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通过对山西保德-静乐地区新近纪地层的野外地质调查和实测剖面,对分布于该区的新近纪地层进行了详细的研究和划分,获得了新的ESR和古地磁测年数据,并结合生物地层序列确定了该区新近系地层的顺序为:新近系上新统静乐组(N2j)、新近系中新统上部保德组(N1^26)和中新统下部芦子沟组(N1^1l)。  相似文献   
评“河南西峡盆地产恐龙蛋地层研究新进展”   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
"河南西峡盆地产恐龙蛋地层研究新进展"一文主张用"走马岗组"、"赵营组"和"六爷庙组"来替代正式命名的一套地层名称,这样做既不符合地层命名原则,又易引起新的不必要的混乱。在晚白垩世时西峡、淅川两盆地在岩性组合特征上是相似的,浙川盆地并不是"岩性特征简单",西峡盆地也不是"岩性复杂"。西峡盆地晚白垩世"红层"应采用"高沟组、马家村组和寺沟组"这套地层名称。  相似文献   
从地层记录的特性论岩石地层学的困惑   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17  
梅冥相 《地层学杂志》1996,20(3):207-212
地层记录有四个特性:不完整性、非渐变性、旋回性及复杂性。这四个特性在岩石地层中将形成两种穿时性——相界面穿时及间断面穿时,最终造成常规标志层的缺乏和复杂有序的相变。为此,根据"岩性、岩相的统一"来划分和对比岩石地层单位时,常常具有人为性及不确定性。在相序基础上识别出的旋回层序,具有空间上相序的有序性及时间上环境变化的同步性两大特征,在把它用于岩石地层学研究时,具有以下优点:1)不同级别旋回层序及其有序叠加形式的研究是从岩石地层记录的复杂性中寻找规律的最好方法;2)旋回层序,特别是长周期旋回层序的界面,同样可以作为岩石地层单位的界面;3)地层记录的旋回性的研究,可以丰富岩石地层单位的的内容,为其划分对比提供更多的天然标志。  相似文献   
桩基施工将引起周边地层位移和邻近隧道结构变形,以南京龙津桥改建项目桩基工程为背景,通过现场实测,分析研究钻孔灌注桩施工全过程各工况条件对地层位移场和邻近既有隧道结构变形的影响规律。结果表明:由于钢套管的护壁作用,钻孔灌注桩施工过程中产生的最大地层位移和隧道结构变形较小,说明采用“钢套管边旋压边取土”、“群桩间跳施工”等工艺,对周围土体扰动影响程度较小,建议近隧桩基工程采用全套管灌注桩的施工方法,监测分析结果可为类似工程提供技术参考。  相似文献   
火山渣丘,是火山区内的一种特殊的地质现象,以前地其成因国内外尚无详细探讨和描述,有的学者曾经统称为副火山。笔者通过实地调查,对这一结论提出新的见解,认为火山渣丘的形成是一复杂的地质现象,其成因具有多元性。这对探讨火山喷发规律,对火山地质地貌的准确描述与具有积极作用。  相似文献   
浅变质岩区地层特征及地层单位探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁鄂荣 《地球科学》1990,15(2):137-144,T001
密坑山锡矿田位于江西省会昌县西南约40km处。该区为一晚中生代破火山,火山岩为上侏罗统鸡笼嶂组流纹质凝灰熔岩及火山碎屑岩,火山口周围环状及放射状断裂发育,火山口中心为浅成相的密坑山似斑状钾长花岗岩中央岩株侵入体所充填。上世纪80年代以来,在该岩体与流纹质凝灰熔岩的内外接触带相继发现了岩背、淘锡坝、苦竹岽、矿背、上湾等一批大、中型锡多金属矿床或矿点,表明这一岩体对成矿具有重要的制约作用。  相似文献   
On the Kuril Islands there are 85 volcanoes, 39 of which are active. Hot springs and mud pots are wide spread in this area and have significant inputs on the chemical composition of the surrounding surface waters and environment. We present results of trace elements as well as data on H, O, S, and He isotope ratios for hydrothermal systems of the Mendeleev Volcano (Kunashir Island) and surrounding surface waters. Water and gas samples were taken from springs and holes as well as creeks and the Lesnaya River. Among the thermal water types, three main groups can be distinguished. The first group includes the waters, in which SO4^- ion predominant. The water temperature on the surface reaches 97℃, and TDS varies from a few g/L to 7 g/L. These waters are acid to superacid with pH values ranging 0.6 to 2.3. The second group is sodium-chloride waters. A maximum TDS is 14.2 g/L. The waters are neutral or alkaline; pH varies from 6.9 to 8.2. The third group is the sodium-chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate water. The Stolbovskie springs, located in the periphery of the Mendeleev Volcano are representative of this type. The pH of these waters is close to neutral. TDS is 1.9 g/L. They are rather the derivatives of sodium-chloride waters arisen from dilution of them by subsurface waters. The Kuslyi Creek and Lesnaya River are located near the Mendeleev Volcano. The most acid springs discharge into