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勘察设计企业知识产权法律风险防范浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科技革命、世界经济一体化不断深入,发达国家为了保护对科技的投入,不断推进对知识产权的保护,把知识产权保护直接与发展对外政治、经济关系连接起来,使知识产权问题上升到政治和经济问题的高度,成为科技、经济和外交斗争的重要组成部分。世界贸易组织也将知识产权保护作为加入该组织的最基本要求。  相似文献   
1概述 在城市测绘中,常遇到的工程是建筑物定位、检测以及竣工测量,这种工程测量包括很多方面,一方面要利用外业采集到的数据和建筑物的相关尺寸计算建筑物的角点坐标,用于建筑物定位或位置检查;另一方面将这些数据保存下来,同时利用这些数据编制成果表和绘制工程图。  相似文献   
黄华平 《四川测绘》2001,24(3):113-114
数字地形图的数据量的大小不但取决于采点密谋,而且也受AUTOCAD中的某些操作的影响。  相似文献   
1继续完善了《地理科学进展》在线稿件处理系统在2009年建立的《地理科学进展》在线稿件处理系统平台基础上继续完善了其相关功能并发布了创刊以来的过刊论文,实现了网上投稿处理与发布的一体化,方便了作者和读者。  相似文献   
今年10月拟在江西省鹰潭市龙虎山庄举行华东六省一市测绘学会第六届综合性学术交流会。征文内容:以数字化,内外业一体化为主的综合性文章,希望全省测绘科技工作者和广大会员积极撰写论文,  相似文献   
关晓东 《河南测绘》2009,(4):19-20,30
城乡一体化空间数据库的建设是一个非常复杂的过程,它涉及到各个系统平台之间、各个部门之间、各种业务之间的协调和规划。参照国家的有关标准和规范建立一套地籍地形一体化编码体系、构造城乡一体化现代地籍系统平台的数据字典。只有符合标准编码规范和数据组织才能进入系统,才能被系统接纳。  相似文献   
  Objectives   China is one of the countries with the most severe natural disasters in the world. There are many types of natural disasters and high frequency of disasters. It often causes huge economic losses and casualties in the disaster area. Combining the key technologies of the internet of things(IOT), the Internet, and geographic information for surveying and mapping, so it is possible to grasp the disaster situation in a timely and efficient manner. Thereby we could scientifically and effectively formulate disaster prevention and mitigation strategies, and implement emergency rescue measures, which are of great significance to the safety of people’s lives and property.  Methods   The development of big data and disaster reduction technologies has brought new possibilities for disaster management and emergency response. Geographic information big data provides basic support for emergency rapid response, location and navigation big data provides location information of personnel and materials for emergency rescue. Two- and three-dimensional visualization technology more realistically restores the disaster environment, and disaster models scientifically simulate the process of disaster occurrence, internet public opinion big data in disaster assessment also plays an important role. Big data is profoundly changing emergency rescue and disaster management with its ability to visualize, analyze and predict disasters. The combination of disaster big data and surveying and mapping geographic information technology has become an important means to improve disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities.  Results   We analyze and summary the integrated and comprehensive disaster reduction technology in the context of big data. The characteristics of integrated and comprehensive disaster reduction technology are elaborated, including comprehensive and thorough perception, broadband ubiquitous interconnection, precise and fast integration, ubiquitous positioning, efficient and intelligent processing, and intelligent collaborative services. The progress of integrated comprehensive disaster reduction technology is reviewed, which includes indoor and outdoor high-precision integrated positioning, rapid integration of multi-source data, scene fusion and enhanced visualization, typical disaster model construction and management, integrated disaster reduction comprehensive services, and China’s disaster reduction service system platform. In addition, we introduced the integrated comprehensive disaster reduction intelligent service system platform, APP and its application services, and summarized and prospected the integrated comprehensive disaster reduction technology and services.  Conclusions   The continuous development of big data technology provides new ideas and methods for people to analyze and solve emergency response problems, and provides a very convenient way for the sharing, integration, analysis, mining, and decision-making of comprehensive disaster reduction services. However, with the in-depth application of new concepts, new technologies, and new methods such as   相似文献   
TCM电动全站仪是一种具有自动照准预设方向、自动纵转望远镜,EDM连接迅速准确,能用RS232接口输出数据功能的全新马达驱动的电子全站仪。其配置的自动跟踪目标装置ATR1与全站仪测距系统及视线同轴,对仰角和倾角较大的测点目标也能追踪如常。TCM电动全...  相似文献   
江齐英  黄睦谨  乐辉 《城市地质》2021,16(4):479-486
要:为实现对全省城市地质调查成果的规范化管理,挖掘地质调查成果信息,为城市规划、建设、管理、安全等提供综合地质信息服务,依托广东省\"数字政府\"政务云资源,充分利用\"云计算\"\"大数据\"\"中台+微服务\"等技术搭建广东省城市地质信息管理服务平台;开发数据管理与维护、三维地质建模、专业分析评价、地上地下二三维一体化展示分析、示范应用、公众服务等应用系统,实现对全省城市地质调查成果的汇聚管理、分析评价、共享服务及辅助决策.通过\"数字政府\"建设的政务大数据中心实现成果共享,以及基于省平台搭建地市版城市地质平台、地质成果生产软件等为各地市提供信息化技术支撑,避免重复建设.  相似文献   
"泛珠三角"产业、人口分布空间变动的趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李铁立  徐建华 《地理科学》2006,26(4):402-408
随着地区经济一体化的发展,“泛珠三角”区域的经济格地理局将会出现不同程度的变化。当前“泛珠三角”区域一体化处于中期发展阶段,主要表现为产业和人口向“珠三角”集中。今后随着一体化的进一步发展,产业和人口将具有集中与扩散同时发生的特征,各地区形成特定产业和人口集中的专门化生产的地理格局。  相似文献   
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