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The retention of particulate matter of the Odra River in flooded areas was estimated by determining suspended particulate matter (SPM) elimination and particle-bound nutrient retention in a polder area of the Lower Odra Valley national park. Water and suspended matter samples collected before, during, and after the 1997 summer flood at the inlet and the outlet of the investigated polder (Polder A/B close to Schwedt) offer the opportunity to balance the matter retention inside the floodplain. The maximum level of retained SPM (more than 80%) was calculated for the record flood of summer 1997, while in ordinary winter floods retention differs between 33% and 70%. Basic properties of the flowing particles like settling velocity, density, loss on ignition etc. change on their way through the polder area. In the investigated Polder A/B a retention of at least 50% of particle-bound phosphorus which was independent of the incoming suspended matter load from the Odra River was observed. The retention of particle-bound nitrogen and carbon varied seasonally to different extents. The presented balance demonstrates that particle-bound nutrient retention in polders is an important factor in the self-purification process of the river system. Some additional effort was done to study changes of plankton composition: during a joint field experiment in spring 1998, the authors determined biological parameters (abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton) of water samples at polder inflow and outflow points.  相似文献   
In a surface water screening, 30 representative surface water samples collected from rivers, canals, and lakes in Berlin were investigated for the presence of 22 substituted phenols. The phenols selected include the 11 phenols considered as “priority pollutants” by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). Surface water samples were extracted applying solid-phase extraction with styrenedivinylbenzene adsorbent. The recoveries, determined in spiking experiments, were between 80 % and 103 %. After derivatization with N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-N-methyl-trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) the samples were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Phenol, cresols, 2-ethylphenol, 2-chlorophenol, 4-chloro-3-methylphenol, pentachlorophenol, 2-nitrophenol, and 4-nitrophenol were detected in the surface water samples at concentrations between 0.02 μg/L and 7.8 μg/L, respectively. The distribution of these residues in the Berlin surface waters showed that the phenolic residues, with the exception of pentachlorophenol and 2-ethylphenol, do not originate primarily from municipal sewage treatment plants discharges. Some of the phenols are formed naturally or occur as ubiquitous anthropogenic contaminants in the aquatic system.  相似文献   
Using of a New Field Analysis Method to Investigate the Stability of Arsenic and its Inorganic Species in Aquatic Systems The stability of arsenic species in aquatic systems is limited by the possibilities of chemical and biochemical reactions. Redox reactions and bioalkylation lead to changes of the species ratios. In this work, the stability of As(III) and As(V) was examined at storage of distilled, de-ionized, and drinking water at different conditions (refrigerator/room temperature; daylight/darkness) and additions (sulfuric acid; ascorbic acid). The determination of these species was carried out by a modified spectrophotometric method, suitable for laboratory analysis as well as for field analysis. The results show that chemical oxidation and biochemical reduction can occur. Sulfuric acid is favourable for the stabilization of total arsenic and of the inorganic species.  相似文献   
应用RT-PCR和RACE-PCR技术克隆了红笛鲷(Lutjanus sanguineus)CD4和CD4-2基因,并分析了它们在健康鱼不同组织的表达分布及免疫刺激物诱导后的表达变化。CD4基因c DNA序列全长2216bp,包含180bp的5′UTR(untranslated regions)、605bp的3′UTR和1431bp的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF),编码476个氨基酸;红笛鲷CD4-2基因c DNA序列全长为1520bp,包含62bp的5′UTR、525bp的3′UTR和933bp的ORF,编码310个氨基酸。CD4分子由信号肽、4个免疫球蛋白样结构域(D1—D4)构成的胞外区、跨膜区和胞浆区组成,CD4-2分子由信号肽、2个免疫球蛋白样结构域(D1—D2)构成的胞外区、跨膜区和胞浆区组成。荧光定量PCR(Real Time Quantitative PCR,q PCR)分析显示红笛鲷CD4和CD4-2基因在健康鱼的胸腺中表达量最高,其次是中肾、鳃、皮肤、脾、头肾和肠。红笛鲷头肾淋巴细胞体外经脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)和刀豆蛋白A(Concanavalin A,Con A)刺激12h后,CD4和CD4-2表达量显著上调(P0.05)。哈维氏弧菌疫苗免疫24h后鳃、头肾、脾脏和肠的表达量显著上升(P0.05)。研究结果为进一步研究鱼类CD4和CD4-2在抗菌免疫反应中的作用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
