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类脂化合物极大地扩展了全球变化研究的深度,尤其是单体碳稳定同位素技术在古气候、古环境重建上有着重要作用。基于近些年来国内外的最新研究成果,就类脂化合物单体碳同位素在古气候环境方面的应用研究进行了较为全面的评述。已有研究表明利用类脂化合物单体碳同位素组成可以追溯到海洋和湖泊环境中陆源有机质的物源,其母源区历史时期 C3、C4植被的变迁以及区域性的古气候、古环境重建。  相似文献   
The newly commissioned University of New South Wales Infrared Fabry–Perot (UNSWIRF) has been used to image molecular hydrogen emission at 2.12 and 2.25 μm in the reflection nebula Parsamyan 18. P 18 is known to exhibit low values of the (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) ratio, suggestive of UV-pumped fluorescence rather than thermal excitation by shocks. Our line ratio mapping reveals the full extent of this fluorescent emission from extended arc-like features, as well as a more concentrated thermal component in regions closer to the central exciting star. We show that the emission morphology, line fluxes and gas density are consistent with the predictions of photodissociation region (PDR) theory. Those regions with the highest intrinsic 1–0 S(1) intensities also tend to show the highest (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) line ratios. Furthermore, variations in the line ratio can be attributed to intrinsic fluctuations in the incident radiation field and/or the gas density, through the self-shielding action of H2. An isolated knot of emission discovered just outside P 18, and having both an unusually high (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) ratio and relative velocity, provides additional evidence for an outflow source associated with P 18.  相似文献   
Shocks propagating in the interstellar medium (ISM) play an important role in the life of molecular clouds. Through a theoretical study of interaction between clouds and shocks we can understand, for example, the density distribution of observed molecular clouds and the first steps of star formation. The only way to study of interaction in detail is via a numerical hydrodynamical simulation. In this paper we present the first results of a hydrocode which is able to follow the processes after the collision between the cloud and shock front.Our main theoretical result is that the chemical processes (e.g. H2 dissociation) can affect the dynamical processes significantly. Global parameters of the cloud are calculated for the comparision of the simulation and the observations.  相似文献   
南海现代沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子组合特征及其指示意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1998年6~9月南海海洋环境调查及1987年SO-50中德联合调查中所取得的资料,对南海沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子组合特征进行分析和研究,并将南海与渤海、黄海、东海现代沉积过程中的正构烷烃碳分子组合特征进行对比,结果表明:(1)南海北部沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子分布范围为nC15~nC33,双峰群,居前的低碳数主峰碳为nC19~nC22,居后的高碳数主峰碳为nC27,nC24以后奇碳的优势明显,OEP为2.13,nC23-/nC24 值平均为1.53,沉积物中陆源输入居多;南海南部沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子分布范围为nC15~nC33,呈双峰群,居前的低碳数峰群以nC19~nC23为主峰碳,居后的高碳数峰群以nC27或nC29为主峰碳,OEP为1.58,nC23-/nC24 值平均为2.15,沉积物中海洋生物来源居多。南海沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子为海洋和陆源两种有机质来源。(2)南海南部处于典型热带海洋环境,生物生产力较高,大量硅质、钙质生物在海域繁殖,生物效应降低了陆源物质的丰度。物源效应和生物效应的差异是南海南、北部现代沉积物的碳分子组合分布变化的主要原因。(3)南海现代沉积物各站位沉积物中正构烷烃的P r/Ph值基本小于1,说明沉积物沉积时为缺氧还原的沉积环境,但局部海域沉积环境具有较强的氧化性,沉积物在沉积过程中一定程度上受到涌升的南极底层水的影响。(4)南海与东海、黄海、渤海不同海域沉积物中正构烷烃碳分子组合特征对比可知,各海域沉积物均显示出物源效应。  相似文献   
