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通过对豫西熊耳山西段的月亮沟铅锌银矿成矿地质特征的分析研究,总结出了该区成矿基本规律,认为该区矿体严格受构造蚀变破碎带控制,属于典型的薄脉型矿床,且矿区深部及周边地区尚有较大的找矿远景.  相似文献   
<正>地勘单位是以完成国家各类公益性和商业性地质勘查项目为主要任务,同时开展与地勘工作相关业务或地勘延伸产业经营业务,实行内部企业化管理的国有地质勘查单位。在会计核算上执行的是地勘会计制度(事业)。多年以来,地勘单位实行的是计划经济,资金来源多为财政拨款,财务管理也是基本以预算管理为主。随着地勘单位的不断发展,资金来源多元化、多渠道,如何高效利用资金,实现资金有效价值、合理规避资金风险、降低  相似文献   
一、区域地质特征 (一)地层 1.泥盆系中上统大民山组 细碧角斑、凝灰岩、角砾凝灰岩及硅质岩、石英角斑岩等,局部与花岗岩接触部位形成矽卡岩带。  相似文献   
一、不同地质现象与氡异常的关系 在各种动力作用下,氡、地下水、气体等流体主要沿各种岩石孔隙和裂隙运动。如果地下地质体的分布是均匀的、连续的,那么在地表所测的氧值应符合一定的规律性,不存在异常区,当地下发生地质变化时,地质体的连续性受到破坏,这时岩石中氡的聚集条件和运移条件发生变化,  相似文献   
Over the recent three decades,exploration of a large-size Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit at the Huanggangliang, the Da Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China, has been largely focused on the premise that the mineralization represents epigenetic magmatic hydrothermal ore deposit in genetic connection with the Mesozoic magmatism. The Huanggangliang Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposits occurred in Permian strata, with siltstone/marble of the Zhesi Formation and spilite/andesite/tuff of the Dashizhai Formation. The characteristics of geological and geochemical data demonstrated that sedimentary hydrothermal mineralization occurred during the basin evolution at the Permian, rather than representing epigenetic magmatic hydrothermal genesis with the following evidences. The ore-bearing skarns are stratiform with underlying metasedimentary rocks and overlying volcanic sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary hydrothermal textures and structures are observed in the stratabound ore-bearing skarn such as bedded-laminated skarn and magnetite ores with small-size folding or soft deformation, synsedimentary breccia of skarn and magnetite ores and concentric shell structure of magnetite ores. So the stratabound ore-bearing skarns associated with magnetite ore and micro-disseminated tin, are peculiar examples of exhalite. The REE contents of the stratabound ore-bearing skarns display ΣLREE-rich (36.91×10-6) but ΣHREE-depletion (6.42×10-6), with positive Eu anomaly (Eu/ Eu 1.28) and negative Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce 0.88), which is totally different from REE pattern of the Huanggang magmatic rocks(with ΣREE 277.73×10-6, ΣLREE 220.24×10-6, ΣHREE 57.49×10-6, Eu/Eu 0.06, Ce/ Ce 1.52), which is comparable with modern sea-floor hydrothermal fluid,sedimentary hydrothermal ore deposit and associated hydrothermal sedimentary rocks. Calcite samples with δ13CPDB from -5.400 ‰ to -4.397 ‰ and δ18OSMOW from 9.095 ‰ to 9.364 ‰ in the stratabound ore-bearing skarns show sedimentary hydrothermal genesis of the Huanggangliang deposit. This proposition is useful not only for interpretation of the genesis of the Huanggangliang large Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit but also significant for mineral exploration in the area especially for finding large deposits caused by sedimentary exhalative mineralization processes.  相似文献   
通过收集近年第一手地质资料,总结了矿区地质特征和矿体特征,探讨了矿床成因及控矿因素。研究结果表明,石平川钼矿主要受石平川正长花岗岩控制,近矿围岩蚀变主要为硅化、绢英岩化和钾长石化。靶区预测经证实预测效果较好。  相似文献   
亲爱的读者朋友,当您翻开本期《资源导刊·地质旅游版》的时候,2014年崭新的画卷已经悄然掀开。在新年来临之际,我们编辑部全体人员祝愿广大读者、作者新年快乐、阖家幸福、身体健康、万事如意!  相似文献   
秋的一个周未,随国土户外地质旅游群来到了位于尧山镇西北部铁匠炉村碾盘沟的地方——蝴蝶泉。秋天的蝴蝶泉,像极了一幅巨大的水墨画卷:林木茂密,流水潺潺,曲径通幽。  相似文献   
正繁华拥挤的上海,建设用地占比45%,几近规划设定的"天花板"。今年上半年,上海连续发布多个土地节约集约利用政策,大力促进存量建设用地盘活利用,进一步提高土地利用质量,以土地利用方式转变促进经济转型升级。日前,记者专程前往上海采访,不过这次吸引记者的并不是土地政策本身,而是上海系列土地新政背后,地质工作为"节约集约利用土地,转变土地利用方式"提供的服务与支撑。  相似文献   
山西省大同市新荣区七里村石墨矿床位于内蒙断块南缘中部与吕梁—太行断块的云岗块坳北端之结合处,石墨矿体赋存于中下太古界集宁群右所堡组下段,总体上呈走向北东、倾向北西的单斜构造。矿床的形成演化经历了沉积—区域变质—重结晶三个阶段。矿床平均品位C固为3.70%,品位变化较均匀。该区共求得333+(334)?石墨资源量2822.46万吨,为一特大型石墨矿床,具有较大的开发前景。  相似文献   
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