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Many coastal seas are severely eutrophic and required to reduce nutrient concentrations to meet a certain water quality standard. We proposed a method for nutrient removal by planting Sesuvium portulacastrum at the water surface using the floating beds in the aquaculture area of the Dongshan Bay as an example, which is an important net-cage culture base in China and where dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP) reach 0.75 mg/L and 0.097 mg/L, respectively far exceeding China's Grade IV water quality standards.Numerical simulations were taken using the ecological model, field observations and field plantation experimental results to assess the environmental restoration effects of planting S. portulacastrum at some certain spatial scales. Our field experiments suggested that the herbs can absorb 377 g/m~2 nitrogen and 22.9 g/m~2 phosphorus in eight months with an inserting density of ~60 shoot/m~2. The numerical experiments show that the greater the plantation area is, the more nutrient removal. Plantation in ~12% of the study area could lower nutrients to the required Grade II standards, i.e., 0.2 mg/LDIN≤0.3 mg/L and 0.015 mg/LDIP≤0.03 mg/L.Here the phytoremediation method and results provide helpful references for environmental restoration in other eutrophic seas.  相似文献   
将微粒群算法与位错理论模型相结合,采用中国地壳运动观测网络提供的青藏高原地区2001~2004年GPS测量数据和2000~2006年水准测量数据,通过常规定权和附有相对权比的方法对祁连山北缘断裂的三维滑动速率进行联合反演,并与蚁群算法反演结果进行对比。结果表明,微粒群算法收敛速度快、稳定性高,结合经典位错理论模型,是一种可以有效求解断层三维滑动速率反演问题的优化算法,在大地测量反演领域极具应用潜力。  相似文献   
中国锂资源的分布具有卤水型与硬岩型相伴相随、若即若离的特点。“多旋回深循环内外生一体化”成锂理论,在多年三稀金属矿产找矿实践和理论研究的基础上不断丰富完善。中国锂矿的形成与“多旋回”构造运动密切相关,从前寒武纪到新生代均有成矿潜力,可构成一个完整的多旋回成矿谱系。锂的“深循环”,一是锂深度参与成岩成矿的物质循环;二是需要一个“圈闭”的构造背景将锂“捕获”以避免其过度分散,锂从开始加入到岩浆与最终定位的深度之差,是硬岩型锂矿成矿的关键之一,压差越大越有利于伟晶岩型锂矿的形成。大量锂矿实例显示锂的物质循环是“内外生一体化”的统一过程,高海拔地区(山上)的含锂地质体(花岗岩类甚至直接就是含锂矿床)经风化剥蚀之后,可能成为沉积型锂矿的物质来源之一;而富含锂的沉积岩经过埋藏、变质、深熔也可以形成含锂的岩浆岩、伟晶岩。我国西部塔里木盆地、四川盆地、扎布耶盆地及东部的江汉盆地、吉泰盆地、周田盆地等大小不一的盆地均含锂,而其周边造山带中也不同程度发育硬岩型锂矿,这就为区域找矿指明了方向。“多旋回深循环内外生一体化”成锂理论是三稀矿产成矿理论的重要组成部分,为我国锂矿找矿工作提供了指导和借鉴,在甲基卡、可尔因、阿尔金、幕阜山等锂矿矿集区的找矿实践中发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
Micromorphology of solonetz species with special attention to natric horizon was studied in microcatenas at the Dzhanybek Research Station (northwestern Caspian Lowland). The solonetzic (natric) horizon is easily identified, and it occurs at varying depths, which are the criteria for subdividing solonetzes into 4 species, namely, crusty, shallow, medium and deep. In this sequence, the depth of humus-accumulative horizons increases, and the upper boundary of salinity manifestations goes down. The following micromorphological features are assumed as typical for natric horizons: angular blocky microstructures with partially accommodated aggregates having sharp boundaries and narrow