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二叠系—三叠系界线层型及重大事件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
童金南 《地球科学》2001,26(5):446-448
古、中生代之交是显生宙地质历史上最重大的转折时期,除了最大的生物绝灭事件外,它也是各种稀有重大事件的集聚时期  相似文献   
“就矿找矿”论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴大忱 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):222-224
“就矿找矿”,即就矿体信息找矿的方法早在20世纪50年代就被提出和运用于找矿工作,并在实践中取得很大的成功。20世纪末以来,各种建立于成矿规律研究基础上的矿产预测理论层出不穷,运用矿产预测理论指导找矿已成为勘探队找矿人的时尚语言。诚然,没有理论指导的实践是盲目的实践,问题在于理论是否科学、先进,并被证明是能够正确地指导实践的。  相似文献   
1960-2009年西南地区极端干旱气候变化(英文)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on the daily data of temperature and precipitation of 108 meteorological stations in Southwest China from 1960 to 2009, we calculate the monthly and yearly surface humid indexes, as well as the extreme drought frequency. According to the data, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the extreme drought frequency in inter-annual, inter-decadal, summer monsoon period and winter monsoon period are analyzed. The results are indicated as follows. (1) In general, the southwestern Sichuan Basin, southern Hengduan Mountains, southern coast of Guangxi and northern Guizhou are the areas where the extreme drought frequency has significantly increased in the past 50 years. As for the decadal change, from the 1960s to the 1980s the extreme drought frequency has presented a decreasing trend, while the 1990s is the wettest decade and the whole area is turning wet. In the 2000s, the extreme drought frequency rises quickly, but the regional differences reduce. (2) During summer monsoon period, the extreme drought frequency is growing, which generally occurs in the high mountains around the Sichuan Basin, most parts of Guangxi and "the broom-shaped mountains" in Yunnan. It is distinct that the altitude has impacts on the ex-treme drought frequency; during winter monsoon period, the area is relatively wet and the extreme drought frequency is decreasing. (3) During summer monsoon period, the abrupt change is observed in 2003, whereas the abrupt change during winter monsoon period is in 1989. The annual extreme drought frequency variation is a superposition of abrupt changes during summer monsoon and winter monsoon periods. The departure sequence vibration of annual extreme drought frequency is quasi-5 years and quasi-12 years.  相似文献   
北京城市热岛效应对冬夏季降水的影响研究   总被引:35,自引:8,他引:35  
孙继松  舒文军 《大气科学》2007,31(2):311-320
利用北京地区20个气象观测站最近30年(1975~2004年)冬季(12~2月)、夏季(6~8月)平均气温、降水量和降水日数资料,研究了城市热岛效应的年代际变化及其对降水的影响。结果表明:(1)最近30年来,北京城区与北部山区之间的温度梯度在明显加大,其中,冬季温度梯度的平均增幅为0.6℃/10 a,夏季约为0.2℃/10 a。(2)在北京城区南北两侧,冬季和夏季的降水日数、降水量的相对变化趋势明显不同:相对区域平均而言,在城区及南部近郊区,冬季降水日数和降水量都在明显增加;夏季,城区北侧的降水日数呈加速增长趋势,尽管南部平原郊区的相对降水日数变化不大,但降水量在相对减少。(3)城市热岛效应对不同季节降水分布的影响,可能是城乡温度梯度与盛行风相互作用的结果,就北京地区而言,地形的存在,强化了城区与北部郊区之间的温度梯度:冬季盛行北风气流,在北部郊区,热岛效应强迫产生的边界层下沉运动有可能造成局地降水天气过程相对减少,城区及其南侧则相反;夏季盛行南风气流,随着城市热岛效应的增强, 发生在北部近郊区的弱降水天气过程趋于增多。  相似文献   
