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Detailed mineralogy,bulk rock major,trace and Sr-Nd isotope compositions,and ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of the Pipe-8 diamondiferous ultramafic intrusion in the Wajrakarur cluster of southern India,is reported.Based on the presence of Ti-rich phlogopite,high Na/K content in amphibole,Al-and Ti-rich diopside,a titanomagnetite trend in spinel and the presence of Ti-rich schorlomite garnet and carbonates in the groundmass,the Pipe-8 intrusion is here more precisely classified as an ultramafic lamprophyre(i.e.,aillikite).An aillikite affinity of the Pipe-8 intrusion is further supported by the bulk rock major and trace element and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry.Sr-Nd isotope data are consistent with a common,moderately depleted upper mantle source region for both the Pipe-8 aillikite as well as the Wajrakarur kimberlites of southern India.A phlogopite-rich groundmass ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age of 1115.8±7.9 Ma(2σ) for the Pipe-8 intrusion falls within a restricted 100 Ma time bracket as defined by the 1053-1155 Ma emplacement ages of kimberlites and related rocks in India.The presence of ultramafic lamprophyres,carbonatites,kimberlites,and olivine lamproites in the Wajrakarur kimberlite field requires low degrees of partial melting of contrasting metasomatic assemblages in a heterogeneous sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The widespread association of kimberlite and other mantle-derived magmatism during the Mesoproterozoic(ca.1.1 Ga) have been interpreted as being part of a single large igneous province comprising of the Kalahari,Australian,West Laurentian and Indian blocks of the Rodinia supercontinent that were in existence during its assembly.In India only kimberlite/lamproite/ultramafic lamprophyre magmatism occurred at this time without the associated large igneous provinces as seen in other parts of Rodinia.This may be because of the separated paleo-latitudinal position of India from Australia during the assembly of Rodinia.It is speculated that the presence of a large plume at or close to 1.1 Ga within the Rodinian supercontinent,with the Indian block located on its periphery,could be the reason for incipient melting of lithospheric mantle and the consequent emplacement of only kimberlites and other ultramafic,volatile rich rocks in India due to comparatively low thermal effects from the distant plume.  相似文献   
周永山  余忠 《探矿工程》2017,44(8):63-66
针对传统加筋深层搅拌桩施工过程中内插钢管施工效率低、成本高、标高垂直度难以控制的现状,依托南京江北泰山保障房片区E地块基坑支护项目,设计了一套简易的深层搅拌桩内插钢管施工新方法。该方法系统制作安装简单,降低了施工难度、提高了效率、降低了成本,为类似工程的施工提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
张明远  宋华珠  李彬  李艳 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2759-2764
基于支持向量机(SVM)和独立分量分析(ICA)建立了超长大直径钢管桩极限承载力的预测模型。先采用独立分量分析FastICA算法从实际工程的超长大直径钢管桩试桩的实测数据样本中抽取相互独立的分量,这些分量不仅去除了相关性,还保持统计独立,并服从非高斯分布,能更好地表现数据间的本质结构;然后,确定支持向量机作为分类器,以抽取的独立分量作为支持向量机模型的输入参数,建立超长大直径钢管桩的承载力预测模型ICASVM_Q;最后,采用某大桥的工程数据对预测模型进行测试。结果表明,ICASVM_Q的预测效果明显优于以原始数据作为支持向量机模型输入的SVM_Q模型的预测效果。可见,采用将独立分量分析与支持向量机相结合的方法建模预测超长大直径钢管桩的承载力是可行的,ICASVM_Q模型的预测结果可用于超长大直径钢管桩承载力的设计参考,具有一定的工程应用价值。这种方法还可以用于其他领域的智能预测研究中。  相似文献   
张闯  隆威  李建中  卢一飞 《探矿工程》2018,45(10):177-184
沙漠地区地层稳定性差,摩阻力大,导致长距离大直径顶管施工时间长,浆液输送压力损失大,极易造成地层垮塌埋管,顶管阻力急剧增加导致顶进失败。沙漠地区大直径顶管工程顺利顶进的关键是浆液应具有较好的润滑减阻和成套护壁作用。基于这一关键问题,开展室内试验和现场应用研究,研发出了适合沙漠地区顶管的新型护壁减阻浆液,采用高岭土聚合物浆液作为机头同步注浆浆液,无粘土高聚物浆液作为沿线跟进补浆浆液。同步注浆浆液在润滑减阻的基础上主要突出成套护壁作用,而跟进补浆浆液主要突出润滑减阻特性,从而使润滑减阻浆液系统达到最佳的润滑和护壁作用。研发的新型护壁减阻浆液应用于内蒙古乌兰布和沙漠穿沙输水项目7~9号顶段——国内外首例沙漠地区大直径顶管工程,效果良好,顶进工作顺利完成。该研究提升了沙漠地区顶管工程关键技术、解决了护壁与减阻问题,具有极大的社会价值和经济效益。  相似文献   