plane-like packing voids; b-fabric speckled in the aggregates' centers and monostriated at their peripheries merging into stress coatings; very few interpedal voids; organo-clay coatings; humus- enriched infillings; no calcite and gypsum pedofeatures. A complete set of "natric" features was found only in the crusty solonetz; the shallow solonetz lacks only illuviation coatings, while the medium and deep species have several modifications of fabric elements: blocky aggregates have a rounded shape and are penetrated by biogenic channels favoring their further biogenic reworking; plant residues became more abundant and diverse, and blackened tissues occur; illuviation clay coatings evolved into papules; stress coatings gave birth to striated bfabrics, thus maintaining a high plasma orientation. The thin sections of natric horizons made 50 and 20 years ago were examined to study the influence of environmental changes (increase in precipitation and rise of ground water table) on micropedofeatures. The following processes took place: (i) in the topsoil: humus accumulation and biogenic structurization; (ii) in the natric horizon - re-arrangement of clay coatings into micromass b-fabrics; and (iii) in the lower part of the natric horizon - development of pseudosand fabric, calcite and gypsum formation. The trends revealed are in good agreement with the environmental events.  相似文献   
淹没植物对河道糙率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于河道水动力及植物柔性变形分析,建立淹没状态下的植物河道糙率计算的理论关系,同时,利用试验资料及理论分析成果,进一步获得了植物河道糙率的附加值,借此可以分析与评价河道植物对水流阻力的影响程度.  相似文献   
利用将建筑实体进行高度抽象,提出了建筑点群,以GIS的空间分析理论为依据,通过实体高度、起伏度、空间聚集度三个指标对城市的3维形态进行量化与分析。选取南京市主城区为实验样区,提取该区域的建筑点群,用三个指标对实验样区内3维形态的空间分布格局和时间发展特点进行定量分析与描述。实验结果证明,这三个指标从不同角度分析了建筑实体在区域内的组合方式,能够在一定程度上反映城市3维形态的基本特征,有助于对城市空间分布格局及城市历史演变过程的研究。  相似文献   
必需脂肪酸在海洋食物链中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"硅藻-桡足类-鱼类"是海洋生态系统中物质循环和能量流动的主要环节[1].在海洋食物链中,饵料的数量和营养价值是各营养级海洋动物生长和繁殖的主要制约因素[2].影响饵料营养价值的化学组分包括蛋白质、脂类、糖类、矿物质、维生素等,其中脂类物质作为浮游植物营养成分的重要组成部分,在动物的细胞膜、视网膜、脑、神经组织和某些激素的合成中具有不可替代的作用[3].  相似文献   
在某些蓝藻、绿藻和高等植物中,八氢番茄红素脱氢酶是β-胡萝卜素合成过程中的一个关键酶之一,应用巢式PCR方法从雨生红球藻中克隆了八氢番茄红素脱氢酶基因约1kb的5’上游序列。通过生物信息学方法进行序列分析,发现pds基因上游序列中包含了一些可能的顺式元件,如ABRE调控元件、C-repeat/DRE调控元件等。同时,构建了由pds-启动子控制报告基因的重组载体,并转化到雨生红球藻细胞中,进行了报告基因瞬间表达的检测。结果表明,克隆的pds启动子区域具有启动子活性,可以驱使报告基因进行瞬间表达。  相似文献   
花海拗陷的热演化和生烃期的磷灰石裂变径迹证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用裂变径迹分析方法测量了取自花海拗陷的钻井磷灰石样品的裂变径迹年龄和长度。结果表明,随井深增加年龄减小,平均径迹长度亦变短。取自白垩纪地层的磷灰石样品的裂变径迹年龄都比地层年龄年轻得多,表明沉积后曾长时间处于磷灰石裂变径迹退火带中,沉积前的径迹记录已部分消失,古地温高于今地温。利用蒙特卡罗随机取样的热史模拟方法对裂变径迹数据进行了分析,结果表明白垩纪地层沉积后曾经历过超过110 ℃的加热,达到最高古地温的地质时代是早白垩世晚期—晚白垩世末,为主要生烃期。新生代以来盆地变冷,生油岩的成熟度主要受古地温控制  相似文献   
富源县老厂镇拖竹地区崩塌地质灾害发育,对周边村民生命财产安全、矿山生产安全造成严重威胁。通过野外详细调查,对该区崩塌成因及影响因素进行了分析研究,认为煤矿开采活动是该区大部分崩塌的主要诱发因素,较陡的地形和上硬下软的破碎岩体是其主要控制因素。分析了崩塌的稳定性、发展趋势,提出了防治措施建议。  相似文献   
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