利用SCJ-302型降水降尘自动采样器在植物生长季对黄河三角洲滨海湿地的大气氮沉降进行监测,对沉降物中水溶性离子、干、湿沉降氮输入量、铵态氮和硝态氮在总沉降量中的贡献率及月变化动态等分析表明:黄河三角洲植物生长季,大气干、湿沉降中SO42-和NO3-占阴离子总量的92%以上,和Na+和Ca2+占阳离子总量的80%以上,总N沉降量约为2 264.24 mg/m2,且69%集中在降雨量较丰沛的6-8月。其中干沉降氮贡献率约为32.02%,主要集中在春季。N的湿沉降量与降雨量呈显著正线性相关(R2=0.82),在降雨量丰沛的8月,达到最大值675.64 mg/m2。该地区大气干沉降的氮素形态以硝态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的57.21%,湿沉降中以铵态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的56.51%。植物生长季中,大气沉降中的硝态氮与铵态氮含量对表层10 cm土壤的月平均贡献率分别为约31.38%和20.50%,可见大气氮沉降是黄河三角洲滨海区域土壤主要氮素来源之一。  相似文献   
高采样率四分量钻孔应变同震响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we adopt the observation data of two 10Hz YRY 4-component borehole strainmeters and one 100Hz FBS-3B broadband seismometer to study the responses of their observations to the April 11, 2012 Mw 8.6 earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra, and compare the response characteristics during the coseismic stage after preprocessing of the data. We analyze the spectrum's dynamic process during the coseismic stage with the S transformation method, and discuss the spectrum's details in different seismic phases. The S transformation results of the data of seismometer and borehole strainmeter at the same station show that the coseismic spectrum evolution of the two kinds of observation are similar to each other and can be cross-referenced in indentifying the wave signals, which proves that the borehole strainmeter measurements at high frequencies are reliable.  相似文献   
基于通化地震台四分量应变观测,通过K-L最佳直线拟合及傅立叶滑动去年周期对数据进行处理,进一步分析日本9.0级地震前后应变变化特征。结果表明,K-L最佳直线拟合和傅立叶滑动去年周期,可以较好地消除通化台应变观测中的长趋势变化项和年变成分,使应力应变的微动态变化更加显著地表现出来;通化台四分量应变在日本9.0级地震前的压性变化与同一构造带的另外两个台站分量应变观测的大幅压性变化一致;日本9.0级地震使通化台面应变出现持续约8个月左右的扩张变化,变化性质与由GPS计算得到的同震位移结果较为一致。  相似文献   
With the aid of a global barotropic model, the role of the interaction of the synoptic-scale disturbance and the planetary flow in block onset is examined by a 4-dimensional variational approach. A cost function is defined to measure the squared errors of the forecasted stream functions during block onset period (day 4 and day 5 in this study) over a selected blocking domain. The sensitivity of block onset with respect to the initial synoptic-scale disturbance is studied by examining the gradient of the defined cost function with respect to the initial (during the first 24 hours) vorticity forcing, which is evaluated by the adjoint integration. Furthermore, the calculated cost function and gradient are connected with the limited-memory quasi-Newton optimization algorithm for solving the optimal initial vorticity forcing for block onset. For two studied cases of block onset (northern Atlantic and northern Pacific) introducing the optimal initial vorticity forcing, the nonlinear barotropic advection process mostly reconstructs these blocking onset processes. The results show that the formation of blocking can be correctly described by a barotropic nonlinear advection process, in which the wave- (synoptic-scale) flow (planetary-scale) interaction plays a very important role. On an appropriate planetary-scale flow, a certain synoptic-scale disturbance can cause the blocking onset by the interaction between the synoptic scale perturbations and the planetary scale basic flows. The extended forecasts show that the introduction of the optimal initial vorticity forcing can predict the blocking process up to the 7th or 8th day in this simple model case. The experimental results in this study show that the 4-dimensional variational approach has a good potential to be applied to study the dynamics of the medium-range weather processes. This simple model case study is only an initial trial. Applying the framework in this study to a complex model will further our understanding of the mechanism of the atmospheric/oceanic processes and improve their prediction.  相似文献   
4DSVD分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系是4DSVD同化方法一个亟需研究的重要问题。获得支撑大气模式空间和观测空间吸引子的基向量是4DSVD研究的关键部分,样本的好坏和样本容量的范围是决定4DSVD基向量和分析结果质量的一个重要前提条件。首先利用Lorenz28变量模式,用4DSVD方法做了一些简单三维同化试验,探讨了Lorenz28变量模式的分析误差与样本容量和样本选取方法的关系。数值试验结果表明,对一个具体的模式,有限的样本容量就能够获得较高精度的分析结果;在模式系统和观测系统不变情况下,用一定样本容量得到的支撑模式空间和观测空间的基向量具有很好的稳定性,即一旦获得一组较好的基向量,在观测系统和模式系统不变的情况下,对同化任何时刻的观测适用;分析结果对选取方法没有太大的依赖性,但具体的样本容量要视不同模式和样本选取方法而定。用WRF模式做的4DSVD四维观测系统模拟试验结果表明,若样本选取方法得当,所需要的样本容量要远远小于模式自由度。4DSVD要真正获得较高精度的分析结果,需要的条件是尽可能的在吸引子上取样并选取充足的样本容量;间隔取样可以一定程度上减少计算量。根据数值试验结果提出了4DSVD在实际同化时样本选取的一些初步的方法。  相似文献   
介绍了世界上的几种全球卫星导航定位系统的特点和C4ISR系统对导航定位技术的需求,以及组合导航系统在C4ISR系统中的应用。分析了卫星导航定位作为C4ISR系统关键技术发挥的重要作用,指出了卫星导航定位是C4ISR系统综合一体化的关键技术。  相似文献   
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