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盆地模拟是含油气盆地勘探评价的重要技术方法之一,然而传统的盆地建模2D模拟技术仅适用于拉张型盆地,使得挤压型盆地横向上的热史重建一直是个难题,从而制约了进一步的油气勘探。目前由法国Beicip-Franlab公司设计的KronosFlow软件突破了传统盆模软件对逆冲推覆带、盐构造和泥底辟等复杂构造的局限性,精确控制了横向和垂向上的构造位移,通过跟踪单个网格连续运动形态、恢复侧向变形量以及与TemisFlow软件无缝衔接,实现了对挤压型盆地埋藏史、热史、生排烃史以及油气运聚史的恢复。以塔里木盆地北缘柯坪逆冲推覆带和库车逆冲推覆带为例,利用KronosFlow软件定量反演了新生代以来的构造-热演化历史,并以实测数据约束并验证挤压环境下盆地模拟结果的有效性。柯坪逆冲推覆带的依木干他乌断层在40~30 Ma再次活动,断层附近志留系—泥盆系的温度大于85 ℃,柯坪塔格断层在15~10 Ma活动,断层附近志留系—泥盆系的温度小于70 ℃,寒武系(烃源岩成熟度为1.3%~1.7%)和奥陶系(烃源岩成熟度为0.7%~1.2%)烃源岩热演化程度高,生烃能力强。库车逆冲推覆带侏罗系北段温度介于50~70 ℃,南段温度介于210~230 ℃,盐构造造成地温异常,其中秋里塔格构造带膏盐岩最厚,降温效果最明显。  相似文献   
吴锦发 《测绘工程》2016,25(2):77-80
断面测量的成果一般采用CASS软件绘制成图,但无法输出不同格式的数据文件。以武夷新区崇阳溪保护性开发河道断面测量数据成果为例,对断面数据进行分析,进行技术方法研究,在AutoCAD平台上综合运用Visual LISP和Visual BASIC进行软件开发,编程解决断面成果不同数据格式的输出问题。软件简单实用,并具有批处理功能,具有较好的推广使用价值。  相似文献   
张正  唐娉  李宏益  冯峥 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):184-196
大数据技术中的一个难点是如何统筹多源异构的数据。在多源数据协同定量遥感产品生产系统中,不同传感器数据的协同使用为生产系统的各个环节都带来了许多的问题,例如异构数据文件的统一表示和调度,繁杂生产流程的统一抽象等。领域驱动设计是一种应对软件核心复杂性的设计方式。领域驱动是指在设计过程中经过不断的迭代,逐渐提炼出一套灵活优雅的领域模型。领域模型专注于分析问题领域本身,发掘重要的业务领域概念,并建立业务领域概念之间的关系。本文在不断实践的基础上提出了一组较成熟的领域模型,该模型用一种统一的方式解决了多源数据协同生产系统中各方面的问题,并显著地降低了系统集成的难度和工作量,且为新数据源的加入预留了灵活性。  相似文献   
LA‐ICP‐MS is increasingly applied to obtain quantitative multi‐element data with minimal sample preparation, usually achieved by calibration using reference materials (RMs). However, some ubiquitous RMs, for example the NIST SRM 61× series glasses, suffer from reported value uncertainties for certain elements. Moreover, no long‐term data set of analyses conducted over a range of ablation and tuning conditions exists. Thus, there has been little rigorous examination of the extent to which offsets between measured and reported values are the result of error in these values rather than analytically induced fractionation. We present new software (‘LA‐MINE’), capable of extracting LA‐ICP‐MS data with no user input, and apply this to our system, yielding over 5 years of data (~ 5700 analyses of ten glass and carbonate RMs). We examine the relative importance of systematic analytical bias and possible error in reported values through a mass‐specific breakdown of fourteen of the most commonly determined elements. Furthermore, these data, obtained under a wide range of different ablation conditions, enable specific recommendations of how data quality may be improved, for example the role of diatomic gas, the effect of differential inter‐glass fractionation factors and choice of transport tubing material. Finally, these data demonstrate that the two‐volume Laurin ablation cell is characterised by no discernible spatial heterogeneity in measured trace element ratios.  相似文献   
余成  葛伟亚  常晓军 《江苏地质》2018,42(2):345-348
针对苏南地区典型露采边坡的地层岩性及地质构造特点,以极限平衡理论为基础,运用GeoStudio软件中的SLOPE/W模块和VADOSE/W模块计算分析江苏丹阳天王寺边坡在天然工况、暴雨工况及地震工况下的稳定性。结果表明:天然工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围最小,稳定性最高,存在滑动的危险性;暴雨工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围有所增大,稳定性降低,边坡滑动的可能性较大;地震工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围最广,稳定性最低,边坡滑动的可能性很大。基于上述结果,提出防治措施。  相似文献   
张健  张国祥  王金意 《江苏地质》2018,42(1):127-130
不同影响因素对页岩水力压裂效果有不同的影响。基于三维数值计算模型介绍了水力压裂的典型过程,针对水平最小主应力、页岩的弹性模量和渗透系数对压裂的影响进行了分析。结果表明:随着水平最小主应力的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着页岩的弹性模量增加,裂缝的高度随之降低;随着渗透系数的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着压裂液的黏度系数提高,裂缝的高度降低。  相似文献   
Reserves of some kinds of the crisis mines will be lack now or from now on, because of lacking seriously reserves of mineral resources and the crisis of exploring bases in support. So that it is urgent to predict, appraise, development and utilize the replaceable resources of the crisis mines. The mineral resources prediction software system of synthetic information is intelligent GIS which is used to quantitative prediction of large-scale synthetic information mineral target. It takes the geological body and the mineral resource body as a unit. And it analyzes the ore deposit genesis and metallotect, knows the spatial distribution laws of the ore deposit and ore body, and establish the prospecting model based on the concept of establishing the three-dimensional space of a mine. This paper will primarily discuss some important problems as follows: the secondary development of various kinds of data(including geology, geophysical prospecting, geochemical prospecting and remote sensing, etc); process synthetically and establish the synthetic information interpretative map base; correspond prospecting model with synthetic information of ore deposit; divided into statistical units of metallogenic information synthetic anomalies based on the synthetic information anomalies of ore control, then research the metallogenic information variable of unit synthetically and make quantitative prediction according to choose the quantitative prediction math model which is suitable to the demands of large-scale precision; at last, finish the target area optimization of ore deposit (body).  相似文献   
对土石方计算的几点技巧的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在工程测量中,测量土石方是一件很普通的工作。但在计算土石方过程中,经常会遇到一些很难解决的问题。介绍了利用一种常用的土石方软件系统来计算土石方的技巧。  相似文献   
针对目前软件构架评估方法未考虑复用构架评估知识的局限性, 提出一种新的、基于构架评估知识复用的软件构架评估模式(包括软件构架评估方法元模型和应用框架).运用一致的评估元模型, 建立高层模型, 辅助构架评估决策; 并在应用框架支持下, 系统地复用评估历史数据, 将SAEM的活动整合为一个系统的、可复用的、可管理的过程.该方法已成功应用于中国探月工程地面应用系统的软件构架评估, 降低了深空探测航天复杂系统的研制风险.   相似文献   
目前使用的地震速报软件SSB需要人工输入各种数据。本文介绍了合肥地震台技术人员开发的速报软件,该软件能直接从SSDP地震分析软件产生的独立地震事件的“详细结果”中读取数据,自动生成规范的大震速报文件。此外,通过外挂PCU数据传输程序,迅速将结果上报到国家地震台网中心,提高了大震速报的效率。  相似文献   
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