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The abundances and isotopic compositions of Helium and Argon have been analyzed in a suite of fresh spinel peridotite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from the eastern North China Craton (NCC) by step-wise heating experiments, to investigate the nature of noble gas reservoirs in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath this region. The xenoliths include one harzburgite collected from Hebi in the interior of the NCC, two lherzolites from Hannuoba at the northern margin of the craton, and three lherzolites from Shanwang and Nushan on the eastern margin. 3He/4He ratios in most of the xenoliths are similar to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or slightly lower (2–10.5 Ra, where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of the atmosphere), suggesting mixing of MORB-like and radiogenic components. One olivine separate from Nushan has a helium value of 25.3 Ra, probably suggesting cosmogenic 3He addition. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from atmospheric value (296) to 1625, significantly lower than the MORB value. Available data of the peridotite xenoliths indicate the He and Ar isotopic systematics of the mantle reservoirs beneath the NCC can be interpreted as mixtures of at least three end-members including MORB-like, radiogenic and atmospheric components. We suggest that the MORB-like noble gases were derived from the underlying asthenosphere during mantle upwelling, whereas the radiogenic and recycled components probably were incorporated into the lithospheric mantle during circum-craton subduction of oceanic crust. Available data suggest that the MORB-like fluids are better preserved in the interior of the NCC, whereas the radiogenic ones are more prevalent at the margins. The Paleo-Asian ocean subduction system probably was responsible for the enriched and recycled noble gas signatures on the northern margin of the craton, while the Pacific subduction system could account for the observed He–Ar isotopic signatures beneath the eastern part. Therefore, integration of helium and argon isotopes reflects heterogeneous metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle and demonstrates the critical importance of lithospheric mantle modification related to both circum-craton subduction of oceanic crust and asthenospheric upwelling beneath the eastern NCC.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2023,6(2):269-284
This paper report paleomagnetic data from late Cretaceous diorite dykes that sub-vertically intrude granodiorites in the eastern Gangdese belt near the city of Lhasa. Our research goals are to provide further constraints on pre-collisional structure of the southern margin of Asia and the onset of the India-Asia collision. Magnetite is identified as the main magnetic carrier in our study. The magnetite shows no evidence of metamorphism or alteration as determined from optical and scanning electron microscope observations. A strong mineral orientation is revealed by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis both for the intruded dykes and the country rocks. The authors interpret this AMS fabric to have formed during intrusion rather than deformation. Fifteen of 23 sites yield acceptable site mean characteristic remanences with dual polarities. A scatter analysis of the virtual geomagnetic poles suggests that the mean result adequately averaged paleosecular variation. The paleomagnetic pole from the Gangdese dykes yields a paleolatitude of 14.3°N±5.8°N for the southern margin of Asia near Lhasa. The paleolatitude corresponds to an in-between position of the Lhasa terrane during about 130–60 Ma. Furthermore, the mean declination of the characteristic remanent magnetization reveals a significant counterclockwise rotation of 18°±9° for the sampling location since about 83 Ma. In the light of tectonic setting of the dykes, the strike of the southern margin of Asia near Lhasa is restored to trend approximately about 310°, which is compatible with the hypothesis that the southern margin of Eurasia had a quasi-linear structure prior to its collision with India.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
The Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit is located in the Edong district, which represents the westernmost and largest region within the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (YRMB), Eastern China. Skarn Fe–Cu mineralization is spatially associated with the Tieshan pluton, which intruded carbonates of the Lower Triassic Daye Formation. Ore bodies are predominantly located along the contact between the diorite or quartz diorite and marbles/dolomitic marbles. This study investigates the mineral chemistry of magnetite in different skarn ore bodies. The contrasting composition of magnetite obtained are used to suggest different mechanisms of formation for magnetite in the western and eastern part of the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit. A total of 178 grains of magnetite from four magnetite ore samples are analyzed by LA–ICP–MS, indicating a wide range of trace element contents, such as V (13.61–542.36 ppm), Cr (0.003–383.96 ppm), Co (11.12–187.55 ppm) and Ni (0.19–147.41 ppm), etc. The Ti/V ratio of magnetite from the Xiangbishan (western part of the Tieshan deposit) and Jianshan ore body (eastern part of the Tieshan deposit) ranges from 1.32 to 5.24, and 1.31 to 10.34, respectively, indicating a relatively reduced depositional environment in the Xiangbishan ore body. Incorporation of Ti and Al in magnetite are temperature dependent, which hence propose that the temperature of hydrothermal fluid from the Jianshan ore body (Al = 3747–9648 ppm, with 6381 ppm as an average; Ti = 381.7–952.0 ppm, with 628.2 ppm as an average) was higher than the Xiangbishan ore body (Al = 2011–11122 ppm, with 5997 ppm as an average, Ti = 302.5–734.8, with 530.8 ppm as an average), indicating a down–temperature precipitation trend from the Jianshan ore body to the Xiangbishan ore body. In addition, in the Ca + Al + Mn versus Ti + V diagram, magnetite is plotted in the skarn field, consideration with the ternary diagram of TiO2–Al2O3–MgO, proposing that the magnetite ores are formed by replacement, instead of directly crystallized from iron oxide melts, which provide a better understanding regarding the composition of ore fluids and processes responsible for Fe mineralization in the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit.  相似文献   
The southern segment of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) in India was an active convergent margin during Mesoproterozoic, prior to the final collision in Neoproterozoic during the assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent. Here we present mineralogical, whole-rock geochemical, zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic data from a granitoid suite in the Bopudi region in the EGGB. The granitoid complex comprises quartz monzodiorite with small stocks of rapakivi granites. The monzodiorite, locally porphyritic, contains K-feldspar megacrysts, plagioclase, quartz, biotite and ortho-amphibole. The presence of mantled ovoid megacrysts of alkali feldspar embaying early-formed quartz, and the presence of two generations of the phenocrystic phases in the rapakivi granites indicate features typical of rapakivi granites. The K-feldspar phenocrysts in the rapakivi granite are mantled by medium-grained aggregates of microcline (Ab7 Or93), which is compositionally equivalent to the rim of Kfs phenocryst and Pl (An23–24 Ab75). The geochemistry of both the granitoids shows arc-like features for REE and trace elements. LA-ICP-MS zircon analyses reveal 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1582 (MSWD = 1.4) for the rapakivi granite 1605 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 3.9) for the monzodiorite. The zircons from all the granitoid samples show high REE contents, prominent HREE enrichment and a conspicuous negative Eu anomaly, suggesting a common melt source. The zircons from the monzodiorite have a limited variation in initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.28171–0.28188, with εHf(t) values of −2.2 to +2.8. Correspondingly, their two-stage Hf isotope model ages (TDM2) ranging from 2.15 to 2.47 Ga probably suggest a mixed source for the magma involving melting of the Paleoproterozoic basement and injection of subduction-related juvenile magmas. The prominent Mesoproterozoic ages of these granitoids suggest subduction-related arc magmatism in a convergent margin setting associated with the amalgamation of the Columbia-derived fragments within the Neoproterozoic Rodinia assembly.  相似文献   
This article addresses the implications and remaining challenges behind the seemingly happy ending of the recent EU–China trade dispute on solar products. First, the EU's choice of a specific trade defence measure – anti-dumping – was based on shaky arguments. Second, further trade disputes on green goods are very likely, in particular because China is increasingly implementing domestic support policies on green sectors, bringing down Chinese export prices. Third, trade defence measures could be adopted as an expensive option. Alternatively to this, the EU and China could consider setting up constructive and preventive mechanisms in order to stabilize trade and broaden their economic relationship.