利用中国740站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,使用合成分析等方法,分析了华北汛期大尺度降水条件的年代际变化。结果表明:以1978年为界,华北汛期异常水汽先由南边界和西边界供应,后改变为由北边界和东边界供应;水汽收支由异常辐合和盈余,改变为辐散和亏损;先前能够到达华北北部甚至接近华北最北边界的暖湿气团,改变为后来只能抵达黄河南岸;并且沿着太行山走向的冷暖空气的相互作用也由强变弱;华北上空由异常上升运动,改变为异常下沉运动;区域平均的对流层涡度的垂直分布,由先前的两层结构(低层正涡度、高层负涡度)改变为后来的三层结构(对流层中低层负涡度、中高层正涡度和高层负涡度),整层涡度效应值也由大变小。尽管华北区域平均的散度和垂直速度,在垂直方向上的结构没有发生明显的年代际变化,但是整层散度效应值和垂直速度值均由大变小。  相似文献   
油藏成藏年代学分析   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
成藏年代学研究是成藏动力学研究的重要方面 ,是揭示成藏过程、成藏速率研究的有效途径。文中系统介绍了成藏年代学研究方法 ,即以储层自生伊利石年代学分析法为主 ,与其它传统地质方法相结合 ,对大庆油田的成藏年代学进行了系统研究。大庆油田北部的喇嘛甸、萨尔图、杏树岗块状背斜构造油藏成藏年龄在 65~ 4 0Ma ,南部受岩性控制的背斜构造油藏成藏年龄在 77.4~ 73Ma ,采用数值模拟方法对其进行了验证 ,揭示了石油二次运移、聚集成藏的动力学过程具有快速、高效的特征  相似文献   
锶同位素地层学是化学地层学的组成部分 ,简要介绍重庆市秀山县溶溪乡罗家沟寒武系剖面海相碳酸盐的锶同位素分析结果 ,建立了该剖面的锶同位素演化曲线 ,并与 Gao及 Denison等的同期锶演化曲线作了对比 ,秀山寒武纪锶同位素演化曲线与其他两条同期曲线有较大相似性 ,据此提出了秀山寒武系剖面部分主要年代地层界线的参考意见 ,并简述了寒武纪全球海平面变化的概况。  相似文献   
本文报道了用高精度热电离质谱(TIMS)法测定的贵州郑家洞AZJ-2号石笋的铀系年代。该石笋经历了三个速度不同的生长阶段,顶部90cm及底部21cm生长迅速,TIMS铀系法高分辨率年代结果仍不足以给出其确切的生长速率。精确建立碳氧同位素演化时间坐标的困难,应是从新生碳酸盐提取古气候演变信息的重要制约因素之一。AZJ-2的生长起止年代为距今14.7 ̄13.8万年,贵州在此期间可能处于温暖湿润的气候条  相似文献   
一、前言从本世纪60年代起.以美国为中心成功地发射了确定地球上航行的船舶、飞机等移动物体位置的导航卫星.作为最初应用的NNSS(海军航海卫星系统)的改良刑.从事世纪70年代初开始,NAVSTAR(具有时间和航程的航海系统)卫星的GPS(全球定位系统)系统已由美国开发,并一直在进行实验。  相似文献   
Abstract  Abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) extensively distribute in granitoids in the Gangdisê giant magmatic belt, within which the Qüxü batholith is the most typical MME‐bearing pluton. Systematic sampling for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro nearby at two locations in the Qüxü batholith, and subsequent zircon SHRIMP II U‐Pb dating have been conducted. Two sets of isotopic ages for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro are 50.4±1.3 Ma, 51.2±1.1 Ma, 47.0±1 Ma and 49.3±1.7 Ma, 48.9±1.1 Ma, 49.9±1.7 Ma, respectively. It thus rules out the possibilities of mafic microgranular enclaves being refractory residues after partial melting of magma source region, or being xenoliths of country rocks or later intrusions. Therefore, it is believed that the three types of rocks mentioned above likely formed in the same magmatic event, i.e., they formed by magma mixing in the Eocene (c. 50 Ma). Compositionally, granitoid host rocks incline towards acidic end member involved in magma mixing, gabbros are akin to basic end member and mafic microgranular enclaves are the incompletely mixed basic magma clots trapped in acidic magma. The isotopic dating also suggested that huge‐scale magma mixing in the Gangdisê belt took place 15–20 million years after the initiation of the India‐Asia continental collision, genetically related to the underplating of subduction‐collision‐induced basic magma at the base of the continental crust. Underplating and magma mixing were likely the main process of mass‐energy exchange between the mantle and the crust during the continental collision, and greatly contributed to the accretion of the continental crust, the evolution of the lithosphere and related mineralization beneath the portion of the Tibetan Plateau to the north of the collision zone.  相似文献   
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