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通过1850~1991年旱涝百分率的CEOF分析,研究了近百年来中国东部旱涝的分布特征、时空变化特点及年际演变规律。结果表明,我国东部主要有三种旱涝分布类型。第一种类型是以长江流域为中心全国大范围旱或涝,空间位相近似相同,且有10.7年和3.1年周期性变化,振幅强度在1923~1924年间曾发生过增强突变。第二种类型为南北旱涝趋势相反的分布,空间位相自北向南变化显著,且有4.3年周期性变化,振幅强度在1884~1885年间曾有一次减弱突变。第三种类型呈江淮流域与华北和华南旱涝趋势相反的分布,空间位相从南北两个方向向中间或相反方向移动,并有3.4年周期性变化,振幅强度在1911~1912年有过增强突变。  相似文献   
利用1971-2010年河南省均匀分布的110个地面气象站霜的观测资料,采用线性倾向率和单相关分析法,对近40 a河南省初霜期、终霜期和无霜期的时空分布特征及其对气温的响应进行研究,利用M-K法分析霜期的突变特征。结果表明:1971-2010年河南省平均无霜期为221.3 d,纬度与初霜期(R=-0.806)和无霜期(R=-0.707)均呈显著负相关,与终霜期(R=0.557)呈显著正相关;初霜期以2.6 d/10 a的速率呈明显推迟(p<0.01),而终霜期的线性变化趋势不明显,无霜期以4.7 d/10 a的速率呈明显延长(p<0.01);初霜期、终霜期和无霜期的突变点均在1998年。从各地区看,初霜期在各地区呈明显推迟,豫西地区推迟趋势最大(3.5 d/10 a,p<0.01);终霜期仅在豫西和豫南地区呈显著提前;除豫东地区外,无霜期在其余5个地区均呈明显延长,豫西地区延长趋势最大(7.7 d/10 a,p<0.01)。从各观测站霜期的变化趋势空间分布来看,初霜期显著推后、终霜期显著提前和无霜期明显延长的站点分布在豫西和豫南地区。河南省初霜期与10月、终霜期与3月气温因子相关性较强;初霜期推迟和终霜期提前主要由气温升高引起的,其中平均最低气温是最重要的影响因素。初霜期推迟和终霜期提前导致无霜期延长。  相似文献   
The alluvial deposits near Gibala-Tell Tweini provide a unique record of environmental history and food availability estimates covering the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. The refined pollen-derived climatic proxy suggests that drier climatic conditions occurred in the Mediterranean belt of Syria from the late 13th/early 12th centuries BC to the 9th century BC. This period corresponds with the time frame of the Late Bronze Age collapse and the subsequent Dark Age. The abrupt climate change at the end of the Late Bronze Age caused region-wide crop failures, leading towards socio-economic crises and unsustainability, forcing regional habitat-tracking. Archaeological data show that the first conflagration of Gibala occurred simultaneously with the destruction of the capital city Ugarit currently dated between 1194 and 1175 BC. Gibala redeveloped shortly after this destruction, with large-scale urbanization visible in two main architectural phases during the Early Iron Age I. The later Iron Age I city was destroyed during a second conflagration, which is radiocarbon-dated at circa 2950 cal yr BP. The data from Gibala-Tell Tweini provide evidence in support of the drought hypothesis as a triggering factor behind the Late Bronze Age collapse in the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Xueying Han 《Marine Ecology》2016,37(6):1179-1189
Alternate attractors have been shown to exist in a variety of terrestrial and aquatic systems, e.g. temperate forests, savannas, shallow lakes, wetlands, coral reefs, kelp forests. The shift from one attractor to another, also referred to as a regime shift, is thought to occur when a system passes some critical threshold such that the trajectory of the system changes direction. Alternate attractors in population dynamics can also exist, leading to alternate stable states in the population abundance of a species. This study explored alternate attractors in the population dynamics of the Indo‐Pacific sea urchin Diadema savignyi and the potential underlying mechanisms that promote its bi‐stability. In Moorea, French Polynesia, the local abundance of D. savignyi, a functionally important herbivore in lagoon habitats, occurs in two states: (i) solitary individuals that occupy crevices in low densities and (ii) aggregations of tens to hundreds of individuals. These different states are temporally stable and are not explained by spatial differences in recruitment rates of juveniles. A field experiment revealed that the per capita mortality rate of adult D. savignyi was substantially lower at sites where urchins occurred in aggregations compared with sites at which they were solitary individuals. An additional experiment showed that per capita mortality decreased with increasing aggregation size. Individuals