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A high-resolution three-dimensional model of the Clyde Sea and the adjacent North Channel of the Irish Sea is used to compute the major diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the region, the associated energy fluxes and thickness of the bottom boundary layer. Initially, the accuracy of the model is assessed by performing a detailed comparison of computed tidal elevations and currents in the region, against an extensive database that exists for the M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1 tides. Subsequently, the model is used to compute the tidal energy flux vectors in the region. These show that the major energy flux is confined to the North Channel region, with little energy flux into the Clyde Sea. Comparison with the observed energy flux in the North Channel shows that its across-channel distribution and its magnitude are particularly sensitive to the phase difference between elevation and current. Consequently, small changes in the computed values of these parameters due to slight changes of the order of the uncertainty in the open-boundary values to the model, can significantly influence the computed energy flux. The thickness of the bottom boundary layer in the region is computed using a number of formulations. Depending upon the definition adopted, the empirical coefficient C used to determine its thickness varies over the range 0.1 to 0.3, in good agreement with values found in the literature. In the North Channel, the boundary layer thickness occupies the whole water depth, and hence tidal turbulence produced at the sea bed keeps the region well mixed. In the Clyde Sea, the boundary layer thickness is a small fraction of the depth, and hence the region stratifies.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   
刘敏  黄铎 《测绘科学》2007,32(5):154-155,102
随着城市建设中地下空间的开发,传统的二维地籍已难以满足地籍管理在三维方向上的扩展,迫切需要利用三维地籍对地下空间进行数据管理和空间确权。本文基于地下空间开发中各类地物的空间特征,首先从三维自然特性与法律特性两个方面建立了三维地籍的概念,并进而阐述了三维地籍数据模型以及二维地籍与三维地籍的一体化数据管理方法。  相似文献   
针对客家历史的重要载体--客家古村落正在面临着被破坏甚至消亡的风险问题,该文对其开展了三维建模方法研究,以进行数字化保护。通过分析客家古村落的建筑特点,首先对客家古村落中的建筑群整体布局展开研究,合理划分出单体古建筑;其次,将单体古建筑拆分成不同类型的子构件并研究各自建模规则,创建了面向客家古村落的建模体系与框架;最后采用CityEngine的规则建模技术为主,结合3DS Max三维建模软件,对子构件进行三维精细建模,构建了基于模型库的客家古村落三维建模方法。并以白鹭古村为例,利用此方法完成了白鹭古村古建筑群的三维精细模型的展示,并开发出了白鹭古村三维仿真系统。实验表明:该方法能够大大提高三维建模效率,快速完成对客家古村落的三维建模。  相似文献   
The NW-trending Bucaramanga fault links, at its southern termination, with the Soapaga and Boyacá faults, which by their NW trend define an ample horsetail structure. As a result of their Neogene reactivation as reverse faults, they bound fault-related anticlines that expose the sedimentary fill of two Early Jurassic rift basins. These sediments exhibit the wedge-like geometry of rift fills related to west-facing normal faults. Their structural setting was controlled further by segmentation of the bounding faults at approximately 10 km intervals, in which each segment is separated by a transverse basement high. Isopach contours and different facies associations suggest these transverse anticlines may have separated depocenters of their adjacent subbasins, which were shaped by a slightly different subsidence history and thereby decoupled. The basin fill of the relatively narrow basin associated with the Soapaga fault is dominated by fanglomeratic successions organized in two coarsening-upward cycles. In the larger basin linked to the Boyacá fault, the sedimentary fill consists of two coarsening-upward sequences that, when fully developed, vary from floodplain to alluvial fan deposits. These Early Jurassic rift fills temporally constrain the evolution of the Bucaramanga fault, which accommodated right-lateral displacement during the early Mesozoic rift event.  相似文献   
针对海洋地质调查数据集成管理与三维可视化表达不足等影响“数字海底”建设问题,以多波束、侧扫声呐、浅地层剖面数据为例,采用GIS技术,设计海洋地质空间数据库;结合传统陆地“钻孔-层面模型”三维空间建模方法,基于海底浅地层剖面数据实现了测区地层的快速建模;最后,为了对海底三维地质信息进行综合的分析,实现海底多维地质信息在真三维环境下地形、地貌、地层空间分布特征全面、直观的表达,基于ArcGISEngine10.0进行了客户端/服务端架构的三维海底虚拟仿真系统的开发。  相似文献   
基于人工倾斜摄影测量(artificialtiltphotogrammetry,ATP)的方法,通过设置两种拍摄路径、3种拍摄高度、3种分辨率相机的组合,测量并建立微地形地表三维模型,并对其进行精度评价。结果表明,所有三维模型总体平面误差为±8.98mm,高程误差为±7.79mm;较“○”形路径、1.0m和1.5m测量高度、1230万和610万像素相机的测量方法而言,“”形路径、0.5m测量高度、2430万像素相机所生成的三维模型平面误差为±4.01mm,高程误差为±1.81mm,能够更加精确地表达地表的细节特征,为定量化研究微地形侵蚀地表界面过程提供较高精度的数据支持和三维建模方法参考。  相似文献   
以资源三号卫星三线阵影像为数据源,基于无控制区域网平差、三线阵影像的核线影像重构、多基线匹配、密集匹配、基于几何约束的半全局优化匹配策略、用SRTM30mDEM填补DSM空洞等关键技术,实现全国DSM的快速自动生产与质量控制,并进行了试验验证。  相似文献   
BIM技术在隧道工程的决策设计,施工管理,运营维护等各阶段都具有重要作用但目前应用程度较低,亟待发展。为探索BIM地质建模在隧道工程中的应用,本文依托宁波市平风岭隧道,基于revit软件,采用二次开发的地质插件和civil3d软件建立了该工程的BIM地质模型,并与已有的隧道模型相结合进行了研究。通过对比模型截面与地质剖面,对模型的吻合程度进行了研究,并通过整合的BIM模型,对隧道设计施工过程进行了参考分析。得出结论如下:(1)运用二次开发的地质插件进行地层建模,civil3d对断层等不良地质体建模,可以方便高效地建立BIM地质模型;(2)钻孔数据较少时,可以充分应用物探等地质勘察资料采用增设  相似文献   
BIM与3DGIS技术的结合可以连接室内室外,实现城市精准三维建模,更好地推进智慧城市的建设。IFC与CityGML分别作为BIM与3DGIS的通用标准,利用本文提出的基于语义映射的方法,可以实现IFC到CityGML几何与语义信息的转换,并以标准模型进行了验证。  相似文献   
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