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钼—AAAQ体系吸附波的极谱法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阮传民  徐其亨 《岩矿测试》1991,10(2):111-114
在pH4.1-4.5的HAc-NaAc底液中,Mo(Ⅵ)与5-(4-安替比林偶氮)-8-氨基喹啉(AAAQ)形成1:1的离子缔合物。该缔合物吸附于滴汞电极上于-1.32V(υs.SCE)处产生一灵敏的极谱峰,峰电流与Mo(Ⅵ)浓度在8 ×10~(-4)-8×10~(-2)μg/ml范围内呈线性关系。研究了极谱波性质、缔合物的结构及电极反应过程和机理。应用本法测定了铜钼矿中Mo。  相似文献   
1303年9月27日的山西洪洞8级地震发生于山西断陷盆地带中的临汾盆地,这是我国自有地震历史记载以来的第一次8级地震,也是一个在活动陆内盆地中发生的大地震. 2003年9月17~18日在山西太原市召开了1303年山西洪洞8级地震700周年暨陆内盆地与强震活动研讨会. 会上交流的论文讨论了我国不同地区发育的不同性质的陆内活动盆地,包括拉张构造区的地堑、半地堑张性盆地,挤压构造区的压陷盆地和前陆盆地及走滑构造带内的拉分盆地与强震活动的关系. 本文对这些问题作了简要的总结,本期刊登的论文是由部分会议论文组成的专辑.   相似文献   
杨磊  才奎志  孙丽  陈宇  张岳 《暴雨灾害》2020,35(2):125-135

应用葵花8号卫星资料,结合NCEP FNL再分析、GNSS遥感水汽、风廓线雷达、全国智能网格实况融合分析资料,对2017年7月14日和20188月7日沈阳两次暴雨过程(分别简称过程Ⅰ和过程Ⅱ)中对流云特征进行了比较分析,重点探讨了对流云的触发维持机制与影响降水特征差异的因素。结果表明:(1)两次过程分别为局地突发暴雨和区域性极端暴雨,沈阳市区暴雨均由两个对流云团引发,对流云团合并使得降水持续。过程Ⅱ云团合并发生在其移动方向的后侧,具有后向传播特征,合并云团沿其长轴方向移动影响沈阳市,使降水时间延长。(2)在降水前至降水初期,过程Ⅰ对流云顶和水汽层顶快速上升且云顶迅速超过水汽层顶,而过程Ⅱ亮温下降缓慢。短时强降水发生前红外和水汽亮温同步快速降至-60℃,可作为提前预判对流云团产生短时强降水的参考指标。10 min雨量大于10 mm的对流云云顶集中分布在红外亮温低于-55℃、亮温差为-5~0℃的范围。(3)两次过程中,沈阳市分别位于东北冷涡后部和副热带高压北缘。过程Ⅰ,探空曲线呈“X”型,CAPE高达2 584 J·kg-1,造成对流云深厚,云底以下干层导致雨滴蒸发,使降水强度减弱,该过程高强度降水仅发生在对流云团合并加强阶段。过程Ⅱ,云底到地面湿层明显,保证了雨滴降至地面,产生相同量级降水的云团的TBB比过程Ⅰ高。(4)强降水发生前,地面风场存在明显辐合,当大气可降水量2 h内跃增8 mm时,站点出现强降水;局地水汽跃增可能是低空西南气流偏南分量增大或偏北冷空气侵入到暖湿空气中所致。

The indirect lognormal correction is a change-of-support model commonly used in geostatistical applications when dealing with additive variables, for which the upscaling amounts to arithmetic averaging. It was designed as a generalization of the lognormal correction that states the permanence of lognormality, but so far its internal consistency has not been proven in the general case. After a recall of the theoretical conditions that change-of-support models must honor, the concept of conventional income is introduced and used to establish the mathematical consistency of the indirect lognormal correction. However, the suitability of this model is questionable in many situations, in particular when the support effect is important or when the point-support distribution presents a zero effect, is not continuous or not positively skewed.Tel.: +56-2-672-3504, +56-2-678-4498  相似文献   
用分子动力学方法,研究了1999 K下,压力由23 MPa上升到15183 MPa的过程中,CaAl_2Si_2O_8成分熔体的微观结构、剪切粘滞度和粒子自扩散系数的压力效应。在此基础上,探讨压力对剪切粘滞度与粒子自扩散系数之间关系的影响,并将它同微观结构的变化联系起来。结果表明,粒子自扩散系数的压力效应与熔体结构有很强的相关性;压力的挤压效应阻碍了粒子的扩散,而Si-O和Al-O 5次配位体的形成又加速了扩散过程,两种相反的作用相互抵消,造成的结果是在0~5 GPa范围内,Si~(4 ),O~(2-)和Al~(3 )等网架形成粒子的自扩散系数随压力变化不明显;当压力继续增大时,挤压效应占了主导,导致自扩散系数值快速减小。Ca~(2 )作为网架修饰粒子,自扩散系数随压力升高单调下降。压力小于5 GPa时,粒子自扩散系数的大小关系是:D_(Ca)>D_(Al)>D_O>D_(Si)。系统粘滞度随压力的变化与熔体中BO的含量密切相关:BO含量小于域值时,一定范围内BO含量的变化不会对粘滞度产生很大的影响,超过域值,BO含量的微小增加会导致粘滞度值迅速增大。有效应用Eyring方程的关键是方程中粒子跳跃距离的确定,本研究发现,Si~(4 )和O~(2-)的跳跃距离可以通过系统中非桥氧的百分含量来获得。这一发现使得我们能够利用系统中NBO的含量,结合Eyring方程有效进行不同压  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel method to derive grassland aboveground biomass (AGB) based on the PROSAILH (PROSPECT + SAILH) radiative transfer model (RTM). Two variables, leaf area index (LAI, m2m−2, defined as a one-side leaf area per unit of horizontal ground area) and dry matter content (DMC, gcm−2, defined as the dry matter per leaf area), were retrieved using PROSAILH and reflectance data from Landsat 8 OLI product. The result of LAI × DMC was regarded as the estimated grassland AGB according to their definitions. The well-known ill-posed inversion problem when inverting PROSAILH was alleviated using ecological criteria to constrain the simulation scenario and therefore the number of simulated spectra. A case study of the presented method was