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We report site response in Las Vegas Valley (LVV) from historical recordings of Nevada Test Site (NTS) nuclear explosions and earthquake recordings from permanent and temporary seismic stations. Our data set significantly improves the spatial coverage of LVV over previous studies, especially in the northern, deeper parts of the basin. Site response at stations in LVV was measured for frequencies in the range 0.2–5.0 Hz using Standard Spectral Ratios (SSR) and Horizontal-Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVR). For the SSR measurements we used a reference site (approximately NEHRP B ``rock' classification) located on Frenchman Mountain outside the basin. Site response at sedimentary sites is variable in LVV with average amplifications approaching a factor of 10 at some frequencies. We observed peaks in the site response curves at frequencies clustered near 0.6, 1.2 and 2.0 Hz, with some sites showing additional lower amplitude peaks at higher frequencies. The spatial pattern of site response is strongly correlated with the reported depth to basement for frequencies between 0.2 and 3.0 Hz, although the frequency of peak amplification does not show a similar correlation. For a few sites where we have geotechnical shear velocities, the amplification shows a correlation with the average upper 30-meter shear velocities, V30. We performed two-dimensional finite difference simulations and reproduced the observed peak site amplifications at 0.6 and 1.2 Hz with a low velocity near-surface layer with shear velocities 600–750 m/s and a thickness of 100–200 m. These modeling results indicate that the amplitude and frequencies of site response peaks in LVV are strongly controlled by shallow velocity structure.  相似文献   
韩聪聪  刘君 《海洋工程》2016,34(5):92-100
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚高速(15~25 m/s)贯入地基过程中涉及到高应变率、流固耦合、土体软化和大变形等难题,模型试验可避免上述计算困难,能直接得出不同的贯入速度所对应的沉贯深度。本文首先推导了模型相似关系,然后在常规重力条件下,进行了两组26个工况的板翼动力锚在均质黏土中动力安装过程的模型试验,根据试验结果确定了率效应参数的取值范围,并研究了每一项受力对沉贯深度的影响。最后提出了在均质黏土中预测板翼动力锚沉贯深度的经验公式。  相似文献   
与单立柱平台(Spar)类似,四立柱平台在洋流作用下也容易发生涡激运动,对锚泊和立管系统的疲劳寿命产生不利影响。一种非对称半潜式平台具有两种不同尺寸的立柱,立柱直径比对非对称平台涡激运动性能的影响尚需深入研究。采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法,对直径比分别为1.0、1.5和2.0的立柱组合在两种不同角度水流作用下的运动响应进行了二维数值模拟,分析发现:立柱直径比不为1时四立柱平台也具有明显的涡激运动,其横荡运动具有显著的锁定现象;在广义折合速度定义下,与相同直径的四立柱平台相比,立柱直径比不为1时其横荡运动锁定区间变宽且滞后,横荡响应幅值的峰值具有明显差异;在所研究的直径比范围内,大直径立柱在上游时涡激运动响应比其在下游时更显著,且这种差异随着直径比变大而变大。  相似文献   
孙锐  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):759-764
针对目前土层反应分析方法难以模拟液化土层地震动时程的缺欠,在工程力学研究所原有有效应力分析程序基础上提出了一个改进的计算方法并进行了验证。改进方法中,通过每个应力循环模拟土的非线性进程以及液化导致的土刚度衰减过程,并引入了新建立的适于非均等固结随机地震荷载作用下的孔压增长模型。将计算方法与实际地震记录及大型振动台实验结果进行了对比,结果表明:在峰值加速度、液化后波形变化、时频曲线及加速度反应谱等主要特征上,计算结果均与现场实际记录及振动台实验基本一致;在液化引起地震动特征变化上,计算出的液化较非液化土层加速度反应谱的增量与实验结果一致。说明所提出的改进方法可以用于液化土层地震动的模拟。  相似文献   
基于细长体水动力模型比较了Truss Spar平台在波流联合作用下运动响应预报的三种方法。分别采用波流耦合、速度叠加及力叠加计算Truss Spar平台在波流联合作用下的水动力载荷,根据流场水质点运动规律和Truss Spar外部形状特点,分段高效计算水动力载荷。利用Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg方法求解刚体非线性运动方程得Truss Spar在波流场中的运动响应。研究结果表明力叠加法所预报的Truss Spar纵荡和纵摇运动明显大于其他两种方法的相应运动响应预报结果,而波流耦合法与速度叠加法所预报的纵荡与纵摇运动响应幅值相当,三种方法所预报的垂荡运动响应的大小取决于具体波流参数。  相似文献   
北京一次罕见夜间突发性强增温事件成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗然  郑永光  陈敏 《气象》2020,46(4):478-489
夜间降温是正常的地表气温日变化,但统计表明北京及周边地区冬半年时常出现入夜后气温不降反升的现象,甚至出现了小时升温超过10℃的剧烈增温事件。这种增温具有明显的突发性,且很快转为降温,常对业务预报造成困扰。2010年11月26日夜间冷锋过境该区域造成了最强达12℃·h^-1的夜间急剧增温事件,与气候统计结果相比,该次增温幅度和影响区域范围非常罕见且极端。文章对其进行了详细诊断分析,使用的资料包括自动气象站、常规地面和探空、铁塔、卫星、风廓线雷达等观测资料和美国环境预报中心(NCEP)最终分析资料。分析结果表明:该次过程对流层低层有非常显著的冷平流;垂直速度诊断、卫星和风廓线雷达观测都表明,对流层中低层都存在显著的强下沉运动;铁塔观测和北京探空观测演变都表明增温过程中近地面大气有显著的湍流运动。分析此次罕见过程的机理包括三个方面:高原地区地面位温显著高于平原地区(二者最大可差10 K),是该次罕见增温事件形成的首要条件;强下沉运动使得低密度高位温空气强迫下沉到边界层,是增温必要条件;强湍流混合作用则是地面空气增温的必要机制。估算结果表明,边界层急流伴随的强湍流混合可引起约8℃的罕见地面空气增温。最后,给出了该次事件的机理概念模型。  相似文献   
