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莱芜市地处鲁中山区,地形以山区、丘陵为主,有“六山一水三分田”之说,人均耕地只有0.054hm2(0.82亩),是全省人均耕地最少的市之一。近年来,莱芜市从人多地少的市情出发,不断强化宣传引导,完善政策措施,加大资金投入,加强项目管理,全面推进土地开发整理工作。自2000年以来,全市市级以上累计投入专项资金3.9亿元,开发整理复垦各类土地3.93万hm2,增加耕地0.98万hm2,改造中低产田1.07万hm2,在增加有效耕地面积、提高耕地质量、保障占补平衡、改善农业生产条件和生态环境、促进农村发展、农业增效、农民增收等方面取得了显著成效。  相似文献   
孙凤琴 《山东地质》2009,(10):15-17
集体土地在我国的社会生产中起着极为重要的作用,我国对集体土地的管理也一直实行严格的政策。随着经济社会的发展,国家在集体土地的管理中存在的问题逐渐显露,如所有权主体不明确、权能不完整、土地使用权流转限制因素过多等,这些问题的存在,反映了国家在管理集体土地上的缺陷,同时也要求对集体土地管理进行改革。  相似文献   
通过介绍北京市测绘设计研究院的基础地理信息数据库构成和为北京城市总体规划修编工作提供的数据应用服务,阐明基础地理信息与城市规划和管理部门密不可分的关系.  相似文献   
以内蒙古荒漠草原家庭牧场为研究尺度,比较分析了不同经济水平牧户草场的植物群落特征,结果表明:主要植物种群的高度、盖度、密度、地上生物量、重要值及群落多样性指数均呈现出不同程度的趋同性.从社会学角度分析表明,牧区牧户的经济收入与饲养牲畜头数呈高度正相关.不同经济水平牧户草畜平衡的调整和适应能力不同,低经济水平牧户一般牲畜头数少,草场相对可使用面积大,经营意识薄弱,草场经常被有意或无意占用;中等经济水平牧户扩大饲养规模的愿望最为强烈,并积极通过围封、租借草场等方式来保护自家草场和扩大牲畜数量;高经济水平牧户则普遍采取常年租借草场、走场、购买饲草料等措施,减缓对自己草场放牧压力,同时保持畜饲养规模的维持和扩大.牧户存在调整适应行为,并会基于自己的“草畜平衡标准”,根据经济条件、草场面积、牲畜数量和对草场状况、放牧超载及效益的认知,适时通过草场流转和输入外部资源等方式,转移放牧压力,致使不同牧户草场生态状况趋于一致.  相似文献   
Rice planted in southern China accounts for 94% of the total in sown acreage and 88% of the total in production, which matters a lot to Chinese food security. However, due to the prolonged conflict between water availability and rice growth in spatial/temporal distribu-tion, rice production suffers from seasonal drought at acreage of 16%-22%, which compro-mises food production capacity and food security. Focusing on the spatial distribution of seasonal drought with rice and the practices to adapt to it, and based on an analysis of bal-anced water supply for and demand by rice at a growing season scale during 1981-2030, this paper assesses the changing seasonal drought in the process of rice production under the changing climate in the future, and identifies general rice re-cultivation options for climate change adaptation. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) Rice suggests a decline in seasonal drought, with early season rice (early rice hereafter) by 12,500 km2, middle season rice (middle rice) by 80,000 km2, and in particular late season rice (late rice) by 25,000 km2, which accounts for almost 20% of its cultivated acreage. It is indicated that due to climate change, seasonal drought in major rice producing areas tends to alleviate in general, late season rice in particular. (2) Future climate change brings about a significant impact on the spatial/temporal distribution of water resources in rice producing areas in China. Based on ’pre-designed’ adaptation actions for rice-re-cultivation, the rice cultivation pattern undergoes a significant alteration between 1981-2000 and 2001-2030. In eastern Guizhou and western Hunan, the pattern of single early plus single dry farming is changed into double cropping. In eastern Hunan, the pattern of dry cropping is changed into single early plus single dry farming. In northern Anhui, the pattern of dry farming cropping is changed into middle rice. All this is aimed at a potential adequate availability of water for rice production in the future. (3) Rice re-cultivation patterns developed in this paper help re-balance water demand and supply for rice growth using the spatial analysis tool to adapt rice growth to the changing water avail-ability from spatial perspective, and come up with rice producer-friendly re-cultivation options in response to climate change.  相似文献   
