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2001年11月14日新疆-青海交界8.1级地震   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了2001年11月14日新疆-青海交界8.1级地震的预测情况,给出了中、美、日等对此次地震的震源参数测定和震源机制,以及余震的分布和加卸载响应比随时间的变化。进而对震区近期地震趋势进行预测。  相似文献   
利用岩心、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、碳氧同位素及流体包裹体等资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬西部三叠系延长组长8油层组致密储集层特征进行了研究,重点分析了储集层成岩作用特征和储集层致密化成因机制及过程。研究区长8油层组砂岩主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩,经历了压实—压溶、胶结、交代、溶蚀及构造破裂等成岩作用,整体处于中成岩A期晚期。典型成岩序列依次为机械压实、绿泥石黏土膜、早期(泥晶)方解石胶结、石英次生加大、长石、岩屑溶蚀、自生高岭石胶结、自生石英胶结、中期(含)铁方解石胶结。综合研究认为:(1)近物源伴随湖平面快速上升的沉积环境提供了储集层致密化的物质基础,不同沉积微相储集层物性差别较大,分流河道最好,分流间湾最差;(2)长8油层组原始孔隙度为41.35%,压实作用损孔率为50.67%,造成储集层孔隙度急剧降低,胶结作用损孔率为37.48%,导致孔隙度进一步减小,溶蚀作用仅增加了3.26%的孔隙度,难以有效改善储集层质量;(3)上述沉积与成岩因素共同导致储集层致密,致密化过程可分为压实孔隙骤减阶段、早期胶结减孔阶段、溶蚀作用增孔阶段和晚期胶结致密阶段共4个阶段;(4)油气大量充注期储集层孔隙度远低于10%,长8油层组先致密后成藏。  相似文献   
Landsat系列卫星对地观测40年回顾及LDCM前瞻   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜高珍  韩冰  高应波  杨崇俊 《遥感学报》2013,17(5):1033-1048
Landsat系列卫星数据凭借其长期连续、全球覆盖、适中的时间空间分辨率和科学的数据存档与分发策略等优势,逐渐成为地表特征和地球系统科学研究中最有效的遥感数据之一,并广泛应用于生态环境、农林地矿、能源资源、教育科研和政府管理等领域。而第8代陆地卫星--陆地卫星数据连续任务卫星(LDCM)于2013年2月发射升空,该卫星携带了运行性陆地成像仪(OLI)和热红外传感器(TIRS)两种传感器。与Landsat 7/ETM+相比,OLI/TIRS在波段设置、辐射分辨性能和扫描方式上都得到很大改进,其中OLI共包括9个波段,新增海岸带(coastal)监测和卷云(cirrus)识别波段,TIRS则设置了两个热红外波段。如果LDCM能够成功升空运行,它将继续承担起长期连续对地观测的使命。  相似文献   
介绍了新水溶性显色剂 2 - ( 2 ,3,5 -三氮唑偶氮 ) - 1 ,8-二羟基 - 3,6-萘二磺酸与钴的显色反应及应用 ,建立了测定钴的新方法。在 pH 9.9的Na2 B4O7 NaOH缓冲液中该试剂与钴形成 1∶1蓝色稳定络合物 ,λmax为 5 88.8nm ,Co的质量浓度在 0~ 1 .0mg/L内符合比尔定律 ,表观摩尔吸光系数为 3.46× 1 0 4 L·mol- 1 ·cm- 1 。所拟方法用于环境水样及维生素B1 2 注射液中的微量钴测定 ,结果与原子吸收法相符 ,5次测定的RSD <1 %。  相似文献   
介绍了古交矿区8号煤在不加催化剂和加催化剂两种条件下的实验室热解脱硫试验情况.结果表明,在不加催化剂时,升温速度为5~10℃/min脱硫效果最好,脱硫率大于40%;当在原煤中添加催化剂AlCl3和NH4Cl时,有较好的脱硫作用,焦炭中灰分也没有明显提高,而当添加催化剂CuCl2和CaO时,不能脱除煤中硫。并据此提出了建议脱硫方案。  相似文献   
野外露头剖面的岩石学与岩相组合,沉积特征与相标志,古流向测定,室内砂岩的骨架矿物、重矿物组合及其平面分布规律的研究结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西南部上三叠统延长组长8油层组是以线状或点状物源为特征的一套近源快速堆积的冲积扇与扇三角洲沉积体系,形成于盆地由快速拗陷转入逆冲负荷沉降期间。长8沉积期盆地西南部的古水流与物源主要来自盆地西南方向,其次为西北和东南方向。长6油层组沉积期,盆地内部底床下沉作用减缓,湖盆开始收缩,湖盆西岸除北部有少量扇三角洲沉积外,主要为辫状河三角洲沉积:而盆地东北部与东部的沉积作用大大加强,致使在盆地东部形成一系列大型曲流河三角洲沉积体系,至盆地西南部相变为半深湖-深湖相与浊流相沉积。长6沉积期古水流除来自西南、西北和东南方向外.还有来自北东和正东方向的次要物源,它们在盆地西南部悦乐-玄马-板桥-固城-合水-带汇合,使该地带成为混合物源区。  相似文献   
张淑云  何平 《岩矿测试》1997,16(4):313-315
在030mol/LHAc介质中,Pb(Ⅱ)与7_碘_8_羟基喹啉_5_磺酸(试铁灵,Feron)的络合物于-054V(vs.SCE)产生一尖锐的极谱波,加入溴化十六烷基三甲基铵(CTMAB)显著增敏,可使极谱波增高约4倍。峰电流与Pb(Ⅱ)浓度在96×10-9~48×10-6mol/L呈良好的线性关系,检出限为48×10-9mol/L。用多种电化学方法研究了该极谱波的性质及电极反应机理表明,络合物组成比为nPb(Ⅱ)∶nFeron=1∶1,极谱波为吸附波,峰电流由中心离子Pb(Ⅱ)还原产生,电子转移数为2。试验了多种离子对峰电流的影响,拟定的方法用于矿样分析,结果与原结果相符。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、区域自动站资料和“葵花8号”气象卫星资料,对2016年4—9月甘肃省陇东南地区出现的43次强对流天气过程进行分析,确立了强对流云团识别指标、追踪方法及预报指标,并对2018年部分个例进行效果检验。结果表明:(1)利用卫星B13通道(10.4μm)亮温值TBB≤238 K或B08通道(6.2μm)与B13通道亮温差△TBB<0 K双阈值作为强对流云团识别指标,可以准确识别出陇东南地区的强对流天气云团;(2)利用“逆向搜索法”、“面积重叠法”及对云团重心的计算,可以对强对流云团进行准确定位、追踪及移动路径外推预报;(3)建立的强对流天气落区判别指标对该地区短时强降水及冰雹落区具有一定的预报能力。  相似文献   
