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Microwave Land Surface Emissivity (MLSE) over China under both clear and cloudy sky conditions was retrieved using measurements of recalibrated microwave brightness temperatures (Tbs) from Fengyun-3B Microwave Radiation Imager (FY-3B MWRI), combined with cloud properties derived from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) observations. The contributions from cloud particles and atmospheric gases to the upwelling Tbs at the top of atmosphere were calculated and removed in radiative transfer. The MLSEs at horizontal polarizations at 10.65, 18.7, and 36.5 GHz during 7 July 2015 to 30 June 2019 over China showed high values in the southeast vegetated area and low values in the northwest barren, or sparsely vegetated, area. The maximum values were found in the belt area of the Qinling-Taihang Mountains and the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is highly consistent with MLSEs derived from AMSR-E. It demonstrates that the measurements of FY-3B MWRI Tbs, including its calibration and validation, are reliable, and the retrieval algorithm developed in this study works well. Seasonal variations of MLSE in China are mainly driven by the combined effects of vegetation, rainfall, and snow cover. In tropical and southern forest regions, the seasonal variation of MLSE is small due to the enhancement from vegetation and the suppression from rainfall. In the boreal area, snow causes a significant decrease of MLSE at 36.5 GHz in winter. Meanwhile, the MLSE at lower frequencies experiences less suppression. In the desert region in Xinjiang, increases of MLSEs at all frequencies are observed with increasing snow cover.  相似文献   
油砂作为21世纪以来世界能源的重要组成部分,已经有大量的地质工作者对其形成的地质特征、成矿带分布特征等进行了详细研究,并取得一定成果,但是对于遥感在油砂勘探中的应用少有研究。遥感技术识别不同地物的理论基础是同一波长位置处的反射率差异及反射率随波长的变化规律,因此本文通过分析油砂的实测光谱数据,得到其反射光谱的特征及规律。为实现在Landsat 8OLI卫星遥感影像上对油砂的识别,根据油砂实测光谱的研究,分别提出基于油砂光谱特征和相关性分析的Landsat 8遥感影像油砂识别模式,并将其应用在柴达木盆地冷湖和马海两个研究区。结果表明:利用遥感影像进行油砂找矿靶区圈定是可行的;本文总结出的基于相关性分析的油砂提取模式优于光谱特征分析模式;冷湖地区用比值方法进行油砂遥感信息增强效果较好,马海地区则差值方法较好。  相似文献   
华庆油田长8油藏中普遍发育高阻水层,同一储层砂体中水层与油层电性差异甚微,水层计算的含油饱和度明显偏高,导致传统测井解释与压裂试油吻合率较低。综合应用测录井、试油试采、分析化验等资料,分析高阻水层形成原因及控制因素,运用电阻率形态差异法建立流体识别标准。研究表明,华庆油田长8油藏储层亲油,绿泥石膜发育,普遍含沥青质充填孔隙,在自吸和颗粒表面的吸附作用下,形成绿泥石膜-有机质复合体,致使储层测井响应为高阻,而非润湿的水相占据相对畅通的较大孔喉,容易流动,在油气富集程度较低时,试油大量出水;采用电阻率曲线形态法分"凸型"、"凹型"分别建立测井识别图版及流体识别标准,凸型油层:Δt ≥ 216 μs/m,Rt ≥ 36 Ωm;凹形油层:Δt ≥ 221 μs/m,Rt ≥ 60 Ωm。相对常规图版交汇法,总体使测井解释与试油试采吻合率提高15%以上,对识别高阻水层应用效果显著。  相似文献   
2010年8月14日,汶川县映秀镇强降雨导致红椿沟暴发特大泥石流灾害,冲出固体物质80.5×10^4m^3,泥石流堰塞堵断岷江主河道,导致河水改道冲入映秀新区,淤埋了沟口213国道公路400m,掩埋了在建映(秀)一汶(川)高速公路引线路基及多个桥墩,造成17人失踪。据灾后调查,红椿沟泥石流为近几年暴发的较典型泥石流沟,地震诱发的集中物源特别丰富,暴发泥石流时一次冲出固体物质量巨大,沟内多点堵溃、拉槽下切集中启动物源的特征十分明显;本文重点分析了形成泥石流的三大条件及泥石流启动机理,反算运动特征参数,预测其发展趋势。  相似文献   
Copper speciation in a collection of Japanese geochemical reference materials (JSO‐1, JLk‐1, JSd‐1, ‐2, ‐3 and ‐4, JMs‐1 and JMs‐2) was achieved by sequential extraction and characterised using X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure spectroscopy. In the first step of the extraction, referred to as the acid fraction, between 1% and 20% total Cu within the reference materials was extracted. Such a result is typically accounted for by absorption of Cu onto clay minerals. However, the presence of Cu sulfate (an oxidation product of chalcopyrite) was observed in some of the stream sediments affected by mining