sensing techniques compared to vegetation and impervious surface areas (ISA). This study characterized land surfaces based on the brightness–darkness–greenness model. These three dimensions, brightness, darkness, and greenness, were represented by the first Tasseled Cap Transformation (TC1), Normalize Difference Snow Index (NDSI), and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), respectively. The Ratio Index for Bright Soil (RIBS) was developed based on TC1 and NDSI, and the Product Index for Dark Soil (PIDS) was established by TC1 and NDVI. Their applications to the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager images and 500 m 8-day composite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) in China revealed the efficiency. The two soil indices proficiently highlighted soil covers with consistently the smallest values, due to larger TC1 and smaller NDSI values in bright soil, and smaller NDVI and TC1 values in dark soil. The RIBS is capable of distinguishing bright soil from ISA without masking vegetation and water body. The spectral separability bright soil and ISA were perfect, with a Jeffries–Matusita distance of 1.916. And the PIDS was the only soil index that could discriminate dark soil from other land covers including ISA. The soil areas in China were classified using a simple threshold method based on MODIS images. An overall accuracy of 94.00% was obtained, with the kappa index of 0.8789. This study provided valuable insights into developing indices for characterizing land surfaces from different perspectives.  相似文献   

Estimating river flows at ungauged sites is generally recognised as an important area of research. In countries or regions with rapid land development and sparse hydrological gauging networks, three particular challenges may arise—data scarcity, data quality, and hydrological non-stationarity. Using data from 44 gauged sub-catchments of the upper Ping catchment in northern Thailand from the period 1995–2006, three relevant flow response indices (runoff coefficient, base flow index and seasonal elasticity of flow) were regionalised by regression against available catchment properties. The runoff coefficient was the most successfully regionalised, followed by base flow index and lastly the seasonal elasticity. The non-stationarity (represented by the differences between two 6-year sub-periods) was significant both in the flow response indices and in land use indices; however relationships between the two sets of indices were weak. The regression equations derived from regionalisation were not helpful in predicting the non-stationarity in the flow indices except somewhat for the runoff coefficient. A partly subjective data quality scoring system was devised, and showed the clear influence of rainfall and flow data quality on regionalisation uncertainty. Recommendations towards improving data support for hydrological regionalisation in Thailand include more relevant soils databases, improved records of abstractions and investment in the gauge network. Widening of the regionalisation beyond the upper Ping and renewed efforts at using remotely sensed rainfall data are other possible ways forward.

EDITOR Z.W. Kundzewicz ASSOCIATE EDITOR T. Wagener  相似文献   
High-pressure (HP) granulites form either in the domain of the subducted plate during continental collision or in supra-subduction systems where the thermally softened upper plate is shortened and thickened. Such a discrepancy in tectonic setting can be evaluated by metamorphic pressure–temperature–time-deformation (P–T–t–D) paths. In the current study, P–T–t–D paths of Early Palaeozoic HP granulite facies rocks, in the form of metabasic lenses enclosed in migmatitic metapelite, from the Dunhuang block, NW China, are investigated in order to constrain the nature of the HP rocks and shed light on the geodynamic evolution of a modern hot orogenic system in an active margin setting. The rocks show a polyphase evolution characterized by (1) relics of horizontal or gently dipping fabric (S1) preserved in cores of granulite lenses and in garnet porphyroblasts, (2) a N-S trending sub-vertical fabric (S2) preserved in low-strain domains and (3) upright folds (F3) associated with a ubiquitous steep E-W striking axial planar foliation (S3). Garnet in the granulites preserves relics of a prograde mineral assemblage M1a equilibrated at ~11.5 kbar and ~770–780°C, whereas the matrix granulite assemblage (M1b) from the S1 fabric attained peak pressure at ~13.5 kbar and ~850°C. The granulites were overprinted at ~8–11 kbar and ~850–900°C during crustal melting (M2) followed by partial re-equilibration (M3) at ~8 kbar and ~625°C. A garnet Lu–Hf age of 421.6 ± 1.2 Ma dates metamorphism M1, while a garnet Sm–Nd age of 385.3 ± 4.0 Ma reflects M3 cooling of the granulites. The mineral assemblage, M1, of the host migmatitic metapelite formed at ~9–12.5 kbar and ~760–810°C, partial melting and migmatization (M2) occurred at ~7 kbar and ~760°C and re-equilibration (M3) at ~5–6 kbar and ~675°C. A garnet Lu–Hf age of 409.7 ± 2.3 Ma dates thermal climax (M2) and a garnet Sm–Nd age of 356 ± 11 Ma constrains M3 for the migmatitic metapelites. The timing of this late phase is also bracketed by an emplacement age of syntectonic granite dated at c. 360 Ma. Decoupling of M1 and M2 P–T evolutions between the mafic granulites and migmatitic metapelites indicates their different positions in the crustal column, while the shared pressure–temperature (P–T) evolution M3 suggests formation of a mélange-like association during the late stages of orogeny. The high-pressure event D1-M1 is interpreted as a result of Late Silurian–Early Devonian moderate crustal thickening of a thermally softened and thinned pre-orogenic crust. The high-temperature (HT) re-equilibration D2-M2 is interpreted as a result of Mid-Devonian shortening of the previously thickened crust, possibly due to ‘Andean-type’ underthrusting. The D3-M3 event reflects Late Devonian supra-subduction shortening and continuous erosion of the sub-crustal lithosphere. This tectono-metamorphic sequence of events is explained by polyphased Andean-type deformation of a ‘Cascadia-type’ active margin, which corresponds to a supra-subduction tectonic switching paradigm.  相似文献   