Policy relevance

In July 2013 the EU accepted an undertaking by Chinese solar wafer, cell, and module manufacturers to fix minimum import prices for their products, along with a volume cap to be imposed on Chinese solar exports to the EU. In spite of the seemingly happy end of a trade dispute between the two major players in the renewables sector, we show that the possibility of trade disputes over low-carbon products in the near future cannot be ruled out. Drawing on the China–EU photovoltaic ‘dumping case', we highlight some weaknesses in the EU's choice to resort to anti-dumping measures and emphasize the urgent need to invent new forms of trade dialogues between the EU and China as first-choice trade dispute settlement policies.  相似文献   

The major flood of 2014 in the two eastern, transboundary rivers, the Jhelum and Chenab in Punjab, Pakistan, was simulated using the two-dimensional rainfall–runoff model. The simulated hydrograph showed good agreement with the observed discharge at the model outlet and intervening barrages, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.86 at the basin outlet. Further, simulated flood inundation extent showed good agreement with the MODIS imagery with a fit (%) of 0.87. For some affected areas that experienced short-duration flooding, local housing damage data confirmed the simulated results. Besides the rainfall–runoff and flood inundation modelling, parameter sensitivity analysis was undertaken to identify the influence of various river and floodplain parameters. The analysis showed that the river channel geometric parameters and the roughness coefficients exerted the primary influence over flood extent and peak flow.  相似文献   
In this study, the impacts of the tropical Pacific–Indian Ocean associated mode(PIOAM) on Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO) activity were investigated using reanalysis data. In the positive(negative) phase of the PIOAM, the amplitudes of MJO zonal wind and outgoing longwave radiation are significantly weakened(enhanced) over the Indian Ocean, while they are enhanced(weakened) over the central and eastern Pacific. The eastward propagation of the MJO can extend to the central Pacific in the positive ...  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary study including geology, petrography and reconnaissance isotope analyses has been carried out on the Reza-Abad, Reza-Barak and Heydar-Abad Pb–Zn deposits, hosted by different types of Cretaceous dolostone and limestone in northeast of the city of Shahmirzad in the central Alborz region of Iran. Dolostones are dominated by replacement dolomite with minor dolomite cements. The studied deposits are strata-bound vein and breccia type and are associated with tensional faults and fractures. Mineralisation occurs in veins and in karstic and tectonic breccias. Hypogene minerals include galena with minor sphalerite and pyrite. Supergene minerals comprise Fe-oxide, cerussite, anglesite, plattnerite, minimum and mimetite. Calcite, quartz and dolomite form gangue minerals. The δ18O and δ13C values of dolomites vary between –5.8 and +2.1‰ VPDB and between 0.0 and +2.9‰ VPDB, respectively. Isotopic and previous fluid inclusion studies suggest that deposits formed from brines (15–25 wt.% NaCl equiv.) at temperatures of 70 to 110°C. Lead isotope data are homogeneous and represent upper crust source. This study provides an insight into the ore-forming processes of MVT deposits in the northeast Shahmirzad region.  相似文献   
The Güira de Jauco metamorphic sole, below the Moa-Baracoa ophiolite (eastern Cuba), contains strongly deformed amphibolites formed at peak metamorphic conditions of 650–660°C, approximately 8.6 kbar (~30 km depth). The geochemistry, based on immobile elements of the amphibolites, suggests oceanic lithosphere protholiths with a variable subduction component in a supra-subduction zone environment. The geochemical similarity and tectonic relations among the amphibolites and the basic rocks from the overlying ophiolite suggest a similar origin and protholith. New hornblende 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages of 77–81 Ma obtained for the amphibolites agree with this hypothesis, and indicate formation and cooling/exhumation of the sole in Late Cretaceous times. The cooling ages, geochemical evidence for a back-arc setting of formation of the mafic protoliths, and regional geology of the region allow proposal of the inception of a new SW-dipping subduction zone in the back-arc region of the northern Caribbean arc during the Late Cretaceous (ca. 90–85 Ma). Subduction inception was almost synchronous with the main plume pulse of the Caribbean–Colombian Oceanic Plateau (92–88 Ma) and occurred around 15 million years before arc-continent collision (75 Ma–Eocene) at the northern leading edge of the Caribbean plate. This chronological framework suggests a plate reorganization process in the region triggered by the Caribbean–Colombian mantle plume.  相似文献   
The first zircon U–Pb SHRIMP dating on high-grade meta-igneous units in the northernmost parts of the Fraser Belt along the southern margin of the Western Australian Yilgarn Craton, reveal crystallisation ages between 1299 ± 10 and 1250 ± 23 Ma. A small number of older xenocrystic zircons, incorporated in some samples, indicate the presence of Late Paleoproterozoic crust in the region. Zircon that crystallised within a melt accumulated in the neck of a boudinaged mafic unit was dated at 1296 ± 4 Ma, indicating that the emplacement of the igneous protoliths took place syntectonically. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the granulites indicates minimum axes with a mean inclination of 4° towards 130°, corresponding to a nearly vertical southwest–northeast (50–230°) magnetic foliation. This is very close to the structural trend of the Fraser Belt suggesting that the magnetic fabric was acquired syntectonically, during the collision between the Yilgarn and Gawler Cratons. The paleomagnetic data on the granulites overlap with published poles for various 1.2 Ga units in the Albany Belt and the 1.2 Ga Fraser dykes, possibly suggesting that the remanence was acquired during the second stage of the Fraser tectonism. A younger magnetisation component resembles a pole of uncertain age published for Bremer Bay in the Albany Belt.  相似文献   
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