在阐述油压夯管技术及特点的基础上,说明了油压夯管锤结构及工作原理,建立了油压夯管锤数学模型,进行了较深入的内部工作华而不实结构参数的优选,介绍了油压夯管设备的研制内容及过程。  相似文献   
SomeGeochemicalCharactersofKimberlitesinEasternNorthChinaPlatformandHeterogeneityofTheirSourcesZhengJianping;LuFengxiang;Wang...  相似文献   
任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)方法吸取了拉格朗日和欧拉法的优点,避免了常规有限元中拉格朗日方法的网格畸变问题,适用于开口管桩高频振动贯入过程的计算分析。采用ALE有限元方法,建立开口管桩高频振动贯入过程的数值模型,对沉桩过程中挤土效应、桩侧阻力和土塞效应的变化规律进行了详细研究。研究结果表明:挤土应力主要沿径向传播,且深层土体受到的挤土应力比浅层土体大;水平挤土位移随管桩贯入深度的增加而增大,而最大水平挤土位移与管桩贯入深度存在累积效应;挤土效应的影响范围约为10倍管径,因此在施工过程中要给以足够重视;桩外侧摩阻力随贯入深度增加呈近似线性增长,桩内侧摩阻力随贯入深度增加而呈非线性增长,增长速率随贯入深度增加而逐渐增大;管内土塞处于不完全闭塞状态,土塞程度由完全非闭塞向部分闭塞过渡。此外,研究了土体模量、桩土界面摩擦系数、振动频率和桩径对土体位移的影响。  相似文献   
程志国  张招崇  张东阳  黄河 《地质学报》2013,87(8):1104-1123
本文对新疆巴楚爆破角砾岩筒的矿物学进行了系统的研究.结果表明:爆破角砾岩主要由胶结物和超镁铁质包体构成,胶结物的主要造岩矿物有单斜辉石、橄榄石、角闪石和金云母,它们既有金伯利质岩浆本身结晶出来的矿物斑晶,也有与超镁铁质包体同源的捕掳晶.胶结物中晚期结晶的矿物比早期结晶的矿物更加富镁,矿物环带表现为反环带,指示岩浆在演化过程中发生了一定程度的岩浆混合作用.研究发现爆破角砾岩中超镁铁质包体与周围的层状岩体在矿物学上存在诸多不同,暗示包体可能不是来自于后者.对比发现,巴楚金伯利岩与中国东部华北地台含矿金伯利岩在克拉通固结年龄、岩石圈厚度、岩石出露位置及岩浆来源深度等方面均存在很大不同,这些对巴楚金伯利岩成矿构成了不利因素.  相似文献   
Thirty-seven samples from the Swartruggens and Star Group II kimberlite dyke swarms, emplaced through the Kaapvaal craton, have been analysed for their major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Hf isotope compositions. The samples are all MgO-rich (~12–35 wt%) with high Mg# (0.72–0.90) and Ni (~610–2700 ppm) contents. The kimberlites are strongly enriched in incompatible elements (Zr = 140–668 ppm; La = 124–300 ppm; Nb = 68–227 ppm; Ba = 1500–7000), and have high and variable chondrite normalised La/Yb ratios (Swartruggens = 94 ± 21; Star = 202 ± 36). 87Sr/86Sr (0.70718–0.71050) ratios are elevated, whereas εNd (−11.95 to −7.84) and 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282160–0.282564) are low. Inter- and intra-dyke compositional variation is significant, and there are systematic differences between the kimberlites found at the two localities. Intra-locality differences can largely be attributed to a combination of the effects of alteration, crustal contamination, macrocryst entrainment and phenocryst fractionation. There is some evidence for distinct parental magmas formed through variable and low degrees (0.5–2%) of partial melting, as illustrated by crossing rare earth element patterns. The Star kimberlites have derived from a less radiogenic source, with higher LREE enrichment than the Swartruggens kimberlites. Inferred primary magmas at each locality have high Mg# (~0.83), are Ni-rich (850–1220 ppm) and are strongly enriched in incompatible elements. Calculated mantle source compositions are strongly enriched in incompatible elements (La/Ybn ~ 10–50), but refractory in terms of Mg# and Ni contents. Incompatible element ratios such as Ba/Nb (>13.5), La/Nb (> 1.1) and Ce/Pb (< 22) are unlike those characteristic of Group I kimberlites or ocean island basalts, but indistinguishable from calc-alkaline magmas. Taken together with extremely low εNd and εHf, these compositional characteristics are used to argue for derivation of these Group II kimberlite magmas from the deep subcontinental lithospheric mantle, metasomatised during the Proterozoic by calc-alkaline fluids/melts.  相似文献   
通过运城地区水井的开凿,表明无棕结构的滤水管具有拦砂、滤水、增大出水量、提高成井率和延长水井寿命等优点。无棕滤水管的设计应当考虑多种影响因素:如滤料的选择、滤水管的孔隙率、滤水管的井径和缠丝间距等。对无棕滤水管工艺施工的水井的观测,井龄已满20年、井深140米的水井,其单位涌水量仍达6.14吨/小时·米,比采用有棕滤水管工艺施工的水井水量增大了93%,而且水质符合要求。  相似文献   
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