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The late Quaternary diatom records from alpine Opabin Lake (altitude 2285 m a.s.l.) and sub-alpine Mary Lake (altitude 2054 m a.s.l.), located in Yoho National Park, British Columbia (lat. 51 ° 21N; long. 116 ° 20), have been analyzed, and changes in these records have been used to reconstruct lake histories. The results have also been related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. Following deglaciation, when both lakes were receiving high inputs of clastic materials, benthic diatom taxa dominate the records of these two shallow lakes with small species ofFragilaria being particularly prominent. During the early to mid-Holocene period, when treeline was at a higher elevation than today, the diatom flora of both lakes became more diverse with previously minor species becoming more prominent.Cyclotella radiosa occurs in cores from both Mary Lake, and much deeper, neighbouring Lake O'Hara during the warm early Holocene, and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, and perhaps less turbid water, or its presence may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water during this period. The Neoglacial is marked by increased amounts of sediments originating from glacial sources in Opabin Lake, which undoubtedly led to very turbid water, and by the presence ofEllerbeckia arenaria f.teres andCampylodiscus noricus v.hibernica in Opabin Lake; however, these species are absent from Mary Lake which has not been influenced by either glacial activity since the recession of the glaciers prior toc. 10 000 years BP or water originating from Opabin Lake. The impact of the two tephras during the Holocene was dramatic in terms of increased diatom production, as exemplified by the increases in diatom numbers, but there was little effect upon species composition. The diatom records and changes in the diatom:cyst ratio suggest that the chemical status of these two small, shallow lakes has changed little during the Holocene, other than after deposition of the two tephras. These results provide evidence that shallow alpine and high sub-alpine lakes are sensitive recorders of past environmental changes.  相似文献   
A detailed tephrochronological study was undertaken in three deep-sea cores collected in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. The age and the origin of the marine tephra were inferred from oxygen isotope records of foraminifera and from major element compositions of glass-shards. Seventy-one eruptions were detected in the time interval 90,000–200,000 yrs during which the volcanoes of the Roman and Campanian regions and of the southern Italy were in activity. This is attested by the consistency of the geochemical compositions of both marine and terrestrial deposits. Most of the marine tephra consisted in trachytes and phonolites characterizing a Roman and Campanian origin. Several tephra were proposed as key-horizons for proximal and distal sediments. Among them, one tephra originating from Mount Etna (149,300 yrs) and five tephra from Pantelleria island (130,000 yrs, 163,600 yrs, 192,500 yrs, 197,400 yrs and 198,400 yrs) were northerly dispersed. Several other key horizons originated from the Campanian or Roman provinces were detected as far as 1000 km from the vents.  相似文献   
The deposits of three eruptions in the last 5000 years are described in detail in order to constrain eruptive parameters and allow a quantitative assessment of the hazard from a range of explosive eruption types at Sete Cidades volcano, São Miguel, Azores. These deposits include: the Caldeira Seca eruption (P17) which occurred around 600 yr BP, which was the last explosive event from inside the Sete Cidades caldera, the P11 eruption, dated at 2220 ± 70 yr BP, and the undated P8 eruption (< 3000 yr BP). These deposits were chosen to represent the range of likely explosive activity from the caldera.  相似文献   
The tephrostratigraphic analysis of nine gravity cores acquired on the continental shelf of the Naples and Salerno bays documents the proximal record of Somma–Vesuvius volcanic activity during the latest Holocene (last 3 kyrs). Five tephra layers from southern Naples Bay and three tephra layers from northern Salerno Bay were recognised in cores and their sedimentologic structures, textural parameters, stratigraphy and major and trace-element composition described.  相似文献   
Of 1.1 million people living on the flanks of the active Merapi volcano, 440,000 are at relatively high risk in areas prone to pyroclastic flows, surges, and lahars. For the last two centuries, the activity of Merapi has alternated regularly between long periods of viscous lava dome extrusion, and brief explosive episodes at 8–15 year intervals, which generated dome-collapse pyroclastic flows and destroyed part of the pre-existing domes. Violent explosive episodes on an average recurrence of 26–54 years have generated pyroclastic flows, surges, tephra-falls, and subsequent lahars. The 61 reported eruptions since the mid-1500s killed about 7000 people. The current hazard-zone map of Merapi (Pardyanto et al., 1978) portrays three areas, termed ‘forbidden zone’, ‘first danger zone’ and ‘second danger zone’, based on successively declining hazards. Revision of the hazard map is desirable, because it lacks details necessary to outline hazard zones with accuracy, in particular the valleys likely to be swept by lahars, and excludes some areas likely to be devastated by pyroclastic gravity-currents such as the 22 November 1994 surge. In addition, risk maps should be developed to incorporate social, technical, and economic factors of vulnerability.Eruptive hazard assessment at Merapi is based on reconstructed eruptive history, on eruptive behavior and scenarios, and on existing models and preliminary numerical modeling. Firstly, the reconstructed eruptive activity, in particular