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一场罕见的浓雾并没有影响全国国土资源厅局长座谈会的如期举行。7月4日,经过两天半的紧张议程,会议落下帷幕,来自全国各省(区、市)国土资源系统的厅局长们带着收获的喜悦,沐浴着灿烂的阳光返程。正在艰难爬坡的国土资源管理工作,仿佛被注入了奋力前行的新活力。  相似文献   
张儒普 《辽宁地质》2010,(12):16-17
节约集约利用国土资源是贯彻落实土地基本国策的长远要求,也是贯彻中央加快经济结构调整和发展方式转变战略部署的现实要求。近几年来,辽宁省坚持以科学发展观为统领,把节约集约作为国土资源改革创新的主线,以资源利用结构调整促进经济结构调整,以资源利用方式转变促进经济发展方式转变。不断探索构建土地资源节约集约利用和矿产资源合理开发利用的新机制。  相似文献   
The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen have been implemented to assess the recharge mechanisms in an area in the UAE bounded to the northwestern part of the Gulf of Oman and the southeastern part of the Arabian Gulf. The conversion of stable isotopes to deuterium excess was utilized as a supportive tool to understand the process of groundwater recharge. The concluding results of this study showed that the origin of moisture is the Mediterranean Sea. The precipitation is the main source of recharge, in which the precipitation having undergone evaporation before recharge occurs. The comparison between regression line for data collected in 1996 and regression line for samples collected in 2006 suggests that the precipitation water which recharged the groundwater, was diluted with groundwater and this dilution is observed from decreasing of the deuterium excess of collected groundwater samples with increasing isotopes of oxygen. The dilution of groundwater with the recharge water suggests modern-day recharge as it is seen from high deuterium excess that exceeded the deuterium excess of LMWL and was close to MMWL.  相似文献   
Based on the results of previous studies and under the direction of the theory of “ore deposit genesis”, the authors made use of high temperature and high pressure experimental facilities and conditions at the Tectono-geochemistry Research Room under the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and put the focus on the multi-source of tectonically controlling ore-forming materials, the characteristics of multi-stage and multi-episode hydrothermal activities and mineralization and the characteristics of multi-genesis and multi-ore deposition so as to shed light on the metallogenic mechanisms of super-large Cu and Au deposits. In addition simulating experiments were made on multi-stage and multi-episode tectonic activities and rock and ore deformation, multi-stage and multi-episode tectonic activities and mobilization and migration of ore-forming materials, and multi-stage and multi-episode tectonic activities and superimposition and enrichment of ore-forming materials. The