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在《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》已经出台的今日,沿用这样一个行政法规本身就是没有任何法律依据的。  相似文献   
近日,温县招贤国土资源所及时制止了辖区内一起因土地问题引发的群体械斗事件。2007年元月23日中午,温县招贤国土资源所值班员接到群众举报,称该乡安乐寨村的王某与其相邻上苑村的十几个村民因出路问题即将发生打群架事件,情况十分紧急。该所执法监察人员火速赶赴现场。现场气氛十分紧张,十几个青年壮汉手持棍棒,正在高声叫骂,棍棒交接,一触即发。  相似文献   
科学性、典型性、稀有性 公同中分布的地层剖面、岩浆侵入体、峡谷及水体景观等重要地质遗迹,是我省乃至全国地质科学研究领域的宝贵财富;是区内地层划分、岩浆岩、变质岩研究,地质构造分级的重要依据,对于研究区域地质发展史、进行全国性对比有着重要意义。[第一段]  相似文献   
随着中国城市化迅猛推进,针对土地而引发的上访事件愈来愈多,其涉及的情况也越来越复杂。衡阳市正开始新一轮城镇化建设浪潮,也同样遇到了土地信访难题,在工农和城乡争地的大背景下,信访新政成为突破瓶颈的现实路径。  相似文献   
通过金城洞一夹皮沟绿岩带硫、铅、氢、氧、铷-锶同位素地球化学研究,认为硫同位素演化经历两次分馏作用、铅同位素具三阶段演化特点,它们的演化与2700~2200Ma和1800~1500Ma两次强变形变质-岩浆热事件有关。绿岩是矿源层,流体具变质热液性质。求得成矿的fO_2=3.16×10~(23)~1.0×10~(-3)Pa.pH=6.5~7.7,T=200~350℃。成矿过程经历:矿源形成期(>2700Ma);矿化发生期(2700~2200Ma);主成矿期(1800~1500Ma);迭加改造、再生矿化期(250~150Ma)。  相似文献   
A scientific field workshop sponsored by two commissions (Commission on Explosive Volcanism -- CEV and Commission on Vol- canogenic Sediments-CVS) of the Interna- tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior (IAVCEI) took place in Jeju Island, South Korea from 13-17 November 2007. This was organised by Prof. Dr. Young Kwan Sohn (Gyeongsan National University, Jinju) and Dr. Ki Hwa Park (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejon). The "Phreato- magmatic volcanoes of Jeju Island,  相似文献   
Based on investigations of the Zhongwei Nanshan aeolian section situated in the southeastern margin of Tengger Dcsert, carbon-14 and TL (thermoluminescence) dating results and paleoclimatic proxies such as magnetic susceptibility and grain size, we inferred that the northwestern margin of East Asian monsoon region experienced abrupt climatic changes during the last deglaciation. Six oscillation events were identified: Oldest Dryas, Belling, Older Dryas, AllerФd, lntra-AllerФd Cold Period (1ACP) and Younger Dryas (YD). The summer monsoon was weaker during Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas when the winter monsoon was stronger. However, during the B/A (BФlling/AllerФd) period, the summer monsoon strengthened, reflected by magnetic susceptibility, when the winter monsoon also became strong, which is different from the paleoclimatic pattern established in the East Asian monsoon region. Furthermore,the summer monsoon was nearly in phase with the climate changes inferred from the oxygen isotopic records of Greenland ice cores. It could be speculated that the variations of the sea ice cover in the high latitudes of the North Hemisphere affected the high pressure of Asian continent and the changes of the winter monsoon inland. On the other hand,the sea ice cover variations might have indirectly caused the occurrence of ENSO events that has tightly been related to the summer monsoon in northwest margin of East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   
近日,青岛市国土资源房屋管理局成功调处了一起历时35年的跨县域土地权属纠纷案,避免了重大群体性事件发生。城阳区城阳街道大周村与即墨市环秀街道李家西城西村的村界纠纷,是自1972年以来的一个历史遗留问题,当时的烟台专区就专门处理过此事,但是由于当时的文件资料没有遗留下来,再加上村领导的交替,致使两个村的界线一直不是很明确。至2006年12月3日,李家西家西村围起院墙建厂房时,大周村部分村民上前制止,与该厂部分工人发生了械斗。事后,大周村“两委”领导访至青岛市国土资源房管局,反映位于204国道北、青银高速路东、红领路南,约3000平方米的耕地被李家西城西社区侵占。  相似文献   
利用中国南极科学考察期间获得的颗粒物样品,对南大洋普里兹湾海域水体中生物硅的含量分布及年际变化情况进行了分析。研究结果显示:在2013年夏季普里兹湾表层水体中生物硅含量在0.38—8.62μmol/dm3之间变化,平均为1.55±1.86μmol/dm3。生物硅在67°S以南湾内区域表层水体中的含量明显高于67°S以北的湾外区域,最大值出现在普里兹湾陆架区,生物因子是表层水体生物硅含量分布的主控因子。根据不同年份即25、26、27、28、29次南极科学考察期间获取的数据研究显示,普里兹湾表层水体中生物硅含量存在明显的年际差异。历史数据分析结果表明,气候事件对普里兹湾海冰变化有明显的影响,因而对相应年份该海域浮游植物数量和种群结构也会产生一定的影响,从而导致表层水体中生物硅含量的年际差异。  相似文献   
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