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Spit systems are seldom recognized in the pre‐Quaternary sedimentary record compared to their common occurrence along present‐day coasts and in Quaternary successions. This lack of recognition may partly be due to the lack of widely accepted depositional models describing the facies characteristics of spit systems and their subaqueous platforms in particular. The Skagen spit system is a large active system that began to form 7150 yr bp and from 5500 bp to Recent times it has prograded 4 m year?1 and accumulated 3·5 × 109 m3 of sand. The spit system provides a unique opportunity for establishing a well‐constrained depositional model because uplift and erosion have made large windows into the preserved facies, while active spit‐forming processes can be examined at the young prograding end of the same system. The depositional model presented here thus builds on excellent outcrops, surface morphology, a well‐defined palaeogeography and detailed C14 age control supplemented with observations from continuous well cores and profiles obtained by ground‐penetrating radar and transient electromagnetic surveys. The factors that have governed the development of the spit system, such as relative sea‐level change, wave and current climate, tidal range, sediment transport and depositional rates are also well‐understood. The sedimentary facies of the spit system are grouped into four principal units consisting from below of thick storm sand beds, dune and bar‐trough deposits, beach deposits and peat beds. These four units form a coarsening and shallowing upward sand‐dominated succession, up to 32 m thick, which overlies offshore silt with a transition zone and is topped by a diastem overlain by young aeolian dune sand. The sedimentary structures and depositional processes are described in detail and integrated into a depositional model, which is compared to other spit systems and linear shoreface models.  相似文献   
那丹哈达地体是中国境内唯一保存的古太平洋板块俯冲-增生的直接记录,包括跃进山杂岩和饶河增生杂岩。跃进山杂岩出露于那丹哈达地体的西缘,属于地体早期阶段的增生产物,对揭示古太平洋板块的俯冲-增生历史以及古亚洲洋构造域、泛大洋和古太平洋构造域之间的转换过程具有重要意义。本文通过野外地质调查明确了跃进山杂岩是一套构造混杂岩,主要由硅质岩、石英片岩、大理岩、二云母片岩、石英-云母片岩、变玄武岩、辉长岩、纯橄榄岩、异剥橄榄岩和单斜辉石岩组成。LA-MC-ICPMS锆石年代学测试结果表明变玄武岩原岩和辉长岩的形成时代分别为303±2Ma和278±2Ma,此外前人报道了跃进山杂岩中最年轻的玄武岩形成于232±5Ma,这些年代学研究成果限定了镁铁质-超镁铁质岩形成于303~232Ma。大量地球化学研究数据证实了跃进山杂岩中的玄武岩为洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和洋岛玄武岩(OIB)。糜棱岩化绿泥石-绢云母板岩的绢云母^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar测试结果为193±1Ma,根据跃进山杂岩中最年轻的原岩时代为~220Ma,本文限定了跃进山杂岩的最终就位时代为220~193Ma。结合中国东北地区中生代增生杂岩及佳木斯地块和松辽地块东缘晚古生代至中生代的岩浆弧,本文揭示了中国东北地区古亚洲洋和泛大洋构造域向古太平洋构造域的转换发生在晚三叠世至早侏罗世。  相似文献   
A Late Palaeozoic accretionary prism, formed at the southwestern margin of Gondwana from Early Carboniferous to Late Triassic, comprises the Coastal Accretionary Complex of central Chile (34–41°S). This fossil accretionary system is made up of two parallel contemporaneous metamorphic belts: a high‐pressure/low temperature belt (HP/LT – Western Series) and a low pressure/high temperature belt (LP/HT – Eastern Series). However, the timing of deformation events associated with the growth of the accretionary prism (successive frontal accretion and basal underplating) and the development of the LP/HT metamorphism in the shallower levels of the wedge are not continuously observed along this paired metamorphic belt, suggesting the former existence of local perturbations in the subduction regime. In the Pichilemu region, a well‐preserved segment of the paired metamorphic belt allows a first order correlation between the metamorphic and deformational evolution of the deep accreted slices of oceanic crust (blueschists and HP greenschists from the Western Series) and deformation at the shallower levels of the wedge (the Eastern Series). LP/HT mineral assemblages grew in response to arc‐related granitic intrusions, and porphyroblasts constitute time markers recording the evolution of deformation within shallow wedge material. Integrated P–T–t–d analysis reveals that the LP/HT belt is formed between the stages of frontal accretion (D1) and basal underplating of basic rocks (D2) forming blueschists at c. 300 Ma. A timeline evolution relating the formation of blueschists and the formation and deformation of LP/HT mineral assemblages at shallower levels, combined with published geochronological/thermobarometric/geochemistry data suggests a cause–effect relation between the basal accretion of basic rocks and the deformation of the shallower LP/HT belt. The S2 foliation that formed during basal accretion initiated near the base of the accretionary wedge at ~30 km depth at c. 308 Ma. Later, the S2 foliation developed at c. 300 Ma and ~15 km depth shortly after the emplacement of the granitoids and formation of the (LP/HT) peak metamorphic mineral assemblages. This shallow deformation may reflect a perturbation in the long‐term subduction dynamics (e.g. entrance of a seamount), which would in turn have contributed to the coeval exhumation of the nearby blueschists at c. 300 Ma. Finally, 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages reveal that foliated LP/HT rocks were already at ~350 °C at c. 292 Ma, indicating a rapid cooling for this metamorphic system.  相似文献   
