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Modelling blue and green water resources availability in Iran   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Knowledge of the internal renewable water resources of a country is strategic information which is needed for long‐term planning of a nation's water and food security, among many other needs. New modelling tools allow this quantification with high spatial and temporal resolution. In this study we used the program Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in combination with the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting program (SUFI‐2) to calibrate and validate a hydrologic model of Iran based on river discharges and wheat yield, taking into consideration dam operations and irrigation practices. Uncertainty analyses were also performed to assess the model performance. The results were quite satisfactory for most of the rivers across the country. We quantified all components of the water balance including blue water flow (water yield plus deep aquifer recharge), green water flow (actual and potential evapotranspiration) and green water storage (soil moisture) at sub‐basin level with monthly time‐steps. The spatially aggregated water resources and simulated yield compared well with the existing data. The study period was 1990–2002 for calibration and 1980–1989 for validation. The results show that irrigation practices have a significant impact on the water balances of the provinces with irrigated agriculture. Concerning the staple food crop in the country, 55% of irrigated wheat and 57% of rain‐fed wheat are produced every year in water‐scarce regions. The vulnerable situation of water resources availability has serious implications for the country's food security, and the looming impact of climate change could only worsen the situation. This study provides a strong basis for further studies concerning the water and food security and the water resources management strategies in the country and a unified approach for the analysis of blue and green water in other arid and semi‐arid countries. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
刘江  徐锐  陈聪  饶太国  李兴泉 《地震学报》2021,43(5):605-614
介绍了川滇地区电离层多参量异常监测系统的设计思路与功能实现,并将该系统应用于2019年6月17日四川长宁MS6.0地震的监测试验.结果表明:该系统实现了全球和中国区域垂直总电子含量VTEC、站点VTEC和F2层临界频率foF2异常变化的实时监测,有助于开展示范性地震电离层异常监测工作,其图形及数据结果可为地震-电离层异...  相似文献   

Fresh water is arguably the most vital resource for many aspects of a healthy and stable environment. Monitoring the extent of surface water enables resource managers to detect perturbations and long term trends in water availability, and set consumption guidelines accordingly. Potential end-users of water-related observations are numerous and reflect society as a whole. They encompass scientists and managers at all levels of government, aboriginal groups, water/power utility managers, farmers, planners, engineers, hydrologists, medical researchers, climate scientists, recreation enthusiasts, public school to post-graduate students, many special interest groups and the general public. Water data and analyses generate information products that benefit water resources planning and management, engineering design, plant operations, navigation activities, health research, water quality assessments and ecosystem management. As well, they serve as inputs for