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Water is a dominant component of volcanic clouds and has fundamental control on very fine particle deposition. Particle size characteristics of distal tephra-fall (100s km from source volcano) have a higher proportion of very fine particles compared to predictions based on single particle settling rates. In this study, sedimentological analyses of fallout from for the 18 August and 16–17 September 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Alaska, are combined with satellite observations, and cloud trajectory and microphysics modeling to investigate meteorological influences on particle sedimentation. Total grain size distributions of tephra fallout were reconstructed for both Crater Peak eruptions and indicate a predominance of fine particles < 125 μm. Polymodal analysis of the deposits has identified a particle subpopulation with mode ~ 15–18 μm involved in particle aggregation. Accounting for the magmatic water source only, calculated ice water content of the 3.7 hour old September 1992 Spurr cloud was ~ 4.5 × 10− 2 g m− 3 (based on an estimated cloud thickness of ~ 1000 m from trajectory modeling). Hydrometeor formation on particles in the volcanic cloud and subsequent sublimation may induce a cloud base instability that leads to rapid bulk (en masse) sedimentation of very fine particles through a mammatus-like mechanism.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地马海钾盐矿床沉积环境与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
马海钾矿床是柴达木盆地内重要的盐类矿床之一。从盐类矿床沉积物的物相分析入手,着重揭示该成盐盆地沉积环境和古地理变迁特征,论述湖盆由形成、发展至老化衰亡的演变规律,反映了从上新世末期以来新构造运动在矿区地质构造上的典型表现,由这些成矿因素构建的矿床地质构造特征也得到总结。依照持续稳定发展的要求,就矿床开发过程中出现的急功近利局面,提出调整产品结构和重新布局开采对象的新策略,对企业生产实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   
兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源探讨   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
云南兰坪—思茅盆地是我国重要的成钾盆地。综合前人的研究成果,简要介绍了该地区的地质概况。对兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源进行了阐述和讨论,认为该盆地钾盐矿床的物质来源以残存古海水为主,并有陆源水体的补给。盆地内的富钾火山凝灰岩、古盐和风化盐也可能为该盆地钾盐矿床提供物源,至于深部地下卤水是否提供物源还需更深入的研究论证。兰坪—思茅盆地钾盐矿床成矿物源具有多源性。  相似文献   
In this article we propose an advanced technique for detecting low contrast geochemical anomalies using a set of features. There are three principal elements in this technique: (1) a statistical measure of the contrast of the anomaly, denoted as τ; (2) selection of a background population; and (3) reduction of the dimensionality of the feature space. In the frame of the model, which describes the statistical distribution of geochemical background as a multidimensional normal distribution of logarithms of concentrations, the index, τ, is a powerful test statistic for the hypothesis of abnormality of an observation. Maps of τ anomalies can be rigorously interpreted on the basis of statistical inferences. Under all equal conditions this technique allows the detection of geochemical anomalies with at least the same contrast (if the chemical elements in a background population are correlated, then even the better) as using selective extractions of metals from soil or other techniques for data processing. The advantages of the proposed technique are demonstrated both theoretically and on examples of rare-metal and copper–nickel mineral deposits.  相似文献   
