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An in situ U–Pb SIMS (IN-SIMS) method to date micro-baddeleyite crystals as small as 3 μm is presented with results from three samples that span a variety of ages and geologic settings. The method complements ID-TIMS geochronology by extending the range of dateable crystals to sizes smaller than can be recovered by physical separation. X-ray mapping and BSE imaging are used to locate target grains in thin section, followed by SIMS analysis on a CAMECA ims 1270, using the field aperture in the transfer column to screen out ions from host phases. Internal age precisions for the method are anticipated to range from 0.1% for Precambrian rocks to 3–7% for Phanerozoic rocks. Results establish a 2689 ± 5 Ma age for mafic dikes in the Wyoming craton, USA, a 1540 ± 30 Ma age for a subaerial lava flow from the Thelon Basin of northern Canada, and a 457 ± 34 Ma age for mafic dikes in the platform sequence of southeastern Siberia. The method is ideal for relatively non-destructive dating of small samples such as extraterrestrial rocks and precious terrestrial samples.  相似文献   
Porphyry and skarn Cu–Fe–Au–Mo deposits are widespread in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYMB), eastern China. The Matou deposit has long been regarded as a typical Cu–Mo porphyry deposit within Lower Yangtze part of the belt. Recently, we identified scheelite and wolframite in quartz veins in the Matou deposit, which is uncommon in other porphyry and skarn deposits in the MLYMB. We carried out detailed zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic studies of the granodiorite porphyry at Matou to define any differences from other ore-related granitoids. The porphyry shows a SiO2 content ranging from 61.85 wt.% to 65.74 wt.%, K2O from 1.99 wt.% to 3.74 wt.%, and MgO from 1.74 wt.% to 2.19 wt.% (Mg# value ranging from 45 to 55). It is enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, but relatively depleted in Nb, Ta, Y, Yb and compatible trace elements (such as Cr, Ni, and V), with slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.88–0.98) and almost no negative Sr anomalies. Results of electron microprobe analysis of rock-forming silicate minerals indicate that the Matou porphyry has been altered by an oxidized fluid that is rich in Mg, Cl, and K. The samples show relatively low εNd(t) values from −7.4 to −7.1, slightly high initial 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.708223 to 0.709088, and low εHf(t) values of zircon from −9.0 to −6.5, when compared with the other Cu–Mo porphyry deposits in the MLYMB. Zircon U–Pb dating suggests the Matou granodiorite porphyry was emplaced at 139.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8, n = 15), which is within the age range of the other porphyries in the MLYMB. Although geochemical characteristics of the Matou and other porphyries in the MLYMB are similar and all adakitic, the detrital zircons in the samples from Matou suggest that Archean lower crust (2543 ± 29 Ma, MSWD = 0.25, n = 5) was involved with the generation of Matou magma, which is different from the other porphyries in the belt. Our study suggests that the Matou granodiorite porphyry originated from partial melting of thickened lower crust that was delaminated into the mantle, similar to the other porphyries in the MLYMB, but it has a higher proportion of lower crustal material, including Archean rocks, which contributed to the formation of the porphyry and related W-rich magmatic-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Two types of Cu-slags (CS: crystalline massive slag and GS: granulated amorphous slag) exhibiting a different chemical and mineral phase composition were compared with respect to their susceptibility to bacterial weathering using Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n° CIP 105094). Abiotic conditions e.g. sterile growth medium and ultrapure water were used for comparison. The experiments were extended up to 112 days with a systematic liquid phase renewal every 14 days. The results revealed significant release of elements in the bacterially mediated weathering experiments. Concentrations of elements (Si, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb) in the biotic solutions were increased at least by 20% up to 99% compared to abiotic ones. From 3 to 77% of the leached elements were associated to the fraction >0.22 μm. Scanning electron microscope observations demonstrated greater weathering of mineral phases in biotic experiments than in abiotic ones which is in accordance with the solution chemistry exhibiting higher concentrations of elements leached in biotic set-ups. In the case of CS, glass and sulfides weathering was yet observed in abiotic experiment, whereas partial dissolution of fayalite (Fe2SiO4) was solely affected by the presence of bacteria. GS having a higher bulk content of metallic elements was found to be more stable than sulfide-bearing CS, while its (GS) glass matrix was found to weather easier under biotic conditions.  相似文献   
