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基于Android移动开发平台,设计一款公交辅助导航软件系统。基于Android操作系统,结合SQLite数据库和百度地图应用程序编程接口,通过全球定位系统实时定位用户当前位置,完成公交线路查询、公交站点查询、出行线路规划等功能。同时,包括离线查询和在线查询,能满足用户在不同情况下完成公交信息查询和路线规划。创新性地提出了效率较高的"基于线路与站点的直达车搜索算法"、"基于直达车线路和站点的换乘车搜索算法"。实验结果表明,系统能运行于基于Android系统的移动设备,为用户出行带来方便。  相似文献   
There is a correspondence between flow in a reservoir and large scale permeability trends. This correspondence can be derived by constraining reservoir models using observed production data. One of the challenges in deriving the permeability distribution of a field using production data involves determination of the scale of resolution of the permeability. The Adaptive Multiscale Estimation (AME) seeks to overcome the problems related to choosing the resolution of the permeability field by a dynamic parameterisation selection. The standard AME uses a gradient algorithm in solving several optimisation problems with increasing permeability resolution. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm which combines a gradient search and a stochastic algorithm to improve the robustness of the dynamic parameterisation selection. At low dimension, we use the stochastic algorithm to generate several optimised models. We use information from all these produced models to find new optimal refinements, and start out new optimisations with several unequally suggested parameterisations. At higher dimensions we change to a gradient-type optimiser, where the initial solution is chosen from the ensemble of models suggested by the stochastic algorithm. The selection is based on a predefined criterion. We demonstrate the robustness of the hybrid algorithm on sample synthetic cases, which most of them were considered insolvable using the standard AME algorithm.  相似文献   
以马来西亚雪兰莪州及首都吉隆坡为例,将Mean-shift算法的影像分割方法应用于研究区的TM影像分类中,较传统方法的分类精度更高,可满足应用需求.依据该分类结果对研究区的空间城市化特征进行分析.发现近期研究区一直处于高速扩展阶段,外延式扩展和填充式扩展并行发展成为该研究区城市扩展的主导模式.  相似文献   
基于进化神经网络混凝土大坝变形预测   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
根据丰满大坝多年变形观测数据,建立了基于进化神经网络混凝土大坝变形预测方法。经典的BP神经网络的缺陷在于收敛速度慢和泛化能力弱等特性。与普通的多元回归方法和传统的BP神经网络相比,采用遗传算法训练的人工神经网络预测模型预报大坝的变形具有精度高和全局收敛的特点。在丰满大坝工程实际应用表明,所建立的基于进化神经网络混凝土大坝变形预报方法与广泛采用的统计方法相比,可以显著提高大坝变形预报精度。  相似文献   
Applying genetic algorithm to inversion of seismic moment tensor solution and using the data of P waveform from digital network and initial motion directions of P waves of Taiwan network stations, we studied the moment tensor solutions and focal parameters of the earthquake of M=7.3 on 16 September of 1994 in Taiwan Strait and other four quakes of M L≥5.8 in the near region (21°–26°N, 115°–120°E). Among the five earthquakes, the quake of M=7.3 on September 16, 1994 in Taiwan Strait is the strongest one in the southeastern coast area since Nan’ao earthquake of M=7.3 in 1918. The results show that moment tensor solution of M=7.3 earthquake is mainly double-couple component, and is normal fault whose fault plane is near NW. The strike of the fault plane resembles that of the distributive bands of earthquakes before the main event and fracture