Carbonate alteration at the Mulgarrie gold mine in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, is represented by porphyroblasts, veins and pervasive, texturally destructive, carbonatisation. Two foliations, S1M and S2M, were produced by two separate deformation events at the mine‐scale, D1M and D2M. D1M and D2M both occurred in response to regional D2 tectonism. Carbonate alteration was the product of two separate episodes of fluid ingress: the earlier produced magnesite and the latter Fe‐dolomite. Both periods of carbonate alteration occurred pre‐ to early syn‐D2M, when mafic to ultramafic komatiitic rocks reacted with fluids that moved along regional faults and pre‐date the alteration associated with regional peak metamorphism. Gold at Mulgarrie overprints pre‐ and late syn‐D2 quartz veins in zones of massive carbonate alteration, suggesting it has a late‐ to post‐D2 timing. This late timing agrees with the generally accepted syn‐D3 (and younger) age for gold mineralisation in the Eastern Goldfields. We suggest that carbonate alteration at Mulgarrie is not a product of the hydrothermal event responsible for the gold mineralisation. Rather, the different relative timing of magnesite, Fe‐dolomite and gold indicates there were two carbonate‐producing fluid systems and a fluid transporting the gold overprinted these. Similarly, early carbonate alteration may play a role in localising auriferous vein deposits throughout the Yilgarn and other Archaean cratons.  相似文献   
二道河子铅锌矿床位于额尔古纳地块得尔布干成矿带的中段,地处大兴安岭西坡。为有效限制该矿床的成矿时代,对硫化物Rb-Sr年龄和安山玢岩锆石U-Pb年龄开展研究得出:该矿床的内生成矿作用共经历了3个成矿阶段:石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ)和石英-方解石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅲ),其中石英-多金属硫化物阶段是主要的矿化阶段;Ⅲ号矿带主成矿阶段5件闪锌矿和3件黄铁矿的Rb、Sr含量分别为0.081×10-6~2.632×10-6和0.661×10-6~3.186×10-6,Rb-Sr同位素等时线年龄为140.8±2.3 Ma,(87Sr/86Sr)i值为0.71025~0.71205;与矿体平行、局部切穿矿体的安山玢岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为138.8±1.7 Ma。上述结果表明,二道河子矿床为热液脉状铅锌矿床,形成于早白垩世,与次火山岩(安山玢岩)热事件相近。结合前人研究成果,推测成矿与安山质岩浆作用有关,形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合后的伸展环境。  相似文献   
通过对金川铜镍矿床地质、矿化特征与加拿大伏伊希湾(Voisey’s Bay)铜-镍-铂族元素硫化物矿床进行系统对比分析,总结出这2个世界级铜镍硫化物矿床形成演化方面的相似性、可比性及其共同特点,即深部岩浆房含矿岩浆沿通道脉动式上侵,到上部表现为“小岩体,成大矿”。成矿作用过程和模式表现为:①含矿岩浆的有序侵位显示岩浆在深部岩浆房停歇过程中曾发生熔离分异,形成岩浆、含矿岩浆、富矿岩浆和矿浆分层结构;②成矿作用是在富有动力的岩浆环境下岩浆不连续(脉动式)上侵过程中发生的,岩浆熔融体富含挥发组分,上侵活动剧烈,围岩角砾化;③含矿岩浆沿相同的通道或越位上侵,在先期侵入岩体下侧或上方不同空间成矿;④岩浆运移过程中与围岩发生相互作用、组分交换和成矿物质的富集。深入阐明了含矿岩浆不连续(脉动式)上侵、后续岩浆补给和混合是镁铁—超镁铁岩体中硫化物被聚集在岩浆流动的通道内形成超大型铜镍硫化物型铂族元素矿床的重要机制。  相似文献   
按照“构造控盆、盆控相、相控矿”的思路,对铅锌矿形成的沉积盆地、含矿建造、控矿构造、岩相古地理等成矿条件进行研究,分析成矿特点,总结成矿规律。灯影期在扬子西北缘川西式基底上发育北东向、北北东向同生断裂,形成近北东向次级盆地和台地,构成台-盆相间的构造格局,次级盆地为局限盆地潮下相带沉积,台地边缘斜坡出现滑塌砾屑白云岩,沿同生断裂运移的含矿热液流体在角砾状白云岩中聚集成矿。研究结果表明,灯影组铅锌矿成矿明显受盆地半活动类型基底、镁质碳酸盐岩台地中次级盆地、控制次级盆地的同生断裂等因素的控制。  相似文献   
川西北地区是国内重要的岩金普查靶区。本文对松潘地区的地质特征,泛克立格法原理,及在本区的应用情况作了介绍,对主要计算步骤,给出基本结果,对计算获得的有意义异常区,进行地质解释,并将此方法与趋势面分析进行对比。  相似文献   


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