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BDS-3新频点单点定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前有关北斗卫星导航系统(BDS-3)中MEO卫星(BDS-3M)增加的B1C、B2a新频点单点定位研究较少的现状,本文开展了基于新频点B1C、B2a的双频单点定位试验,结合国际GNSS监测评估系统(iGMAS)5个跟踪站连续10 d的数据,对BDS-3的新频点进行数据质量分析、双频伪距单点定位(SPP)和双频静态...  相似文献   
通过对广西那坡县果提金矿床所处的地质构造条件,区域物化探异常特征及矿石矿物组分、结构构造等方面进行初步研究,得出该金矿床系断裂构造控矿、金矿质来源于矿区深部中酸性岩浆的结论。  相似文献   
地形变应变张量矩阵的不变量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在给出正交曲线坐标系的有关位移向量及其全微分、位移梯度矩阵、应变张量矩阵的普适表达式的基础上,又给出了任意两种正交曲线坐标系下的应变张量矩阵的普适转换表达式,并指出:由于该变换矩阵为正交矩阵,故应变张量矩阵为相似矩阵。并对应变张量矩阵的几何物理性质进行了分析,指出任何一种正交曲线坐标系的应变张量矩阵都具有唯一不变的主应变特征多项式,由该矩阵的主应变特征值方程皆可求得地壳质点处的主应变及其主方向,由主方向单位向量又可把该矩阵化为以主应变为对角元素的对角矩阵,该矩阵及其对角矩阵的迹皆为该质点处的体应变,该矩阵的行列式等于该质点处3个主应变的乘积,这些几何物理量皆为该质点处的地应变不变量。  相似文献   
在综合考虑多个特征因子的线要素匹配时,根据经验知识确定各特征因子的权值会造成人为误差。针对该问题,本文提出了基于人工神经网络的多特征因子路网匹配算法,根据线要素的几何和拓扑特性选取长度、方向、形状、距离及拓扑5个特征因子的相似度作为路网匹配参考因子。首先,分别在参考图层和待匹配图层中选取样本数据组成样本对,计算样本数据的5个特征因子相似度,用样本数据的5个特征因子相似度和样本的匹配度组成学习模式对;然后,利用BP神经网络的误差反向传播机制自动学习调整各神经层之间的连接权值;最后,输入全部数据,计算参考图层的弧段和待匹配图层的弧段间的匹配度,实现综合多特征因子的路网匹配。实验结果表明,利用人工神经网络进行综合多特征因子的路网匹配可以提高匹配效率和匹配准确度。  相似文献   
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A new method was developed for analysing and delineating streambed water fluxes, flow conditions and hydraulic properties using coiled fibre‐optic distributed temperature sensing or closely spaced discrete temperature sensors. This method allows for a thorough treatment of the spatial information embedded in temperature data by creating a matrix visualization of all possible sensor pairs. Application of the method to a 5‐day field dataset reveals the complexity of shallow streambed thermal regimes. To understand how velocity estimates are affected by violations of assumptions of one‐dimensional, saturated, homogeneous flow and to aid in the interpretation of field observations, the method was also applied to temperature data generated by numerical models of common field conditions: horizontal layering, presence of lateral flow and variable streambed saturation. The results show that each condition creates a distinct signature visible in the triangular matrices. The matrices are used to perform a comparison of the behaviour of one‐dimensional analytical heat‐tracing models. The results show that the amplitude ratio‐based method of velocity calculation leads to the most reliable estimates. The minimum sensor spacing required to obtain reliable velocity estimates with discrete sensors is also investigated using field data. The developed method will aid future heat‐tracing studies by providing a technique for visualizing and comparing results from fibre‐optic distributed temperature sensing installations and testing the robustness of analytical heat‐tracing models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
肖荣鸽  靳帅帅 《海洋科学》2022,46(6):116-123
管道腐蚀速率的影响因素众多且各因素协同作用,构成异常复杂的腐蚀体系,很难对其进行准确预测。针对单一BP模型由于初始权值和阈值的选取不当容易陷入局部最优等问题,引入WOA算法优化BP神经网络对海底管道腐蚀速率进行预测,并与GA和PSO算法优化BP预测模型进行对比,验证WOA-BP模型的预测效果和可行性。结果表明:WOA-BP模型的平均绝对百分误差和均方根误差分别为3.689%和0.1537,远低于单一BP、PSO-BP、GA-BP模型,具有较高的预测精度和稳定性,可以为海底管道内腐蚀防护和油气管道流动保障提供决策支持。  相似文献   
The clustering of fracture orientations is important for tectonic studies and for geotechnical engineering. In this study, a real‐coded genetic algorithm was adopted to fitting a mixed Bingham distribution to orientation data by maximizing the log‐likelihood function of the distribution. The maximization is a difficult problem, because the function has multimodality and singularity. It was found that the algorithm was effective for this problem. Given the orientations of dilational fractures, the present method determines not only the stress axes and stress ratio of each of the fracture groups but also the maximum non‐dimensionalized fluid pressure at the time of their formation. In addition, the software calculates the 95 % error ellipses of the concentration axes. The present method found that the orientations of ore veins of the Akenobe Mine, SW Japan, should be partitioned into three clusters. It is shown that two of the groups had distinctive Zn and Sn contents, and that the ore fluids had overpressures only slightly greater than the minimum principal stress at the time of the deposition of Zn‐ and Sn‐rich veins.  相似文献   
文章分析对比了我国国有及非国有规模以上矿山企业的主要经济指标,认为矿业开发要走可持续发展的途径,促进矿产资源的充分、合理、有效开发,实现满足市场需求、兼顾环境保护和社会稳定的目标,就必须积极探索和慎重考虑矿山企业从业人数的合理控制问题;依据胶东大型金矿山实际资料的初步分析,明确提出"矿山人均保有储量"是制约矿山合理开发和矿业可持续发展的重要指标;矿山人均储量的合理配置和适度调控问题不仅值得进一步研究,而且应该引起有关部门的广泛注意和高度重视.  相似文献   
文章以莱州湾凹陷垦利油田沙河街组储层为例,对传统的回归统计模型和基于BP神经网络的人工智能预测模型评价储层渗透率方法和效果进行了对比研究。目标储量报告里定火沙三段中孔、中渗;岩性(粒度)和孔隙度是储层渗透率的主要影响因素。根据岩心及测井数据,建立了孔隙度——粒度二元回归渗透率统计评价模型和BP神经网络渗透率预测模型。通过检验样本集精度对比,分析了隐含层数、隐含层节点数等网络结构参数变化对模型预测结果的影响,重点分析了不同的测井参数输入对BP神经网络模型预测结果的影响。优化后的BP神经网络模型对检验样本集的渗透率预测结果精度最高,其平均相对误差为37%,比传统的二元回归统计模型精度提高了26%。对目标油田三口井连续处理,BP神经网络模型渗透率预测结果更加合理,可以满足开发层段产能分析等生产需求。  相似文献   
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