activity (JSd‐2 and JSd‐3) instead. Copper was extracted in the reducible fraction (targeting Fe hydroxide and Mn oxide) (2–49% total Cu). Between 2% and 51% Cu was extracted in the oxidised fraction (targeting sulfides and organic matter). X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure spectroscopy clarified that the reducible fraction consisted of Cu bound to Fe hydroxide, whereas the oxidised fraction was a mixture of Cu bound to humic acid (HA) and Cu sulfide. In the oxidisable fraction, chalcopyrite was the predominant species identified in JSd‐2, and Cu bound to HA was the major species identified in JSO‐1 (a soil sample).  相似文献   
The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
Emplacement of a giant submarine slide complex, offshore of South Kona, Hawaii Island, was investigated in 2001 by visual observation and in-situ sampling on the bench scarp and a megablock, during two dives utilizing the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Kaiko and its mother ship R/V Kairei. Topography of the bench scarp and megablocks were defined in 3-D perspective, using high-resolution digital bathymetric data acquired during the cruise. Compositions of 34 rock samples provide constraints on the landslide source regions and emplacement mechanisms. The bench scarp consists mainly of highly fractured, vesiculated, and oxidized a8e1meq333eevkdgp/xxlarge8217.gif" alt="rsquo" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">a lavas that slumped from the subaerial flank of ancestral Mauna Loa. The megablock contains three units: block facies, matrix facies, and draped sediment. The block facies contains hyaloclastite interbedded with massive lava, which slid from the shallow submarine flank of ancestral Mauna Loa, as indicated by glassy groundmass of the hyaloclastite, low oxidation state, and low sulfur content. The matrix facies, which directly overlies the block facies and is similar to a lahar deposit, is thought to have been deposited from the water column immediately after the South Kona slide event. The draped sediment is a thin high-density turbidite layer that may be a distal facies of the Alika-2 debris-avalanche deposit; its composition overlaps with rocks from subaerial Mauna Loa. The deposits generated by the South Kona slide vary from debris avalanche deposit to turbidite. Spatial distribution of the deposits is consistent with deposits related to large landslides adjacent to other Hawaiian volcanoes and the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
由于地震构造的许多重要信息在卫片上显示往往比较隐晦,必须对其进行增强处理,以取得最佳的解译效果。本文以历史上曾发生过八级地震的华县地震构造带为例,讨论辐射增强、多波段频谱变换、空间变换假彩色增强、分类等计算机图象处理方法的若干功能,以及这些功能在不同背景条件下的处理效果,为分析该地区活动断裂、地质构造等提供了有意义的信息,也为这种处理手段在地震构造信息分析等方面的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   
文章在详细介绍各项油气化探指标异常形成机制的基础上,通过对白马8井不同地层中化探指标的变化规律、含量特征以及相关元素对比值分析,结果发现白马8井各层位均无油气富集,但发现须家河组第二和第四岩性段是区域上良好的储层,在今后的油气勘查中应该予以重视。  相似文献   

基于神农架永兴洞3支石笋氧同位素记录,拼接重建了末次冰期88~22 ka B.P.平均分辨率达70 a的东亚季风演变序列。本文以小波诊断技术为基础,对去除65°N夏季太阳辐射和72 ka异常事件影响的石笋δ18O进行了多时间尺度分析。小波频谱分析结果表明,末次冰期亚洲季风具有明显的近8 ka、4 ka、2 ka左右的周期。其中近8 ka周期是唯一一个贯穿整个末次冰期的显著周期。小波方差分析结果也显示该时段仅有1个突出的峰值,对应时间约为7.7 ka。进一步分析发现这个周期组分其实也出现在格陵兰冰芯δ18O和南极温度变化中,可能被年龄误差和异常事件所掩盖。已有的千年尺度机制难以有力地解释该周期组分,我们利用外差法对轨道参数的周期进行分解,获得16 ka周期,这个周期的一半刚好与发现的8 ka周期相匹配。因此,地球轨道参数单独或共同作用,引起海表温、大冰盖、海洋/大陆生态系统的变化,通过大气、大洋等环流作用,从而产生地球气候系统轨道和千年尺度的振荡。

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