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本报讯 日前,庆安市国土资源局为城乡全体收费人员兑现经济责任状。  相似文献   
1947年6月,根据中共中央和毛泽东主席关于以主力打到外线去,将战争引向国民党统治区,在外线大量歼敌的战略方针,晋冀鲁豫野战军主力(又称“刘邓大军”)在陈(赓)谢(富治)集团和陈(毅)粟(裕)兵团(又称“华东野战军西线兵团”或“外线兵团”)配合下,向国民党统治的河南、湖北、安徽三省边界的大别山区实施进攻行动,拉开了人民解放军战略进攻的序幕。为保障三路大军战略进攻的用图需要,测绘人员夜以继日赶印地图。  相似文献   
植物正构烷烃及其单体氢同位素在古环境研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
正构烷烃是植物类脂的重要组成部分,主要用来维持叶片表面的水分平衡,其平均碳链长度(ACL)作为植物对水分胁迫程度的生理性反映,与植物进化程度存在表观上的联系。高等植物来源烷烃的ACL高于低等植物和水生藻类,裸子植物高于被子植物,C4植物高于C3植物,因此植物正构烷烃具备粗略的植物分类学意义,并在古环境研究中被广泛应用。在河口和海洋沉积物中主要用来判断水生低等植物和陆地高等植物的相对贡献,在古土壤中则用来区分草本/木本植物的消长变化。植物烷烃中的氢元素主要来自光合作用时吸收的环境水,其δD主要受环境条件和生物化学过程影响,但环境条件、气候状况和植被类型的影响可以在很大程度上相互抵消,使烷烃δD具有记录大气降水δD的潜力,从而可以用来重建大气降水δD并反演气候变化。  相似文献   
The frequency and extent of debris flows have increased tremendously due to the extreme weather and the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. Previous studies focused on the debris flow from gullies damming the mountain streams. In this paper, an equation for the run-out distance of debris flow in the main river is proposed based on the dynamic equation of debris flow at different slopes given by Takahashi. By undertaking field investigations and flume experiments, a new calculation method of the volume of debris flow damming large river is obtained. Using the percolation theory and the renormalization group theory it was deduced that the large particles should comprise more than 50% for forming a stable debris flow dam. Hence, the criteria of damming large river by debris flow is presented in terms of run-out distance and grain composition which was then validated through the event of damming river by debris flow at Gaojia gully, the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Sichuan, China, on July 3, 2011.  相似文献   
The Cross River Estuary, Nigeria, is an important shrimping area for artisanal fishermen of the coastal communities. The multi-species Macrobrachium fishery is exploited with three main gears, namely beach seine, push net and trap. Studies on species composition of this fishery recorded thirteen shrimp species, one swimming crab (Callinectes amnicola) and two fish species (Eleotris sp. and Pellonula leonensis). The shrimp species identified included Macrobrachium macrobrachion (83.39% and 55.69% by number and weight, respectively), M. vollenhovenii (9.66% and 37.18%), M. equidens (3.8% and 2.87%), juveniles-sub-adults of Penaeus notialis (1.11% and 1.3%), M. dux, M. felicinum, Palaemonetes africanus, Palaemon maculatus, Palaemon elegans, Desmocaris sp., Leander sp., Nematopalaemon hastatus and Alpheus pontederiae. While the selectivity index for trap was 0.25, beach seine and push net had a lower index of 0.063. The results present the first comprehensive and representative report for the Estuary shrimp fishery and will assist in the management of the biodiversity of this ecosystem.  相似文献   
正6.5级深度12千米8月3日16时30分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生6.5级地震,震源深度12千米,震中位于鲁甸县龙头山镇地震发生后,测绘部门迅速响应开展了地震后的应急测绘,为抗震救灾提供保障服务。8月3日下午云南省测绘地理信息局在云南鲁甸地震发生后,迅速启动最高级应急响应,投入救灾人员50余人,举全局之力应对此次地震灾害。  相似文献   
正2003年10月,考古人员在沅陵县境内,发现一枚官印——"元陵",他们认为这是战国甚至更早时期的官印。由此,不少学者认为,沅陵之名应源自"元陵"。《湖南日报》记者文热心、肖军发表《"元陵"探秘》文,对此作了深入报道。实际上,"元陵"一词在唐代就有记载。在陕西省富平县西北一座坛山上,建有唐代宗李豫的陵墓。《旧唐书·德宗纪上》载:"已酉,葬代宗于元陵。"这里写的"元陵",不是地名,意指"第一座坟"。"陵"者,丘也,也称大土堆。《诗经·小雅》称之为"如山如阜,如冈如陵"。古代君王的坟墓"高大若山",称为"陵"。  相似文献   
正广西佛子矿业有限公司属广西华锡集团股份有限公司二级子公司,矿区面积13.285 2km2,矿区分为河三矿区和古益矿区。矿山筹建于1966年,先期开发河三矿区,于1968年开始投产,古益矿区于1984年10月开始投产。矿山初期年采选能力19.8万吨/年,经过多次技术改造与建设,目前采选生产能力为45万吨/年,  相似文献   
正解放军驻港部队新闻发言人1月2日就香港警方拘捕擅闯军事禁区相关人员一事回答了新华社记者提问。该发言人表示,擅闯军事禁区相关人员已被香港警方拘捕,由警方按法律程序处理。驻军认为,擅闯军事禁区的行为,严重违反《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》及香港《公安条例》等法律,是对驻军的公然挑衅,必须依法惩处。驻军重申,对于此类擅闯军事禁区的行为,将依法采取坚决果断措施,由此引起的一切后  相似文献   
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