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Landsat 8数据地表温度反演算法对比   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着卫星遥感技术的发展,利用遥感反演地表温度的方法不断出现,如劈窗法、双角度法和单通道算法等。Landsat系列卫星的遥感数据是地表温度反演的重要数据之一。本文选择无锡周边区域为研究区,利用Landsat 8卫星遥感数据,对两种劈窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法)和两种单窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法和覃志豪单窗算法)的地表温度反演精度进行了对比和敏感性分析。采用太湖16个浮标站的实测数据来验证了4种算法的反演精度。结果表明:两种劈窗算法的精度较高且较为接近,误差为0.7 K左右;覃志豪单窗算法和Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法精度较低,误差分别为1.3 K和1.4 K左右。Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法对参数的敏感性最低,Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法次之,覃志豪单窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法敏感性相对最高。其中Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法只适用于一定的水汽含量范围,有一定的局限性。  相似文献   
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important aspect in global to regional change studies, for control of climate change and balancing of high temperature. Urbanization is one of the influencing factors increasing land surface and atmospheric temperature, by the emission of greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2, NO and methane). In the present study, LST was derived from Landsat-8 of multitemporal data sets to analyse the spatial structure of the urban thermal environment in relation to the urban surface characteristics and land use–land cover (LULC). LST is influenced by the greenhouse gases i.e. CO2 plays an important role in increasing the earth’s surface temperature. In order to provide the evidence of influence of CO2 on LST, the relationship between LST, air temperature and CO2 was analysed. Landsat-8 satellite has two thermal bands, 10 and 11. These bands were used to accurately to calculate the temperature over the study area. Results showed that the strength of correlation between ground monitoring data and satellite data was high. Based on correlation values of each month April (R2 = 0.994), May (R2 = 0.297) and June (R2 = 0.934), observed results show that band 10 was significantly correlating with air temperature. Relationship between LST and CO2 levels were obtained from linear regression analysis. band 11 was correlating significantly with CO2 values in each of the months April (R2 = 0.217), May (R2 = 0.914) and June, (R2 = 0.934), because band 11 is closer to the 15-micron band of CO2. From the results, it was observed that band 10 can be used for calculating air temperature and band 11 can be used for estimation of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   
曹林  徐婷  申鑫  佘光辉 《遥感学报》2016,20(4):665-678
以亚热带天然次生林为研究对象,借助一个条带的少量LiDAR点云数据和覆盖整个研究区的免费Landsat OLI多光谱数据,并结合地面实测数据,探索森林生物量低成本高精度制图方法。首先,提取了OLI和LiDAR特征变量,并与地上和地下生物量进行相关分析以筛选变量;然后,借助LiDAR数据覆盖区的样地和条带LiDAR数据构建"LiDAR生物量模型";再从LiDAR反演生物量的结果中进行采样,结合OLI特征变量构建"LiDAR-OLI模型";最后,与单独使用OLI多光谱数据建立的"OLI估算模型"结果进行比较,分析精度并验证新方法的效果。结果表明,"LiDAR-OLI模型"对地上和地下生物量的模型拟合效果较好且均优于"OLI模型",且其交叉验证的精度也较高并优于"OLI模型",从而证明了新方法的可靠性及有效性。本研究为主、被动遥感技术在中小尺度上协同反演森林参数提供了实验基础,也为基于全覆盖免费OLI多光谱数据及条带LiDAR数据的低成本森林生物量制图探索了技术路线。  相似文献   
Efficient forest fire management requires precise and up-to-date knowledge regarding the composition and spatial distribution of forest fuels at various spatial and temporal scales. Fuel-type maps are essential for effective fire prevention strategies planning, as well as the alleviation of the environmental impacts of potential wildfire events. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the potential of Disaster Monitoring Constellation and Landsat-8 OLI satellite images (Operational Land Imager), combined with Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA), in operational mapping of the Mediterranean fuel types at a regional scale. The results showcase that although the images of both sensors can be used with GEOBIA analysis for the generation of accurate fuel-type maps, only the OLI images can be considered as applicable for regional mapping of the Mediterranean fuel types on an operational basis.  相似文献   
