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Neoproterozoic rocks constitute the Kenticha, Alghe and Bulbul litho-tectonic domains in the Negele area of southern Ethiopia. Structural features and fabrics in these rocks were developed during north-south folding (D1), thrusting (D2) and shearing (D3) deformation. From micro-structural inferences and fabric relationships in semi-pelitic schists/gneisses of the Kenticha and Alghe domains, three episodes of metamorphic mineral growths (M1, M2 and M3) are inferred to have accompanied the deformational events. Pressure-Temperature estimates on equilibrium garnet-plagioclase-biotite and garnet-biotite assemblages from semi-pelitic schists/gneisses of the two domains indicate metamorphic recrystallization at temperatures of 520–580°C and 590–640°C, and pressures of 4–5 kb and 6–7 kb in the Kenticha and Alghe domains, respectively. These results correspond to regional metamorphism at a depth of 16–20 km for the Kenticha and 22–25 km for the Alghe domains. The P-T results suggest that the protoliths to the rocks of the Kenticha and Alghe domains were subjected to metamorphism at different crustal depths. This implies exhumation of the Alghe gneissic rocks from intermediate crustal level (ca. 25 km) before juxtaposition with the Kenticha sequence along a north-south trending thrust at the present crustal level during the Neoproterozoic. The combined deformation, fabric and mineral growth data suggest that rocks in the Kenticha and Alghe domains evolved under similar tectono-metamorphic conditions, which resulted from crustal thickening and uplift followed by extension and orogenic collapse, exhumation and cooling before litho-tectonic domains coalesced and cratonized in the Neoproterozoic southern Ethiopian segment of the East African Orogen.  相似文献   
1999年北半球大气环流特征及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋文玲 《气象》2000,26(4):12-15
1999年北半球主要环流特征为:500hpa西太平洋副热带高压较常所明显偏弱,春、夏季副高位置异常偏东;东亚地区夏季500hpa位势高度距平场上表现为北高南低,大陆高压较强。亚洲中纬度经、纬向环流交替出现,阶段性明显;冬季冷空气异常偏弱,东亚夏季风加强。冬、春季热带对流活动强盛,入夏以后迅速减弱。在La-nina和大气 环流的共同影响下我国天气气候发生了明显异常。  相似文献   
东亚夏季风过程大气低频振荡的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用区域气候模式RegCM3对东亚夏季风及其中的大气低频振荡(LFO)进行了模拟研究。(1)进行控制试验,借助Lanczos带通滤波等方法分析了实测及模拟结果LFO强度和传播等特征,检验RegCM3对夏季风LFO的模拟能力;(2)通过增、减南海表面海温两个敏感试验探讨海温异常变化对LFO各特征的影响,并探究异常海温下的LFO与季风爆发时间的可能联系。结果表明:季风LFO强值集中在低纬地区,低纬夏季强冬季弱,高纬则相反。季风爆发前后的发生南传向北传的转换。模式RegCM3对季风区LFO基本特征有较好的把握,但高纬地区偏强。南海异常增(减)温有利于季风提前(推迟)爆发,也有利于LFO传向发生转换时间的提前(推迟)。说明季风爆发时间与LFO传向转换存在一定联系。两个试验均有使振荡能量大值区南移的趋势,且通过LFO的变化造成较高纬地区季风后期的气候异常。  相似文献   
印度洋浮游生态系统的特点及其对全球变暖的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与太平洋和大西洋相比,印度洋有独特的季风和洋流系统和由此驱动的浮游生物分布及生产规律.在全球变暖的背景下,印度洋的变暖趋势比太平洋和大西洋更为显著,是研究变暖对海洋浮游生态系统影响的热点海区之一.文章结合国内外文献,评述印度洋浮游生态系统的现状、特点及对全球变暖的响应,包括印度洋的浮游生物地理分布、南北印度洋浮游生态系...  相似文献   
分析了2008年青藏高原林芝地区与四川盆地温江地区无降水条件下地表辐射、 湍流通量和地表反照率的日变化及月际变化特征, 并探讨了季风过程对其产生的影响.结果表明: 林芝与温江地区地表辐射和湍流通量都具有明显的日变化和月际变化周期, 季风期受云的影响, 日循环规律变得不是非常规则.季风对林芝地区地表能量分配影响极大, 季风前感热通量占主导地位, 季风期和季风后(夏、 秋节)潜热通量是净辐射的主要消耗项; 温江地区全年潜热在净辐射的分布中占主导地位, 感热通量的作用和土壤热通量相当. 林芝地区年平均地表反照率为0.21, 温江地区年平均仅为0.14; 季风前(3-5月)、 季风中(6-7月)和季风后(8-9月), 林芝地区的地表反照率分别为0.20、 0.19和0.20, 温江地区的地表反照率分别为0.13、 0.11和0.14.  相似文献   
The relationships between ENSO and the East Asian-western North Pacific monsoon simulated by the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Spectral Version 2 (FGOALS-s2), a state-of-the-art coupled general circulation model (CGCM), are evaluated. For El Nio developing summers, FGOALS-s2 reproduces the anomalous cyclone over the western North Pacific (WNP) and associated negative precipitation anomalies in situ. In the observation, the anomalous cyclone is transformed to an anomalous anticyclone over the WNP (WNPAC) during El Nio mature winters. The model reproduces the WNPAC and associated positive precipitation anomalies over southeastern China during winter. However, the model fails to simulate the asymmetry of the wintertime circulation anomalies over the WNP between El Nio and La Nia. The simulated anomalous cyclone over the WNP (WNPC) associated with La Nia is generally symmetric about the WNPAC associated with El Nio, rather than shifted westward as that in the observation. The discrepancy can partially explain why simulated La Nin a events decay much faster than observed. In the observation, the WNPAC maintains throughout the El Nio decaying summer under the combined effects of local forcing of the WNP cold sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and remote forcing from basinwide warming in the tropical Indian Ocean. FGOALS-s2 captures the two mechanisms and reproduces the WNPAC throughout the summer. However, owing to biases in the mean state, the precipitation anomalies over East Asia, especially those of the Meiyu rain belt, are much weaker than that in the observation.  相似文献   
