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在系统整理分析前人成果资料基础上,对龙门山西南部与古青衣江改道相关的名山-邛崃砾石层和丹棱-思濛砾石层的砾石成分、砾度及砾向等统计资料进行分析和总结,讨论了砾石层的物源区、成因、形成时代等特征;结合对青衣江干流阶地最新的调查和测量结果,梳理总结了河流阶地的分布特征、高度、结构、发育程度和年龄等资料数据,并利用卫星遥感图像和数字高程模型(DEM)数据提取构造地貌和水系特征,发现青衣江流域地形是梯级降低的,其穿过的褶皱形成时间应该早于第四纪,并且第四纪时期青衣江形成的阶地是可连续对比的,其中宝兴-芦山段的阶地有过抬升,可能与该区的盲逆冲断层活动有关。依据青衣江流域的阶地特征,对水系演化变迁过程进行综合分析后提出,青衣江改道很可能是由于新构造期间河流多次袭夺造成的,其中龙门山西南段的盲逆冲断层活动引起的局部隆升为袭夺提供了构造条件。   相似文献   
任纪舜  赵磊 《古地理学报》2022,24(5):848-851
野外调查是大地构造研究的重要基础。古地理及与之相关的沉积岩石学、古生物地层学、构造地质学等在大地构造研究中一直发挥着非常重要的作用,这在著名学者葛利普、黄汲清、王鸿祯等的著作中均有充分的体现。然而,自20世纪90年代以来,在以SCI为导向的评价体系指挥下,这些比较费时、费力的工作往往受到忽视。粉末化、简单化、模式化,新八股式的所谓研究,大行其道,成为一种时尚,形成一股十分有害的逆流。为扭转这种局面,科技界领导必须转变思想,改变政策,创造良好的科研环境,使中国的学术研究走上健康发展的道路。  相似文献   
Based on the digital waveform data recorded by Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network for the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences of June 30,2012,this paper analyzes the stress drops of earthquake sequences and the correlation coefficients of focal mechanisms significant for strong aftershocks.Firstly,the source parameters of the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences are obtained by applying the spectrum analysis and the Brunes source model.Then,the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes are calculated using the low-frequency spectral amplitude recorded by the same station for the different events.Finally,based on the results of the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes,the events with similar focal mechanisms are grouped using the clustering method.The results show that:(1)The stress drop values show a steady trend in the aftershock sequence calm period and the stress drop values show a rise-fall in strong aftershocks.(2)The moving average correlation coefficient of amplitude spectrum begins to spread after the main shock.It shows that the correlation decreases between the main shock and the aftershocks in mechanisms.(3)The results of focal mechanism groups show that the earthquake sequences are mainly strike slips.The stress distribution of the main pressure axis is nearly NS,which is the same as the structural stress field.(4)The magnitude and mechanism show that there is an agreement before the strong aftershock,which shows that the regional stress field is enhanced.  相似文献   
在云南腾冲上新统芒棒组发现了角质层保存完好的侧柏化石。通过与已知化石种及最近亲缘种的宏观形态和微细构造特征对比,建立一新种Platycladus tengchongensis P.Deng et B.N.Sun sp.nov.。基于当前新种与现生种Platycladus orientalis和化石种Platycladus yunnanensis在宏观形态及角质层特征的相似性,统计了3个种的气孔密度和气孔指数,并用气孔比率法重建了云南腾冲上新世晚期和云南梁河晚中新世的古大气CO_2浓度分别为417.9×10~(-6)(386.5×10~(-6)~471.3×10~(-6))和409.9×10~(-6)(392.2×10~(-6)~433.3×10~(-6)),结果与Berner全球碳平衡模型中CO_2浓度变化曲线上的变化范围基本相符,故表明Platycladus tengchongensis和Platycladus yunnanensis叶片可以作为测量古大气CO_2浓度变化的生物指标。根据文中恢复的云南西部上新世晚期和晚中新世古大气CO_2浓度平均值均高于现在,推测新近纪时期云南西部的气候比现在温暖。综合云南腾冲地区已有的古气候研究与化石和现生叶片角质层特征的对比分析,认为云南腾冲上新世晚期气候较为温暖湿润。此外,文中化石的发现为侧柏属自然分布的研究提供了宝贵的材料。  相似文献   
本文结合松桃高地超大型锰矿大精查(勘探)成果对矿区内冷水犁式断层(F3)特征进行深入研究,对其特征有了新的认识.F3犁式断层上陡、下缓,断层在上部的碳酸盐岩脆性层及相对脆性层中较陡,倾角随深度逐渐变缓,进入砂页岩等韧性层后迅速变缓,进入到大塘坡组泥页岩后断层滑脱面趋于平缓,断面倾角与地层倾角基本一致,变为层间滑动.音频...  相似文献   