Rice's spatial-temporal distributions, which are critical for agricultural, environ- mental and food security research, are affected by natural conditions as well as socio-eco- nomic developments. Based on multi-source data, an effective model named the Spatial Production Allocation Model (SPAM) which integrates arable land distribution, administrative unit statistics of crop data, agricultural irrigation data and crop suitability data, was used to get a series of spatial distributions of rice area and production with 10-km pixels at a national scale -it was applied from the early 1980s onwards and used to analyze the pattern of spatial and temporal changes. The results show that significant changes occurred in rice in China during 1980-2010. Overall, more than 50% of the rice area decreased, while nearly 70% of rice production increased in the change region during 1980-2010. Spatially, most of the increased area and production were in Northeast China, especially, in Jilin and Heilongjiang; most of the decreased area and production were located in Southeast China, especially, in regions of rapidly urbanization in Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang. Thus, the centroid of rice area was moved northeast approximately 230 km since 1980, and rice production about 320 km, which means rice production moved northeastward faster than rice area because of the significant rice yield increase in Northeast China. The results also show that rice area change had a decisive impact on rice production change. About 54.5% of the increase in rice pro- duction is due to the expansion of sown area, while around 83.2% of the decrease in rice production is due to contraction of rice area. This implies that rice production increase may be due to area expansion and other non-area factors, but reduced rice production could largely be attributed to rice area decrease.  相似文献   
通过考古发掘成果表明,人类发现和使用黄金迄今已有7000年的历史.我国黄金的开采和使用亦至少有4000年的历史.大约在新石器时代就已经认识了黄金. 根据考古工作者发掘出的各种金器的出土墓葬或遗址的年代,最早的为商代早期.如河南郑州商代早期墓葬中出土的珥形金饰,河南辉县殷代墓葬和河南安阳小屯殷墟出土的金块、金箔、金叶都证明了我国早在3500年以前就已开始使用黄金,并掌握了加工制作金的工艺技术.  相似文献   
今天是第22个全国土地日,今年全国土地日宣传活动的主题是"建设高标准基本农田,保障国家粮食安全"。粮食生产是国民经济的基础,耕地又是粮食生产的基础。基本农田作为耕地中的精华,是保障粮食生产的主要载体和基础,因此基本农田保护是耕地保护工作的重中之重。耕地始终是我们必须坚守的"生命  相似文献   
"雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越"。这一句气势雄伟的豪言壮语书写着他们骄人佳绩背后的不懈追求。成立于2009年2月天津华勘钻探机具有限公司,是一家专业生产钻机、Q系列钻  相似文献   
当我们走进赵士宝的办公室时,他正和同事在内蒙古自治区矿产分布图上讨论下一步的工作方向.干净整洁的书柜上,整齐陈列着《辞海》、《江泽民文选》、《史记》等书.平易近人的他随和坦诚,加上一口标准的京腔,给我们留下深刻的印象. 家住北京通州区的赵士宝,1983年毕业于武汉地质学院煤田地质及勘探专业,毕业当年就进入内蒙古第六地勘院做起了地质员的工作.此后先后担任组长、技术负责、总工办主任、副总工程师等职务.1997年至2005年期间在内蒙古第四地勘院先后担任副总工程师、总工程师等职务.2006年至2011年,担任内蒙古地矿局生产技术部部长.如今,担任内蒙古地矿局总工程师.30年来,深入地勘一线任劳任怨,也使得赵士宝稳稳扎根于内蒙古.  相似文献   
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