in high‐density aggregations, however, had significantly smaller test diameters than solitary individuals, indicating that individuals in aggregations may be food limited. Collectively, the evidence suggests that the two different local abundance states of D. savignyi result from negative feedback loops where high local density can be maintained by aggregative behavior that greatly reduces per capita risk of predation when the local number of adult sea urchins is sufficiently large; sites with few sea urchins remain at low density because individuals are more susceptible to predation when crevices are occupied but there are not enough individuals to form large aggregations. Thus, there may be alternate attractors in the population dynamics of D. savignyi that can produce either persistently low or high local population densities.  相似文献   
利用高分辨率的海温分析资料模式资料,分析了黑潮暖舌与我国气温的关系,初步探讨了太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)等造成黑潮暖舌变化的可能原因。结果表明,冬季和春季东海黑潮暖舌存在明显的年际和年代际变化。暖舌在1996/1997年发生了一次突变,此前暖舌处在偏冷的状态,之后转为偏暖的状态。我国冬季和春季气温存在一定的年代际变化,1997年之后,冬季除东北和新疆外,气温有所偏高,而春季气温全国表现为一致的显著偏高。冬季和春季气温对黑潮暖舌存在邻(域)响应。冬季东海黑潮暖舌指数与冬季我国东部气温存在正相关,并且这一相关性能够延续到次年春季。冬季黑潮暖舌指数与我国4月海陆热力差异指数也存在显著的正相关。当冬季暖舌偏强(弱)时,4月海陆热力差异指数偏高(低),即东亚地区海陆热力差异偏大(小)。春季黑潮暖舌指数与春季我国中部及南方地区气温也存在正相关,当春季黑潮暖舌偏强(弱)时,上述地区气温将偏高(低)。PDO和黑潮暖舌之间的相互作用存在一个反馈机制。西风的增强,可通过使海洋向大气释放热量增加和向南的埃克曼(Ekman)输送,降低北太平洋中部的SST,而这一地区SST的降低对应着PDO的暖位相。增强的负风应力旋度在北太平洋副热带流涡中强迫出的向南斯维尔德鲁普(Sverdrup)流也偏强,而向北流动的东海黑潮的增强正是补偿了这一向南的海流。黑潮增强后经过两个月将大量热量输送至北太平洋中部,增强了这一地区的SST,而这对应着PDO的冷位相。  相似文献   
The pattern of climate change in the Southern Hemisphere during the Younger Dryas (YD) chronozone provides essential constraint on mechanisms of abrupt climate change only if accurate, high-precision chronologies are obtained. A climate reversal reported previously at Kaipo bog, New Zealand, had been dated between 13,600 and 12,600 cal yr B.P. and appeared to asynchronously overlap the YD chron, but the chronology, based on conventionally radiocarbon-dated bulk sediment samples, left the precise timing questionable. We report a new high-resolution AMS 14C chronology for the Kaipo record that confirms the original chronology and provides further evidence for a mid-latitude Southern Ocean cooling event dated between 13,800 and 12,400 cal yr B.P. (2σ range), roughly equivalent to the Antarctic Cold Reversal.  相似文献   
将曾庆存等提出的大气环流的季节划分和计算季风的理论方法作了改进,使之更便于研究季风的建立过程.该理论方法将环流突变和季风建立时段,其"变差度"和与其前和其后场的"相似度"等由空间场的泛函随时间的变化(即数学名词上的"流"[flow])一起求出来.研究Ⅰ先分析气候平均场,Ⅱ分析各个别年份的情况及年际变化.研究Ⅰ的结果表明:(1)该方法可以客观定量地定出"突变"时段的关键日期;与季风建立过程联系,即是季风建立的"预兆日期",它比人们用天气-气候学方法(甚至用别的气象要素)定出的可以明显感觉到的或有明显实用价值的"季风来临日期"要早2至4天.(2)在北半球亚澳季风系统区域,夏季风的来临在许多关键地区伴有明显的环流突变,建立和推进者很快,但也有许多区域不表现为当地环流的突变,推进速度也慢.(3)北半球亚澳季风系统低空的热带季风分支,在6月中以前可明确区分为3个子系统,(a)西太平洋暖池和邻近低纬区域,4月中下旬建立;(b)热带东北印度洋(北界与孟加拉湾相邻,但不包括其在内)及索马里东边海洋,4月末至5月初建立;和(c)南海区域,5月上旬从南到5月下旬到北部.南海夏季风向北推进最快,于5月末候即可达北回归线附近,然后与暖池西北区域风场的突变一起,于6月中旬影响到东亚30°N区域;印度洋季风于6月初到达印度半岛东南端,然后逐渐推向印-巴次大陆.7月中以后,热带季风才连成一片,由非洲东岸直至长江下游和菲律宾附近.副热带季风分支于6月中旬可以感到其影响,于7、8月盛行于东亚和西太平洋区域,且结构和演变都比较复杂;6~7月间只表现为在(5~20°N,120~150°E)区域有强的环流突变(与副高增强并北移对应),7月中至8月底,则在上述区域和沿30°N的长江下游和日本以南的洋面上有3个强的环流突变中心(对应于副高又一次增强北移和西伸).这里暂不讨论温寒带季风分支.(4)季风具有鲜明的三度空间斜压结构,尤其是在低空季风"爆发"之前,平流层早已有强的环流突变,季节调整完成,然后突变向下延伸(虽然强度大减),跟着就有当地的低空季风"爆发"(建立).平流层和对流层环流的相互作用及其与季风建立的关系很值得进一步研究.  相似文献   
尹训钢  吴祥定 《地理学报》1993,48(2):177-185
采用CEOF(复经验正交函数)对黄河中下游地区15个代表站点近500年来的旱涝等级指数分析结果表明,历史时期本地区的旱涝分布特点可用三种分布型表征:平均型、东西反相型和南北反相型,对上述三种旱涝分布型的时间振幅,应用Mann-Kendall方法进行突变检验,可以发现平均型和东西反相型近500年来发生旱涝突变,而南北反相型则相对比较稳定。  相似文献   
依据高温高压岩石破裂实验结果并结合理论分析,对 附近区域不同深度温压条件下岩石变形破坏性质及破坏失稳的力学行为进行了研究,在一次应力加载循环中,发生破坏的部位随时间具有向深部下迁的趋势。考虑到深度温压条件下岩石的渐进式破坏行为及突发失稳,对主震前震中附近区域小地震活动的增强、平静、活化等现象,以及b值等时间序列参数变化的可能机理进行初步探讨,并简单讨论了两类平静和两类b值变化的可能原因。  相似文献   
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