the Kislyi Creek as a result pH of this creek being 2.5, and contents of most elements rather high. For example, the contents of dissolved solids of Si, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, in waters of the Kislaya Creek are 22.1, 8.1, 6.2, 1.29, and 0.28 mg/L, and correspondently. The water of the Lesnaya River, (Before the Kislyi Creek, pH is about 8 with TDS 102 mg/L, but after the Kuslyi Creek, pH decreases and the concentrations of chemical elements increase. Debit of the Kislayi Creek in summer season is about 370 L/sec. It means that every day only this small creek inputs in the Lesnay River about 706 kg of Si;  相似文献   
The Bonnifield district hosts 26 tmmined volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) occurrences. Environmental geochemical samples of water and stream sediment were collected at several occurrences, concentrating on the two best-exposed and largest deposits, Red Mountain (RM) and Sheep Creek (SC). Limited samples were also collected at the poorly exposed WTF deposit. The deposits are Late Devonian to Early Mississippian, and are hosted by felsic metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist members of the Totatlanika Schist or Keevy Peak Fm. Spring and stream waters at RM and SC have pH values commonly 〈3.5 (as low as 2.4 at RM and 2.5 at SC), high conductivity (up to 11000 μS/cm), and very high (Is to 100s mg/L) dissolved contents of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb. Waters at RM are characterized by extremely high REE contents (summed REE median 3200 μg/L, n=33). At both RM and SC, pyrite oxidation and dissolution produce low pH waters that interact with and dissolve bedrock minerals, resulting in acidic, metal-laden, naturally degraded streams that are mostly devoid of aquatic life. Ferricrete is common. In contrast, WTF barely produces a surficial environmental footprint, mostly due to topography and relief. RM and SC are well exposed in the areas of relatively high relief, and both exhibit extensive areas of quartz-sericite-pyrite-alteration. While WTF shares many of the same deposit-and alteration characteristics, it is concealed by tundra in a large, nearly flat area. Surface water at WTF is absent and outcrops are sparse. Even though WTF is roughly the same size as Red Mountain (both around 3 million tonnes) and has similar base- and precious-metal grades, the surficial geochemical manifestation of WTF is minimal. However, exposure through mining of the altered, mineralized rock at WTF potentially could initiate the same processes of pyrite oxidation, acid generation, and mineral dissolution that are observed naturally at RM and SC.  相似文献   
钱文群 《地理教学》2006,(12):20-21
在波澜起伏的教改浪潮中,我尝试开设了“地震与火山”这堂公开课。在备课过程中查寻整理资料、制作修改课件、设计创立课堂流程,自然化了不少心思,然而作为教师的我,在这一过程中所学到的远不止课程本身或其所涉及到的相关领域知识、能力。几次“模拟演习”师生都能按事先设计好的环节逐一展开,当时我感到自然、流畅、顺利,然而在有众多领导、专家、教师在场的公开课堂上,学生、课堂带给我的却是另外一种东西,那是一种感动、一种启示,甚至是一种震撼。课后我及时与学生交流沟通,我想用字表达一下几个方面的感想与启示。  相似文献   
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