applied to a plateau grassland in China to estimate its AGB. The results were compared to those obtained using an exponential regression, a partial least squares regression (PLSR) and an artificial neural networks (ANN). The RTM-based method offered higher accuracy (R2 = 0.64 and RMSE = 42.67 gm−2) than the exponential regression (R2 = 0.48 and RMSE = 41.65 gm−2) and the ANN (R2 = 0.43 and RMSE = 46.26 gm−2). However, the proposed method offered similar performance than PLSR as presented better determination coefficient than PLSR (R2 = 0.55) but higher RMSE (RMSE = 37.79 gm−2). Although it is still necessary to test these methodologies in other areas, the RTM-based method offers greater robustness and reproducibility to estimate grassland AGB at large scale without the need to collect field measurements and therefore is considered the most promising methodology.  相似文献   
Following a brief overview of past applications of, and more recent advances on seismic microzonation, the results of a seismic microzonation study for the city of Chania, Greece, are presented. The study was based on Vs vs. depth profiles obtained at 19 sites of the urban area by performing SASW measurements. The spatial distribution of Vs values was utilized in estimating Vs30 values, depth to bedrock and the fundamental ground period variation across the area of the city as well as for conducting 1-D finite element non-linear inelastic site response analyses. The input earthquake excitations employed in the response analyses were based on the results of an available seismic hazard study for the Chania Area. The results of analyses were utilized for establishing the spatial distribution of rock motion amplification, the expected ground motions and spectral values in the area of the city. Contour maps providing values of the expected ground motion in the urban area are given which may become a practical tool in assessing the seismic risk and expected damage in the Chania area. The maps can also be used in the design of new earthquake resistant structures or the seismic retrofitting of existing ones. Finally, the results were utilized to demonstrate the inadequacy of using Vs,30 values for classifying the soil conditions in the Chania area.  相似文献   
The pelagic ecosystem of the Moroccan Atlantic coast is influenced by the spatiotemporal variability of upwelling. The changes in the physicochemical and biological parameters as well as their interrelationship and regrouping by the principal components analysis allowed us to subdivide the Atlantic coast in four active areas: two areas located at the north of Cape Juby (28°N), characterised by a summery activity and two areas located at the south, active permanently, with a variable intensity. To cite this article: A. Makaoui et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
以粤港澳大湾区为例,基于时空影像融合模型(STI-FM),提出大区域多源LST(Land Surface Temperature,LST)影像融合拼接模型(Multi-source Image Fusion Stitching Model,MI-FSM),消除时间不同、天气差异的影响,生成覆盖大湾区的中高分辨率地表温度数据。首先,应用STI-FM融合MODISLST与Landsat LST,将不同时相的多幅LandsatLST合成为具有统一特定时相的LST影像。然后,对合成的LST影像进行镶嵌处理,实现粤港澳大湾区多幅Landsat 8 LST图像的拼接。为了验证STI-FM在研究区的适用性,选取研究区中心“夏-夏、冬-夏”2组Landsat 8 LST图像,将合成的Landsat LST与验证数据进行对比与评价,结果表明:STI-FM在研究区具有较强的适用性。对精度进行评价,验证模型的可靠性,结果表明:不同时相MODISLST图像间拟合程度较高,其回归分析的确定系数(M)均在0.6-0.9之间,RMSE均<1.5;最后对整体以及局部细节的目视分析表明:融合拼接的成果较为理想。  相似文献   
在查阅了大量有关1739年银川—平罗8级大震历史资料的基础上,结合建国以来对银川平原地震的研究成果,研究了1739年银川—平罗8级地震的地震烈度分布及其灾害特点。研究认为:该地震的发震构造为贺兰山东麓断裂,而极震区位于其东南的银川—平罗一带,与银川地堑第四纪沉降中心相吻合,这主要是受到工程地质条件的影响。其震害特点对减轻未来地震灾害、城市规划等都有参考价值。  相似文献   
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