Sequence variation of the first internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA ( ITS - 1 ) was examined and its application to the study of genetic variation was explored in four populations of farter' s scallop Chlamys farreri. ITS - 1 fragments, with a length of about 300 bp,of 78 individuals collected from Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai in China and Korea respectively were amplified via PCR, cloned and sequenced. Intra-genomic variation was examined by sequencing several clones of single individuals. Alignment and polymorphism analysis detected 44 haplotypes and 50 polymorphic sites which consist of 30 substitutions and 20 indels, indicating a high level of polymorphisms. Sequence analysis also showed a very low level of intra-individual variation. All these features validated the feasibility of application of ITS - 1 fragment to population analysis. Polymorphism analysis showed that the Korea sample has the richest genetic variation, followed by Yantai and Qingdao samples. AMOVA (analysis of molecular variance) showed that the majority (96.26%) of genetic variation was distributed within populations and 3.74% resulted from among populations, but with P 〈 0.05 ( = 0.042), indicating that the populations in this study have significant divergence. This output was basically concordant with the result arising from RAPD data and different from that from mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence data. Discussion on this inconsistency was made accordingly.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe Permian-Triassic ( Tr/P) boundary , datedto be (251 .4±0 .3) Ma ago ,is marked by the mostdrastic mass extinction of organisms in the Phanero-zoic .In order to explore the pattern and the cause ofthe mass extinction,extensive research has been fo-cused on biostratigraphy , isotopic chronostratigra-phy , event stratigraphy , ecostratigraphy and se-quence stratigraphy (Payne et al .,2004 ; Reichowetal .,2002 ; Yin et al .,2001 ;Jin et al .,2000 ;Zhanget al .,1996 ,1995 ;…  相似文献   
The Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana contains significant coal and coal bed natural gas (CBNG) resources. CBNG extraction requires the production of large volumes of water, much of which is discharged into existing drainages. Compared to surface waters, the CBNG produced water is high in sodium relative to calcium and magnesium, elevating the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). To mitigate the possible impact this produced water may have on the quality of surface water used for irrigation, the State of Montana passed water anti‐degradation legislation, which could affect CBNG production in Wyoming. In this study, we sought to determine the proportion of CBNG produced water discharged to tributaries that reaches the Powder River by implementing a four end‐member mixing model within a Bayesian statistical framework. The model accounts for the 87Sr/86Sr, δ13CDIC, [Sr] and [DIC] of CBNG produced water and surface water interacting with the three primary lithologies exposed in the PRB. The model estimates the relative contribution of the end members to the river water, while incorporating uncertainty associated with measurement and process error. Model results confirm that both of the tributaries associated with high CBNG activity are mostly composed of CBNG produced water (70–100%). The model indicates that up to 50% of the Powder River is composed of CBNG produced water downstream from the CBNG tributaries, decreasing with distance by dilution from non‐CBNG impacted tributaries from the point sources to ~10–20% at the Montana border. This amount of CBNG produced water does not significantly affect the SAR or electrical conductivity of the Powder River in Montana. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
简要介绍了第13届国际变形机理、流变学和构造学学术会议的概况和特点,综述了地震变形作用的研究现状。  相似文献   
硫酸侵蚀碳酸盐岩对长江河水DIC循环的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对长江及其主要支流河水水化学和溶解无机碳(DIC)同位素组成(δ13GDIC)进行了研究。河水阳离子组成以Ca^2+、Mg^2+为主,阴离子以HCO3-、SO4^2-为主,水化学组成主要受流域碳酸盐岩矿物的化学侵蚀控制。DIC含量为0.3~2.5mmol/L,从上游到河口逐渐降低。δ13CDIC值为-12.0‰-3.4‰,与DIC含量具有相似的变化趋势。H2CO3溶解碳酸盐岩是控制河水DIC来源及其占δGDIC组成的主要机制。H2SO4溶解碳酸盐岩加剧了流域碳酸盐岩的化学侵蚀,一方面导致了河水的DIC含量增加,另一方面也使河水的δ13GDIC值升高。  相似文献   
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