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常志斌 《地理教学》1994,(4):8-8,12
随着人们物质文化生活水平的日益提高和旅游市场的开拓与发展,旅游者的旅游目的和旅游内容朝着多元方向发展,旅游形式也极为丰富多彩。近年来,利用节假日携带家眷再访旧居地的短期旅行,在日本的一些中年家庭中逐渐盛行起来,这一新的旅游方式,被日本记实文学作家足立伦行称为“回顾自己之旅”。  相似文献   
电源浪涌保护器的参数选择及线路保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈智超 《广西气象》2005,26(A01):75-77
对电源浪涌保护器的几个主要参数进行分析,提出在不同的供电接地系统中,选择和安装电源浪涌保护器时应注意的问题。  相似文献   
目前在我校的普通物理教学中,进行理论教学的很多老师还是讲书本、讲习题的方式。虽然这样的方法曾经培养了一大批优秀的学生,但是面对更高的教学要求,还应该敢于开拓、不断进取,选取更好的教育方式来进行普通物理教学。  相似文献   
新课程的精神实质要求变革学生的学习方式,使学生能够由被动接受式学习转向主动探究式学习,而这种探究式学习是建立在学生对地理问题探究和解决的过程中,因此构建地理问题情境无疑是学生主动探究学习的关键,为此地理教师必须主动更新理念,在教学中应该重视对桕建问题情境的探索和研究,从而通过教师自己的教学方式和教学的变革来带动和促进学生学习方式和学习行为的改变。  相似文献   
长期以来,初高中地理教学相对独立,信息传递和反馈渠道不畅。随着高中阶段课程改革的全面推开,新教材所承载的课程内容的不衔接现象,学生思维方式和智能发展要求跨度太大等问题逐步暴露出来。在发现并解决问题的过程中,我们应建立和完善初高中地理教学的沟通衔接,促进教师教学行为和学生学习方式的进一步转变和提高。  相似文献   
The variation of Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) against time for earthquakes in Kerman Province, Iran, on February 22, 2005, M6.4 and in Lorestan Province, Iran, on March 31, 2006, M6.1, has been calculated and analysed in this paper. The tempo-spatial scanning of LURR in the region of Iran during January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006 has been conducted, with 1 year as a time-window, 1 month as a time-step, and the comparison of the LURR anomalous regions in 2004 with the actual earthquakes with M≥5.0 in the next year (2005) is also given, which shows that 11 earthquakes with M≥5.0 occurred in LURR anomalous regions while 12 earthquakes with M≥5.0 in LURR regions in 2005. Furthermore, the seismicity in this region is studied by investigating the evolvement of the anomalous LURR regions.  相似文献   
Recent fluid monitoring work shows that the contents of mantle-derived CO_2,He and CH_4 increased anomalously in 2002 and 2003. The 3He/4He ratio of the deep-fault-type Jinjiang hot springs increased highly anomalously in 2003, and then decreased in 2004. The 3He/4He ratio from the thermal-reservoir-type Changbaijulong hot springs increased slowly in 2003, and the increase continued in 2004. The mantle-derived He content of the He released from the Changbaijulong springs increased obviously in 2004. The anomaly of the released gases and the isotopic He was consistent with the trends of seismic activities in the Tianchi volcanic area between 2002 and 2004. The abnormal release of the Jinjiang hot springs apparently decreased after the seismic activities ceased in the second half of 2004, while the abnormal release from the Changbaijulong increased significantly after these seismic activities. It shows that the abnormal release of magmas-derived gases from the thermal-reservoir-type springs lags behind that of the deep-fault-type springs. These characteristics may be of great significance for identifying deep magmatic activity and predicting volcanic earthquakes in the future.  相似文献   
广东省手机气象短信业务简介   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
1 广东省手机气象短信服务的概况1 1 手机气象短信提供的服务内容目前 ,手机气象短信服务提供的主要内容有 :国际主要城市天气预报 ,全国主要城市天气预报 ,全省各市、县天气预报 ,全省各市、县灾害天气预警信号。在服务内容上除常规天气情况外 ,还根据每天的天气特点有选择地添加各类气象生活指数预报 :紫外线指数、大气清洁度、人体舒适度、火险指数、霉变指数等 ,并附加气象专家特别提醒和建议。1 2 服务方式及操作方法手机气象短信主要的服务方式有两种 ,一是定制 :即用户选择每天固定时间接收一条所选城市的天气预报信息 ;二是点…  相似文献   
基于Flash技术的专业互动多媒体网络地图的构建   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在介绍专业互动多媒体网络地图及Flash技术特点的基础上,分析利用Flash技术构建专业互动多媒体网络地图的解决方案,并着重讨论在Flash技术支持环境中地图数据在客户端与服务端的获取与组织方式,以及实现地图信息查询的方法。  相似文献   
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