for the past 7000 years and from historical accounts of eruptions, helps to define the extent and recurrence frequency of the most hazardous phenomena (Newhall et al., 2000; Camus et al., 2000). Pyroclastic flows traveled as far as 9–15 km from the source, pyroclastic surges swept the flanks as far as 9–20 km away from the vent, thick tephra fall buried temples in the vicinity of Yogyakarta 25 km to the south, and subsequent lahars spilled down the radial valleys as far as 30 km to the west and south. At least one large edifice collapse has occurred in the past 7000 years (Newhall et al., 2000; Camus et al., 2000). Secondly, four eruption scenarios are portrayed as hazardous zones on two maps and derived from the past eruptive behavior of Merapi and from the most affected areas in the past. Thirdly, simple numerical simulation, based on a Digital Elevation Model, a stereo-pair of SPOT satellite images, and one 2D-orthoimage helps to simulate pyroclastic and lahar flowage on the flanks and in radial valley channels, and to outline areas likely to be devastated.Three major threats are identified: (1) a collapse of the summit dome in the short-to mid-term, that can release large-volume pyroclastic flows and high-energy surges towards the south–southwest sector of the volcano; (2) an explosive eruption, much larger than any since 1930, may sweep all the flanks of Merapi at least once every century; (3) a potential collapse of the summit area, involving the fumarolic field of Gendol and part of the southern flank, which can contribute to moderate-scale debris avalanches and debris flows.  相似文献   
Repeated measurement of tephra erosion near Mount St. Helens over a 30-year period at steel stakes, installed on 10 hillslopes in the months following the 1980 eruption, provides a unique long-term record of changing processes, controls and rates of erosion. Intensive monitoring in the first three post-eruption years showed erosion declined rapidly as processes shifted from sheetwash and rilling to rainsplash. To test predictions about changes to long-term rates and processes made based on the 3-year record, we remeasured sites in 1992, 2000 and 2010. Average annual erosion from 1983 to 1992 averaged 3.1 mm year−1 and ranged from 1.4 to 5.9 mm year−1, with the highest rate on moderately steep slopes. Stakes in rills in 1983 generally recorded deposition as the rills became rounded, filled and indistinct by 1992, indicating a continued shift in process dominance to rainsplash, frost action and bioturbation. Recovering plants, where present, also slowed erosion. However, in the second and third decades even unvegetated hillslopes ceased recording net measurable erosion; physical processes had stabilized surfaces from sheetwash and rill erosion in the first few years, and they appear to have later stabilized surfaces against rainsplash erosion in the following few decades. Comparison of erosion rates with suspended sediment flux indicates that within about 6 years post-eruption, suspended sediment yield from tephra-covered slopes was indistinguishable from that in forested basins. Thirty years after its deposition, on moderate and gentle hillslopes, most tephra remained; in well-vegetated areas, plant litter accumulated and soil developed, and where the surface remained barren, bioturbation and rainsplash redistributed and mixed tephra. These findings extend our understanding from shorter-term studies of the evolution of erosion processes on freshly created substrate, confirm earlier predictions about temporal changes to tephra erosion following eruptions, and provide insight into the conditions under which tephra layers are preserved. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
由中心式喷发形成的大椅子山火山碎屑降落堆积物,主要为玄武质火山渣和浮石,其次为火山弹、超镁铁质岩包体和岩屑。在强劲西风的影响下,该火山经过110多次脉动式喷发,形成了耸立的火山渣锥和低缓的火山碎屑席。在平面和剖面上,降落火山碎屑的组成、厚度、最大粒径、分选系数和中值粒径都呈有规律变化。构成碎屑席的火山渣分下、中、上三层,主要发育平面平行层理和递变层理。降落火山碎屑的各种特征表明,大椅子山火山的喷发过程非常复杂。  相似文献   
当代火山喷发碎屑堆积物的研究进展及其主要类型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘祥 《世界地质》1996,15(1):1-6
火山喷发碎屑堆积物主要分为:火山喷发空中降落堆积物、火山碎屑、流状堆积物、火山泥流堆积物和火山基浪堆积物。简述了这些火山碎屑堆积物的成因及主要特征。  相似文献   
Detailed rock magnetic investigations were undertaken at 2~4 cm interval for the gravity core CSH1(with a length of 17.36 m) from the northern Okinawa Trough.Time-scale of the core was constructed by two characteristic tephras and foraminferal assemblages,indicating an age of 50 ka for the bottom of the core.Except for three tephras and abrupt decrease in surface,there are little changes in all kinds of rock magnetic parameters that can be correlated to the climate change for the last 50 ka.Different from the common sediments,most S-ratios(S equals the negative ratio of IRM-0.3T to SIRM,which is an indicator of low coercivity content)of the sediments are smaller than 0.9,which implies a substantial amount of magnetic minerals with high coercivity.The existence of iron sulphide(greigite or pyrrhotite) is revealed by representative susceptibility-temperature curves showing 200~350 ℃ Curie temperature in addition to 580 ℃ of magnetite,and also by awful smell during heating and dark heating products.Both the occurrence of authigenic iron sulphide and quick decrease of magnetic parameters near the surface clearly show that sediments from Core CSH1 have undergone early diagenesis.The featureless magnetic changes of the whole core except for three tephras mean that the post-depositonal alteration is so strong that most original signals have been destroyed.For the same reason,the organic matter in sediment and sulphate in pore water must have been consumed along with dissolution,precipitation of iron and manganese happening sequencially during the redox reaction series.Great caution must be taken when using these altered chemical parameters for the interpretation of climatic changes.  相似文献   
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