通过对凤凰山铜矿床新屋里岩体的黑云母、斜长石单矿物进行阶段加热法40Ar-39Ar 定年,获得石英二长闪长岩中黑
云母及斜长石坪年龄分别为(152.1±1.7)Ma 和(135±1)Ma,花岗闪长岩中黑云母及斜长石坪年龄分别为(143.8±0.9)
Ma 和(140.4±0.9)Ma,反映了长江中下游地区燕山期岩浆活动的一个重要阶段。石英二长闪长岩中黑云母的40Ar-39Ar年
龄显著高于前人的锆石U-Pb 年龄,可能为含过剩Ar 的结果。结合已知年龄资料,作出新屋里岩体不同单元的冷却曲线,
的岩石圈减薄事件有关。  相似文献   
迄今对冈瓦纳大陆北界的位置还存在激烈争论。随着青藏高原空白区基础地质调查以及各项地质地球物理研究工作的深入开展 ,已经积累了大量新的地质和地球物理资料 ,为重新认识冈瓦纳大陆北界和评价班公湖—怒江缝合带在青藏高原地质研究中的地位和作用带来了新的机遇。在回顾早期有关冈瓦纳大陆北界不同观点的基础上 ,从近年来在青藏高原地质调查研究中所取得的大量新的地质和地球物理资料出发 ,重点介绍了班公湖—怒江缝合带南北两侧地质与地球物理特征差异 ,认为班公湖—怒江缝合带是冈瓦纳大陆的北界。  相似文献   
都龙锡锌超大型矿床是中国第三大锡石硫化物矿床。矿区内铜矿化除主要的夕卡岩型、石英-萤石脉型外,近期的勘查工作还在曼东矿段南部揭露了燕山晚期花岗斑岩内的铜矿化,不少达到了工业要求,是该矿区内新发现的一种铜矿化类型。该类矿化以铜为主,共-伴生锡、锌等,矿体受花岗斑岩脉规模以及贯通岩脉与围岩的构造裂隙控制,具收缩膨胀、分支复合、尖灭再现等现象。成矿元素分布特征指示铜、锡等成矿物质主要来源于燕山晚期第三期岩浆活动。含矿花岗斑岩LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年,获得成岩-成矿年龄为88 Ma。上述研究结果表明,该类矿化具有比较典型的岩浆热液成矿特征。与夕卡岩型、石英-萤石脉型相比,该类型铜矿化具有成因明确、找矿标志明显、空间分布范围确定的优点。曼东矿段及其周边,具有黑云母等暗色矿物含量较高、结晶程度稍差、蚀变及破碎程度较强等特点的燕山晚期花岗斑岩是有利的找矿对象。  相似文献   
In terms of Earth-Sun geometry, the Milankovitch theory has successfully explained most of the cyclic palaeoclimatic variations during the history of the Earth, especially in the Quaternary. In this paper, the authors suggest that the impact of extraterrestrial bodies on the Earth may be another mechanism to cause palaeoclimatic cycles, global environmental changes and new glacial periods. Based on geological and geochemical records in the boundary layers produced by six huge Cenozoic bolide-impact events (65, 34, 15, 2.4, 1.1, 0.73 Ma B.P.), including those at 34, 15, 1.1 and 0.73 Ma B. P. which are represented by four famous tektite-strewn fields, the process and mechanics of palaeoclimatic cycles and global environmental catastrophes induced by extraterrestrial impact are discussed in detail. Impact-generated dust, soot and aerosol floating in the stratosphere could result in short-term (<1 year), rapid drop in temperature immediately after impact. Through self-regulation of the Earth’s climate system, the temperature at the surface slowly went up within 100a and maintained stable for a long time at 250K. If there were no other factors leading to the break-down of the newly-established equilibrium, a new glacial pound would be initiated. Estimating from the thickness of δ13C and δ18O anomalies in sediments across the impact boundary layer and deposition rate, the duration of two stages of the palaeoclimate cycle in the form of cold weather—greenhouse effect—normal weather was 104 – 105a, respectively. The conclusion deduced from the above model is supported by palaeotemperature change recorded by oxygen isotope in sediments across the impact boundary layer. The study was granted by the Scientific and Technological Bureau of Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ952-J1-031) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
海洋始新世末—渐新世初的地质特征及其演变过程引起了许多学者的重视,在80年代初,一些学者就进行过一些研究。近年来进一步引起了人们的重视。“海洋始新世—渐新世转换”(TheMarineEocene—OligoceneTransition)国际学术讨论会由美国地质学会主办,1999年8月16~22日在美国华盛顿州的奥林匹亚市召开,会上专门讨论了这一问题。许多学者从海洋古生物(有孔虫、硅藻、放射虫、软体动物、鲸鱼、花粉、超微化石等)的演化方面探讨了海洋始新世—渐新世的演化,始新世末渐新世初,对于太平洋…  相似文献   
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