Based on Landsat 8 remote sensing images, a combination of an unsupervised classification algorithm and artificial review was used to extract areas for Chinese offshore raft and cage aquaculture in 2018. The results of the extraction showed that China’s 2018 coastal zone raft aquaculture area comprised 194,110 ha, of which the province having the largest raft aquaculture area was Jiangsu (28.77 %), followed by Fujian (20.42 %) and Shandong (13.11 %). The cage aquaculture area covered 57,847,799 square meters, of which the provinces with the largest cage aquaculture area were Fujian (64.81 %), Guangdong (17.45 %), and Liaoning (5.63 %). In addition, by combining high-resolution remote sensing image visual interpretation and field investigation, the classification of 1200 sample points in four regions was determined, and the accuracy of the aquaculture area extraction was found to be 87.35 %. The extraction results can be used not only to evaluate China’s aquaculture production but also offer significant reference value for scientific planning related to sea use, ecological environmental protection, and marine disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   
For at least 30 years now it has been well known that the Dst index can be modelled using the solar wind as input. Since then, many attempts have been made to improve the predictability of Dst using different approaches. These attempts are useful, for instance, to understand which features of the solar wind–magnetosphere interactions are most important in producing magnetospheric activity and how the Dst index would improve the space weather forecast. The Dst index is by far the most reliable and simple indication that a magnetic storm is in progress. In this work, the effect of using more than four magnetic stations and shorter time intervals than the hourly averages used in Sugiura's procedures is evaluated. The discussion is based on the results presented by Burton in 1975 and Feldstein in 1984 considering 4 or 12 magnetic stations and time averages of 2.5 min for a magnetic disturbed period that occurred from February 7–28, 1967, including two geomagnetic storms. The analysis has shown that the global representation of a magnetic storm by the standard Dst (Sugiura) is well preserved either using 4, 6, 12 magnetic stations or using 1 h, 2.5 min 1 min averages. A brief review of the current understanding of Dst has been included to support the discussions. The analysis performed has shown that a more refined Dst index (time and number of stations>4) would be useful to investigate the intrinsic processes and the different current systems involved in the ring current development during magnetic storms; the standard Dst, as it is conceived, is quite adequate to monitor geomagnetic storms and identify their overall features; concerning the magnetic stations normally considered, the inclusion of higher magnetic latitude stations (>35) may underestimate the observed Dst.  相似文献   
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