Achieving a reliable closure time of a back-arc ocean is an essential aspect in studies on detailed tectonic processes of an active continental margin and arc–continent collision. This is particularly the case for the northern Qinling Orogen, which records the accretion of the North Qinling Arc (NQA) onto the North China Block (NCB) after the Erlangping back-arc ocean closure. Sedimentological, petrological and geochronological signatures from the Ordovician successions in the southern Ordos reveal a tectonic transition from passive continental margin to peripheral foreland in the southern NCB at the beginning of Katian. Sedimentological and geochronological investigations reveal an abrupt shift of accelerating basin subsidence and deepening at the earliest Katian, separating ca. 300-m-thick shallow-marine carbonate shelf assemblages from overlying ca. 2000-m-thick deep-water carbonate slope and turbidite associations. Zircon age spectra of the Katian turbidites are characterized by early-Palaeozoic and Neoproterozoic age clusters, which are different from those of the Middle Ordovician quartz arenites sourced merely from the NCB basement. Instead, these age patterns match well with those of the coeval successions in the northern NQA, indicating a spatially linked abyssal deposystem. Stratigraphic architecture deciphers a typical foreland basin geometry, involving, from south to north, northward-propagating turbiditic wedge, northward-backstepping carbonate slope and progressively shoaling carbonate platform, embodying foredeep, forebulge and backbulge, respectively. These characteristics of basin-fill evolution reflect the northward migration of the flexural wave as a dynamic response to the northward expansion of the thickened NQA thrust wedge. Together with the other geological and geochronological data, our new insights indicate a southward subduction polarity of the Erlangping back-arc oceanic crust followed by its termination at ca. 450 Ma, which was earlier than that of the main Proto-Tethyan Shangdan Ocean between the NCB and South China Block. Our new data provide an updated view of the complex history of the Proto-Tethys closure during the Gondwana assembly.  相似文献   
We study in this paper the transport and deposition of suspended particles in saturated porous media. Some chromatographic short-pulse tests were performed in a laboratory column with a tracer and two types of suspended particles. A mathematical model was used to determine the hydrodispersive parameters and deposition rates from the breakthrough curves. The results show that the fitted parameters obtained vary with the flow rate and the characteristics of the suspended particles. We also observe, at high flow rates, that particles have a migration velocity higher than that of the conservative tracer. To cite this article: A. Benamar et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Due to complex dynamics inherent in the physical models, numerical formulation of subsurface and overland flow coupling can be challenging to solve. ParFlow is a subsurface flow code that utilizes a structured grid discretization in order to benefit from fast and efficient structured solvers. Implicit coupling between subsurface and overland flow modes in ParFlow is obtained by prescribing an overland boundary condition at the top surface of the computational domain. This form of implicit coupling leads to the activation and deactivation of the overland boundary condition during simulations where ponding or drying events occur. This results in a discontinuity in the discrete system that can be challenging to resolve. Furthermore, the coupling relies on unstructured connectivities between the subsurface and surface components of the discrete system, which makes it challenging to use structured solvers to effectively capture the dynamics of the coupled flow. We present a formulation of the discretized algebraic system that enables the use of an analytic form of the Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, while preserving the structured properties of the discretization. An effective multigrid preconditioner is extracted from the analytic Jacobian and used to precondition the Jacobian linear system solver. We compare the performance of the new solver against one that uses a finite difference approximation to the Jacobian within the Newton–Krylov approach, previously used in the literature. Numerical results explores the effectiveness of using the analytic Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, and highlights the performance of the new preconditioner and its cost. The results indicate that the new solver is robust and generally outperforms the solver that is based on the finite difference approximation to the Jacobian, for problems where the overland boundary condition is activated and deactivated during the simulation. A parallel weak scaling study highlights the efficiency of the new solver.  相似文献   
Factors affecting water chemistry of alpine lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During a four-year study (1988–1991), 413 lakes in the Central Alps (Italy, Switzerland and Austria) were investigated to quantify their acidification. The ionic content of the lakes was generally low: 68% of them had alkalinity values of less than 200 µeq 1–1 and were regarded as sensitive to acidification. Moreover, 36% of the lakes showed alkalinity values of less than 50 µeq 1–1. Redundancy Analysis was used to relate the hydrochemistry of 187 lakes to their catchment characteristics. Calcite weathering was the main factor influencing lake chemistry. The same analysis, applied to a subset of 101 lakes lying in watersheds exclusively composed of silicic rocks, showed that lake chemistry was influenced by silicate weathering and nitrogen uptake. These processes were found to be mainly related to lake altitude and the fraction of the watershed not covered by vegetation, i.e. controlled by temperature. The importance of these relations to explain the pH shift produced by climatic variation is also discussed.  相似文献   
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