pattern shown by aftershocks. The tension stress axis of focal mechanism is about horizontal, near in NE strike, the compressive stress axis is approximately vertical, near in NWW strike. It seems that this quake is controlled by the force of Philippine plate’s pressing Eurasian plate in NW direction. But from the viewpoint of P axis of near vertical and T axis of near horizontal, it is a normal fault of strong tensibility. There are relatively big difference between focal mechanism solution of this quake and those of the four other strong quakes. The complexity of source mechanism solution of these quakes represents the complexity of the process of the strait earthquake sequences. Contribution No. 98A01001, Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, China. The subject is supported and helped by Academician Yun-Tai CHEN, Profs. Qing-Yao HONG, Zhen-Xing YAO, Tian-Yu ZHENG, Yao-Lin SHI, Ji-An XU, Bo-Shou HUANG and colleague Mei-Jian AN, Xue-Reng DING, Rui-Feng LIU. De-Chong ZHANG and Ming Li provided the digital data warm-heartedly. Lin-Ying WANG offered us the catalogue of earthquakes in southeastern coastal area in China. Xi-Li WANG and Tong-Xia BAI provided us the issued annual reports data. The authors would like to express their gratitude to all of these people. This paper is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Scientific and Technological Commission of Shantou, Guangdong Province.  相似文献   
川西地区小震重新定位及其活动构造意义   总被引:59,自引:18,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
使用双差地震定位法对川西地区1992~2002年的13367个小震进行重新定位, 初步分析了地震活动性与地表活动构造的关系及其揭示的构造信息. 重新定位后,地震活动沿活动断裂成线(带)状分布现象非常突出,呈现出与地表活动构造的密切关系:结构简单的单一走滑断层具有上宽下陡的花状结构特征,拉分盆地与逆断裂具有线性而发散的分布式结构特征,逆断裂之下还存在缺震层. 此外,沿活动断裂带地震活动还具有空间分段性,揭示出局部地段存在着隐伏活动断裂和可圈定为地震危险区的地震空区. 震源深度分布显示,川西高原在15~20km的深度范围内普遍存在厚度约5km的缺震层,以高温高压实验结果为基础,通过计算川西地区地壳强度表明,大约14~19km的深度范围花岗岩处于塑性流变状态,说明缺震层的出现具有地壳物质塑性变形基础.  相似文献   
基于 Landsat 8的城市热岛效应研究初探--以厦门市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈云 《东北测绘》2014,(2):123-128
以厦门市为研究区域,以2013年的Landsat 8为研究数据,研究亮度温度反演和地表温度反演算法,通过ENVI/IDL软件编程实现,并且利用厦门市气象局实测温度验证地表反演结果的有效性。同时,还分析了当前厦门市热岛效应空间分布情况,以期为厦门市城市规划和建设旅行城市等工作提供重要参考意义。  相似文献   
遗传算法优化支持向量机矿产预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季斌  周涛发  袁峰 《测绘科学》2015,(10):106-109
针对矿产预测中已知矿点的样本数目较少的问题,该文提出了一种基于遗传算法优化的支持向量机矿产预测方法。采用遗传算法优化支持向量机的惩罚因子和径向基核函数参数,避免了参数选择不当对支持向量机预测结果的影响,从而提高矿产预测的精度。以空间建模工具ArcSDM中的卡林型金矿床数据为例进行实验。结果表明,支持向量机模型的预测准确率为89.3%,查准率为70.2%;而证据权方法的预测准确率为79.4%,查准率为50%,均小于支持向量机预测结果,说明遗传算法优化的支持向量机是一种有效的矿产预测方法。  相似文献   
分形维数法是分析空间结构分布的一种典型方法,但它对于区分不同的分布形式还存在缺陷。针对这一问题,该文介绍了空隙度指数的定义和树冠空隙度的计算方法;以模拟的树冠点云数据为对象,提出了一种基于三维凸包和三维滑动盒算法的激光雷达(Li DAR)点云数据空隙度分析方法,详尽分析了不同冠型产生的空隙度指数差异;并利用4棵实测的树冠点云数据做检验;最后阐述了空隙度指数在树冠空间异质性分析研究中的作用,并对其应用范围和前景作了展望。结果表明:划分尺度相同时,在一定的尺度范围内,锥型树冠、半球型和半椭球型树冠的差别可以通过空隙度指数曲线有效地区分,实测树冠的结果也体现了空隙度指数对于判断树冠空间结构的有效性。  相似文献   
无人机影像转化为水平核线影像后,能够有效地减少同名点的搜索空间。在此基础上,本文使用SIFT算子进行了稀疏匹配,并用BP算法进行了稠密匹配。结果表明:①SIFT算子获取的同名点比较少,但是计算方法简单,同名点空间坐标精确,适用于大范围获取简要的空间三维信息;②BP算法计算复杂度高,可以获取地物大量的同名点,适用于小范围的地物三维重建。总体而言,两者各有优缺点,在实际的应用中可互补。  相似文献   
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