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分析了当前海底三维建模流程中的关键技术,为建模人员提供指导。海底三维建模方法分为基于图像内容建模和基于点状地形数据建模。前者模型精确,视觉效果较好,但建模速度较慢,适合于小范围建模;后者建模速度较快,且满足海底大范围三维建模的精度要求。在海底三维建模中,对于小物件,采用基于图像的建模方法,而大范围的海底地形,采用基于点状数据的建模方法。  相似文献   
Subsurface thermal structure in Tohoku district are characterized by existing data such as geothermal resources maps, drill hole thermal gradients, Curie point depths and hypocenters distribution maps. The collected data are registered in a database system, then, compared in plan view, cross-section and bird's-eye pictures. The comparison indicates that subsurface temperatures extrapolated from drill hole thermal gradients are generally concordant to the Curie point depth, assumed to be 650 °C. Tohoku district is generally divided into 5 type areas; fore arc lowland, fore arc mountain country, Quaternary volcanic terrain, back arc lowland and back arc mountain country. The surface thermal manifestations in Quaternary volcanic terrain are mainly controlled by the magma chambers as heat sources, while, surface thermal features such as hot springs in non-volcanic areas are controlled by degrees of heat flows, and hydrothermal flows in permeable Cenozoic formations and along permeable fault zones.  相似文献   
二三维一体化在Skyline与SuperMap6R中的实现对比   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
GIS技术的不断进步促进了二三维一体化技术的发展,针对该技术对比了两类软件平台:Skyline和SuperMap6R,分析了两类平台各自的技术特点以及二三维一体化实现技术,实现了三维数据网络发布,并得出结论.  相似文献   
高分三号卫星总体设计与关键技术   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
张庆君 《测绘学报》2017,46(3):269-277
高分三号(GF-3)卫星作为我国首颗自主研制的C频段多极化SAR卫星,突破了多项关键技术。卫星在明确SAR载荷的体制和基本配置的基础上,围绕SAR载荷的需求开展卫星平台适应能力的分析以及载荷与平台之间的匹配性研究,形成了一系列卫星特点和技术创新点,主要技术指标达到或超过国际同类卫星水平。  相似文献   
Generalized Born scattering of elastic waves in 3-D media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well known that when a seismic wave propagates through an elastic medium with gradients in the parameters which describe it (e.g. slowness and density), energy is scattered from the incident wave generating low-frequency partial reflections. Many approximate solutions to the wave equation, e.g. geometrical ray theory (GRT), Maslov theory and Gaussian beams, do not model these signals. The problem of describing partial reflections in 1-D media has been extensively studied in the seismic literature and considerable progress has been made using iterative techniques based on WKBJ, Airy or Langer type ansätze. In this paper we derive a first-order scattering formalism to describe partial reflections in 3-D media. The correction term describing the scattered energy is developed as a volume integral over terms dependent upon the first spatial derivatives (gradients) of the parameters describing the medium and the solution. The relationship we derive could, in principle, be used as the basis for an iterative scheme but the computational expense, particularly for elastic media, will usually prohibit this approach. The result we obtain is closely related to the usual Born approximation, but differs in that the scattering term is not derived from a perturbation to a background model, but rather from the error in an approximate Green's function. We examine analytically the relationship between the results produced by the new formalism and the usual Born approximation for a medium which has no long-wavelength heterogeneities. We show that in such a case the two methods agree approximately as expected, but that in a media with heterogeneities of all wavelengths the new gradient scattering formalism is superior. We establish analytically the connection between the formalism developed here and the iterative approach based on the WKBJ solution which has been used previously in 1-D media. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the examples discussed.  相似文献   