The objective of studies presented in this paper is to analyse the spatial incoherency of seismic ground motions using signals from a velocimeter dense array located on a rock site, recording the aftershock sequence of the two M6 Kefalonia earthquakes that occurred in January/February 2014 (Kefalonia island, Greece). The analyses are carried out with both horizontal and vertical components of velocigrams for small separation distances of stations (<100 m). The coherencies of seismic ground motions identified from strong motion windows are compared with those identified from coda parts of signals. It is realized that there is no significant difference between the coherencies estimated from those two parts of signals. The influence of earthquake event number on the result of coherencies and the dispersions of coherencies estimated from different earthquake events are presented. Finally, coherencies estimated from the dense array are compared with several coherency models proposed and widely used in the literature. The possibility of modifying some parameters of those existing coherency models to fit with in situ coherencies are discussed and presented. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Orogenic gold (Au) deposits are the most important type, accounting for more than half of the world's proven Au reserves. They are mainly controlled by three key factors: (1) abundant andesitic rocks (SiO2 of 55–60 wt.%) at depth, which have systematically higher Au contents than other rock types; (2) a pervasive transition from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies metamorphism within a short period, which releases S2?-rich fluids that may scavenge Au from host rocks; and (3) deformation and fracturing under a compressive/transpressive tectonic regime. Orogenic belts at convergent margins are the best places for such mineralization because convergent margins are rich in andesites; the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies recrystallization commonly occurs as a result of collision, compression, and thickening at convergent margins, forming large amounts of Au-rich fluids within a short period of time; and strong deformation and fracturing during orogenic processes provide channels for fluid transportation. Moreover, the overlying plate is injected and enriched by auriferous fluids released during amphibolite facies metamorphism of the subducting plate. The Pacific plate changed course by ~80° (from SW to NW) at approximately 125–122 Ma, reflecting an altered thermal structure and the elevation of the South Pacific plate attending the appearance of the plume head that formed the Ontong Java large igneous province. Consequently, the tectonic regime changed from extension to compressive/transpressive in eastern China, causing deformation, thickening, and metamorphism of the overriding plate, especially along weak crustal belts (e.g. overlying plates of palaeosutures), which resulted in world-class mineralization of orogenic Au deposits. During this process, pyrite changed to pyrrhotite during the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies, releasing sulphur. Sulphur mobilized and scavenged Au and other chalcophile elements into metamorphic ore-forming fluids. A series of NE-trending compressive faults were formed at ?120 Ma as a result of continuous compression of the subducting Pacific plate, releasing these ore-forming fluids. Auriferous carbonate-rich quartz veins and/or metasomatized Au-bearing wall rocks were formed due to the decompression of the ascending ore-forming fluids. Orogenic belts along the margins of the North China craton and the Jiangnan block were the most favourable regions for mineralization. Compared with the former, the latter has much smaller proven Au reserves. However, more exploration is needed along the margins of the Jiangnan block. Promising targets include accessory faults and kink points of large, NE-trending Cretaceous faults that transect greenschist facies metamorphic rocks of the Niuwu and Jingtan Groups, etc.  相似文献   
对"十五"期间江西省数字强震动台网的建设内容、技术系统的组成以及运行情况进行了综合论述,该台网的建成结束了江西省无强震动观测的历史,将为当地的工程抗震设防、震害预测、区域地震动衰减规律研究及重大工程的地震安全性评价,地震区划等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
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