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黄土高原多沙粗沙区侵蚀模型探讨   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
国内外曾研究出不同类型的坡面侵蚀计算模型,但还没有一个成熟的流域侵蚀计算模型,至今流域侵蚀量仍以输沙量替代。本文充分利用黄河中游不同区域具有大量淤地坝的条件,再通过侵蚀影响因素机理的分析、在侵蚀形态类型区的划分等基础上探讨侵蚀变权模型的建设。首先选择了155个“闷葫芦”淤地坝,采集每个坝的年均淤积量,以及相应流域的侵蚀影响因素:植被盖度、降雨量、沟谷密度、切割深度、地表组成物质、>15°的坡耕地面积比等资料,采用变权形式,建立侵蚀强度宏观估算模型。最后用年降水量与年输沙量的关系对模型进行改进。  相似文献   
坡面溅蚀发生过程及其与坡度关系的模拟研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过人工模拟降雨试验,分别观测降雨过程中不同方向上溅蚀强度的变化,根据各影响因子间相互消长及相互制约的关系特点,分析了雨滴溅蚀发生的过程特征及其变化原因,从溅蚀过程的变化特点及溅蚀强度的变化规律比较,定量地探讨了坡度对雨滴击溅侵蚀的影响作用,得出了溅蚀强度与坡度因子之间的关系方程。  相似文献   
对比黄圃镇海蚀遗迹与其它非海蚀成因相似地形,得出其形态特征差异:海蚀槽穴同时切过软硬相间的岩石,仅出现在某一水平面;片流和风化作用形成的凹槽与结构面或岩层完全平行而且连续延伸,出现在整个山坡面上,凹槽前无平台;河流侧蚀作用在同一水平面上,不能同时形成凹槽和平台;河流溶蚀作用也是水平的,在石灰岩河岸侧壁形成凹槽,槽上有突出屋檐,无平台;波浪作用不强的石灰岩海岸也可形成凹槽和突出屋檐,但无海蚀平台;只有波浪作用才能同时形成(海蚀)平台和(海蚀)凹穴.  相似文献   
黄河海港动力地貌条件的初步探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在黄河海港选址及未来预测中,作者通过海岸动力、悬沙分布、粒度特征、地形对比研究法等分析,获得了黄河口迁离黄河海港附近8年后的海底蚀淤厚度、侵蚀与淤积速率、净余侵蚀总重量、泥沙活动带的活动规律与海岸剖面塑造及其演变的关系,从而为黄河海港的设置与工程布局提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
由中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会主办,中矿资源勘探股份有限公司、北京中资环钻探有限公司承办的“第十八届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术交流年会”,将于2015年8月在黑龙江省哈尔滨市举行。会议的主题:支撑找矿突破、推进科技进步,以支撑服务找矿突破战略行动为核心,充分依靠科技创新对找矿突破的引领和支撑作用,推广应用一批新型技术装备和方法技术,研发创新深部找矿、复杂地层找矿及科学钻探的新理论、新技术、新方法和新仪器设备,提高我国地质调查和资源发现能力。  相似文献   
This paper presents a detailed study on the textural and geochemical characteristics of the proglacial sediments near the edge of modern Nelson Ice Cap, Antarctica. The grain size distributions of the proglacial sediments are characteristic of glacigenic deposits, but very different from those of aeolian and lacustrine sediments. Moreover, the grain size distributions of the proglacial sediments are fractal with a dimension of about 2.9, and the fractal dimensions can be used as another summary statistical parameter for quantifying the relative amounts of coarse and fine materials. Correlations between the absolute element abundances of the proglacial sediments are very weak due to mineral partitioning and other effects of glacial processes, but correlations between the element/Rb ratios are statistically significant. This finding indicates that element/Rb ratios can be used to reduce or eliminate the effects of glacial processes, evaluate geochemical data and determine the sediment provenance in the for  相似文献   
Effects of hedgerows on sediment erosion in Three Gorges Dam Area, China   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The Three Gorges Dam Area refers to the river section from Chongqing to Yichang on the Yangtze River, which has a drainage area of 75,098 km^2, and involves 19 cities and counties. Contour hedgerows have been used in this area to control soil erosion and to improve hillslope stability in the catchment of this river section. Five experimental hedgerow plots were established in 1994 in order to study the effects of hedgerows on erosion control. During the period of 1994-1997, runoff and soil loss data were collected on these test plots, including the chemical and physical properties of soil and related topographical data. The results indicate that: (1) after 4 years of cultivation and crop planting, soil fertility increased dramatically in the hedgerow plots. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents in the hedgerow plots were 5-9 times higher than that in the control plot. In each of the hedgerow plots, soil structure became more stable, the quantity of granules larger than 0.02 mm increased and those finer than 0.02 mm decreased; (2) All hedgerow plots showed a major effect on reducing soil loss and surface runoff; (3) Overland flow velocity along the upper portion of the hedgerow plots was greatly reduced due to hedgerow resistance, which explains the significant decrease in soil losses in hedgerow plots, despite the fact that the hedgerow plots and the control plots had the same total runoff.  相似文献   
南水北调中线水源地河水地球化学特征与流域侵蚀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹江口水库及其上游流域是南水北调中线工程的水源地,本文讨论了水源地河流水化学与锶同位素(87Sr/86Sr)组成变化特征,目的在于了解水源地流域河流地表水溶质的物质来源以及岩石风化侵蚀过程和人为活动的影响。流域内河流水化学组成以Ca2+、HCO3-为主,Mg2+和SO42-次之,反映了碳酸盐岩风化溶解起控制作用的典型特征。水化学分析表明水源地河水受到工农业活动等人为因素的影响;河流87Sr/86Sr同位素地球化学研究表明,流域岩石风化输入至少存在三个不同端员(硅酸岩、石灰岩和白云岩)之间的混合。水源地流域内硅酸岩和碳酸岩的风化侵蚀速率分别为38.6和4.4 t/km2.a,总岩石风化侵蚀速率高于全球河流平均值。  相似文献   
建立了抽汲地下水非稳定流定解问题的三维数学模型,利用现有承压含水层非稳定流定解问题数值方程求解,重点讨论了源汇项的具体数学表达式.根据土的有效应办原理和压密原理推导出抽水沉降非线性弹性压密方程,结合武汉新业大厦水文地质与工程地质条件,利用已研制的三维有限元计算程序LCYXY3D.F90对该环境岩土工程问题进行了分析和评价,计算结果与实测结果符合较好.  相似文献   
张万良  刘德长 《铀矿地质》2007,23(5):316-320
文章通过对相山铀矿田西北部与东南部地学信息的对比分析,揭示了地质结构和矿床产出特征的不均一性和不对称性的主要影响因素,为相山矿田深部找矿及远景区扩大提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
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