铅锌矿体赋存于下寒武统筇竹寺组八道湾段(∈1q^1)灰黑色中厚层状泥质粉砂岩中;筇竹寺组玉案山段(∈1q^2)灰黄色、灰黑色泥质页岩夹薄层状细砂岩为矿区成矿的隔挡层。北东向的关仓箐逆断裂为矿区的导矿构造,北西西向次级张扭性断裂和北北东向层间断裂为矿区的容矿构造。  相似文献   
The initiation timing and mechanism of lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton (NCC) was still controversial. Late Triassic igneous rocks especially mantle derived mafic rocks would provide constrains on Early Mesozoic lithospheric mantle geodynamics and initiation of lithospheric thinning. This paper reports Late Triassic magmatic rocks, including lamprophyre, diorite dykes and biotite monzogranite cropped out in Qingchengzi district of Liaodong peninsula, northeastern NCC. LA–ICPMS zircon U–Pb dating yield ages of 210–227 Ma and 224 Ma for lamprophyres and biotite monzogranite respectively. Lamprophyre is ultrapotassic, strongly enriched in REE and LILEs, depleted in HFSEs, and negative Hf isotopes, which are discriminating signatures of crustal source, but distinguishingly high compatible element contents indicate the primary magma originated from mantle source—a fertile one. Lamprophyre derived from partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle, which was modified by slab-derived hydrous fluids/melts associated with deep subduction between the Yangtze Craton and the NCC. The diorite displays distinct features with relatively enriched Nb, Ta, HREE and depleted Th, U, which suggest it derived from a relatively depleted source. The depletion was caused by break-off of the Yangtze slab during deep subduction introducing asthenospheric mantle into the source. The biotite monzogranite shows adakitic affinity, and originated from partial melting of the thickened lower crust with addition of small proportion of mantle material. The recognition of Late Triassic magmatism implies extensional tectonic settings in Liaodong peninsula and suggests initiation of lithospheric thinning of North China Craton in eastern segment might begin early in Late Triassic.  相似文献   
The Sergipano belt is the outcome of collision between the Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain (Massif) and the São Francisco Craton during Neoproterozoic assembly of West Gondwana. Although the understanding of the Sergipano belt evolution has improved significantly, the timing of emplacement, geochemistry and tectonic setting of granitic bodies in the belt is poorly known. We recognized two granite age groups: 630–618 Ma granites in the Canindé, Poço Redondo and Macururé domains, and 590–570 Ma granites in the Macururé metasedimentary domain. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for granites of first age group indicated ages of 631 ± 4 Ma for the Sítios Novos granite, 623 ± 7 Ma for the Poço Redondo granite, 619 ± 3.3 Ma for the Lajedinho monzodiorite, and 618 ± 3 Ma for the Queimada Grande granodiorite. These granitoids are dominantly high-K calc-alkaline, magnesian, metaluminous, mafic enclave-rich (Queimada Grande and Lajedinho), or with abundant inherited zircon grains (Poço Redondo and Sitios Novos). Geochemical and isotope data allow us to propose that Sítios Novos and Poço Redondo granites are product of partial melting of Poço Redondo migmatites. Sr-Nd isotopes of the Queimada Grande granodiorite and Lajedinho monzodiorite suggest that their parental magma may have originated by mixing between a juvenile mafic source and a crustal component that could be the Poço Redondo migmatites or the Macururé metasediments. Other 630–618 Ma granites in the belt are the mafic enclave-rich Coronel João Sá granodiorite and the Camará tonalite in the Macururé sedimentary domain. These granites have similar geochemical and isotopic characteristics as the Lajedinho and Queimada Grande granitoids. We infer for the Camará tonalite and Coronel João Sá granodiorite that their parental magmas have had contributions from mafic lower crust and felsic upper crust, most probably from underthrust São Francisco Craton, or Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain. The younger 590–570 Ma granite group is confined to the Macururé metasedimentary domain. Although these granites do not show typical features of S-type granites, their U–Pb age, field relationships, geochemical and Sr-Nd data suggest that their parental magmas have originated from high degree melting of the Macururé micaschists. Field observations support a model in which the Macururé domain, limited by the Belo Monte-Jeremoabo and São Miguel do Aleixo shear zones, behaved as a ductile channel flow for magma migration and emplacement during the Neoproterozoic, very much like the channel flow model proposed for emplacement of leucogranites in the Himalayas.  相似文献   
