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针对电子商务网站经营需要,构建了个性化推荐系统的逻辑模型,并采用对商品特征无依赖性的协同过滤推荐算法设计了个性化推荐引擎,对提高电子商务网站个性推荐效率有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
纳微米聚合物微球的水化膨胀封堵性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善聚合物微球的深度调剖效果,利用蒸馏沉淀聚合法制备纳微米聚合物微球,并利用激光粒度分析仪、微孔滤膜装置和驱替装置对纳微米聚合物微球的粒径、水化膨胀能力和变形封堵能力进行测试分析.结果表明:纳微米聚合物微球为较规则均匀的球形,粒径分布集中,具有良好的水化膨胀性能;随着盐矿化度增大,纳微米聚合物微球膨胀性能变差;随着温度升高,微球的膨胀性能变强;在氯化钙和氯化镁水型中,微球膨胀性能变差;在酸性和碱性环境中,微球膨胀性能变差;随着水化时间增长,微球的封堵性能和变形能力逐渐增强,对孔道产生有效封堵的同时又能变形通过孔道,在渗透率较低的岩心中具有更好的深度调剖效果.  相似文献   
近日,修武县国土资源局西村国土所及时制止一起盗采铁矿石行为,使该乡一"千年古坑"免遭破坏. 被当地人称为"千年古坑"的大水坑位于修武县北部山区西村乡黑岩村与孟泉村交界处,呈椭园形,长约50米,宽约30米,最深处约4米.此坑是自然形成,坑里的水是靠雨季和雪融水储存的.千百年来,黑岩和孟泉两村千余口人和牲畜就是靠吃这个水坑里的水生存的,坑里的水常年清澈见底,不用过滤不用沉淀可直接饮用.随着经济的发展,山区饮水条件的改善,此坑里的水现已成为黑岩村的牲畜饮用水.在上世纪70年代,黑岩村村民对坑内进行了清於,对已损坏的护坑石楞进行了维修,并作为历史古迹保护了下来.  相似文献   
<正>日前郑州北部建成了首个"人工湿地",表面看和普通农村水塘没什么不同。实际上,它不用电,不用投料,生活污水经过这里过滤净化后,排出来的水可以浇地、养鱼,相当于一个小型污水处理厂。  相似文献   
推荐系统是帮助互联网用户克服信息过剩的有效工具。在地学数据共享领域,较其他物品的内容属性,地学数据具有更加丰富的时空属性,这也给地学数据推荐带来挑战。针对地学数据的特点,为地学数据共享推荐服务开发了一种动态加权的混合过滤方法。该方法分别采用协同过滤和基于内容过滤算法预测用户对数据的兴趣度,再以训练模型计算最优加权权重,计算最终预测评分。在数据获取阶段,通过用户访问日志数据,采用Jenks Natural Break算法分析用户访问记录获取用户的数据兴趣度。在基于内容过滤部分,通过数据的空间、时间及内容属性计算数据相似度,并以用户历史行为为依据计算用户兴趣。在协同过滤和基于内容过滤中分别采用k-NN算法计算用户对未访问数据的预测评分,并进行加权求和。通过训练集,对理想权重值及用户的共同评价度(co-rating level)进行建模,拟合二者的关系。该模型被应用于混合过滤的权重调整,以获得最优的加权方程。测试结果显示,结合数据时空属性的混合过滤方法的准确度和召回率,较单一的协同过滤或基于内容过滤方法有显著提高。  相似文献   
图像目标形状匹配与视频过滤技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究图像目标形状特征的提取、匹配,运用随机过程,投影理论,提出用于识别目标形状统计特性的波动度特征,建立目标形状匹配函数,给出实际图像目标的匹配实现算法,实际系统测试表明该算法能准确、快速完成实际图像目标形状的匹配、过滤,为图像跟踪、识别及视频过滤等应用领域提供了新的可借鉴方法。  相似文献   
微生物调剖机理及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岩芯试验和矿场应用发现,微生物可以在多孔介质中生长、运移和繁殖,代谢产生生物聚合物,并进一步形成生物膜.生物聚合物在地层中可以通过条件的改变而形成凝胶;生物膜由于其致密性也可以对高渗透层产生选择性的封堵,调整吸水剖面,提高原油采收率.对生物矿化作用的进一步研究有助于微生物调剖机理的完善和应用.微生物调剖技术以其设备简单、施工简便、经济环保而在提高油田采收率方面得到广泛的应用.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient to biota, but can become a potent toxicant at elevated concentrations. The natural sources and chemical properties of Se species make the boundary between deficiency and toxicity narrow for some biota, with both phenomena common around the globe. Large areas of farmland in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) generate salinized drainage water with Se concentrations much higher than 5 μg/L, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chronic water-quality criterion for the protection of aquatic life. We have carried out detailed field and laboratory studies to investigate Se geochemistry and remediation in two of these areas: the Middle Green River Basin, Utah and the Salton Sea Basin, California, located respectively in the Upper and Lower CRB. Results from these and other studies show that approximately 90% of the dissolved Se in the Colorado River and its tributaries originally is derived from the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale and equivalent pyritic marine units that outcrop in the Upper CRB. Selenium is mobilized commonly by biogeochemical oxidation of this pyritic shale and is concentrated mainly as selenate (SeO4^2-) in soils and agricultural drainage water of dry climates by evaporation. Minor (0%-5%) amounts of Se are present as the selenite species (HSeO3^-) and (SEO3^2-), but these species and the more reduced species, elemental Se (SeO) and selenide (Se^2-), have much lower solubility and/or have high sorptive affinity towards organic matter, clay minerals and iron oxyhydroxides. The concentration of dissolved Se (-2.5 μg/L) and salinity in the Lower Colorado River water are among the highest of the world major rivers. Because of low precipitation (7 cm/a) and extreme evapotranspiration (-1.8 m/a) rates in the Salton Sea Basin, California, Se values in irrigation water imported from the Colorado River increase to 〉300 μg/L in drainage wastewater. Removal of Se from contaminated wastewater by nanofiltration membranes was demonstrated in laboratory and pilot-scale field experiments.  相似文献   
The turbidity criterion for the product water of a WTP according to the State Project ‘863' on the safeguard technology of drinking water in the southern areas of China is 0.1 NTU. The turbidity removal in the activated carbon filter was analyzed in a pilot-scale test and an innovative technology to improve the turbidity removal in a biologically activated carbon (BAC) filter was put forward in order to meet the criterion. Experimental results showed that the enhanced filtration by adding polymerized aluminium chloride (PAC) into the BAC filter was quite effective in turbidity control. The effluent turbidity was kept at a stable level (mean) of 0.033 NTU with a high removal of about 80% for influent turbidity of 0.110- 0240 NTU with an addition of PAC at 0.05 mg L^-1, meeting the requirement for filtrate turbidity equal to or less than 0.1NTUC totally. In addition, the larger the PAC dosage was, the lower the effluent turbidity was. However, further improvement of turbidity removal was not obvious for PAC dosages beyond 0.10 mg L^- 1, and an optimal PAC dosage in the range of 0.05 - 0.10 mg L^- 1 was proposed.  相似文献   
前言 在所有城市和近郊辖区,均设有用于储集城市污水沉淀物(OCB)的过滤场。城市污水沉淀物是地下水的污染源,其主要污染物是:尿素分解时产生的铵以及腐殖族的有机物。当地下水水位高出城市污水沉淀物的底面时,在大面积过滤场下形成厌氧条件。  相似文献   
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