太平洋海温异常对大理雨季开始期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大理州雨季开始期资料、1961年6月~2008年5月太平洋5°×5°共286个格点的逐月平均海温资料及NCEP/NCAR的SSTA资料,通过相关分析发现,太平洋海温与大理雨季开始期的关系密切,春季和上年秋季太平洋海温对大理雨季开始的影响较大。雨季开始前若发生厄尔尼诺事件,大理雨季开始期偏晚,反之,若发生拉尼娜事件,大理雨季开始期偏早。N ino3区的海温异常对大理雨季开始期的影响相当明显,当5月N ino3区的海温异常偏高时,大理雨季开始期偏晚;反之,当5月N ino3区的海温异常偏低时,大理雨季开始期偏早,N ino3区海温异常可以作为大理雨季开始期预测的一个强信号因子。  相似文献   
The c. 700 m thick succession of continental–brackish‐marine deposits forming the Lourinhã Formation, cropping out along the coast of western Portugal between Baleal and Santa Cruz, has been correlated using laterally persistent shelly marker beds. Three shelly units record the episodic establishment of relatively short‐lived, brackish‐marine embayments, transgressing from the southwest, onto a low‐lying coastal plain. The succession displays systematic changes in facies types and stacking patterns reflecting differences in fluvial style, bedload character and palaeontological content. Based on these observations, four new members for the Lourinhã Formation are proposed: the Sáo Bernardino, Porto de Barças, Areia Branca and Ferrel members. New biostratigraphical data indicate that the Lourinhã Formation is Late Kimmeridgian to earliest Early Tithonian in age. This age has also been obtained from the underlying mixed carbonate and clastic deposits of the Abadia Formation at Consolação. As a result, these latter sediments are now re‐assigned to the Alcobaça Formation, a lithostratigraphical term currently in use in other areas of the Lusitanian Basin. Improved regional mapping of the Lourinhã Formation has established a new sub‐basin within the western parts of the Lusitanian Basin. This sub‐basin, now named the Consolação Sub‐basin, is bounded to the east by the Lourinhã–Caldas de Rainha (L–C) fault zone and to the west by the Berlengas Horst. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
无机碳与雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)细胞调节物质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以单细胞雨生红球藻为材料,采用酸碱滴定和CO2加富通气培养微藻的方法,对旧液中HCO3^-和CO3^2-浓度变化以及对红球藻细胞生长的影响进行了研究。结果表明,旧液具有限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的作用。同时,旧液中无机碳离子浓度明显高于新液。培养液中富含CO3^2-时,各细胞数量与CO3^2-浓度呈正相关,相关系数为0.88。溶液中仅有HCO3^-时,各细胞数与HCO3^-浓度也呈正相关性。因此,排除了CO3^2-和HCO3^-作为旧液中的调节物质,限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的可能性。旧液乙酸乙酯提取物生物检测实验表明,在粗提取物中有降低细胞增长和诱导细胞转化的活性,表明调节物质能溶于有机相,也反过来证实无机碳离子不是旧液中的调节物质。DNA含量和倍性分析结果表明,红球藻游动细胞DNA复制可以加倍后不经过原生质分裂就可以再次进行,因此推测旧液中的调节物质对原生质分裂过程产生抑制作用,而不对DNA复制过程产生抑制作用。  相似文献   
中国西南及邻区上地幔P波三维速度结构/   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
雷建设  周蕙兰 《地震学报》2002,24(2):126-134
利用ISC报告以及中国和NEIC基本测震台网报告中的80974条P波初至到时资料(地震数为7053,台站数为165,且地震和台站都分布在研究区内),对中国西南及邻区(北纬10~36、东经70~110)的深至400km的上地幔三维速度结构进行了研究,分辨率达22.初步结果表明:①研究区速度的横向不均匀性,虽随深度增加而减弱,但至400km深度时仍很明显;②在北纬16和24的纵剖面上,可以看到与印度板块向东和欧亚板块相碰撞挤压相对应的速度结构,以及印度板块与欧亚板块速度结构的差异.在东经90的纵剖面上,与印度板块向北俯冲到欧亚板块(青藏高原)之下相对应的速度结构也比较明显;③在90km深度的横剖面上,由缅甸的密支那至越南的洞海的低速条带,可能与红河断裂带有关;④ 提出并使用了能够更为准确直观地描述分辨率好坏的图示方法.   相似文献   
在构建城市景观时,为了快速精确地重建建筑物、绿地、河流等三维模型,提高自动化程度,缩短建设周期,需对用户采集的矢量地物数据进行三角剖分,再以OpenGL重绘三维模型。本文提出了一种对多边形进行三角剖分的递归分割算法,并以VisualC++实现,以实际的4万多个建筑物进行三角剖分实验,充分证明其是有效的。  相似文献   
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