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为了解海底浮岩气孔充填物对全岩微量元素组成的影响,并获得有效的海底浮岩前处理方法,对冲绳海槽中部的浮岩碎成大于5 cm,1~2 cm及小于5 mm的碎块分别进行前处理,然后通过扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射光谱(XRD)分析对清洗的效果进行观察对比。结果表明,对大块浮岩直接清洗以及将浮岩碎成厘米级小块后清洗都难以将浮岩气孔内充填的细粒沉积物去除干净,而对浮岩碎成毫米级(5 mm)颗粒后再清洗可以有效清除浮岩气孔内的充填物。本文所确定的一套有效的海底浮岩前处理方法总结如下:(1)将小于5 mm的浮岩颗粒置于超声波清洗机内用蒸馏水清洗,每隔15 min换一次水,直到清洗样品后的水足够清澈;(2)将样品先后浸入无水乙醇和稀盐酸溶液中,分别去除有机质和次生碳酸盐、铁氧化物;(3)将浮岩样品置于40℃超纯水中浸泡7 d左右,并每天换水,直至向上层清液加硝酸银溶液无白色沉淀出现。XRD分析表明,海底浮岩气孔中充填物的矿物组成包括斜长石、石英等。少量的气孔充填物对浮岩全岩的微量元素配分模式影响不大,但会造成Pb、Sr等元素含量的增加,因此可能会对浮岩全岩的Pb-Sr同位素组成造成干扰。  相似文献   
基于台湾以东黑潮主流系沉积物中碳、氮、磷等生源要素指标的变化,在沉积物年代学的基础上,探讨了近千年来气候环境变化在黑潮沉积物中的历史记录。结果表明,近千年来台湾以东、琉球岛弧南侧斜坡的黑潮主流区平均沉积速率可达34.2 cm/ka,据其变化可大致分成的3个沉积阶段,与中世纪暖期、小冰期和现代暖期的划分基本一致。沉积物中碳以无机碳为主,总无机碳(TIC)的含量从1850年开始逐渐增大并伴随剧烈波动,恰好与大气CO2水平的快速升高相对应;总有机碳(TOC)含量的变化则与东亚夏季风强度的变化关系密切,在夏季风较弱的小冰期其含量明显高于夏季风较强的中世纪暖期和现代暖期,这是由于较弱的夏季风有利于亚洲大陆风尘的产生和向海输送,从而促进了研究海域的初级生产力。1850年以来,沉积物中的C∶N∶P逐渐从低于转变为高于Redfield比,反映了上层水体营养盐结构从氮缺乏到氮充足的转变,这与近现代以来急剧增加的全球氮排放密切相关。总体来说,黑潮主流系沉积物中的生源要素指标,明确记录和响应了近千年来的气候环境变化,尤其是近150多年以来不断加剧的人类活动所造成的气候环境剧变。  相似文献   
Surficial sediment composition and spatial variability reflect the dynamics and level of natural and anthropogenic impact in estuarine systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate some key environmental and sedimentary variables, as well as to evaluate the current environmental quality in the tide-dominated Caravelas estuarine system (Brazil). Sixty-five surficial sediment samples were studied for grain size as well as calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, metals, semi-metals and rare earth elements and for organic matter δ13C. Based on the spatial distribution of these data and summarizing our findings, three sectors can be individualized in the Caravelas estuarine system: i. Barra Velha inlet; ii. the main channel of the Caravelas estuary, and iii. the channel interconnecting Caravelas and Nova Viçosa estuaries. In the inlet the sedimentary organic matter is provided essentially by marine sources, which corroborates the small continental input. Freshwater dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon occur in the interconnecting channel, proving the occurrence of the residual transport towards the Caravelas estuary, with continental contribution towards Caravelas River. The geochemical fingerprint indicates that the Barreiras Group, composed by Neogene terrigenous deposits, located west of the study area, as an important source of terrigenous material to the entire Caravelas estuary system. The higher values of heavy rare earth elements (between 20 and 30 mg kg−1) in the northern sector of the study area may be related to the high degree of chemical weathering in magmatic or metamorphic rocks, which occur to the north of the study area.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal chimney is a product of hydrothermal activity on the seabed. Chimney samples dredged from Jade hydrothermal area in Izena depression of the Okinawa Trough, are characterized by relatively enriched light rare earth elements (LREE) and strongly positive Eu anomalies. ^87Sr/^86Sr and ^143Nd/^144Nd of these samples are exactly between those of seawater and of acidic pumice, averaged at 0.708928 and 0.512292, respectively. These characteristics imply that the main source of hydrothermal sulfide at Jade area is possibly the undersurface acidic rocks. The mineralizing mechanism can be summarized as follows: Large amount of mineralized material would be leached out and LREE-enriched hydrothermal solution would be subsequently produced as a result of thermo-chemical exchange reaction between acidic volcanic rocks and heated seawater that penetrated in advance from upper water mass. The spurting out from the seabed and quickly crystallizing in the seawater of hydrothermal solution are responsible for the formation of Cu-Zn sulfide and barite-amorphous SiO2 minerals that are characterized by enriched LREE and positively strong Eu anomalies.  相似文献   