experimental results showed that under the action of multi-stage and multi-episode tectonic stress the deformation and fragmentation of not only rocks and ores have been intensified, and but also the ore-forming materials originally disbursed in the rocks and ores have been mobilized and migrated and superimposed and enriched. The experimental results also provided the scientific experimental data and grounds for deep-going research on the rules of metallogenesis and geneses of super-large ore deposits in the Dexing region, Jiangxi Province.  相似文献   
根据党的十六届六中全会关于积极推进农村社区建设的要求,农村社区建设正在嘉兴市乃至全国如火如荼地开展。农民集聚,是建设农村新社区的一个基本条件。如何建立集聚机制,推进农村社区建设,是当前亟待破解的一个基础性难题。为此,我们以海盐县农村为主要对象,试就这个问题进行初步探究。  相似文献   
最近,嵊州市国土资源局建立了信访责任倒查追究机制,力争从源头上减少信访发生。嵊州市国土资源局对信访工作十分重视。为取得实效,针对信访工作制订了相关的考核规章,狠抓落实,加以防范。日前,还建立了信访责任倒查追究机制,从源头上抓起。一是实施动态监察过错责任倒查追究。各国土所落实巡查责任,违法行为巡查发现率和制止率均达到96%以上,当年发生的土地违法案件,违法占用基本农田1亩以上,  相似文献   
通过对冀北滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积地层的实地考察,发现盆地内发育丰富的重力驱动作用沉积物。文中描述西瓜园组发育的滑动和滑塌现象,指出露头剖面中存在的挤压变形现象并非构造成因,而是由于滑动块体和滑塌块体前端的挤压应力环境造成的。在介绍西瓜园组重力流沉积发育环境的基础上,对露头中存在的若干重力流沉积进行了描述,并使用砂质碎屑流这一概念对这些现象进行了较为合理的成因解释。通过对滑动和滑塌(重力块体运动)和砂质碎屑流—浊流(重力流)沉积物研究,结合前人对该地区冲积扇—扇三角洲的研究成果,认为重力驱动作用是滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积时期主要的搬运机制。  相似文献   
第四纪洞庭盆地赤山隆起与安乡凹陷升降运动的沉积记录   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过地表地质调查和钻井资料,对第四纪洞庭盆地南部赤山隆起及其西侧安乡凹陷的沉积和地貌特征进行研究,进而探讨二者的升降过程。赤山隆起为居于洞庭盆地南部的小型抬升断块,主要受东、西边界正断裂所控制,长约18 km,宽4~5 km。隆起内早更新世汨罗组和中更新世新开铺组、白沙井组组成多级阶地。安乡凹陷内充填200~300 m厚的河流和湖泊相沉积,自下而上依次为早更新世华田组、汨罗组,中更新世洞庭湖组,晚更新世坡头组,全新世湖积、冲积等。地貌与沉积特征表明,早更新世—中更新世中期赤山隆起总体表现出抬升期与稳定期交替的脉动式抬升,而安乡凹陷则表现出缓慢与快速沉降交替的幕式沉降特征;前者构造较稳定期和构造抬升期分别对应于后者缓慢沉降期和快速沉降期。中更新世晚期二者因区域构造反转而整体抬升并遭受剥蚀。晚更新世—全新世安乡凹陷在拗陷背景下接受沉积。上述第四纪早期赤山隆起脉动式抬升与安乡凹陷幕式沉降的对应关系,为洞庭盆地与周边隆起的盆—山耦合过程提供了约束,同时暗示盆地断陷活动可能与地幔上隆导致中地壳物质自凹陷向周边迁移有关。  相似文献   
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区变形特征与构造格局   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区可以划分为九个大地构造单元,自北向南分别是:华北克拉通南缘岩石构造单元——宽坪岩群、具弧后盆地性质的二郎坪岩石构造单元、具岛弧性质的秦岭杂岩单元、龟山岩组和南湾岩组构成的俯冲前缘楔构造带、构造混杂岩带、桐柏北部高压岩片单元、桐柏核部杂岩单元、桐柏南部高压岩片单元以及随州构造变形带。根据详细的构造解析以及新的地质年代学资料,本文将中生代以来的构造变形划分为五幕,前两幕变形主要发育在构造混杂岩带以南的各个岩石构造单元中,之后的三幕变形则波及整个研究区。第一幕变形的时间约为255~238Ma,以发育区域上透入性的片理及北西西向的拉伸线理为主,并导致了高压岩片早期自西向东的挤出。第二幕变形的时间约为230~215Ma,以自北向南的逆冲推覆构造为主,使得高压岩片进一步垂向抬升。第三幕变形应早于下侏罗统,以近北西西向的宽缓褶皱为主要特征,该幕变形期间桐柏核部杂岩及其两侧高压岩片单元发生同步的抬升。第四幕变形大致发生在140~130Ma之间,主要表现为桐柏核部杂岩两侧走滑型韧性剪切带的活动,桐柏核部杂岩表现出向东的挤出。第五幕变形发生在120~80Ma,表现为北西向及北东向的脆性断裂活动,并切割以上所有构造形迹。桐柏高压岩片的抬升剥露受多幕变形控制,呈阶段性的抬升。  相似文献   
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