flood and drought warnings and weather and climate prediction models. Radar data in general, and RADARSAT in particular, are very good for detecting open surface water and have been used operationally for flood monitoring in many countries. Significant radar data archives now exist to analyse seasonal, annual and decadal trends, in order to attain a better understanding of the freshwater cycle. Radar data are also useful for wetland classification and soil moisture estimation. With the increasing pressure on water resources, both from a quality as well as a quantity perspective, the need will continue to increase for reliable information.

RADARSAT-2 has several innovations that will enhance the ability to provide useful information about water resources. This paper provides an overview of the use of radar in general, and RADARSAT-2 in particular, for the generation of information products useful to water resource managers.  相似文献   
小良试验站三种植被类型地表径流效应的对比研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
周国逸  余作岳 《热带地理》1995,15(4):306-312
本文分析研究了3种植被类型下的地表径流在汇流、洪峰及径流过程上的特征,差异是巨大的。在径流过程上桉树林和裸地的变地剧烈,几乎没有什么调蓄作用,洪峰流量占一次性降水径流量的绝大部分,涨水和退水流量都较小。本文应用灰色系统GM(2,1)模型,成功地预测了以年和以月为时间尺度的地表径流序列,其预测模型可以用来对这些时间尺度的地表径流进行预报。  相似文献   
利用多沙黄河河口潮波平面二维泥沙数学模型,通过典型时刻近海海区潮汐、河口口门河道、河海流场、含沙量、河床变形和海底等值线等图形对入海河口海域潮汐和潮流海洋动力特性、入海泥沙运动扩散输移规律、河口拦门沙形状、形成过程、泥沙冲淤和海底地形变化进行了分析,这些都与实测资料和遥感图像的分析基本一致。  相似文献   
林云存 《华南地震》2012,(2):133-137
介绍了信宜1、2号井水文地质环境,总结了近年来两井水温的同震响应现象,并对其机理进行了初步的探讨。认为两口井的同震响应虽然形态不一致,但机理是相近的,主要是由于地震波的扰动,随着振动效应的作用,加大了不同含水层间的垂直运动速率,而产生水温上升或下降现象,震后一段时间随着混合通道的闭合或运动速率的恢复,2号井的水温逐渐恢复到原有的水平上。  相似文献   
通过RT-PCR及Smart?TM Race技术,首次克隆了三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)CYP2基因cDNA全长序列。该基因cDNA全长1662bp,编码一个由492个氨基酸组成的多肽,预测理论等电点为6.348,分子量大小为56.68kD。氨基酸序列中含有CYP基因家族所特有的K螺旋保守序列(ExxR)和血红素结合区(FxxGxxxCxG)。经氨基酸序列比对及系统进化树分析发现,与岸蟹(Carcinus maenas)的同源性最高,达到75%。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,CYP2基因在肝胰腺、鳃、肌肉、血淋巴、心脏和眼柄中均有分布,在肝胰腺中表达量最高。肌肉注射磺胺嘧啶后,三疣梭子蟹高、中、低三剂量组CYP2基因表达较对照组都有上调,并具有时间差异性,低剂量组表达量逐渐降低,趋于对照组,中剂量组和高剂量组表达量先升高后降低,6h后同一时间点,均是高剂量组表达最高,低剂量组最低。表明磺胺嘧啶可诱导三疣梭子蟹CYP2基因,CYP2基因可能参与三疣梭子蟹的药物代谢反应。  相似文献   
肠道和肝胰腺是中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)重要的消化器官,本文运用组织学技术测量了中肠和后肠长度,并对肠道长与体长进行相关性分析。应用免疫组化技术对5-HT和5-HT受体2进行组织定位和计数。结果表明:(1)中华绒螯蟹的肠道长与体长接近,两者之间呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。后肠长度约为中肠的2倍;(2)5-HT和5-HT受体2在中肠和后肠中的组织定位和数量相似,均分布于黏膜上皮细胞间和肌层与外膜交界处,亦见于后肠的固有膜和黏膜下层与肌层交界处,在肠球外膜中也有大量分布;(3)5-HT和5-HT受体2阳性物质在肝胰腺的四种细胞的胞核中均有分布,在F细胞的胞质中也有分布。5-HT和5-HT受体2在中华绒螯蟹肠道和肝胰腺组织中的分布规律一致,表明中华绒螯蟹消化道5-HT发挥生理功能可能与5-HT受体2有关。此外,5-HT和5-HT受体2在后肠近肌细胞分布的特点可能与肠道收缩有关。后肠在中华绒螯蟹消化生理中的作用应引起重视。  相似文献   
湛江近海M2分潮的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用潮汐模型,在高分辨率的自适应曲线网格下,采用潮汐调和常数作为控制模拟精度的方法,模拟了洪江附近海域M2分潮的运动特征。模拟所得的潮汐调和常数同实测值相比,误差较小。根据模拟结果绘制的M2分潮的同潮图,揭示了湛江附近海域M2分潮振幅和迟角的分布特征以及M2分潮的传播和发展规律。模拟得到的M2分潮分别在涨憩、落憩、涨急和落急几个典型时刻的流场,揭示了湛江附近海域M2分潮潮流的分布特征及其运动规律。  相似文献   
基于广义逆和奇异值分解理论,研究核磁共振T2谱反演的截断法和阻尼法。首先给出反演问题的M-P广义逆解;然后对系数矩阵进行奇异值分解求其M-P广义逆,对奇异值进行截断或者加阻尼,保证解的稳定性兼顾其分辨率;最后利用迭代技术实现解的非负约束。数值仿真实验和岩心T2谱反演表明:对于双峰谱,在信噪比SNR≥10时,截断法和阻尼法反演T2谱的分辨率和稳定性都很高;截断法截断因子选择范围小,在SNR<10时解的分辨率和稳定性差;阻尼法阻尼因子选择范围大,在SNR<10时解的稳定性好,但短组分分辨率低,长组分分辨率高。对于三峰谱,当SNR≥20时,截断法和阻尼法反演的T2谱光滑连续,具有三峰结构;当SNR<20时两者均不能反演出与构造谱接近的三峰谱。因此,2种方法可应用于SNR≥10的双峰谱和SNR≥20的三峰谱反演;从分辨率和稳定性、平滑噪声及截断和阻尼因子的选取上,阻尼法略优于截断法。  相似文献   
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