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随着地理信息系统(GIS)应用领域的不断深入,基于时态GIS技术的森林资源更新管理成为一个重要的研究方向。本文在森林资源小班数据更新分析的基础上,对比总结了当前主流的时空数据模型,介绍了时空数据库的构建形式和森林资源数据的更新流程,为时态GIS技术在森林资源管理中的进一步研究提供了方向。  相似文献   
打开浙江省地图,在建德市寿昌镇不远,千岛湖以南,横亘着一座大山,名日“千里岗”。就在这条岗子里蕴藏着堪称“国宝”的大片古楠木森林资源。现在这里已开发出一个森林公园,去年深秋我有幸去采访数天。车开进园门不久,即停在了一座两层楼房前。这楼房倚崖而筑,房前屋后松筠交互,曲径迂回,原来是个环境清幽的接待中心。从规模看,这里能接待约五十人的膳宿。  相似文献   
基于阈值分割的黑龙江省森林类型遥感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变化背景下,准确获取森林覆盖是监测森林资源动态、实现林业可持续发展的重要基础。为将省级尺度森林资源清查面积资料空间化,以黑龙江省为例,利用1999-2003年该省森林资源清查面积数据,结合2000年500 m分辨率的MODIS数据,构建了基于阈值分割的森林类型遥感识别方法。该方法利用不同地表覆被类型归一化植被指数时间序列的季节分异特征,以森林资源清查面积为标准,设定森林类型的划分阈值,识别了黑龙江省森林类型的空间分布。最后,基于分层随机抽样和精度评价方法,表明森林类型识别结果与地面参考数据具有较高的一致性,总体分类精度为78.1%;特别是季节特征明显的落叶林,精度可达80%以上。本文所构建的方法可将森林清查统计数据进行准确的空间定位,同时结合多期森林资源连续清查资料和遥感信息,可为识别并量化区域生态系统生物量和碳库变化等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
日前记在黑龙江省森工工作会议上了解到,黑龙江国有森工林区的森林资源过量消耗严重,可采资源面临枯竭。  相似文献   
Based on the data from China′s Seventh Forest Inventory for the period of 2004–2008, area and stand volume of different types and age-classes of plantation were used to establish the relationship between biomass density and age of planted forests in different regions of the country. Combined with the plantation area in the first-stage of the Natural Forest Protection(NFP) program(1998–2010), this study calculated the biomass carbon storage of the afforestation in the first-stage of the program. On this basis, the carbon sequestration potential of these forests was estimated for the second stage of the program(2011–2020). Biomass carbon storage of plantation established in the first stage of the program was 33.67 Tg C, which was majority accounted by protection forests(30.26 Tg C). There was a significant difference among carbon storage in different regions, which depended on the relationship of biomass carbon density, forest age and plantation area. Under the natural growth, the carbon storage was forecasted to increase annually from 2011 to 2020, reaching 96.03 Tg C at the end of the second-stage of the program in 2020. The annual growth of the carbon storage was forecasted to be 6.24 Tg C/yr, which suggested that NFP program has a significant potential for enhancing carbon sequestration in plantation forests under its domain.  相似文献   
长期以来,景宁畲族自治县自然资源和规划局以保护森林资源、促进林农增收、维护林业生态安全为宗旨,积极将“绿水青山”转换成“金山银山”,实现了森林资源的稳步增长,提升了富民能力,努力打造了生态建设的景宁样板。今年9月,该局荣获“全国生态建设突出贡献先进集体”称号,属丽水市唯一,全省仅三家单位获奖。  相似文献   
蚁群算法是一种模拟进化的在图中寻找优化路径的几率型算法,能有效地解决一系列组合优化问题。将蚁群算法应用于森林资源地图矢量化过程中,提出一种基于蚁群算法的新的地图矢量化算法。详细讨论该算法,并与传统算法作比较。该算法在实际应用中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
Community participation in forest resource management in Nepal   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Livelihood of the people in Nepal hills depends much upon forest resources in addition to farming as forest plays a critical role in the well being of the farming households where access to alternative sources, such as energy for cooking, nutrition for animals, materials for fertilizer and constructing materials for shelter, are limited. Thus, the well being of the people in the hills is directly affected by the management of these forest resources. This issue was addressed in this paper by examining the forest resource management practices and its effect on well being of rural people in two different stages in a village lying in the steep hill of Mahabharat Range in the southern hills of Kathmandu valley, Lalitpur District. The main ethnic/caste groups in the villageare Brahmin/Chhetri (high Hindu caste),Magar/Tamang (Tibeto Burmans) and Kami (occupational caste: cobbler). Currently there are four community forest users groups, with mixed ethnic membership, organized to manage the forest resources. The endowments, weak institutional settings, before 1990 helped the Bhramins, Magars and Tamangs to get access into the private forest endowment, which made them easy to get access to the forest resources, mainly fuel wood, fodder and timber in 1990 and enhanced their well beings. But the socially backward Kami could not get benefit from the institutions that existed during that time and had less chance to enhance their well beings. After the set up of different endowments during late 199os, i.e.,hand over of forest management to users groups in line with the concept of community forest,environment to use the forest resources became better for all the groups, along with the management of the forest. This enhanced the well beings of all the groups in the study village. However, the ability of Kami to use the forest resources to enhance their well beings was still lacking behind. The reason was partially due to the difference in endowments carried over from the endowments before 199o, and partly due to their occupational work and location of their settlements.  相似文献   
贵州省森林资源动态变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
依据贵州省林业调查规划院1979、1984、1990、1995、2000年5次森林资源连续清查资料,从森林资源面积、蓄积量、组成结构等方面总结了该省近20年间森林资源动态变化的详细资料,并对变化的原因进行了分析。结果表明,20世纪70年代末至80年代末,林业用地面积、天然林面积与蓄积量均呈下降趋势;其后,由于贵州省政府及林业部门的高度重视,实施一系列林业生态保护与可持续发展工程,如国家“长江防护林工程”、“珠江防护林工程”等,贵州森林资源自1990年以来持续稳定增长,促进了生态环境改善  相似文献   
Introduction Assessment and systematic resource condition monitoring are essential components of long-term planning and management of forest resources. These requirements can be fulfilled using different methods and techniques. Traditionally, when the primary objective of forest management was tim- ber production, sample-based forest inventories were the sole method of determining forest condi- tions. Aerial photographs were frequently used for forest cover mapping during the third quarter of …  相似文献   
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