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为确定东昆仑祁漫塔格乌兰乌珠尔地区片麻状黑云母花岗岩和二长花岗岩的形成时代、岩石成因、源区性质和构造背景,对该岩石样品进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学和锆石Hf同位素研究.结果显示:片麻状黑云母花岗岩加权平均年龄为457.5±2.3 Ma,铝饱和指数A/CNK介于0.98~1.02,属准铝质岩石,Na2O/K2O比值...  相似文献   
采用静水法生物测试手段,研究了不同浓度梯度Cu、Pb(各0.00、0.10、0.25、0.50mg/L)随时间变化在泥鳅卵巢中的蓄积特性以及对卵细胞发育的影响。结果表明,泥鳅卵巢对Cu、Pb有较强的蓄积能力,在暴露期间20天内,蓄积量与时间呈线性关系,之后呈对数关系。其中,Cu的蓄积显著大于Pb(P0.01);卵巢中重金属的蓄积与水溶液中Cu、Pb的浓度梯度相关(P0.01),具有明显的时间效应和剂量效应。泥鳅卵巢中卵细胞的发育水平,亦与溶液重金属浓度的高低、暴露时间长短有关;在不同浓度重金属溶液中较长时间的暴露,将对卵巢及卵细胞的发育产生不可逆转的负效应。  相似文献   
本研究通过识别海洋气团特征及沿海城市大气受到海洋气团的影响方式与程度,为评价沿海城市空气环境质量提供科学依据。以青岛市为例,收集大气气溶胶样品中放射性核素~(210)Pb、40K数据及采集时段当地大气颗粒物数据;分析~(210)Pb活度浓度与气溶胶颗粒物浓度变化;对当地当时大气气团进行溯源分析。研究表明:(1)研究期间青岛沿岸地区2015年4月至2016年6月与2016年6月至2017年6月大气污染特征显著不同,前者~(210)Pb活度浓度与污染颗粒物浓度显著相关,而后者~(210)Pb活度浓度与污染颗粒物无相关关系;(2)穿越海洋的陆地气团呈现出高活度浓度、低颗粒物浓度的特征;来自海洋气团的气溶胶呈现出低活度浓度、低颗粒物浓度的特征;(3)海洋气团气溶胶中~(210)Pb活度浓度较低。临近大陆的海洋(黄海、东海)上层大气受到大陆气团的影响,其海洋气团的特征有所减弱。~(210)Pb活度浓度、颗粒物浓度(PM2.5)可作为判断海洋气团的指标,识别"来自海洋的气团"与"经过海洋的气团"。  相似文献   
应用半静态的双箱式生物富集动力学模型,在室内研究了柄海鞘对重金属 Pb2+ 的生物富集作用,通过非线性拟合得到了相应的生物富集动力学参数.结果表明:柄海鞘对金属 Pb2+ 具有一定的富集作用,对 Pb2+ 的富集吸收速率常数 k1 和富集系数 BCF均随外部水体中 Pb2+ 浓度的增大而减小.富集平衡时,海鞘体内的铅含? Camax)与外部水体中 Pb2+ 的浓度基本呈正相关.柄海鞘不同器官中的 Pb 浓度不同,依次为:生殖腺>消化腺≈其他部分>外背囊.排出阶段 Pb 在柄海鞘体内的生物学半衰期(B1/2)为 10.05~36.76d.  相似文献   
山东半岛近岸海区现代沉积速率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东半岛南北两侧的6个沉积物柱状样岩心进行了^210Pb测定,绘制出了^210Pb活度垂向分布图。YZ5中^210Pb垂向分布具有混合层、衰变层、平衡层三段式特点;YZ26、YZ33在0~6cm段^210Pb呈现倒置式,6cm以下具有显著的衰变层和平衡层;YZ14、YZ38中^210Pb表现为只具有衰变层和平衡层的二段式;YZ21中^210Pb表现为一段式,从表层到底层的扎。Pb活度衰变数值均一。YZ5、YZ14、YZ38、YZ33四站的沉积速率分别为0.418cm/a、0.757cm/a、0.326cm/a、0.338cm/a,属于中高速沉积区;YZ26的沉积速率为0.159cm/a,属于低速沉积区;YZ21的沉积速率很低。结合有关资料,对影响沉积速率的主要因素进行了简要探讨分析。  相似文献   
Fifty‐five new SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from samples of northern Australian ‘basement’ and its overlying Proterozoic successions are used to refine and, in places, significantly change previous lithostratigraphic correlations. In conjunction with sequence‐stratigraphic studies, the 1800–1580 Ma rock record between Mt Isa and the Roper River is now classified into three superbasin phases—the Leichhardt, Calvert and Isa. These three major depositional episodes are separated by ~20 million years gaps. The Isa Superbasin can be further subdivided into seven supersequences each 10–15 million years in duration. Gaps in the geological record between these supersequences are variable; they approach several million years in basin‐margin positions, but are much smaller in the depocentres. Arguments based on field setting, petrography, zircon morphology, and U–Pb systematics are used to interpret these U–Pb zircon ages and in most cases to demonstrate that the ages obtained are depositional. In some instances, zircon crystals are reworked and give maximum depositional ages. These give useful provenance information as they fingerprint the source(s) of basin fill. Six new ‘Barramundi’ basement ages (around 1850 Ma) were obtained from crystalline units in the Murphy Inlier (Nicholson Granite and Cliffdale Volcanics), the Urapunga Tectonic Ridge (‘Mt Reid Volcanics’ and ‘Urapunga Granite’), and the central McArthur Basin (Scrutton Volcanics). New ages were also obtained from units assigned to the Calvert Superbasin (ca 1740–1690 Ma). SHRIMP results show that the Wollogorang Formation is not one continuous unit, but two different sequences, one deposited around 1730 Ma and a younger unit deposited around 1722 Ma. Further documentation is given of a regional 1725 Ma felsic event adjacent to the Murphy Inlier (Peters Creek Volcanics and Packsaddle Microgranite) and in the Carrara Range. A younger ca 1710 Ma felsic event is indicated in the southwestern McArthur