The availability of freely available moderate-to-high spatial resolution (10–30 m) satellite imagery received a major boost with the recent launch of the Sentinel-2 sensor by the European Space Agency. Together with Landsat, these sensors provide the scientific community with a wide range of spatial, spectral, and temporal properties. This study compared and explored the synergistic use of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data in mapping land use and land cover (LULC) in rural Burkina Faso. Specifically, contribution of the red-edge bands of Sentinel-2 in improving LULC mapping was examined. Three machine-learning algorithms – random forest, stochastic gradient boosting, and support vector machines – were employed to classify different data configurations. Classification of all Sentinel-2 bands as well as Sentinel-2 bands common to Landsat-8 produced an overall accuracy, that is 5% and 4% better than Landsat-8. The combination of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 red-edge bands resulted in a 4% accuracy improvement over that of Landsat-8. It was found that classification of the Sentinel-2 red-edge bands alone produced better and comparable results to Landsat-8 and the other Sentinel-2 bands, respectively. Results of this study demonstrate the added value of the Sentinel-2 red-edge bands and encourage multi-sensoral approaches to LULC mapping in West Africa.  相似文献   
范菁  余维泽  吴炜  沈瑛 《遥感学报》2017,21(5):749-756
在多云多雨的地区,光学遥感存在着获取无云数据困难的难题,这会导致时间序列应用中可用数据匮乏。因此,本文面向稀疏时间序列遥感数据,根据噪声造成遥感影像上归一化差分植被指数(NDVI)被低估的事实,提出了一种知识引导的拟合方法。首先,在遥感影像预处理的基础上,利用先验知识和时序差分法对噪声进行识别和剔除;然后,采用高斯二阶模型对原始数据进行拟合;最后,根据拟合残差更新权重,进行迭代拟合,重复上述过程直至获得稳定的结果。本文以Landsat 8 OLI作为数据源,对浙江省杭州地区的森林数据进行拟合,结果表明:在稀疏时间序列数据的情况下,本文方法与MODIS数据拟合结果的相关系数达到0.92,关键时点(如NDVI峰值点等)的时间误差在5 d;相比当前主流方法的0.88与8 d具有更高的精度。  相似文献   
Estimation and monitoring of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) or consumptive water use over large-area holds the key to irrigation management plans and regional drought preparedness. The objective of this study was to estimate ETc by applying the simplified-surface energy balance index (S-SEBI) model to Landsat-8 data for the 2014–2015 period in parts of North India. An average ETc was estimated 2.72 and 2.47 in mm day?1 with 0.22, 0.18 standard deviation and 0.11, 0.07 standard error for Kharif and Rabi crops, respectively. On validation part, a close relationship was observed between S-SEBI derived and scintillometer observed evaporative fraction with 0.85 correlation coefficient and 0.86 agreement index. The statistical analysis also endorses the results accuracy and reliability with 0.026 and 0.602, relative root-mean square errors and model efficiency for wheat crop, respectively. The study showed that normalized difference vegetation index and LST are closely related and serve as a proxy for qualitative representation of ETc.  相似文献   
基于葵花8卫星的上海市夏季对流初生预报研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭巍  崔林丽  顾问  王超  麻炳欣 《气象》2018,44(9):1229-1236
参考Mecikalski et al(2010a;2010b)提出的基于GOES系列卫星的对流初生预报方法,针对上海市夏季对流天气特征建立了基于高时空分辨率的静止气象卫星数据的上海市对流初生判识及预报方法。利用该方法对上海市的一次对流初生个例进行了分析,并对2016年7-8月的12次对流初生事件进行了预报试验,结果表明:方法提取的各个指标能够很好地体现对流初生过程中云团的发展变化特征并能剔除掉成熟对流云团边缘像元的干扰;在12次对流初生事件中,成功地预报了其中的11次,预报时间较对流初生时间平均提前了约30 min,但是对于局地弱对流过程该方法仍有一定的缺陷。  相似文献   
华庆油田长8油藏中普遍发育高阻水层,同一储层砂体中水层与油层电性差异甚微,水层计算的含油饱和度明显偏高,导致传统测井解释与压裂试油吻合率较低。综合应用测录井、试油试采、分析化验等资料,分析高阻水层形成原因及控制因素,运用电阻率形态差异法建立流体识别标准。研究表明,华庆油田长8油藏储层亲油,绿泥石膜发育,普遍含沥青质充填孔隙,在自吸和颗粒表面的吸附作用下,形成绿泥石膜-有机质复合体,致使储层测井响应为高阻,而非润湿的水相占据相对畅通的较大孔喉,容易流动,在油气富集程度较低时,试油大量出水;采用电阻率曲线形态法分"凸型"、"凹型"分别建立测井识别图版及流体识别标准,凸型油层:Δt ≥ 216 μs/m,Rt ≥ 36 Ωm;凹形油层:Δt ≥ 221 μs/m,Rt ≥ 60 Ωm。相对常规图版交汇法,总体使测井解释与试油试采吻合率提高15%以上,对识别高阻水层应用效果显著。  相似文献   
The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
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