The Ediacaran to early Cambrian Blovice accretionary complex, Bohemian Massif, hosts abundant chert bodies that formed on an oceanic plate and were involved in subduction beneath the northern margin of Gondwana. Field relationships of cherts to their host, their microstructure and elemental as well as isotopic compositions revealed diverse processes of chert petrogenesis reflecting depositional environment and position on the oceanic plate. The deep-water cherts formed through a hydrothermal precipitation of silica-rich gels on outer trench swell of the subducted slab with none or only minor addition of terrigenous material. On the contrary, the shallow-water cherts formed in lagoons on seamount slopes, and at least some of them represent a product of hydrothermal replacement of former carbonate and/or evaporite precursors. For both chert types, the hydrothermal fluids were of low temperature and continuous pervasive hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust, together with an elevated Si content in Neoproterozoic seawater, served as the major source of silica. On the other hand, minor carbon enrichment in chert is mostly linked to variable incorporation of organic matter that was deposited on the seafloor. Rare earth element (REE) systematics of the cherts indicate predominantly oxygenated environment for the shallow-water cherts whereas the deep-water cherts were deposited in diverse redox conditions, depending on their distance from hydrothermal vent. Using these data, we demonstrate that the cherts once formed a part of Ocean Plate Stratigraphy (OPS) now dismembered and mixed with terrigenous siliciclastic material to form OPS mélanges. Combining our data with those from the existing literature, we show that cherts can serve as significant markers of OPS since the Archean, recording a complex interplay between seafloor-related volcanic (production of MORB- and OIB-like magmas) and sedimentary processes, hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges and seamount chains as well as at outer slopes of subducting slabs. However, the cherts also exhibit a secular change in composition and petrogenesis most profoundly affected by an overturn in seawater silica cycle across the Precambrian–Phanerozoic boundary.  相似文献   


The Gulf of Cadiz spans the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. A narrow east dipping subduction zone descends beneath the Gulf of Cadiz and the straits of Gibraltar. The deep crustal structure of the Gulf and the adjacent SW Iberian and Moroccan margins is constrained by numerous multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle seismic surveys. A compilation of these existing studies is presented in the form of depth to basement, sediment thickness, depth to Moho and crustal thickness maps. These structural maps image an E-W trending trough, with thin (< 10 km) crust beneath the Gulf of Cadiz. This trough is filled by an eastward thickening wedge of sediments, reaching a thickness of 10-15 km in the eastern Gulf. These sediments are tectonically deformed, primarily along a series of westward-vergent thrust faults and represent a 200-250 km wide accretionary wedge. The northern and especially the southern limits of the accretionary wedge are marked by sharp morphological lineaments showing evidence of recent deformation. These tectonic limits are situated in an internal position with respect to the Miocene deformation front (external Betic and Rif allocthons), which has been abandoned. At the western boundary of the accretionary wedge, near the adjacent Seine and Horseshoe abyssal plains, an E-W trending basement high (Coral Patch Ridge) can be seen indenting the deformation front in an asymmetric manner. Analog modeling is performed using granular materials accreted against a semicircular backstop (representing the basement of the Rif and Betic mountain belts). The modeling initially produces a symmetric, arcuate accretionary wedge. The ensuing collision of an oblique rigid indenter retards accretion on one side, resulting in an embayment and a locally steeper deformation front. The deformation pattern observed in morphology and high-resolution seismic profiles suggests the accretionary wedge and underlying subduction system is still active. The implications of active subduction for the source region of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and the regional seismic hazard assessment are discussed.  相似文献   
本文发表的是用北京天文台60厘米施密特望远镜进行发射线星系物端棱镜巡天结果的第四篇文章。文中的表1包括100个发射线天体,其中的96个是发射线星系;其余的对象有3个行星状星云,1个发射线星。在这些发射线星系中,属于s,sd型的有69个,d,ds型的有27个,分别占72%和28%。除了4个已知的Seyfert星系之外,至少还有5个也可能是Seyfert星系。这些发射线天体中的23个是IRAS源,它们都与具有强发射的现象相联系.  相似文献   
为研究围填海工程对海湾水动力环境的影响,本文基于二维数值模型MIKE21,建立了东山湾附近海域的潮流模型。对比观测数据发现,大潮期间的最高、最低潮位模拟误差在6 cm以内,小潮期间的误差相对较大;流速和流向的模拟误差在9%左右,最大误差出现在转流时刻;总体来看,模拟结果与观测数据吻合良好。在此模型基础上,研究了东山湾围填海前、后潮流动力、水体半交换时间和纳潮量等水动力要素的变化。结果表明:围填海后大范围的涨落流态与围填海前保持一致,大体上仍然呈现S-N走向,涨潮流偏N向,落潮流偏S向,往复流特征较为明显;从局部流场来看,涨落潮流场发生了一定的变化,围填海区域南、北两侧的流矢变化较为明显,涨潮流矢由偏N向改为偏E向,而落潮流矢由偏S向改为偏W向,同时受到围填海区域岸线的遮蔽效应,围填海南、北两侧水域的流速也有一定减弱,而西侧的流速则有一定增强;围填海实施前的水体半交换时间为220.5h,实施后时间为239.4 h;纳潮量变化为–2.5%左右。研究表明,围填海工程对东山湾水动力环境的影响主要集中在工程区域附近,其对泥沙冲淤、生态环境等的影响将在后续研究中进一步探讨。  相似文献   
海水的温度是海洋物理性质中最基本的要素之一,随着对地球研究的逐步深入,数字地球的建模范围也从陆地向海洋延伸,从静态向动态建模发展。由于海洋每时每刻都在变化,对海洋温度场的三维建模尤其是动态三维建模尤为困难。本文分析了海洋温度场数据获取的方法,并从动态温度场数据的特点出发,提出了基于三棱柱11剖分法的海洋温度场动态三维建模方法,提取对象中的等温面作为特征对三维温度场进行建模和表达。实验表明,本文提出的方法可以高效地对动态三维温度场进行建模和表达。  相似文献   
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