Precisional analyses of the abundances of La, Ce, and major elements in thermal waters and rocks of the Uzon-Geyzernaya volcanotectonic depression, supplemented by published data on a number of modern high-temperature hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka and two other areas of the world, allowed defining genetically important patterns of rare-earth elements (REE) distribution. The La and Ce abundances positively correlate with silica contents both in fresh igneous rocks of the study areas and in the products formed by hydrothermal processes.All studied hydrothermal clays are enriched in La and Ce. The general enrichment trend is similar to the pattern of positive correlation between the La and Ce abundances. Geothermal waters display a strong relationship between REE enrichment and pH. Enhanced REE enrichment trend is observed in thermal waters with abundant SO42 ? and K. The REE versus Cl and B diagrams show two individual fields reflecting the level of acidity-alkalinity of thermal waters. These data demonstrate that La and Ce concentrations in the products of modern hydrothermal systems (in fluids and secondary mineral phases) are governed by wallrock composition, anionic water composition, and pH/Eh-dependent adsorption processes.  相似文献   
Igneous garnets have the potential to strongly fractionate rare earth elements (REE). Yet informations on partition coefficients are very scant, and criteria for distinguishing between hydrothermal and magmatic garnets are ambiguous. To fill this gap, we present trace element and isotopic data for two types of Ca-rich garnets from phonolites (Mt. Somma-Vesuvius). Both Ca-garnet populations are different in their style and dynamics of fractionation: one population is progressively strongly depleted in HREE from core to rim, reflecting REE fractionation in the host phonolite via earlier-crystallized garnets. Such examples for extreme changes in HREE in garnets are only known for hydrothermal grandites by REE-bearing fluids. The second garnet population is homogeneous and formed in a closed system. Near-flat patterns between Sm and Lu confirm experimental data indicating lower D(Sm)/D(Lu) for Ca-rich garnets than for e.g. pyrope-rich garnets. It follows: D Grt/PhMelt for La = 0.5, Sm = 48 and Yb = 110.  相似文献   
浙江省四大平原区土壤元素背景值特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
浙江省地球物理地球化学勘查院,浙江 杭州 310005
摘要:20世纪90年代初,浙江省地球物球地球化学勘查院先后在杭嘉湖平原区、宁绍平原区、温黄平原区、金衢盆地等四大块平原区开展生态环境地球化学调查,获得了数以万计的定量分析数据,编绘了各类相关图件及说明书。将数以万计的分析数据,经技术处理,最终取得了全省土壤中元素背景含量。  相似文献   
都龙锡锌多金属矿床属于滇东南有色金属矿产带的重要组成部分,主要矿石类型为锡石硫化物—矽卡岩型,化学成分和矿物组合比较复杂,具有多期成矿的特点。为了进一步了解矿区成岩成矿过程,本文对该区花岗岩、大理岩、矽卡岩、矿石和片岩的稀土元素特征进行了系统研究,结果表明:区内花岗岩属于地壳硅铝层部分熔融进而通过结晶分异作用形成的复式花岗岩,成矿物质来源于地壳深部岩浆;各元素特征和稀土元素变异图表明矿石和矽卡岩、花岗岩具有同源性;矿石具Eu正异常,其反映成矿过程中有高温流体的参与,形成于氧化环境。  相似文献   
稀土对球等鞭金藻生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1995年8-12月,利用单因子实验法,首次研究了混合稀土对球等鞭金藻(Isochrysisgalbana)生长繁殖的影响,结果表明,海水中稀土最佳浓度范围为1.66-6.60mg/L,细胞浓度和叶绿素含量分别提高11.6%-23.2%和19.9%-45.2%混合稀土加入浓度高于9.9mg/L对球等鞭金藻的生产产生抑制作用,稀土对球等鞭金藻生长的促进作用与其他营养盐类浓度有关,当细胞处于指数生长  相似文献   
本文通过对比分析思茅盆地MK-3钻孔上盐段成盐期前后碎屑沉积物微量元素及稀土元素的地球化学特征,探讨了思茅盆地中生代盐层形成前后的气候环境变化规律。结果表明,主要微量元素中除Mn元素之外,其余元素在成盐期之前的平均含量均大于成盐期之后,指示微量元素富集有利于盐矿床的形成。以球粒陨石标准化样品稀土元素的相对含量,结果显示轻稀土元素相对富集、重稀土元素相对亏损,标准化曲线呈现左高右低的“L”型,表明其物质来源主体为陆源。MK-3钻孔29个岩心样品的δCe值均大于0.9,均值约为1.0,结合岩芯样品主体呈现棕红色,应指示一种弱氧化的沉积环境。综合沉积物的Rb/K和Sr/Cu比值分析,我们认为在成盐期之前,该区气候炎热干旱、蒸发强烈,水体盐度为半咸水,具备析盐、成钾的古气候和古环境条件。成盐期之后,该区古盐度处于淡水-咸水交替的状态,伴有三段温暖湿润期和三段极端炎热干旱期。后期淡水补给持续增强,导致沉积盆地内在上盐段蒸发析盐之后只发育碎屑岩。  相似文献   
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