Basin (Tanumbirini Rhyolite and overlying Nyanantu Formation). Four of the seven supersequences in the Isa Superbasin (ca 1670–1580 Ma) are reasonably well‐constrained by the new SHRIMP results: the Gun Supersequence (ca 1670–1655 Ma) by Paradise Creek Formation, Moondarra Siltstone, Breakaway Shale and Urquhart Shale ages grouped between 1668 and 1652 Ma; the Loretta Supersequence (ca 1655–1645 Ma) by results from the Lady Loretta Formation, Walford Dolomite, the upper part of the Mallapunyah Formation and the Tatoola Sandstone between ca 1653 and 1647 Ma; the River Supersequence (ca 1645–1630 Ma) by ages from the Teena Dolomite, Mt Les and Riversleigh Siltstones, and Barney Creek, Lynott, St Vidgeon and Nagi Formations clustering around 1640 Ma; and the Term Supersequence (ca 1630–1615 Ma) by ages from the Stretton Sandstone, lower Doomadgee Formation and lower part of the Lawn Hill Formation, mostly around 1630–1620 Ma. The next two younger supersequences are less well‐constrained geochronologically, but comprise the Lawn Supersequence (ca 1615–1600 Ma) with ages from the lower Balbirini Dolomite, and lower Doomadgee, Amos and middle Lawn Hill Formations, clustered around 1615–1610 Ma; and the Wide Supersequence (ca 1600–1585 Ma) with only two ages around 1590 Ma, one from the upper Balbirini Dolomite and the other from the upper Lawn Hill Formation. The Doom Supersequence (<1585 Ma) at the top of the Isa Superbasin is essentially unconstrained. The integration of high‐precision SHRIMP dating from continuously analysed stratigraphic sections, within a sequence stratigraphic context, provides an enhanced chronostratigraphic framework leading to more reliable interpretations of basin architecture and evolution.  相似文献   
Progressive Early Silurian low‐pressure greenschist to granulite facies regional metamorphism of Ordovician flysch at Cooma, southeastern Australia, had different effects on detrital zircon and monazite and their U–Pb isotopic systems. Monazite began to dissolve at lower amphibolite facies, virtually disappearing by upper amphibolite facies, above which it began to regrow, becoming most coarsely grained in migmatite leucosome and the anatectic Cooma Granodiorite. Detrital monazite U–Pb ages survived through mid‐amphibolite facies, but not to higher grade. Monazite in the migmatite and granodiorite records only metamorphism and granite genesis at 432.8 ± 3.5 Ma. Detrital zircon was unaffected by metamorphism until the inception of partial melting, when platelets of new zircon precipitated in preferred orientations on the surface of the grains. These amalgamated to wholly enclose the grains in new growth, characterised by the development of {211} crystal faces, in the migmatite and granodiorite. New growth, although maximum in the leucosome, was best dated in the granodiorite at 435.2 ± 6.3 Ma. The combined best estimate for the age of metamorphism and granite genesis is 433.4 ± 3.1 Ma. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages were preserved unmodified throughout metamorphism and magma genesis and indicate derivation of the Cooma Granodiorite from Lower Palaeozoic source rocks with the same protolith as the Ordovician sediments, not Precambrian basement. Cooling of the metamorphic complex was relatively slow (average ~12°C/106y from ~730 to ~170°C), more consistent with the unroofing of a regional thermal high than cooling of an igneous intrusion. The ages of detrital zircon and monazite from the Ordovician flysch (dominantly composite populations 600–500 Ma and 1.2–0.9 Ga old) indicate its derivation from a source remote from the Australian craton.  相似文献   
