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Divergent and convergent margins actualistic models arc reviewed and applied to the history of the western Alps. Tethyan rifting history and geometry are analyzed : (he northern European margin is considered as an upper plate whereas the southern Apulian margin is a lower plate; the Bréche basin is regarded as the former break-away trough; the internal Bríançonnais domain represents the northern rift shoulder whilst the more external domains are regarded as the infill of a complex rim basin locally affected by important extension (Valaisan and Vocontian trough).

The Schistes lustres and ophioliles of the Tsaté nappe are compared to an accretionary prism : the imbrication of this nappe elements is regarded as a direct consequence of the accretionary phenomena already active in early Cretaceous; the Gels/Simme complex could originate from a more internal part of the accretionary prism. Some eclogitic basements represent the former Apulian margin substratum (Sesia) others (Mont-Rose) are interpreted as the former edge of the European margin. The history of the closing Tethyan domain is analyzed and the remaining problems concerning the cinematics, the presence/absence of a volcanic arc and the eoalpine melamorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Une analyse de séries sédimentaires d’âge Crétacé supérieur dans le Sud-Est de la France a été entreprise et intégrée dans un cadre de stratigraphie séquentielle. Les limites Cénomanien–Turonien et la limite Turonien–Coniacien sont marquées par des variations rapides et de fortes amplitudes du niveau marin relatif. La comparaison effectuée avec d’autres bassins mondiaux nous amène à envisager le problème dans un cadre global. On constate : (1) le synchronisme d’événements à haute fréquence dans des contextes géodynamiques différents. (2) les effets de la superposition de cycles eustatiques hiérarchiquement différents, c’est-à-dire la superposition d’oscillations à haute fréquence sur une composante de 3e ordre. Ces observations sont confrontées à deux hypothèses : le glacio-eustatisme et la tectonique à haute fréquence. © Elsevier, Paris.  相似文献   
Yves Quinif 《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):267-277

Dans les régions karstiques comprenant des vallées épigénétiques, les phénomènes tectoniques ont deux influences majeures : a) la surrection donne de l’énergie potentielle en créant des différences d’altitude, générant à la fois le creusement des vallées et celui du karst ; b) une tectonique est nécessaire pour que le processus de karstification débute. L’opposition entre le développement privilégié soit des vallées, soit des réseaux karstiques dépend ainsi du type dissipée. Les réseaux karstiques de l’Ardenne se situent surtout entre 5 et 15 m au-dessus de la surface piézométrique pour les réseaux secs, et dans la zone saturée pour les parties actives. La structuration de ces réseaux karstiques est favorisée par un ralentissement de la surrection et une activité tectonique. Cette période se situe dans le Pléistocène moyen et récent, d apres les datations U/Th de spéléothèmes. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

Throughout SE France, 13C-values of CO2releases suggest that a variable part of the C02 emission derives from mantle and/or lower crust. Carbon dioxide emission takes place in various geological settings. Geodynamical analyses lead to the identification of five provinces: the Sub-Alpine Ranges, the French Massif Central, the Mediterranean part of the Languedoc, the western Pyrénées and the Alps at the West of the Penninic front. Possible correlations are suggested between CO2 flux and tectonic history of the structural provinces.

Possible processes by which CO2 is extracted from the mantle, stored and transferred to the surface are investigated for each of these provinces. Major crustal scale gas movements may have taken place during the Carboniferous (Variscan and Late Variscan tectogenesis), the Lias and Dogger (rifting), the Upper Cretaceous and the Cenozoic (Alpine tectogenesis), A model of successive circulations of fluids on the scale of the whole Southeastern France CO2-belt is proposed. This integrated isotopic and geodynamic approach contributes to a better understanding of the regional CO2flux.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):49-64
The astronomical and geodetic observatory OCA, located on the karst plateau of Calern (Caussols, France), has been monitoring earth deformation for several years. Two medium baseline tiltmeters have been installed in a shaft in 2007, along with classical hydrogeological monitoring tools in order to investigate the relationship between current karst deformation and hydrology. Dye tests have shown that the plateau is drained towards the East, to the spring of Bramafam, except for its Western third. Karst tilting, as recorded by the tiltmeters, is linked to rainfall events. These instruments bring additional information to characterize different reservoirs: the deep karst aquifer of Bramafan with high amplitude oscillations of its water table, up to 100 m, the perched aquifer of Moustiques shaft whose response is attenuated, and several slope aquifers with reduced oscillations (Fontaniers, Castel Bon Pré).

Tilt deformation reaches 8 μad with a definite orientation between N90°E and N100°E. The best correlation between hydrology and tilts is observed for the deep aquifers. If the first autumn rainfall is ineffective on tilt, it recharges the epikarst and refills the reserves. The winter rains cause the water to flush towards the eastern deep aquifer and provokes a quick tilting of the plateau. Finally, the long term variations in tilt and water table show a very good correlation.

The relationship between current hydrological deformations and tectonics is also analyzed; broken and shifted speleothems in the shafts indicate a general shift of the plateau towards the south.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(2):131-144
An extensional event affected the southwest Margin of Iberia during Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous times, giving place to the Algarve basin. This basin was subjected to tectonic instability and it became infilled with siliciclastic and carbonate sequences with abundant interspersed volcanic rocks. Normal and strike-slip faults accommodated the deformation in the Algarve basin. The presence of a single flat or listric detachment surface is inferred from the study of hanging-wall structures. The dynamic and kinematic analyses of fault systems in the Spanish exposure of the Algarve basin allow us to establish three extensional phases. 1) A Late Triassic to Hettangian NE-SW directed extension associated with the initial breaking of Pangea and the opening of the Tethys in the eastern Mediterranean. 2) NW-SE extension from the Sinemurian to the Callovian, interpreted as a result of the activity as a sinistral fault of the Azores-Gibraltar transform boundary. 3) Finally, E-W extension during the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous, related to the North Atlantic rifting process.  相似文献   
60年来,利用我国各种地质地球物理数据,结合野外考察,运用块体构造学说编制了中国海陆1∶500万地质地球物理系列图。其从理论基础、方法技术上,实现中国海陆地质地球物理数据的融合;系统地反映出我国海陆基础地质调查与研究现状及大地构造格架;同时展示古生代以来中国海陆各块体的发育、运移、拼接和联合大陆的形成过程,以及印支运动后中国大陆由"东高西低"转为目前"西高东低"的演化规律。另外,通过系列图件的编制与建库,为我国矿产资源勘探及资源环境效应研究提供了基础图件数据。  相似文献   
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