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Soil erosion becomes a serious environmental problem in the world, especially in western China. An effective management practice called the Grain for Green Program (GGP), which was launched in 1999, aims to reduce soil and water loss and alleviate the ecological environment problem in western China. Two typical counties in western China, the Zhongxian (in Chongqing Municipality) and Ansai (in Shaanxi Province) were chosen to evaluate the dynamic changes of land use and agricultural production structure before and after the implementation of the Program in this paper. The results showed that the cultivated land area was reduced by 7.08% from 1989 to 2003. The cultivated land per person was decreased by 8.42% during 1999-2003. Moreover, the stability index of the secondary sector of the economy was increased from 0.91 in the period 1990-1999 to 0.94 in the following ten years. In addition, the stability index of tertiary economic sector increased from 0.88 to 0.92 in Zhongxian county. Meanwhile, the cultivated land area was reduced by 15.48% from 1990 to 1999. The soil erosion modulus was decreased by 33.33% from 1999 to 2006. Also, the stability index of secondary and tertiary economic sectors was 0.86 in the period 1998-2002. However, it decreased by 77% during 2002 to 2007 in Ansai County. These results imply that the Grain for Green Program had different impact on the two regions. Several effective strategies of soil and water conservation have been carried out to ameliorate the sustainable development of ecological environment and economy in these two counties of western China.  相似文献   



The tree root distribution pattern and biomass of seventeen year old trees of Grewia optiva, Morus alba, Celtis australis, Bauhinia variegata and Robinia pseudoacacia were studied by excavation method. B. variegata roots penetrated to a maximum depth of 4.78 m, whereas, M. alba roots were found down to 1.48 m depth. Lateral spread was minimum in B. variegata (1.10 m)and maximum inR. pseudoacacia (7.33 m). Maximum root biomass of 6.30 kg was found in R. pseudoacacia and minimum (2.43 kg) was found in M. alba. For four species viz.,G. optiva, M. alba, C. australis andR. pseudoacacia, 68%-87% root biomass occurred within top 0-30 cm soil depth, but forB. variegata this was only45%. The soil binding factor was maximum in G. optiva and minimum in B. variegata. Soil physico-chemical properties also showed wide variation. The study suggests thatB. variegata with a deep root system is the most suitable species for plantation under agroforestry systems. R. pseudoacacia and G. optiva with deep root systems, more lateral spread and high soil binding factor are suitable for plantation on degraded lands for soil conservation.  相似文献   
Wild mushrooms are recognized as important non-wood forest products in mountainous ecosystems, but their real potential for generating rural economies has not been fully evaluated due to the difficulties in obtaining reliable productivity data, minimizing their true potential as contributor to rural economies. Mushroom yield models based on large data series from Pinus forest ecosystems in the region of Catalonia(Spain), combined with data from the Spanish National Forest Inventory allow us to estimate the potential mushroom productivity by forest ecosystems. The results of 24,500 tons/yr of mushrooms of which 16,300 tons are classified as edible and 7,900 tons are commonly marketed demonstrate the importance of mushroom productions in Catalonian pine forests, mostly located in mountainous areas where the development of agricultural activities is limited. Economic mushroom value is estimated at 48 million € for the edible mushroom and 32 million € for those corresponding to marketable yields, confirming the potential of this non-wood forest product. These production results and corresponding economic values provide a basis for the incorporation of wild mushrooms as significant non-wood forest products in the development of forest policies in mountainous areas.  相似文献   
7月13日,轻风拂面,阳光明媚。上午8点30分,黑龙江省七台河市人民迎来了企盼已久的时刻——七台河国有矿山西部区(一期)深部煤炭详查项目正式开工。  相似文献   
宏观上论述了我国西部道路交通开发中地质环境基本特点、主要工程地质问题及工程可行性,并着重指出,地形复杂、地壳强活动、滑坡泥石流、冻土和风沙等灾害构成了交通开发中施工、养护的突出问题,部分干旱区水源匮乏矛盾尤为突出,但工程地质环境仍具可选择的条件。  相似文献   
Multi-temporal series of satellite SPOT-VEGETATION normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) data from 1998 to 2007 were used for analyzing vegetation change of the ecotone in the west of the Northeast China Plain. The yearly and monthly maximal values,anomalies and change rates of NDVI and NDWI were calculated to reveal the interannual and seasonal changes in vegetation cover and vegetation water content. Linear regression method was adopted to characterize the trends in vegetation change. The yearly maximal NDVI decreased from 0.41 in 1998 to 0.37 in 2007,implying the decreasing trend of vegetation activity. There was a significant decrease of maximal NDVI in spring and summer over the study period,while an increase trend was observed in autumn. The vegetation-improved regions and vegetation-degraded regions occupied 17.03% and 20.30% of the study area,respectively. The maximal NDWI over growing season dropped by 0.027 in 1998–2007,and about 15.15% of the study area showed a decreasing trend of water content. Vegetation water stress in autumn was better than that in spring. Vegetation cover and water content variations were sensitive to annual precipitation,autumn precipitation and summer temperature. The vegetation degradation trend in this ecotone might be induced by the warm-drying climate especially continuous spring and summer drought in the recent ten years.  相似文献   
正2012年以来,沁阳市在治理北部山区生态环境工作中,始终把打击、取缔非法采矿行为作为重中之重的工作进行安排,开展了以"取缔非法采矿、取缔非法矿产品加工点和整顿持证矿山企业生产秩序"为主要内容的"两取缔一整顿"专项行动。该市成立了由市委副书记、市长任组长,市委常委、政法委书记和分管国土资源工作的副市长任副组长,相关局委、乡镇政府为成员单位的"两取缔一整顿"工作领导小组,制定了具体的工作方案,提出了明确具体的要求,实行联席会议制度,定期不定期研究部署整治工作。同时,由山王庄、西向、西万、常平等4个乡(镇)政府牵  相似文献   
正5月底,河南地矿局第二地质矿产调查院承担的香港宝豫有限公司"利比里亚宝米东部山区铁矿勘查"项目阶段性勘查工作已经圆满完成。2013年8月30日,宝豫利比里亚公司与该院在郑州签署了《利比里亚共和国宝米东部山区铁矿勘查合同》。其主要内容是完成利比里亚共和国巴布罗州宝米东部山区铁矿探矿权(探矿权证号:MEL12005)区内43.26平方公里的铁矿普查,并在其中优选的10平方公里进行详查。合同签订以后,经过一个多月的紧张筹备,该院从2013年10月开始陆续派人到达矿区,11月初全部人员  相似文献   
正"黄山归来不看岳,织金洞外无洞天。琅嬛胜地瑶池境,始信天宫在人间。"中国作家协会副会长冯牧在诗中这样写道……织金洞,一个美丽的奇迹,在渴望震撼的你我心中,它的召唤会勾起我们心灵的颤动。当疲惫的我们抛弃了尘嚣的烦恼,推开身边的琐事来到这里,万千景象尽收眼底,穿梭于美妙的洞穴之中,是何等的惬意,何等的惊叹!织金洞原名打鸡洞,地处贵州西部高原山区,位于乌江上游鸭池河、三岔河交汇环抱之间,属于高位旱溶洞,典型的喀斯特地貌,其碳酸岩成分高达90%以上。这里属亚  相似文献   
正沈阳市是一座缺水的城市,通过对地下水位的监测,了解地下水位的变化,对保护地下水环境,合理利用和开发地下水资源具有非常重要的意义,为合理开发地下水资源提供技术支持。地质环境概况沈阳地区地层属华北地层区,多为第四系地层覆盖,东部丘陵山区基岩出露。区内地层除缺失上  相似文献   
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