We have measured the distribution coefficient (Kd) of210Po and210Pb in laboratory systems and in natural freshwater systems. In the laboratory systems, an inverse relationship was observed between the particle concentration of sand or lake sediment, and the distribution coefficients of210Po and210Pb. The slope of the log-linearK d vs particle concentration relation is consistent with existingK d-particle concentration theories. These laboratory observations are consistent with similar measurements in two lakes. TheK d values of Po and Pb for the bottom sediment-pore water system with a high particle concentration were 10 to 100 times lower than those for dilute concentrations of particles suspended in the lake water. TheK d of210Pb in the sediments was >104 so that the diffusive transport of210Pb has only a small influence on the interpretation of210Pb concentration-depth profiles and the210Pb dating of these sediments.This is the second of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P. G. Appleby is guest editing.  相似文献   
We present a historical overview of applications of210Pb dating in Switzerland with a special emphasis on the work performed at the University of Bern. It is demonstrated that the average specific activity of210Pb in the lower atmosphere is very constant and does not show seasonal variations. We then concentrate on new results from Lobsigensee, a very small lake, and on published and new data from Lake Zurich. Several210Pb profiles from these lakes show obvious disturbances and a disagreement of the resulting sedimentation rate when compared to that for the 23 years defined by137Cs peaks of 1986 (Chernobyl) and 1963 (bomb fallout).A mean sedimentation rate of about 0.14 g cm–2 y–1 is found in the oxic and suboxic center part of Lake Zurich. In the oxic locations, the210Pb flux to the sediments was close to the atmospheric input of about 1/60 Bq cm–2 y–1. In other parts of the lake a significant deficit in the inventory of210Pb was found in the sediments. This could be due to a chemical redissolution of210Pb together with Mn under reducing conditions. In contrast, in the suboxic part of the lake (135 m depth) the flux of210Pb was about twice the atmospheric input. This excess is not caused by allochthonous contributions and is tentatively explained by the transport of sediment material resulting from small slides at the very steep lake shores or more probably by reprecipitation of210Pb together with Mn when the conditions in the lake water become locally and seasonally more oxidizing. Dissolved210Pb may migrate from locations with reducing conditions and reprecipitate under more oxic conditions. Indeed, a correlation of Mn and210Pb in sediments of Lake Zurich was found.This is the first of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P. G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   
A screening method for heavy metals in aqueous extracts of soil is presented which is based on inhibition of the enzymes urease and alcohol dehydrogenase. The method is suitable to detect cupric and mercury ions in concentrations below 0.01 mg/L and several other heavy metal ions in 1000 fold higher concentration. It is shown that the test may be used for screening of mercury ion concentrations exceeding 0.03 mg/L in aqueous solution when copper chelators are added to the test system. The usefulness of the presented tests to detect heavy metals eluted from soil was verified with samples from ore mining waste. The concentration of copper, lead, and zinc eluted from these samples to different amount was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and was in good agreement with the enzyme inhibition data obtained with these samples.  相似文献   
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