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This article gives a mechanical model, in which the layers of lithosphere are assumed to be the creep materials, to study the coupling mechanism of a syn-basin-mountain system quantitatively by using the numerical simulating method. A geological dynamic extensional mode given by some geologists is theoretically discussed and verified. The study shows that lithosphere thickening or thinning is closely related to the thermal activity, or in other words, thermal convection beneath the lithosphere. It is one of the important factors affecting the formation of the basin-mountain coupling system. As an essential condition, only the upward buoyant force and the horizontal dragging force caused by the thermal convection jointly act on the bottom of the lithosphere, the stress and strain states in rock‘‘s layers are advantageous to forming the tectonic-landforms of the basin-mountain coupling system. A study on the creep features of the lithosphere shows that the stress and strain in the rock‘‘s layers vary with time when the lasting forces act on the boandary. They increase rapidly at initial stage and decrease steadily after reaching the peak value. Phenomena of stress relaxation are significant for studying the tectonic evolution.  相似文献   
黄有 《中国地名》2012,(8):38-39
天然分界线将欧洲与亚洲截然隔开自然隔离带将东欧平原与西伯利亚平原突然分开实然分水岭将伏尔加河与东坡鄂毕河猛然划开乌拉尔山脉是俄罗斯境内大致南北走向的一座山脉,位于俄罗斯的中西部,是欧洲与亚洲的分界山脉。北起北冰洋喀拉海的拜达拉茨湾,南至哈萨克草原地带,绵延2500多公里,  相似文献   
The present-day topography of the Italian peninsula results from the interactions between crustal-mantle and surface processes occurring since the Late Miocene. Analysis of exhumation and cooling of crustal rocks, together with Quaternary drainage evolution,helps to unravel the tectonic-morphologic evolution of the Apennines by distinguishing end-member models,and hence describing the orogenic belt evolution. The pattern of regional topography, erosional history and present-day distribution of active deformation suggests that the eastward migrating extensional-compressional paired deformation belts may still control the topogra-phy of the northern Apennines, albeit at slower rates than in the past. Conversely, Quaternary drainage evo-lution in the central and southern Apennines suggests that the topography of these regions underwent a Quaternary regional arching, which is only partly con-sistent with the persisting migration of the compres-sional-extensional pair.  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了采用水平定向钻进完成了喀斯喀特山脉极具挑战性的6个定向穿越钻孔的施工情况,重点说明了依据现场环境的限制采取相应的技术措施和对策。  相似文献   
利用氧同位素作为古高度计重建造山带的古高度是近年发展起来的应用比较广泛的方法。本文通过对青藏高原河水δ18Ow(SMOW)的空间分布特征分析,表明高原南北δ18Ow(SMOW)由于水汽来源和水汽循环方式不同存在显著差异。以中央分水岭山脉为界,南部δ18Ow(SMOW)平均值为-15.6‰左右,北部为-8.6%左右;   南部氧同位素值随高度的平均变化率为-0.24‰/100m,北部为-0.15‰/100m。分别建立了藏北地区和藏南地区河水氧同位素和高度的关系,同时应用可可西里及昆仑山口现代食草动物牙齿釉质、尼玛盆地现代土壤碳酸盐的氧同位素值对所建立的经验模型进行了检验,表明这两个模型分别应用于藏北和藏南地区古高度的恢复是可行的,为今后青藏高原古高度研究工作的开展提供了定量的计算方法。  相似文献   
乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro),是非洲最高的山脉,位于坦桑尼亚东北部,邻近肯尼亚,是一个火山丘,最高峰5892米,面积756平方公里,素有“非洲屋脊”之称。  相似文献   
东部背风坡呈温带大陆性气候西部沿海迎风坡呈温带海洋性气候北部大部分呈亚寒带大陆性气候东北部北冰洋沿岸呈寒带苔原气候斯堪的纳维亚山脉,也叫"舍伦山脉",旧译"基阿连山脉"。是欧洲北部的山脉,位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的东南部,纵贯半岛。北起巴伦支海,西傍挪威海,南临斯卡格拉克海峡,东濒波罗的海海岸平原。整个山脉平均海拔在1,000米左右。最高峰挪威的加尔赫峰,海拔2,468米。斯堪的纳维亚山脉曾受古代冰川侵蚀,地势比较  相似文献   
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