The Roccamonfina volcano is characterised by two stages of volcanic activity that are separated by volcano-tectonic caldera collapses. Ultrapotassic leucite-bearing rocks are confined to the pre-caldera stage and display geochemical characteristics similar to those of other volcanoes in the Roman Province. After the major sector collapse of the volcano, occurred at ca. 400 ka, shoshonitic rocks erupted from cinder cones and domes both within the caldera and on the external flanks of the pre-caldera Roccamonfina volcano. On the basis of new trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data, we show that the Roccamonfina shoshonitic rocks are distinct from shoshonites of the Northern Roman Province, but are very similar to those of the Neapolitan volcanoes. The last phases of volcanic activity erupted sub-alkaline magmas as enclaves in trachytic domes, and as lavas within the Monte Santa Croce dome. Ultrapotassic rocks of the pre-caldera composite volcano are plagioclase-bearing leucitites characterised by high levels of incompatible trace elements with an orogenic signature having troughs at Ba, Ta, Nb, and Ti, and peaks at Cs, K, Th, U, and Pb. Initial values of 87Sr/86Sr range from 0.70926 to 0.70999, 143Nd/144Nd ranges from 0.51213 to 0.51217, while the lead isotope rations vary between 18.788–18.851 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.685–15.701 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 39.048–39.076 for 208Pb/204Pb. Shoshonites show a similar pattern of trace element depletions and enrichments to the earlier ultrapotassic leucite-bearing rocks but have a larger degree of differentiation and lower concentrations of incompatible trace elements. On the other hand, shoshonitic rocks have Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes consistently different than pre-caldera ultrapotassic leucite-bearing rocks. 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.70665 to 0.70745, 143Nd/144Nd ranges from 0.51234 to 0.51238, 206Pb/204Pb ranges from 18.924 to 19.153, 207Pb/204Pb ranges from 15.661 to 15.694, and 208Pb/204Pb ranges from 39.084 to 39.212. High-K calc-alkaline samples have intermediate isotopic values between ultrapotassic plagioclase leucitites and shoshonites, but the lowest levels of incompatible trace element contents. It is argued that ultrapotassic magmas were generated in a modified lithospheric mantle after crustal-derived metasomatism. Interaction between the metasomatic agent and lithospheric upper mantle produced a low-melting point metasomatised veined network. The partial melting of the veins alone produced pre-caldera leucite-bearing ultrapotassic magmas. It was possibly triggered by either post-collisional isotherms relaxation or increasing T°C due increasing heat flow through slab tears. Shoshonitic magmas were generated by further melting, at higher temperature, of the same metasomatic assemblage with addition 10–20% of OIB-like astenospheric mantle material. We suggest that addition of astenospheric upper mantle material from foreland mantle, flowing through slab tearing after collision was achieved. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
为探讨清水泉地区堆晶岩成岩时代和区域地质构造,选择沿阿尔金南缘主断裂南侧分布的清水泉堆晶辉长岩开展完成了LA−ICP−MS 锆石定年,对堆晶纯橄岩、辉石岩和辉长岩开展了全岩地球化学研究。堆晶辉长岩年龄为(464.8±1.3)Ma,岩石地球化学结果表明:清水泉堆晶岩主量元素具低TiO2 含量,高Mg# 值的特点。纯橄岩、辉石岩和辉长岩稀土元素配分曲线呈现“平坦型”,与富集型大洋中脊玄武岩(E−MORB)配分一致。综合清水泉堆晶岩地化特征和区域地质构造背景认为:清水泉堆晶岩为同源岩浆分异演化的产物,其形成于伸展的构造背景,表明阿尔金南缘板块碰撞在中奥陶世已基本结束。  相似文献   
安徽中生代花岗岩铅同位素组成与铅同位素省划分   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
张理刚  邢凤鸣 《岩石学报》1993,9(2):105-114
冀东地区~3.8 Ga TTG岩石发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
始太古代及形成时代更古老的岩石十分稀少,任何新的发现都是对最早期陆壳形成演化研究的重要贡献。本文首次报道了华北克拉通冀东地区~3.8 Ga TTG岩石的年龄和地球化学组成。样品J2012为花岗闪长质片麻岩,J2013为侵入花岗闪长质片麻岩的花岗闪长岩脉,也遭受变质变形。两者的岩浆锆石年龄分别为3785±8 Ma和3773±6 Ma。尽管岩石的常量元素组成和形成时代类似,但稀土模式明显不同。样品J2012的TREE(稀土总量)和(La/Yb)n比值分别为139.2×10-6和8.44,组成特征与北美4.03 Ga Acasta片麻岩类似,岩浆作用发生在相对低压的条件下,岩浆作用过程中无石榴子石参与而有斜长石存在。样品J2013的TREE和(La/Yb)n比值分别为163.5×10-6和51.16。轻重稀土强烈分异要求花岗闪长岩形成于石榴子石稳定和斜长石不稳定的高压条件下。研究表明,冀东地区在~3.8 Ga时TTG岩浆作用就显示出多样性,支持了古太古代早期—冥古宙陆壳基底广泛存在的认识。根据始太古代岩石...  相似文献   
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