西南季风对中国自然环境影响的区域变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南季风作为亚洲季风重要组成部分,对中国自然环境也有较大影响。西南季风建立以后,因青藏高原高度不足以阻止西南季风这一深厚的大气环流系统,加之西南季风厚度随着山地尤其是横断山脉的上升而不断增厚、增强。南支西风急流的气旋性质对西南季风深入有引导作用,西南季风较东南季风活动性强,影响区域范围大,影响到太行山以西中国大部分地区。中更新世时,青藏高原隆升至海拔平均约3000m的高度,同时期也出现了第四纪最大冰期与最大温暖期,高原热力和动力作用得到了进一步加强,西南季风厚度加大,西南季风对中国自然地理环境深化起到重要作用。晚更新世以来青藏高原隆升至现今的平均约4500-5000m的高度,特别是喜马拉雅山脉的隆起,足以阻挡大部分西南季风进入西藏高原和中国内陆地区,西南季风影响范围退缩到长江上游以南的西南地区局部和青藏高原东部地区。  相似文献   
In this paper, a 5-level spectral AGCM is used to examine the sensitivity of simulated East Asian summer monsoon circulation and rainfall to cumulus parameterization schemes. From the simulated results of East Asian monsoon circulations and rainfalls during the summers of 1987 and 1995, it is shown that the Kuo’s convective parameterization scheme is more suitable for the numerical simulation of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall and circulation. This may be due to that the cumulus in the rainfall system is not strong in the East Asian monsoon region. This paper is supported by the National Key Progranmme “96-908”.  相似文献   
祁莉  管兆勇  张祖强 《大气科学》2008,32(1):165-174
副热带高压双脊线过程几乎历年均存在,其“季节锁相”与地域性使得在气候平均场上西太平洋副热带地区也存在明显的双脊线过程。作者利用43年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对5~10月气候平均场中的西太平洋副热带高压双脊线过程进行了分析。气候平均场上5~10月西太平洋副热带高压共出现6次双脊线过程,集中发生在7月下旬至9月下旬,表明每年这个时段最易发生双脊线事件。每次双脊线过程均表现为副高南侧新生一脊线,发展几天后就减弱消失,北侧脊线(原脊线)继续维持。初步的诊断分析表明,6次双脊线过程中南侧脊线的生成与季风槽8~10天周期的“间歇性增强东伸”密切相关,这一准10天振荡在7月下旬至9月下旬的突然增强造就了双脊线的“季节锁相”。进一步分析发现,季风槽8~10天的“间歇性增强东伸”与两支分别来自西太平洋的西传准10天振荡和来自赤道的北传准10天振荡有关,这两支振荡同位相,其有利于位相同时传入南海季风区(10°N~15°N,110°E~120°E),共同作用,引起季风槽的“间歇性增强东伸”。  相似文献   
Utilizing data for the long period 1871–1990, variation in the relationships between Indian monsoon rainfall (IMR) and tendencies of the global factors. Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the sea surface temperature (SST) over eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean has been explored. The periods for which relationships exist have been identified. Tendencies from the season SON (Sept-Oct-Nov) to season DJF (Dec-Jan-Feb) and from DJF to MAM (Mar-Apr-May) before the Indian summer monsoon are indicated respectively by SOIT-2/SSTT-2 and SOIT-l/SSTT-1, current tendency from JJA (June-July-Aug) to SON, by SOIT0/SSTT0, tendencies from SON to DJF and DJF to MAM following monsoon, by SOIT1/SSTT1 and SOIT2/SSTT2 respectively. It is observed that while the relationships of IMR with SSTT-1, SSTT0 and SSTT2 exist almost throughout the whole period, that with SOIT-1 exists for 1942–1990, with SOIT0 for 1871–1921 and 1957–1990 and with SOIT2, for 1871–1921 only. The relationships that exist with SOIT-1, SOIT2, SSTT-1, SSTT2 and with SSTT0 (for period 1931–1990) are found to be very good and those that exist with SOIT0 for periods 1871–1921 and 1957–90 and for SSTT0 for the period 1871–1930 are good. It is thus seen that the relationships of SOIT-1, SOIT0 and SOIT2 with IMR do not correspond well with those of SSTT-1, SSTT0 and SSTT2 with IMR respectively, even though SOI and SST are closely related to each other for all the seasons. SOIT-1 and SSTT-1 can continue to be used as predictors for IMRDuring the whole period, IMR is found to play a passive, i.e. of being influenced or anticipated by SSTT-1 as well as an active role, i.e. of influencing or anticipating SSTT2. This implies a complex and perhaps non-linear interaction between IMR and SST tendency from DJF to MAM. Possibly, this is a part of the larger interaction between Asian monsoon rainfall and the tropical Pacific. A possible physical mechanism for the interaction is indicated.  相似文献   
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