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煤矸石山的危害及植被生态重建途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期的采矿活动使煤矿区大量的煤矸石堆积形成煤矸石山,成为矿区环境污染和恶化的主要因素之一。煤矸石山对矿区造成的危害主要包括引发火灾、破坏矿区景观、污染环境、形成地质灾害等。提出了植被生态重建治理煤矸石山的措施,其主要技术手段包括煤矸石山立地条件分析、山地整形、基质改良、植物种类选择和栽培等。通过合理的规划设计,最终实现矸石山稳定的植被生态系统。  相似文献   
通过系统的野外采样并结合室内分析,将研究区分为3个区域:靠近污染源的铜绿山矿区附近、受矿区影响明显的大冶市区以及相对清洁的武汉市中国地质大学校园,研究了苔藓中和降尘中重金属元素质量分数分布特征和来源,进而进行了对应性分析,最后将研究区域与国内外其他地区进行了对比,结果表明:①铜、铁等元素的污染受矿源的影响较大,而铅、锌的污染则与交通等人类活动有较大关系;②苔藓植物对Cu和Zn有较强的吸附能力;③与其他地区相比,铜污染是大冶市有别于其他地区的首要污染特征;④苔藓植物可以较好地指示大气中的污染物来源.  相似文献   
新疆粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对粘土矿物在当前环境污染治理中的基本应用做了介绍,并系统阐述了主要粘土矿物的结构特征、基本性能和主要应用。对粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用领域提出了一些思考,这对当前粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
对乌鲁木齐市环境污染现状作了分析,重点分析大气污染、水环境质量、污染物排放、噪声环境以及其它环境问题,较为综合地反应了乌鲁木齐市环境总体状况,并就污染问题提出防御对策。  相似文献   
中国科技部973项目《首都北京及周边地区大气、水、土环境污染机理与调控原理》自1999年12月-2005年9月实施,项目大气部分首席科学家为徐祥德研究员,项目科学顾问为周秀骥院士,  相似文献   
农药污染对人体健康的危害及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是使用农药最早的国家之一,有着十分悠久的历史,农药用于防治农林牧业病、虫草害、鼠害和其他有害生物是调节植物生长的药物及加工制剂。大量的事实表明,农药在防治病虫害、保护庄稼生长方面的作用不容置疑。从不使用农药的自然农业发展到使用农药的现代农业,农药做出了一定的贡献。据统计,世界粮食因为农药的实用,产量相对增长,但如果不使用农药,因为病、虫、草害的影响,粮食将减少1/3[1]。由此可见,农药在人类农业史中起了十分重要的作用。但是由于农药是一种化学制剂,长期大量使用,会对环境生物安全和人体健康产生不利的影响。农药怎样污染环境和对人体健康产生危害,笔者就这一问题加以论述。  相似文献   
A total of 63 soil samples from 3 different soil profiles (urban, suburban and industrial areas) in major towns in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia were analyzed for the total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cr. The soil samples were subjected to acid digestion and the concentrations of total metals extracted were measured or flame atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry. According to the result of this study, Pb and Zn concentrations in urban soils are much higher than those of industrial and suburban soils. Total concentrations of Cu and Cr in industrial soil samples are high compared to other two soil profiles and Ni concentrations in the suburban area are slightly higher those of urban and industrial soils. Since Malaysia has not yet to come up with her own soil maximum allowable limit, the heavy metal concentrations were compared with the Dutch maximum allowable limit. The results indicated that the median of heavy metals values in the three different soil profiles is still below the Dutch system limit. From the maximum allowable value obtained from the Dutch system, a contamination/pollution (C/p) index for each site was calculated for the set of these five heavy metals. An advantage of using this method is to make a differentiation between pollution (C/p〉1) and contamination (C/p〈1) status in soils as well as being able to characterize each status into 5 different categories (slight, moderate, severe, very severe and excessive).  相似文献   
Due to the persistent nature of DDT, a persistent organic pollutant and its adverse environmental and health impacts, the present study was undertaken to examine the residual DDT in and around DDT manufacturing factory in Amman Gharh, Nowshera, NWFP. The factory was established in 1963 and remained in operation till 1994. Composite samples of soil, sediments and water were collected in and around the factory area, nearby DDT stores, main factory drain leading to river and nearby villages. Standard procedures were used for the collection, transportation and storage of samples for analysis. Physical parameters for the collected water samples measured were temperature, pH and conductance. Extraction of each sample for DDT analyses was carried out in triplicates using soxhlet extraction apparatus. The extract was transferred to well washed, clean; dry glass vial, sealed and put in the refrigerator. Gas Chromatograph with electron capture detector and capillary column was used for analysis. DDT in the samples was identified on the basis of their retention time and quantified on the basis of peak areas. It is evident from the analytical data obtained in the present study that both water and soil in and around the factory area are still contaminated with DDT, despite the closure of the factory since the past few years.  相似文献   
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